Supporting Taxonomy Development and Evolution by Means of
Binh Vu and Matthias Hemmje
FernUniversität in Hagen, Hagen, Germany
Keywords: Taxonomy, Taxonomy Development, Taxonomy Management, Crowdsourcing, Knowledge, Knowledge
Management, Information Overload, Ecosystem Portal.
Abstract: Information overload continues to be a challenge. By dividing the material into many different small subsets,
classification based on a taxonomy makes data exploration and retrieval faster and more accurate. Instead of
having to know the exact keywords that describe the knowledge resource, users can browse and search for
them by selecting the categories that the resource is most likely to belong. Nevertheless, developing
taxonomies is not an easy task. It requires the authors to have a certain amount of knowledge in the domain.
Furthermore, the workload will increase as any new taxonomy needs to be frequently updated to remain
relevant and useful. To combat these problems, this paper proposes another approach to crowdsource
taxonomy development and evolution. We describe in this paper the concept of this approach along with
different types of evaluations targeting on the one hand to demonstrate the feasibility of the approach and the
usability of the initial prototype as well as on the other hand the quality and effectiveness of the chosen method.
Today’s internet is a big source of information
available in the form of content and also more explicit
forms of knowledge resources. Every day there is a
huge amount of such content and knowledge resource
data moving on the internet. Most companies in the
U.S. in 2005 have at least 100 TB of such data stored.
They estimate that by 2020, 40 Zettabytes (43 trillion
Gigabytes) will be created, an increase of 300 times
from 2005 (The Four V's of Big Data, 2005). Such
data not only needs to be indexed, but also the index
terms should be unique and descriptive. Otherwise, an
indexer would have to classify documents, which are
from the same topic, to various categories, despite the
fact that these categories may have the same or very
similar meaning. This would make searching and
comparing results afterward more difficult. A
taxonomy, in this case, can be a source of a unique
and well-controlled vocabulary. It is a hierarchy of
agreed-on terms, which later can be used for indexing
or classifying documents. This means, with the
support of taxonomy, classification consistency can
be achieved (Vu et al., 2018).
The development of a new taxonomy is usually
done by knowledge workers and domain experts.
While providing many benefits and advantages, it
also has problems. New approaches involving the
crowd in the development and management of
taxonomies were introduced to overcome these
constraints using the “wisdom of the crowd”
(Karampinas & Triantafillou, 2012).
By using “the power of the crowd”, one can
achieve definitions of taxonomy terms and relations
that no person or organization alone can achieve. One
example of crowdsourcing is the knowledge resource
Wikipedia, which is considered as one of the world’s
largest crowdsourcing projects. It was initially an
English-language encyclopedia. Today, Wikipedia
has more than 40 million articles in 301 different
languages. All of them were written by the crowd
through a model of content editing by means of web-
based applications, called a wiki (Wikipedia, n.d.).
With crowdsourcing, human resources only need
to work when they want, when they need to, as much
as they need to and for whomever they like, and to
choose the activities that they will do. This makes
them happier compared to traditional types of
employing human resources. Moreover, people’s
goods can be shared to lower their expenses and avoid
waste due to collaborative consumption (Andro,
Vu, B. and Hemmje, M.
Supporting Taxonomy Development and Evolution by Means of Crowdsourcing.
DOI: 10.5220/0008348003510358
In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2019), pages 351-358
ISBN: 978-989-758-382-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
From a company’s point of view, by applying
crowdsourcing, they ideally receive work results in
much higher quality, quantity, and at a lower cost in
less time. The work is done for free as the crowd
workers hope to be compensated by the crowds, e.g.,
in a crowdcontest or other forms of social incentives
not necessarily completely excluding later payment.
In addition, a company would ideally benefit from a
large number of proposals while having only a few
individuals to compensate for a much lower overall
cost than that of traditional human resource
employments (Andro, 2018).
In this paper, we want to introduce existing
approaches to develop and manage taxonomy, as well
as point out their challenges. To overcome these
problems, we purpose another method of applying
crowdsourcing in taxonomy development, evolution,
and management.
The combination of taxonomy development and
crowdsourcing poses additional challenges. A part of
these challenges was mentioned in the authors’
previous publication (Vu et al., 2018)
Developing a taxonomy involves many people,
such as IT staff, corporate knowledge workers,
departmental publishers, etc (Kon & Hoey, 2005).
The more people are working together, the more
problems it can potentially generate. On another
hand, working alone can get us surrounded by
information and knowledge resources that only
support one point of view and forget other
Furthermore, things always change. To reflect,
e.g., the changing needs in knowledge domain
concept and resource modeling, taxonomies need to
be maintained frequently. Without maintenance and
governance, and especially a tool to manage version
and ownership, taxonomies can be drifting away from
business and organizational information needs
(Lambe, 2007).
Storing and processing taxonomy representations
potentially requires a lot of computational and storage
resources. Therefore, we need to consider how to
organize the taxonomy in the database in such a way
that it requires less space and is fast to retrieve.
One primary problem of crowdsourcing is how to
motivate the crowd. Each individual engaged in
crowdsourcing has their motivation. The motivation
to participate in crowdsourcing is not very different
from the motivation to participate in blogging,
creating open-source software, etc. (Brabham, 2013).
Some do it for fun and recognition. Some do it for
financial reward. The problem is not every
organization has the ability to provide all these
incentives to the crowd.
The next problem is the quality of results
produced by the crowd. Although one requirement for
“the wisdom of crowds” is diversity, there is always
unskilled, unrelated, insufficient people in the crowd.
Compared to experts, cheap (sometimes, free) labor
is likely to produce less quality work. Therefore, we
need to either lower the complexity of the task or find
a skilled crowd, which is not always easy (Eskenazi
et al., 2013)
Crowdsourcing is difficult to manage. Not only it
needs more resources for management but also bears
challenges in security and privacy. It is hard to keep
a project secret when it involves many people
working on it from everywhere. Furthermore,
collaboration generates personal data, which need to
be handled carefully. All of this adds more problems
to the management process, which was already
difficult (Bar & Maheswaran, 2014).
In this chapter, we provide an overview of a selection
of important fundamental concepts that are related to
knowledge resource management, taxonomy
management, and crowdsourcing. Furthermore,
relevant approaches using social tagging and
applying crowdsourcing in forming a term corpus or
creating hierarchical relationships between terms will
be mentioned.
3.1 Knowledge Management
Knowledge Management (KM), like most complex
things, has many different definitions. Depending on
the nature of the scientific area, the definition of KM
might have a different meaning. Nevertheless, what
Devenport and Prusak wrote in their book “Working
Knowledge: How Organizations Manage What They
Know” was agreed and cited the most: “Knowledge
management draws from existing resources that your
organization may already have in place good
information systems management, organizational
change management, and human resources
management practices. If you've got a good library, a
textual database system, or even effective education
programs, your company is probably already doing
something that might be called knowledge
management” (Davenport & Prusak, 1998).
KEOD 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
The Content and Knowledge Management
Ecosystem Portal (KM-EP), has been developed to
provide powerful web-based tools for managing
knowledge resources and content (Vu, 2015). Figure
1 presents KM-EP’s architecture, which consists of
five subsystems:
Information Retrieval Subsystem (IRS) indexes
contents and lets the user search for them in a
quick manner.
Learning Management Subsystem (LMS) helps,
e.g., a course creator, who is not an expert of the
KM-EP and the underlying Learning
Management System - Moodle, to create and
manage courses.
Content and Knowledge Management Subsystem
(CKMS) manages contents and knowledge
resources. It allows users to create, edit, remove
and rate different type of contents in the
User Management Subsystem (UMS) manages
users, groups of users, authentication, and access
control for all subsystems.
Storage Management Subsystem (SMS) preserves
the integrity of the digital file and its metadata for
the lifetime of an asset. (Vu et al., 2018)
Figure 1: KM-EP architecture (Vu, 2015).
In the context of the research and development
work presented in this paper, an additional taxonomy
management system was developed as part of the
KM-EP. The system allows domain experts to create
new taxonomies. These taxonomies later will be used
for supporting the classification, searching, and
browsing of content and knowledge resources in the
KM-EP. Nevertheless, without the support of
crowdsourcing, only a given group of people had
access rights to modify existing taxonomies. Normal
users could not access the system and therefore, were
not able to create their own taxonomy. Furthermore,
there is no option to add information about the authors
of a taxonomy, and additional properties such as
descriptions or keywords.
3.2 Taxonomy Development
The term “taxonomy” has a very broad meaning and
is being used in many areas, from psychology,
biology to computer science.
In her book “The Accidental Taxonomist”,
Hedden see taxonomy in a broad sense as “any means
of organizing concepts of knowledge” and in a
broader sense as “a knowledge organization system
or knowledge organization structure” (Hedden,
2010). The term “knowledge organization systems”
was mentioned in 2000 by Hodge as a synonym for
taxonomy. There are various types of knowledge
organization systems, which include (1) term lists,
such as authority files, glossaries, dictionaries, and
gazetteers, (2) classifications and categories, such as
subject headings, classification schemes, taxonomies,
and categorization schemes and (3) relationship lists,
such as thesauri, semantic networks, and ontologies
(Hodge, 2000).
The development of a new taxonomy is usually
done using the Delphi method, which is a technique
to obtain the most reliable consensus of opinions of a
group of experts through a series of intensive
questionnaires interspersed with controlled opinion
feedback (Dalkey & Helmer, 1963). The traditional
method of using knowledge workers and experts for
reviewing, while providing many benefits and
advantages, has its own problems. One example is
that experts are not always available. They have other
jobs to do, and rounds of reviewing take too much
time from their schedule. Another example is that
people tend to ignore disagreements. The result is,
e.g., a poor design decision which is ignored during
reevaluation and not getting fixed.
3.3 Crowdsourcing and
“Under the right circumstances, groups are
remarkably intelligent and are often smarter than the
smartest people in them. Groups do not need to be
dominated by exceptionally intelligent people in
order to be smart” wrote James Surowiecki in his
book, The Wisdom of Crowds. By putting together a
big enough and diverse enough group of people, we
can produce decisions better than experts. Therefore,
chasing the expert for answers is a mistake. Group's
decisions will, over time, be intellectually superior to
Supporting Taxonomy Development and Evolution by Means of Crowdsourcing
the isolated individual, no matter how smart or well-
informed he is (Surowiecki, 2005).
According to Estellés-Arolas and Guevara, there
are 40 definitions for the concepts of crowdsourcing
that come from 32 distinct articles published from
2006 to 2011 (Estellés-Arolas & Guevara, 2012). The
term was created by Jeff Howe in his article “The Rise
of Crowdsourcing” in 2006. It a combination of
“crowd” and “outsourcing” and can be described as
“the act of taking work once performed within an
organization and outsourcing it to the general public
through an open call for participants” (Ridge, 2014).
Crowdvoting is, e.g., one type of crowdsourcing.
Its objective is to know the opinions of the crowd
regarding specific issues or products. Here, people are
giving their opinions and vote on a certain topic
(Simon, Pechuan, & Estelles-Miguel, 2015)
(Jimenez-Crespo, 2017) (Kitchens & Crane, 2014)
(Turban, King, Lee, Liang, & Turban, 2015).
3.4 Related Works
The concept of crowdsourcing is fairly new.
Nevertheless, the idea of crowdsourcing taxonomy
development and evolution was already applied in
scientific publications. There are two steps involving
in the process of developing a new taxonomy:
forming a term corpus and creating hierarchical
relationships between terms. Crowdsourcing can be
used in either one of these steps or in both of them.
The work of forming a term corpus using
crowdsourcing in the first step was introduced by the
mean of social tagging and folksonomy. Popular
tagging systems, which were mentioned the most in
scientific publications, are social bookmarking
website Delicious and photo-sharing site Flickr.
They have features that allow the user to add tags to
existing contents, in contrast to stricter systems like
libraries where a book will have exactly one proper
call number based on content (Heymann & Garcia-
Molina, 2006). These tags together form a
folksonomy and can be used as terms for the
developing taxonomy.
Nevertheless, folksonomy has its disadvantages.
There is no control of synonymy and homonymy,
there are many formats for dates and a lot of typing
and orthographic errors. Tags can also contain words
from different languages or even compound words
consisting of more than two words or a mixture of
languages. Combining all tags from a system, we can
find many words that have the same meaning or same
words but in different forms, e.g., “bag” vs “bags”,
“computer science” vs “computer_science” and
“computer-science” (Peters & Stock, 2007).
Besides the approach using folksonomy, there are
other methods to create a term corpus for taxonomy
without using crowdsourcing, such as extracting
words with top term frequency - inverse document
frequency score (Brooks & Montanez, 2006) or get
words or phrases in the top-ranked documents that
commonly co-occur with each other across many of
the passages (Sanderson & Croft, 1999).
From the terms’ corpus created in the first step,
the creators form hierarchical relationships between
terms and get the final result as a new taxonomy in
the second step. One method is to apply an algorithm
to grow deeper, bushier tree by merging saplings
created by different users, called SAP
(Plangprasopchok, Lerman, & Getoor, 2010).
Another method was introduced by Heymann and
Garcia-Molina (Heymann & Garcia-Molina, 2006).
Their idea is to convert tag into tag vectors and
calculate the similarity between tags using the cosine
similarity between tag vectors. The end product is a
tag similarity graph where each tag is represented by
a vertex, and two vertices are connected by an edge if
the similarity of the nodes they represent is above
some set threshold.
Liu et al. computes a generality score for each tag,
then use agglomerative hierarchical clustering
approach to generate the concept hierarchy (Liu,
Fang, & Zhang, 2010). Their algorithm has the same
principle as Heymann’s. Tags are sorted by their
score in descending order. In this case, it is the
generality score. Then the algorithm tries to find the
parent node in the taxonomy tree for each tag. If it
cannot be found, the tag is added as a child of the root.
Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering (AHC) is
frequently used to build the hierarchy of tags. It relies
on how similar / distant two nodes are in building a
hierarchy. Li et al. proposed an enhance AHC
framework by skipping the error-prone step of
calculating each tag’s generality and integrating a
topic model to capture thematic correlations among
tags (Li, et al., 2012).
An interesting approach was introduced by
Karampinas and Triantafillou (Karampinas &
Triantafillou, 2012). Rather than calculating the
similarity score between two tags, they use the crowd
to annotate parent-children relationships between
tags. An algorithm, called “CrowdTaxonomy”, was
introduced to grow the taxonomy tree based on the
crowd’s annotations. The algorithm is called on every
vote. This method includes the crowd in both steps of
the taxonomy development process. The crowd is
used to form a terms corpus by the mean of social
tagging, and they vote to annotate pair between two
terms. Hierarchical relationships are built based on
KEOD 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
their annotations. The work of Karampinas and
Triantafillou showed that the crowd could provide
high-quality input in terms of completeness and
correctness that leads to the emerging of good quality
Nevertheless, the mentioned approaches are only
possible if the system already has a large number of
tags that can be used to form the term corpus. It is
difficult to develop a new taxonomy if there are no
tagged contents in the system. Furthermore, the
existing tags also needed to cover the topic of the
taxonomy that is being developed. If there are
mistakes or missing terms, the system administrators
need to correct them themselves, which is missing the
point of replacing the work of experts in the
development of taxonomy.
In this paper, we want to apply another method to
crowdsource taxonomy development and evolution
with the support of the KM-EP. From all the
taxonomies that were created from a seed taxonomy,
the one that has the highest score (highest rated) will
be chosen. It will replace the current seed to be used
for classification, searching or navigation in the
system. Furthermore, it will act as the seed for further
expansion of the taxonomy’s evolution tree in the
next round. Figure 2 presents an example of the
evolution of a taxonomy following our approach.
The example from the figure below describes the
case where we have a simple taxonomy A as the seed.
From this taxonomy, we have different taxonomies
(A1, A2, A3, and A4) that were created by different
users using crowdsourcing. These taxonomies were
rated by the system’s users (crowdvoting). Taxonomy
A1 had the highest score and became the next official
base. Taxonomy A1 was used for content
classification, searching, and navigation in the system
until next round. In the next round, users cloned
taxonomy A1 and updated it as they find suitable. The
created taxonomies got rated again by other users, and
the taxonomy that had the highest score (A1C)
became the next seed. The process repeats as long as
the administrators allow it.
Figure 2: An Example of the Taxonomy Evolution with
Support of Crowdsourcing.
To support the evolution process, a version
control system based on Git (Git, n.d.) was
implemented. This system allows the user to save the
current state of the taxonomy, check history with
detail about taken snapshots. This is a great method
to keep track of taxonomy builds. The crowd is able
to identify which version is currently in development,
what are the changes etc. Furthermore, the user can
reset a taxonomy to a previous state or replace a
taxonomy with one of its clones. This is a crucial
feature for debugging error, which always happens in
the development of taxonomy. Caching mechanisms
were also added to increase the processing speed and
reduce the computational resource needed.
Combining with fast and efficient algorithms,
thousands of terms can be retrieved in a matter of
The newly developed Taxonomy Manager prototype
was deployed in several R&D projects as part of the
KM-EP. The goals in evaluating this prototype are
first to evaluate the feasibility, usability, and
efficiency of the user experience of the implemented
prototype based on user’s direct feedback that was
collected by means of questionnaires after initially
working with the prototype. Secondly, the goal was
to evaluate the introduced approach of crowdsourcing
taxonomy from a more effectiveness point of view.
We want to test if this proof-of-concept can be used
successfully in reality.
Supporting Taxonomy Development and Evolution by Means of Crowdsourcing
In the concept of the EU-funded R&D project
RAGE (RAGE, n.d.), the first goal of evaluating the
feasibility, usability, and efficiency was achieved.
Teams from different work packages of the project
were working together to create and develop a new
taxonomy about the domain of Applied Gaming using
the implemented Taxonomy Manager. To evaluate
the aspect related to the usage of the Taxonomy
Manager, an evaluation questionnaire was created by
the authors. Members of the consortium and external
game developers as well were contacted by project
members to participate in the evaluation of the
taxonomy manager. The questionnaire was combined
of questions that are related to the usability,
usefulness and user interface of the prototype, quality
of the tutorial, experience of the participants, quality
of the system’s features, such as version control,
export, and import. The result of this evaluation was
published in 2018 by the authors (Vu, et al., 2018).
Figure 3 provides an overview of the detailed results
obtained from the evaluation categories, with 0 is the
lowest score, and 7 is the highest.
Figure 3: Mean scores of all evaluation categories.
Overall, the scores show that participants, in
general, appreciate using the taxonomy manager and
its’ features, but also that it needed some
improvements in the tutorial. Nevertheless, this
evaluation does not say anything about the usefulness
of the prototype in the sense of the quality of the
taxonomy that was created by the users.
Therefore, to achieve the next goal of evaluating
the qualitative effectiveness of the tool in terms of the
quality of the work on the taxonomy, a second
evaluation is now planned. The general concept of
this evaluation is to let experts and the crowd do the
same task then compare the result and see if the crowd
is really doing a similar good or even better job than
the experts. In this second evaluation that is presented
as a concept in this paper, we chose to use IAB’s
Quality Assurance Guidelines (QAG) Taxonomy as
the initial expert taxonomy. The Interactive
Advertising Bureau (IAB) is one of the most
influential organizations in the online advertising
business and, currently, brings together more than
650 leading companies in the industry that control
86% of the U.S. market. Today IAB has become a
standard for content classification, especially in fields
with strong ties to the digital economy and new social
media (Filippis, 2018). The Quality Assurance
Guidelines Taxonomy was created in 2011 by IAB
Networks and Exchanges Committee as part of the
Quality Assurance Guidelines (QAG) Program. This
taxonomy has 2 tiers. The first tier is made of 24
categories, and the second tier has 361 sub-categories.
Table 1 presents category “Automotive” as part of the
IAB’s Quality Assurance Guidelines Taxonomy.
Table 1: Category "Automotive" and its sub-categories.
Auto Parts
Auto Repair
Buying/Selling Cars
Car Culture
Certified Pre-Owned
Electric Vehicle
Off-Road Vehicles
Performance Vehicles
Road-Side Assistance
Trucks & Accessories
Vintage Cars
Since then, IAB’s Taxonomy and Mapping
Working Group have been working on the QAG
Taxonomy with the goal of to create an enhanced and
more powerful taxonomy, enabling content creators
to more accurately and consistently describe content,
facilitating more relevant advertising and providing a
higher quality and more granular foundation for data
analysis (Flood & Agnew, 2017). As a result, a new
version of the QAG Taxonomy was introduced in
2017 called “IAB Tech Lab Content Taxonomy
Version 2.0”. The new Content Taxonomy has more
than 400 new site content classifications across 29 tier
1 categories (Content Taxonomy, n.d.). We choose to
evaluate this taxonomy as the new version of the
expert taxonomy.
For the second evaluation, an experiment
guideline for the participants was prepared. In this
guideline, information related to the experiment, such
as the introduction of taxonomy, goals of the
evaluation, introduction of IAB and the QAG
taxonomy, was described. Furthermore, the tasks and
an example of how they need to be done were also
presented. Finally, information on how to report the
result was given in the guideline.
In this second evaluation, deliberate participants
from the crowd will be given two tasks. In the first
task, all the changes that the experts made to upgrade
KEOD 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
the initial expert taxonomy (Quality Assurance
Guidelines Taxonomy) to the new version of the
expert taxonomy (IAB Tech Lab Content Taxonomy
Version 2.0), such as adding new terms, renaming
terms, deleting terms and moving terms into groups
are given as a task to each member of the crowd. We
ask them to redo each change at a position they find
comfort in the initial taxonomy and see if they can re-
create the same new taxonomy as the experts did. The
purpose of this task is to evaluate the crowd’s
qualitative performance against the expert taxonomy
evolution. This can be considered as a benchmark
against the global “expert-based truth”.
After the experiment, the result will be collected
and analyzed. We compare the similarity between the
taxonomy created by the crowd and the new version
of the expert taxonomy (Karampinas & Triantafillou,
2012). Let S
be the set of all parent-children pairs in
the expert taxonomy and S
be the set of all parent-
children pairs in the crowd taxonomy. We have:
 
 
Precision measures the exactness of the crowd
taxonomy evolution, and recall is a measure of the
completeness of the crowd taxonomy evolution while
F-score measures the accuracy of the evaluation. The
result will lead to the answer to the question “are the
crowd’s taxonomy evolution actions as good as those
of the experts?”.
In the second task, we show both initial taxonomy
and the new taxonomy of the expert to each member
of the crowd and ask them to answer some questions,
such as “what has been changed”, “do you agree”, “if
not, what would you change and why”. From the
result, we take the taxonomies that the crowd made in
the last question and give it to another group of user
and experts along with the initial taxonomy and new
taxonomy created by IAB. We let the group vote for
the best taxonomy and see if it is the one created by
the crowd or the experts. In this task, we hope to be
able to show which group provided a better taxonomy
and validate if the crowd is truly better than the
It is worth to mention that the second evaluation
that we described above has not been completed and
is considered as future work.
In this paper, we have described the concept of
knowledge as well as knowledge management and the
content and knowledge management ecosystem
portal KM-EP. Furthermore, we presented
crowdsourcing and new approach of applying
crowdsourcing in the development of taxonomy.
In result, a taxonomy management system was
implemented as a component of the KM-EP. The new
component allows the crowd to create and manage
taxonomy and its structure. The Delphi method was
replaced by crowdsourcing and crowdvoting, where
users have the ability to vote for each taxonomy. With
the support of version control, taxonomy evolution
will be faster, more efficient and agile.
Finally, an evaluation was conducted in the scope
of the EU-funded project RAGE. This evaluation
validates if the implemented prototype fulfils all the
requirements and how it performs. The outcome
proved the importance, usefulness and usability of the
implemented taxonomy management system.
Another evaluation aiming at a qualitative
comparison of expert-based taxonomy evolution with
crowd-based taxonomy solution was described and
planned. Due to time limitation, only a small set of
the crowd can be organized, but a big enough and
diverse enough crowd can be gathered in the near
future for a better evaluation result. This might be
done by using the user-base of the RAGE KM-EP,
which is growing by the success of the project.
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KEOD 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development