Discovering Emotions through the Building of a Linguistic Resource
Manuela Angioni and Franco Tuveri
Center for Research and Scientific Studies in Sardinia, Bld. 1, Piscina Manna, Pula (CA), Italy
Keywords: Linguistic Resources, Natural Language Processing, Sentiment Analysis.
Abstract: Specific linguistic resources, syntactically annotated and distinctive for each language, related to the
affective sphere are important in discovering terms or phrases associated with emotions in order to detect
expressed emotions. The paper proposes the initial version of a linguistic resource for the Italian language,
mapped on WordNet, where each concept, whose meaning falls into the sphere of emotions, is enriched by a
category, allowing to better specify the type of emotion expressed by the term, and by a polarity value,
whether the emotion is positive or negative. The resource is based on the model of emotions proposed by
Robert Plutchik and has been developed, within a national project of Work-School Alternation, in
collaboration with some high school students. The work has a twofold value. On one hand, the development
of a linguistic resource, on the other the educational and didactic aspect of students’ involvement. Working
on the analysis of literary texts with the task of elaborating and defining the emotions described, the
students, assisted by their teachers and two researchers, had to face with their feelings and talk more freely
about their affective states, recognizing the emotions and giving them a name.
Emotions constitute a fundamental aspect of people's
lives. All the things people do or say reflect their
emotions somehow and express it in all the
communication ways. The automatic identification
of emotions in a collection of textual data is
becoming increasingly important, in order to be able
to understand in more detail the mood and the
sentiments and to better interpret the human
experience and the type of communication expressed
in the texts.
The building of linguistic resources is part of
Computational Linguistics, the discipline that deals
with the study of natural language by means of
automatic tools, through the definition of algorithms
that allow the automatic analysis of texts and the
extraction of the meaning expressed in them
The analysis of the texts involves several phases,
including syntactic and semantic analysis of the
sentences in the text. A further fundamental step to
detect emotions in a text is to identify terms or
phrases dealing with affective and emotional sphere.
To this end, the availability of linguistic resources,
syntactically annotated and specific for the language
used in the text, is necessary.
The paper proposes the creation of a linguistic
resource for the Italian language named
PlutchikWN_ita, based on the model of emotions
proposed by Robert Plutchik (Plutchik, 1980),
whose terms are related to the emotions and mapped
on WordNet (Miller, 1995). Each concept is
enriched by a category, that allows to better specify
the type of emotion expressed by the term, and by a
polarity value. The resource is built on the basis of
the experience of the daily discovery of the emotions
of some adolescent students and the impact of
emotions on their lives.
The work therefore has a twofold value.
On one hand, the development of a linguistic
resource that allows a deeper analysis of textual
resources, through the recognition of terms related to
the emotional sphere and the type of emotion
On the other hand, the educational and didactic
aspect of students’ involvement. In the school
environment it is in fact essential to promote a
culture in which students can learn to discover their
sentiments and moods, and teachers and students
together can freely talk about feelings. Speaking
about emotions, it is important to recognize the
feelings that the students have, so that they are able
to give them a name. It is thus important to learn
students to identify their different moods and
feelings educating them in recognize, manage, and
express their emotions.
Angioni, M. and Tuveri, F.
Discovering Emotions through the Building of a Linguistic Resource.
DOI: 10.5220/0008352803510357
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2019), pages 351-357
ISBN: 978-989-758-386-5
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
To this aim, in agreement with the teachers,
some students were involved in the analysis of some
literary texts, forming part of their course of study,
with the task of elaborating and defining the feelings
and the emotions described and aroused by the
reading of the texts. From the dialogue with the
teachers and the class emerged in fact the common
difficulty among students of similar age in
recognizing and naming their emotions, as well as in
speaking openly about them.
It was therefore decided to include the creation
of the linguistic resource in a broader context,
combining the strongly multidisciplinary aspect
characteristic of this activity that requires a
heterogeneous workgroup and a constant dialogue
between professionals with very different skills.
The building of such linguistic resource
combines in fact humanistic skills, to address
aspects closer to Linguistics or Psychology, with
others coming from Communication and
Information Technologies (ICT). This made it
possible to establish a dialogue on several fronts
with the students, involving them in a
multidisciplinary project.
The paper describes also the experience
conducted in collaboration with the third year
students of the “Liceo Classico, Linguistico e delle
Scienze Umane B. R. Motzo” of Quartu Sant’Elena,
Cagliari. The activities are part of the CRS4
initiatives within a national project of Work-School
Alternation, which aims to promote the training of
students in the field of digital technologies and
scientific research.
The activities took place with a presentation of
the work in front of the whole class through the
involvement of all the students and the introduction
of the topics concerned. A smaller group of three
students worked on the realization of the linguistic
resource through the skills of two CRS4 researchers,
who provided the assistance and the training
necessary to carry out the assigned task.
The remainder of the paper is organized as
follows: Section 1 introduces the resource and the
motivation behind. Section 2 describes the related
works. Section 3 presents the building of the
resource, with an overview of the Plutchik’s Wheel
of Emotions, and describes the interface used.
Section 4 describes the current state of
PlutchikWN_ita, while Section 5 presents the format
of the resource. Finally, in Section 6 final remarks
and future works directions are presented.
Several resources about emotions exist for the
English language, such as NRC Emotion Lexicon
(Mohammad and Turney, 2010), composed by
frequent English terms annotated through Amazon
Mechanical Turk with respect to eight emotions (e.g.
joy, sadness, trust) and positive or negative
sentiment. Another resource, WordNet-Affect
(Valitutti et al., 2004), has been developed starting
from WordNet, assigning one or more affective
labels (a-labels) to a subset of synsets representing
affective concepts that contribute to precise the
affective meaning. In WordNet-Affect, Ekman’s six
basic emotions (anger, disgust, fear, joy, sadness,
surprise) have been used.
Other affective lexicons are available but they
often give a polarity evaluation of terms without a
reference to an emotional category, such as
SentiWordNet (Baccianella et al., 2010) devised for
supporting sentiment classification and opinion
mining. SentiWordNet is one of the publicly
available lexical resources, that extends WordNet
thanks to a semi-automatic acquisition of the
polarity of WordNet terms, evaluating each synset
according to positive, negative and objective values.
In this scenario we choose to develop a new
resource based on the model of emotions proposed
by Robert Plutchik (Plutchik and Conte, 1997),
(Plutchik 2002), an American psychologist,
Professor Emeritus at the Albert Einstein College of
Medicine and Adjunct Professor at the University of
South Florida. He developed a psychoevolutionary
theory about the emotions and created a model based
on a distinction between basic and complex ones
(Kołakowska et al., 2015), introducing an emotion
classification system known as the Wheel of
The idea of the resource, named PlutchikWN_ita,
arises from the experience gained in the field of
Opinion Mining and of the automatic analysis of
texts through a linguistic approach in which
WordNet has been chosen as the main linguistic
resource (Tuveri and Angioni, 2012a).
We realized at that time the need to enrich
WordNet through some additional properties,
initially linked to adjectives and adverbs and later
extended to verbs, to get a deeper analysis of the
sentences and improve the semantic disambiguation
WEBIST 2019 - 15th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
phase. A first resource has therefore developed
(Tuveri and Angioni, 2012b) in which the synsets
related to adjectives and adverbs are enriched with a
group of properties and with a positive, negative and
objective polarity value. The building of this first
linguistic resource, related to adjectives and adverbs,
and the analysis of the properties of the terms
already included in WordNet and identified from the
lexicon files, revealed the need to better specify the
properties of the terms inherent to sentimental and
emotional states. In fact, in both the resources there
are properties related to emotions, such as
noun.feeling and verb.emotion in WordNet or
emotion and morals/ethics in the resource we
For this reason we have built a linguistic
resource that allows to better specify the type of
emotion expressed by the term extending the
WordNet properties with the categories arising from
the Plutchik model.
Despite the fact that the resource is very limited
in number of terms and concepts, its construction
allowed to face some of the problems related to a
resource dealt with the emotional sphere and to lay
the foundations for the development of a more
complete resource.
Although there is no fully exhaustive and
universally accepted model of emotions, and looking
for a substantially simple model for the students, it
was decided to consider the model of emotions
proposed by Robert Plutchik. In fact, the model
defines a few basic emotions, making the problem of
the development of the resource manageable, and
having as strength point its capacity to simplify very
complex concepts.
Moreover, the graphical representation of the
emotions proposed by Plutchik enable to
immediately visualize the emotions, and thus easily
understand which combinations of emotions created
a resulting emotion.
3.1 Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions
Plutchik proposes a graphic representation of the
wheel of emotions that, starting from a circle of
eight primary and fundamental emotions, develops
in the structure shown in Figure 1.
This model shows how different emotions can be
combined or mixed together, as could do a painter
with colors. According to his theory, other emotions
are a combination of the basic emotions. Plutchik's
studies have therefore highlighted 8 primary basic
emotions: joy and sadness, trust and disgust, anger
and fear, surprise and anticipation. Primary emotions
are represented through a circle, in which the closest
emotions are also the most similar and opposite
emotions are located on opposite spokes of the
wheel. So joy is opposed to sadness, anger is
opposed to fear, acceptance is opposed to boredom,
and surprise is in opposition to anticipation.
Figure 1: Plutchik's Wheel of Emotions.
Plutchik places the emotions similar to the
primary ones, but of lower intensity, on the external
part of the wheel, putting them all the more distant,
the less their intensity. Following the same principle,
similar but more intense emotions are placed within
the wheel of primary emotions. In this way, a kind
of flower is obtained whose petals can be joined
towards the bottom creating a three-dimensional
representation in a cone-shaped model.
Figure 2: Primary emotions combination or dyads.
Also the variations in the intensity of the color
on each petal correspond to the variations in
Discovering Emotions through the Building of a Linguistic Resource
Figure 3: Insertion of Italian terms and Pluchik’s emotions.
intensity of the emotions. The eight primary
emotions occupy the central part of the flower, with
gradually less intense emotions by proceeding from
the center towards the end of the petal. For example,
the most intense form of fear is terror, the least
intense is apprehension.
Figure 2 shows how primary emotions work in
combination. The compositions of two emotions are
called dyads. All not primary emotions are mixed or
derived, that is, they appear as combinations or
compositions of primary emotions and are identified
as primary, secondary or tertiary dyads depending
on whether adjacent emotions are combined, shifted
by one or two petals.
Primary dyads made from adjacent primary
emotions are considered “often felt”. The emotions
can then be combined in a variety of ways. Dyads
including emotions further away on the wheel,
express less felt emotions, until opposites create
conflict. For example, joy and trust could combine
to create love, joy with fear could give rise to guilt,
anticipation combined with fear could give rise to
apprehension (Taylor, 2017).
3.2 The Identification of Emotional
The building of the resource PlutchikWN_ita has
been performed by means of an ad-hoc developed
web-based application, that allows to insert one or
more terms in Italian and to specify both a polarity
value and an emotion from the list of Plutchiks
categories, as shown in Figure 3.
The search for Italian terms, which fell within
the affective and emotional sphere, was conducted
by involving the students.
They examine some of the most famous carmina
written by Catullo and the Italian version of the “La
notte d’amore tra Ginevra e Lancillotto”, from the
12th-century Old French poem “Lancelot ou le
Chevalier à la charrette” written by Chrétien de
Troyes, highlighting the terms of interest through
The use of these terms in the texts allows the
author to communicate his mood to the reader. In
them, therefore, the expressive function prevails and
the attention focuses on emotions, thoughts and
personal experiences.
Once identified an Italian term falling within the
emotional sphere, the term in English with the
corresponding meaning is detected, making use of
several online dictionaries when necessary.
The application shows all the possible meanings
included in WordNet pertains to the emotional
sphere or to morality, starting from the identified
English term and from the relative Part of Speech
(POS). At this point, it is possible to insert in the
resource PlutchikWN_ita the Italian term and its
synonyms, corresponding to the English term and to
the definition, and to specify the Plutchiks category
that best reflects the type of emotion expressed by
the term.
It was decided to exploit the terms in English
because the English version of WordNet is the most
WEBIST 2019 - 15th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
complete both as a number of concepts and
Each of the students had the task of
independently inserting each term in Italian and the
relative Plutchik’s emotion. Once the insertion was
completed, the terms and the categories were
When disagreement occurred in the identification
of the emotion, the students discussed the
motivations that led to the specific assignment. In
some cases a convergence of opinions has been
found, otherwise the term was not included in the
Through the analysis of the texts the students
have identified the words expressing the emotions,
relating them to the context and using them as a
starting point to investigate the real meaning of the
emotion by means of discussion and argumentation.
The recognition of the emotions of the others refined
their ability to identify themselves with the moods of
others. At the end of the work the students also
showed a greater awareness towards their emotions
and a greater attention to their inner states.
The concepts included in the resource are currently
very limited, 214 in total, and are divided between
names (N), adjectives (A), adverbs (R) and verbs
(V), as shown in Table 1.
It is possible to notice that the majority of the
terms are related to adjectives, followed by nouns
and verbs, while terms related to adverbs are
irrelevant, but they could be easily extracted from
the corresponding adjectives and nouns.
The resource is based on WordNet 3.1 version.
Table 1: The distribution of concepts for POS.
From the analysis of the resource emerges that
the richest emotions as number of synsets are
serenity (30), grief (20) and admiration (22), as
shown in the following Table 2.
As an example, in PlutchikWN_ita the Italian
terms like tranquillo, sereno and calmo have been
classified as positive terms under the serenity
Plutchik’s emotion (serenità in Italian) and
correspond to the English words calm, serene,
tranquil, unagitated. For the sake of completeness, in
WordNet v.3.1 the synsetID is 300531862 and the
definition: is “not agitated; without losing self-
possession; "spoke in a calm voice"; "remained calm
throughout the uproar" ”.
Table 2: Plutchik’s emotions and number of synsets.
Other examples of terms included in the resource
are the Italian adjectives sofferente, penoso e
doloroso, corresponding to the English terms
afflictive, painful, sore, that have been classified
under the Plutchik’s emotion grief (dolore in Italian)
with a negative polarity. The term is related to the
synsetID 301809309 in WordNet v.3.1 and is related
to the definition: “causing misery or pain or distress;
"it was a sore trial to him"; "the painful process of
growing up" ”.
PlutchikWN_ita is currently being developed in the
WordNet LMF format (Soria, 2009), an extension of
the ISO LMF format defined for the representation
of lexical resources. LMF allows the coding of
lexicons in natural language, and provides a
common model for the creation and use of lexical.
The WordNet LMF has been introduced in the
EU KYOTO project (Vossen et al., 2008) with the
specific purpose of providing the WordNet, set in
different languages, with a standardized
interoperability format that would allow the
exchange of coded lexico-semantic information in
each of them. The use of this format enables
WordNet to provide a format representation that
allows easier integration between resources that
share the same structure and, more importantly,
between resources with different theoretical and
implementation approaches. This fact introduced a
new kind of problems especially with the enrichment
of new synsets, not included in the English version
of WordNet but specific of the language.
Furthermore, the different wordnets can be built
using different methods and starting from different
Discovering Emotions through the Building of a Linguistic Resource
points: with the expand or the merge approach,
manually or semi-automatically, using pre-existing
resources or original bilingual resources available
for the translation of the original English words in
the target language.
All this led to the definition of CILI, the
Collaborative Inter-Lingual Index, (Bond et al.,
2016), based on the interlingual index ILI
(Interlingual Index) and proposed for the first time
in the EuroWordNet project (Vossen, 1998).
CILI is a single shared repository of concepts,
defined as an inter-collaborative index designed to
make possible to coordinate multiple generic
wordnet projects in the Global WordNet Grid
Figure 4: An example of PlutchikWN_ita in LMF format.
Figure 4 shows an example of the
PlutchikWN_ita in WordNet LMF format. Each new
wordnet has a Lexicon for each resource, which
contains a name, an ID and a language. The
language is specified by the Internet Engineering
Task Force (IETF) Best Current Practice (BCP) 47
language tag, the code to identify human languages.
Each term inserted in the linguistic resource is
defined as a Lexical Entry, and is characterized by a
lemma, by at least a meaning and possibly by any
number of Syntactic Behavior.
The Lemma is defined through its written form
and the Part Of Speech (POS), which can be a name
(n), a verb (v), an adjective (a), an adverb (r), a
phrase (like phrase, p, o sentence, s) or an unknown
pos (u).
The Sense has a variable number of sense
relations and a synset.
The Synset can have an optional definition and a
variable number of sense relations.
The Definition is given both in the WordNet
language from which it comes but also in the ILI
definition language (in English). A definition can
also have a sentence that provides an example of
using of the term.
Synset Relation specifies the type of relationship,
such as synonimy, hyperonymy, antonymy, taken
from the list of reports used by the Global WordNet
Grid and documented on the Global Wordnet
Association website
A Syntactic Behavior (verb frame) provides a
sub-category frame in plain text.
Metadata from the Dublin Core system can be
added to the Lexicon, Lexical Entry, Sense and
Synset tags.
The paper describes the creation of a new linguistic
resource, built on a set of terms mapped on
emotions, by means of the everyday life of the
discovery of emotions and their impact on the lives
of students in adolescent age. In agreement with the
teachers, some students were involved in the
analysis of some literary texts, forming part of their
course of study, with the task of elaborating and
defining the feelings and the emotions described and
aroused by the texts.
The reading of literary texts and the
identification in them of terms relating to the
emotional and affective sphere, allowed the students
to define their emotions by identifying themselves in
the lives of others and recognizing themselves in
other people. With this work, an alternative teaching
method was proposed that allowed students to put
the emotional intelligence at the center and stimulate
it, as a primary element of the evolution of their
The building of the linguistic resource, in a
broader context, combines the strongly
multidisciplinary aspect characteristic of this activity
that requires a heterogeneous workgroup and a
constant dialogue between professionals with very
different skills, with the didactic-educational aspect
that allowed the students to give voice to their
Global WordNet Association,
WEBIST 2019 - 15th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Currently the resource is only at the initial stage,
but in the future we intend to extend the resource
through the involvement and the systematic
contribution of different classes of students
supported by their teachers. The resource has not
still been used in any practical application, but we
are planning to realize a comparative work using
similar resources, with the intent to provide its
validation results.
We wish to thank the three high school students
Katia Pedditzi, Ludovica Medved and Alessandra
Pani, their whole class, and their teachers and tutors
Cinzia Quattrocchi and Antonella Puggioni, from the
“Liceo Classico, Linguistico e delle Scienze Umane
B. R. Motzo” of Quartu Sant’Elena, Cagliari, to their
contribution to the development of the resource.
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SentiWordNet 3.0: An Enhanced Lexical Resource for
Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining. In LREC
2010, 7th International Conference on Language
Resources and Evaluation, Malta, pp. 2200-2204.
Bond, F., Vossen, P., McCrae, J., Fellbaum, C., 2016.
CILI: the Collaborative Interlingual Index.
Proceedings of the 8th Global WordNet Conference
2016, in Bucharest, Romania, January 27-30.
Global WordNet Association Homepage,
Kołakowska, A., Landowska, A., Szwoch, M., Szwoch,
W., Wrobel, M.R., 2015. Modeling emotions for
affect-aware applications. In book: Information
Systems Development and Application, Chapter: 4.
Publisher, Faculty of Management University of
Gdańsk. Editors: Stanislaw Wrzycza.
Miller, G. A., 1998. WordNet: A Lexical Database for
English. Communications of the ACM Vol. 38, No.
11: 39-41.
Mohammad, S.M., Turney, P.D., 2010. Emotions evoked
by common words and phrases: Using mechanical turk
to create an emotion lexicon. In: Proceedings of
NAACL 2010 Workshop on Computational
Approaches to Analysis and Generation of Emotion in
Text. ACL.
Plutchik, R., 1980. Emotion: Theory, research, and
experience: Vol. 1. Theories of emotion, 1, New York:
Plutchik, R., H. R. Conte, 1997. Circumplex Models of
Personality and Emotions. Washington, DC:
American Psychological Association.
Plutchik, R., 2002. Emotions and Life: Perspectives from
Psychology, Biology, and Evolution. Washington, DC:
American Psychological Association.
Taylor, M. J., 2017. Classroom Emotions.
Tuveri, F., Angioni, M., 2012a. A Linguistic Approach to
Feature Extraction Based on a Lexical Database of the
Properties of Adjectives and Adverbs. Proceedings of
the 6th International Global Wordnet Conference
Tribun EU, pages 365-370, Global WordNet
Association. ISBN: 978-80-263-0244-5.
Tuveri, F., Angioni, M., 2012a. Definition of a Linguistic
Resource for Opinion Mining. Proceedings of the 9th
International Workshop on Natural Language
Processing and Cognitive Science NLPCS -
SciTePress -june 2012. ISBN: 978-989-8565-16-7.
Soria, C., Monachini, M., Vossen, P., 2009. Wordnet-
LMF: Fleshing out a Standardized Format for Wordnet
Interoperability. Proceedings of the 2009 international
workshop on Intercultural collaboration. ACM.
Valitutti, A., Strapparava, C., Stock, O., 2004. Developing
affective lexical ressources. Psychnology: 2-2004.
Vossen, P. (ed), 1998. EuroWordNet: A Multilingual
Database with Lexical Semantic Networks. Kluwer
Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.
Vossen, P., E. Agirre, N. Calzolari, C. Fellbaum, S. Hsieh,
C. Huang, H. Isahara, K. Kanzaki, A. Marchetti, M.
Monachini, F. Neri, R. Raffaelli, G. Rigau, M. Tescon,
J. van Gent, 2008. KYOTO: A System for Mining,
Structuring, and Distributing Knowledge Across
Languages and Cultures. Proceedings of the Fourth
International Global WordNet Conference - GWC
2008. Szeged, Hungary, January 22-25.
Discovering Emotions through the Building of a Linguistic Resource