Automatic Reuse of Prototypes in Software Engineering: A Survey of
Available Tools
A. S
1 a
, A. Santos-Monta
1 b
and J. G. Enr
2 c
IWT2 Research Group, University of Seville, Spain
Computer Languages and Systems Department, University of Seville, E.T.S. Ingenir
ıa Inoform
avda. Reina Mercedes s/n, 41012, Seville, Spain
Prototypes, Prototypes Tools, Prototypes Reuse.
The use of prototypes as an excellent mechanism for communication between software users has been fully
accepted in the literature. Both the academic and business worlds agree on its use as a software technique,
used primarily to capture requirements and as a means of communication with the user. However, often,
prototypes are developed very quickly or without the collaboration of the users. This is one of the main
reasons why the real power of the prototypes is not used in software development. The initial hypothesis of
this research is that this problem occurs because prototypes are regarded as disposable milestones. This paper
analyzes whether there are adequate tools on the market to help development teams to reuse prototypes as
an exceedingly mechanism for starting and expediting new software development projects. With the present
study we show different tools for prototypes that, even though they are a preliminary evaluation, show the
disadvantages to be solved in the future development and research of solutions.
The use of prototypes to improve the communication
with clients are final users is a technique not only con-
sidered in software engineering. In fact, it is a tech-
nique considered in mainly any product development.
Thus, for instance, the design thinking methodology
(Brown et al., 2008; Dym et al., 2005) proposes the
definition of prototypes as the base for each product
definition and it has to be developed after empathiz-
ing, defining and thinking with final users.
In software engineering context, interface proto-
types are recognized as a very powerful tool for the
communication with client and final users (Alavi,
1984). However, in practice, it has been noticed that
software and interfaces prototypes are developed in
a very fast way, with very few resources, and even,
without the enrollment of users. Results of this pro-
cess normally are discarded in the rest of the life cycle
and it provokes that some software teams and com-
panies consider them as a “required play” that only
use resources with a minimum of benefices (Escalona
et al., 2004).
Under our experience with companies (Escalona
and Koch, 2004), this idea is not so wild. When we
consider to develop prototypes in the development life
cycle (mainly in the early phases), we have to decide
several critical aspects like use high or low confidence
prototypes or the use of vertical or horizontal proto-
types among others. These decisions require time and
resources and if the prototypes are considered as a dis-
posable milestone, this cost seems not to be justified.
Another option to this situation is to try to develop
prototypes that could be “reused” in the next activities
of the software development life cycle, for instance,
in interface design. However, translating prototypes
to software interfaces requires a manual process, con-
sequently, it produces an increase of cost again.
To find a solution to this situation, there are sev-
eral tools in the market that promise to help to the de-
velopment teams to develop prototypes that could be
“automatically” translated into future software inter-
face. Thus, the investment of prototypes development
is justified and the team could benefit from prototypes
In this paper, we present a global view about tools
that promise to help us in the process to generate anal-
ysis and design products or even coding prototypes
Sánchez-Villarín, A., Santos-Montaño, A. and Enríquez, J.
Automatic Reuse of Prototypes in Software Engineering: A Survey of Available Tools.
DOI: 10.5220/0008352901440150
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2019), pages 144-150
ISBN: 978-989-758-386-5
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
automatically or, at least, semi-automatically.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows.
Firstly, we starting with a very short introduction of
the context where this research is being developed,
which is very closed to the enterprise world. In Sec-
tion 3, the methodology followed for this study is de-
scribed. Section 4 instances the methodology pro-
posed in previous section and presents the results ob-
tained. Section 5 presents learned lessons and finally,
paper finishes with a set of conclusions and future
Coding prototypes with the same precision with
which they were designed is a real problem in daily
programming (McMillan et al., 2012). Unfortunately,
current methods found in both literature and industry
do not allow prototypes to be transformed into modifi-
able code, following requirements and characteristics
that must be met. In a Scrum (Schwaber and Bee-
dle, 2002) or Design Sprint methodology (Banfield
et al., 2015) context, the importance of having vali-
dated prototypes saves a lot of time and avoids future
problems if the programming is in an advanced state.
The problem that is cited is common within the
iMedea project (innovative Medical Engineering As-
sistance) (Escalona, 2019) by G7Innovation (G7 In-
novation, 2019) in Seville, in which the prototypes
are validated in collaboration with the Inebir clinic,
but there are details or formulas that escape once they
are translated to the code. G7 Innovation is a SME
(Small and Medium Enterprise) focused in the devel-
opment of software oriented to sanitary environments.
In fact, they produce high TIC results in the field of
Smart Laboratories, Human Reproduction or specific
results for chronic treatment using different devices
and sensors (V. Cid, 2019; L. Morales, 2019). In this
context, the communication between the sanitary en-
vironment and the IT engineers is a critical factor to
assure the quality of the results. For this reason, they
used they have developed, a version of a methodology
named NDT (Navigational Development Techniques)
(Escalona and Arag
on, 2008) that, in its current ver-
sion mix Scrum with Design Thinking principles.
It is not the aim of the paper the presentation of
the methodology but, basically, it covers three main
steps: the first one is to “discover the problem”. In
this phase, users and engineers work together to de-
fine the problem and a first set of prototypes for the
solution. These prototypes are improved in different
iterations and, at the end of this first step they get a
very high-fidelity prototype. After that, in the second
step, the IT Team execute the life cycle to analyze,
design and built the software to support these proto-
types. In the third steps, the result is implanted and
deployed in the environment. It is only a short pre-
sentation but, obviously, each step has a set of phases,
task and techniques to be applied that can be obtained
from (NDT-Navitgational Development Techniques,
2019). However, this global view, let us to introduce
our motivation to present the problem that we want
to try to start to solve with this paper. The team in
iMedea requires that, after design a very high-fidelity
prototype, they must create the analysis, the screen or
any aspect from zero, and the original prototypes are
only used for communication. They claim if it will
possible to try to reuse them to automatically gen-
erate products in the next phases automatically. In
fact, NDT use the Model Driven Paradigm (MDE)
ınguez-Mayo et al., 2012) in other aspects, for
instance, to produce test from requirements. So, the
question that motives this work is: could be possible
to use prototypes defined and validated with the user
to generate products in the rest of the life cycle?
In this sense, it is necessary to use tools that opti-
mize the process from obtaining the validation of the
prototypes to the already programmed views, evalu-
ating that it is possible to obtain a code that can be
modified later and that is faithful to the styles of the
prototypes. To this end, it will be inevitable that the
prototypes are made with delicacy, effort and enthusi-
asm, as this would save time in programming.
Systematic Literature Reviews (SLRs) (Kitchenham
and Brereton, 2013) and Systematic Mapping Studies
(SMSs) (Petersen et al., 2008) are some of the most
commonly used methods for performing state-of-the-
art studies in software engineering. The choice of
each of them depends on the objectives to be achieved
with the research.
SLRs are more expensive to perform than SMSs
(Velthuis, 2014). The main objective of an SLR is
to identify best practices based on empirical studies,
the one of SMSs, is to provide a classification and a
thematic analysis of a concrete topic.
The most widely accepted SLR method around
software engineering, is the one proposed by Kitchen-
ham (Kitchenham and Brereton, 2013). This proposal
concludes that a review of the literature should consist
of the following phases:
Planning: before an SLR, it is necessary to con-
firm the need for the research. The most impor-
tant activity is writing the research questions that
Automatic Reuse of Prototypes in Software Engineering: A Survey of Available Tools
define the review protocol.
Conducting: is about executing the protocol that
is defined.
Reporting: describe how the final report is pre-
The method that defines the process of a SMS pro-
posed by Petersen et al. (Petersen et al., 2008), shows
a lot of similarities with the one presented by Kitchen-
ham, establishing set of five steps, where each of them
produces an output. These steps are:
Definition of the Research Questions: this activ-
ity is related to the formulation of the Research
Questions (RQs) that will guide the work.
Conduct Search: this activity is related to execute
the search, based on the RQs. The search it is
normally executed in different digital libraries and
based on some keywords extracted from the RQs.
Screening of Papers: this activity is related to ap-
ply the inclusion and exclusion criteria with the
aim of selecting the most relevant and close pa-
pers to the topic of the research.
Keywording using Abstracts: this activity is re-
lated to the building of the classification scheme,
where all the primary papers selected in the previ-
ous phase will be categorized.
Data extraction and mapping process: this final
activity, is related to the data extraction and the
mapping process based on the results obtained in
the keywording activity. This activity will let the
researchers to classify which is the state of the art
of the topic and to identify gaps and possibilities
for future research.
SLRs and SMSs are considered valid formal meth-
ods for carrying out studies and surveys related to
technological tools or solutions, so they were our first
consideration to execute our study. However, there
are some limitations, such as: defining search engines
or keywords, among others, that do not allow to ex-
ecute any of the methodologies strictly. Considering
that the scope of this work is much more focused on
the industrial than on the scientific literature, it has
been taken as a reference.
At the time of beginning the study of the tools, it was
thought to use the search and selection mechanism
proposed by Barbara Kitchenham, which is known as
SLR. However, thanks to what was contributed in the
paper (Escalona et al., 2014), “it was seen that SLRs
proposals are highly directed towards answering re-
search questions on some scientific knowledge. Nev-
ertheless, SLR is not enough for a study led to com-
pare technologies or tools solutions”.
Therefore, the study of the tools and the ques-
tions of the questionnaire presented below have been
obtained in an empirical way analyzing the needs of
work groups in projects, as is the example of iMedea
project by G7Innovation, which had a clear need to
improve for the modelling of the prototypes, as it is
introduced in Section 2. Through a follow-up of the
project and by means of questions to the members of
the team it was possible to obtain the following ques-
On the other hand, tools were obtained empiri-
cally analyzing which are the most used in the current
market of the software industry and the most popular
among the users.
4.1 Characterization Map
According to previous section, our idea is to try to cre-
ate high detailed and high-fidelity prototypes, which
could be automatically translate into analysis, design
products or even final screens. For this aim, and fo-
cusing our work in iMedea scenario, a research about
systems that allow to convert interface prototypes de-
signed into a typed prototype such as XML or HTML
has been done. It has been proved many different
tools, applications such as Axure or JustinMind, or
online converters like the web “”. After
proving and analyzing all the investigated tools, we
realized that no one tool did exactly the same that we
were researching, due to the tool did not convert to the
format we wanted or because the tool returned conver-
sions very little satisfactory, then it would not be able
to be used.
Following this idea, it has been elaborated a se-
ries of questions that allow to validate if a tool offers
good functionalities to do the conversion of the proto-
types. They are formed by a set of trichotomy ques-
tions whose affirmative answer indicates that the tool
owns a good characteristic, the negative that indicates
that it has not that characteristic or an intermediate
answer that indicate that it has only that characteristic
partly. These questions were developed in the collab-
oration of iMedea team and they are the next, sorted
by relevance:
Q01 - Does it allow to convert or export proto-
types into multiple formats, such as XML and
Q02 - Is the conversion done correctly, exporting
it with the correct tags?
WEBIST 2019 - 15th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Q03 - Is possible to interact with the system via
Q04 - Also to convert into different formats, does
the tool allow to create its own prototypes in
HTML or another typed language?
Q05 - Are there versions of the tool for the main
operative system such as Windows, Mac OS and
Q06 - Is the complete system free?
Q07 - In the case that the tool is paid, are there
licenses for students and universities?
Q08 - Does the tool receive periodically updates
and is followed by a community?
Q09 - Does the tool have a good customer ser-
Q10 - Is the system intuitive and user friendly?
In order to answer these questions, we defined
several searching criteria in order to look in the most
relevant research search engines: Scopus, Scholar,
etc. but, as we introduce, this engines are not the most
suitable for tools searching and we had to move to
google following criteria defined in (Escalona et al.,
2014). Thus, we obtained a set of ten suitable tools
that seem cover part of our requirements. Next sec-
tions present an analysis of all of them.
4.2 Selected Tools
Below is shown a summary of the study made to the
tools used that will be presented, analyzing the pros
and cons of each one. After applying several search-
ing criteria, we selected tools presented in Table 1.
Each tool is identified by a code and for each of them,
a references and short description is presented and
also a set of advantages and disadvantages in a very
short way.
4.3 Evaluation
A high fidelity prototype defined by iMedea team that
was validated with the user, was taken as reference to
be redesigned for each tool
Two juniors engineers have modelled this exam-
ple in each numerated tool getting the results that
are presented in Table 2 supervised by two senior re-
searchers. Thus, this table presents an instance of the
characterization map presented in Section 4.1.
We cannot present the concrete prototype that we used
because it is property of G7 Innovation but if any reader is
interested in knowing more about the prototype and iMedea,
please contact with authors to share information.
In table, we find each question in columns and
each tool in rows. Each cell presents the results of
the evaluation of each question for each tool. In each
cell, three values are possible:
Y: It means “Yes” and represents that this tool
completely answers this question.
N: It means “No” and represents that this tool
does not support this question at all.
P: It means “Partially” and represents that this
tool only supports this question partially.
From Table 2 we found that none tool is completely
suitable for our aim. We analyze in detail.
Q01 - Does it allow to convert or export prototypes
into multiple formats, such as XML and HTML?
Only three tools support this requirement. It is some-
thing very relevant because we require to get a for-
mat that we can analyze and generate analysis source
products from them.
Q02 - Is the conversion done correctly, exporting it
with the correct tags?
To answer this question, we test the tool with a real
prototype for iMedea. We detected that conversion or
generation (in the tools that allow some of that) have
fails or produce different mistakes.
Q03 - Is possible to interact with the system via Ap-
plication Programming Interface (API)?
Only two tools offer this possibility to us. The global
idea that we have it is to analyze the “core” of our
prototypes and to generate analysis and/or design el-
ements from it, for instance, using mechanisms like
Model Driven Engineering, but, if we are closed to its
“core”, the tool must be completely discarded.
Q04 - Also to convert into different formats, does the
tool allow to create its own mock-ups in HTML or
another typed language?
Different formats are not so relevant for iMedea
project because the environment is a fixed one, but,
if we think a bigger company with different environ-
ments, it can be a very restrictive aspect. In this sense,
none tool allows to convert in different formats.
Q05 - Are there versions of the tool for the main op-
erative system such as Windows, Mac OS and Linux?
This question is, like question Q04, more relevant for
big companies. As can be deduced from Table 2, tools
are focused on a concrete format.
Automatic Reuse of Prototypes in Software Engineering: A Survey of Available Tools
Table 1: Overview of selected tools.
ID Tool Description Advantages Disadvantages
A01 Balsamiq
Application that facilitates
and speed up the creation of
sketches, both for web and
Simplicity. Finished unprofessional.
Payment version.
A02 Microsoft
sion Blend
Blend, 2019)
Professional tool of design,
with the final purpose to pro-
vide experiences of users at-
Finished profes-
Payment version.
A03 Adobe XD
(Adobe XD,
Tool based in vectors to de-
sign and create prototypes of
the user experience for ap-
Finished pro-
Free version.
Complex use.
A04 moqups (Mo-
qups, 2019)
Web application simplified
and intuitive that helps to
create and collaborate in
wireframes, models, dia-
grams and prototypes.
User friendly. Payment version.
A05 invision (Invi-
sion, 2019)
Platform of design of digital
products that is used to cre-
ate the best experiences of
clients of the world.
Finished profes-
sional. User friendly.
It has not API.
A06 Zeplin
Application to use in team,
to the design with guides of
precise style or code frag-
ments automatically.
Intuitive use. Payment version.
A07 Zamzar (Za-
mzar, 2019)
Web application that allows
to convert Mockups made
in PowerPoints into HTML,
XML and other languages.
Easy and intuitive.
It has API.
Payment version.
Poor conversion.
A08 Wireframe
Tool to create wireframes,
models and prototypes for
applications, is multiplat-
Compatibility with
Eclipse IDE.
Finished unprofes-
Use few intuitive.
A09 Justinmind
Tool to create prototype
adapted to mobiles.
Intuitive use. Payment version.
A10 Axure (Ax-
ure, 2019)
Tool to create prototypes
and convert them into other
Finished pro-
Adapted to mobile.
Easy and intuitive.
It has API.
Payment version.
Q06 - Is the complete system free?
We can deduce that there is no tool is completely free
access. It should be not a big problem but, if we ana-
lyze the requirements that non-free access tools offer
in the rest aspect, it is difficult to justify the invest-
ment in a SME company for acquired a tool. This is
a relevant question, since the costs of the tools should
not be ignored, even if they differ greatly from per-
sonal expenses.
Q07 - In the case that the tool is paid, are there li-
censes for students and universities?
In our environment, this question is quite relevant,
perhaps, it is not so relevant for enterprise environ-
WEBIST 2019 - 15th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Table 2: Characterization map.
Q01 Q02 Q03 Q04 Q05 Q06 Q07 Q08 Q09 Q10 Totals
A01 P N N N P P N Y P N Y: 1 N: 5 P: 4
A02 N N N N N P N N P Y Y: 1 N: 7 P: 2
A03 Y N P N N P N N P Y Y: 2 N: 5 P: 3
A04 Y N P N P P N N P Y Y: 2 N: 4 P: 4
A05 P Y N N P P N N P Y Y: 2 N: 4 P: 4
A06 P N P N P P N N P Y Y: 1 N: 4 P: 5
A07 Y P Y N Y P P P N Y Y: 4 N: 2 P: 4
A08 P P N N N P N N P N Y: 0 N: 6 P: 4
A09 P N P N P P N N P Y Y: 1 N: 4 P: 5
A10 P N Y P Y P N P P Y Y: 3 N: 2 P: 5
ment, but universities and students are a very relevant
community to test, to improve or even to analyze tools
like this one. We can see that very few consider this
Q08 - Does the tool receive periodically updates and
is followed by a community?
To have a relevant community or support is essential
in any tool acquisition. From results in Table 2, we
deduce that few of tools have a good or a partially
good community to support its implantation.
Q09 - Does the tool have a good customer service?
To answer this question, we have navigated by cus-
tomer client services of the different tools. We have
analyzed opinions and, in general, it seems not to be
too much critics to the support. However, we consider
that this question should be analyzed under a contract
in case of acquiring a tool and it depends of the con-
crete environment where it will be used.
Q10 - Is the system intuitive and user friendly?
To answer this question, we value the environment by
ourselves experiences. As we introduced, it is a pre-
liminary study and it was executed in a very concrete
environment with few resources (only two junior soft-
ware engineers as testers). However, in general, we
consider that tools are friendly and easy to use. It is
relevant in environments like iMedea one, because in
companies, mainly in SME, the cost of the learning
curve in new tools is a critical aspect to be consid-
Finally, with learned lessons, we consider that,
with this very preliminary work, the current situation
shows that there is an important gap in software en-
gineering in this aspect. It opens a tool for our future
research with the assurance that it is also relevant for
This paper has presented a preliminary comparative
study about tools for software prototyping. Starting
from a real problem detected in our experience with
companies, the scenario presented in Section 2, we
try to follow Escalona et al. (Escalona et al., 2014) to
compare and try to the current situation.
In the context of a very concrete problem, a
SME called G7 Innovation, which develops a con-
crete product based on prototypes called iMedea, we
have defined a characterization schema based on ten
relevant questions. With a team composed by two ju-
nior software engineers, these questions have been an-
swered for each tool.
We are aware that this study has important gaps
that we want to try to solve in our future works. First,
searching was not exhaustive. After this study, we
are considering trying to make a research SLR to try
to look, not tools, just approaches or research related
with our aims to try to find inspiration about how to
try to solve the problem. In fact, we read previous ex-
perience, like NDT-Prototypes (Garc
ıa et al.,
2012) that proposes to use Model-Driven Engineer-
ing, it could be a future way to consider.
Other important gap is about the definition of the
schema. The definition of the questions was made in
the concrete context of iMedea and we must improve
them defined research questions that cover a higher
Searching criteria is also a very important gap. As
we introduce, classical research search engines were
not a good alternative because we were looking for
tools. Obviously, if we want to execute a SLR, we
have not only to define a good set of research ques-
tion, just also a good set of search criteria.
Despite of these gaps, we can conclude that this
preliminary evaluation, opens an important opportu-
Automatic Reuse of Prototypes in Software Engineering: A Survey of Available Tools
nity to research. Obviously, the situation of G7 In-
novation and iMedea is very frequently, so the enter-
prise requires this kind of solutions. With this study,
we have put the first seed to start to research and to
develop solutions in this direction.
This research has been supported by the Polo-
las project (TIN2016-76956-C3-2-R) of the Spanish
Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. We want
to thank Professor Mar
ıa J. Escalona for her support
in this study and G7 Innovation for its support in the
comparative evaluation and in the use of iMedea ex-
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