Enhancements for Sliding Window based Stream Classification
Engin Maden
and Pinar Karagoz
Department of Information Technologies, The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey, Ankara, Turkey
Department of Computer Engineering, Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey
Streaming Data, Stream Mining, Classification, kNN, Naive Bayes, Sliding Window.
In stream mining, there are several limitations on the classification process, since the time and resource are
limited. The data is read only once and the whole history of data can not be stored. There are several methods
developed so far such as stream based adaptations of decision trees, nearest-neighbor methods and neural
network classifiers. This paper presents new enhancements on sliding window based classification methods.
As the first modification, we use the traditional kNN (K-Nearest Neighbors) method in a sliding window
and include the mean of the previous instances as a nearest neighbor instance. By this, we aim to associate
the behaviour pattern coming from the past and current state of data. We call this method as m-kNN (Mean
extended kNN). As the second enhancement, we generate an ensemble classifier as the combination of our
m-kNN with traditional kNN and Naive Bayes classifier. We call this method CSWB (Combined Sliding
Window Based) classifier. We present the accuracy of our methods on several datasets in comparison to the
results against the state-of-the-art classifiers MC-NN (Micro Cluster Nearest Neighbor) and VHT (Vertical
Hoeffding Tree). The results reveal that the proposed method performs better for several data sets and have
potential for further improvement.
The amount of data that is obtained from different
sources such as telecommunication, credit card us-
age and social media is getting higher and it has be-
come important to extract valuable information from
such data sources. There are several characteristics of
data streams that can be summarized as follows (Ste-
fanowski and Brzezinski, 2017):
The flow of data is continuous.
The volume of data is high.
The arrival rate of data is rapid.
The distribution of data may change over time.
Conventional data mining tasks such as classifica-
tion and clustering can be applied on streaming data,
as well. However, as given in (Bifet et al., 2010), there
are several limitations for a stream classifier:
During streaming, instances can be examined only
one by one, each can be examined only once.
The memory resource is limited in comparison to
the amount of streaming data, hence it is not fea-
sible to make batch processing.
It is necessary to process data fast in order to re-
spond (near) real time.
In this paper, we propose an enhancement of kNN
where it is applied in a sliding window approach. To
deal with infinite data streams, windowing is com-
monly used in stream processing. A window can
be defined as a set of stream elements within a cer-
tain time frame. There are two common types of
sliding windows, which are time-based and count-
based. In time-based sliding windows, a time inter-
val is used for specifying the borders of the window
while the count of instances specifies these borders in
count-based ones (Badiozamany, 2016). In this pa-
per, count-based sliding window is used to process
the data streams. Our method is called m-kNN (mean
extended kNN) and in this method traditional kNN is
applied in a sliding window. Additionally, one of the
k-nearest neighbors is obtained among the centroids
(the mean values of the features) of the classes. The
class centroid, which is the most similar to the incom-
ing instance, is considered as the k
nearest neigh-
bor. As the second enhancement, a combined version
of m-kNN, traditional kNN and Naive Bayes is ap-
plied in sliding window mechanism, and this method
is called CSWB (Combined Sliding Window Based)
Maden, E. and Karagoz, P.
Enhancements for Sliding Window based Stream Classification.
DOI: 10.5220/0008356501810189
In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2019), pages 181-189
ISBN: 978-989-758-382-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The contribution of this work is as follows:
m-kNN is presented to associate the behaviour
pattern coming from the past and current state of
An ensemble classifier called CSWB is developed
as the combination of our m-kNN with traditional
kNN and Naive Bayes classifier.
These two enhancements are evaluated on several
data sets from different domains. The experiments
reveal that the enhancements provide higher accu-
racy values for several of the data sets, and have
potential for further improvement.
This paper is organized as follows: In Section 2,
the basis technique of the proposed method and the
algorithms used for comparison are described. In Sec-
tion 3, related studies are summarized. In Section
4, proposed enhancements for sliding window based
stream classification are described in details. In Sec-
tion 5, experiments and results are presented. Finally,
the paper is concluded with an overview in Section 6.
kNN is one of the well-known algorithms in classifi-
cation task. In kNN, prediction for the new incom-
ing sample is performed by searching through the en-
tire training set. The similarity between the incom-
ing sample and previously classified instances is de-
termined by distance calculation. In this work, we use
Euclidean Distance in kNN process for similarity cal-
Once the similarity values are available, the first
k instances, which are the nearest neighbors for the
sample to be classified, are determined. The next step
is to determine the class label of the incoming in-
stance under majority voting among the neighbours.
For accuracy comparison, we implemented the
streaming version of MC-NN as a state-of-the-art
streaming classifier in the literature (Tennant et al.,
2017). MC-NN uses micro-clusters in the nearest
neighbor approach. There are two measures for each
micro cluster in MC-NN as follows:
Error Count: It is the count of misclassified
instances for the micro cluster. It is initially 0
and incremented by 1 for incorrect classifications.
Similarly, it is decremented by 1 for correct clas-
Participation Percentage: It is the degree of re-
cency for the micro-cluster and calculated accord-
ing to the timestamp of the instances in the micro-
cluster when they participate.
The flow of the MC-NN can be summarized as
Calculate the centroids of the current micro-
clusters (Each micro-cluster contains instances
belonging to the same class).
Calculate the Euclidean distance between each
centroid and the new distance.
Assign the instance to the nearest micro-cluster.
Check if the assigned value is equal to the ac-
tual class label of the instance.
If the classification is correct, decrease the error
count of the micro-cluster by 1.
Otherwise, add the instance to the nearest Micro-
Cluster that matches the instance’s class label.
Increment the error count of both involved
If the error count of any of these two micro-
clusters exceeds the error threshold, calculate
the variance value for each attribute and split
the micro-cluster according to this attribute.
Calculate the participation percentage for each
Delete any micro-cluster having participation per-
centage lower than the performance threshold.
When the error count exceeds the error threshold,
the variance of each feature is calculated. For the fea-
ture having the maximum variance, the mean value is
calculated. According to this mean value, the cluster
is split into two new micro clusters.
Recency of current micro clusters refers to
whether a micro cluster is old, and hence should be
deleted or not. It is determined through participation
percentage, which is the ratio of the sum of times-
tamps of instances in micro cluster to the real triangu-
lar number of micro cluster. The real triangular num-
ber of a micro cluster is calculated as the difference
between the triangular number for current timestamp
and the initial triangular number for the micro cluster.
The initial triangular number is calculated with the
timestamp value for the micro cluster when the micro
cluster is generated and the first instance is assigned
to this micro cluster (Tennant et al., 2017). If the par-
ticipation percentage for a micro cluster is lower than
a given threshold, the micro cluster is deleted.
The other method from literature we use for ac-
curacy comparison is Vertical Hoeffding Tree (VHT).
It is implemented in Apache SAMOA (Scalable Ad-
vanced Massive Online Analysis) framework
is a distributed classifier and it uses vertical paral-
lelism. Vertical parallelism partitions the instances
KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
according to the attributes and enables parallel pro-
cessing. The number of attributes in each partition
is decided by the division of the number of total at-
tributes and the number of partitions. The algorithm
is executed in parallel on the attributes in each parti-
tion and the best local attribute for split operation is
selected. Following this, the results of these parallel
computations are combined in order to select the best
global attribute to split, and to grow the tree (Kourtel-
lis et al., 2016).
In the literature of stream mining, there is a variety
of studies on stream classification including nearest
neighbor methods, decision tree based methods and
ensemble classifiers. One of such studies is VHT, in
which a vertical parallelism is applied on the features
of streaming data (Kourtellis et al., 2016). Another
one is MC-NN which is a data stream classifier based
on the statistical summary of data (Tennant et al.,
2017). Both of these methods, as described in Section
2, are used for comparison. In (Tennant et al., 2014),
the kNN is applied within sliding windows. We used
this method for accuracy comparison, as well.
Another windowing approach for stream learning
is PAW (Probabilistic Adaptive Window), which in-
cludes a mechanism to include older examples as well
as the most recent ones. Therefore, it is possible to
maintain information on past concept drifts while be-
ing able to adapt quickly to new ones (Bifet et al.,
Law and Zaniolo propose ANNCAD (Adaptive
Nearest Neighbor Classification Algorithm for Data
Streams), which is an incremental classification al-
gorithm using a multi-resolution data representation
to find adaptive nearest neighbors of a given data in-
stance. As the basic difference from the traditional
kNN method, instead of using a fixed number of
neighbors, they adaptively expand the neighborhood
area until the classification reaches a satisfactory level
(Law and Zaniolo, 2005).
ADWIN (ADaptive WINdowing) is a method of-
fered to maintain a window of variable size. In AD-
WIN2, the method is further improved for memory
usage and time efficiency. The authors further com-
bine ADWIN2 with the Naive Bayes classifier and
analyse their method using synthetic and real world
data sets (Bifet and Gavalda, 2007).
Stefanowski proposes a new data stream classi-
fier called the AUE2 (Accuracy Updated Ensemble).
The aim of this classifier is reacting equally well to
different types of drift. AUE2 combines accuracy-
based weighting mechanisms and Hoeffding Trees
(Brzezinski and Stefanowski, 2013).
Another ensemble classification algorithm is pro-
posed in (Chen et al., 2018) in order to deal with noise
and concept drift in streams. This algorithm is based
on attribute reduction and makes use of sliding win-
dow. It is aimed to reach a high performance in noisy
data streams with low computation complexity.
Fong et al. propose an improved version of VFDT
(Very Fast Decision Tree) that makes use of mis-
classified results for post-learning. Their approach
is called MR (Misclassified Recall) and it is a post-
processing step for relearning a new concept. They
apply their method on HAR (Human Activity Recog-
nition) dataset where most misclassified instances be-
long to ambiguous movements (Fong et al., 2017).
In this work, we propose two enhancements for the
use of kNN on stream classification under sliding
window. The first one is called m-kNN (Mean Ex-
tended kNN), which utilizes traditional kNN with the
addition that one of the neighbors is chosen out of the
current window to reflect the past behavior. The sec-
ond one is called CSWB (Combined Sliding Window
Based) and it is a combination of m-kNN, kNN and
Naive Bayes.
4.1 m-kNN Classifier
In m-kNN, we apply kNN within sliding windows
with the difference from the traditional kNN that k-1
instances are selected within the window, whereas the
last instance is used as an average of the history. At
the beginning of the method we fill the current win-
dow with the most recent past instances. After that,
within the current window, by using Euclidean dis-
tance, k-1 nearest neighbors of the incoming instance
are found. Additionally, we also calculate centroids
of the classes by using the past instances. Hence, we
obtain class representatives from the history. Among
the class representatives, we determine the most sim-
ilar one, and this instance is used as the k
neighbor. As in the conventional kNN, the class la-
bel is determined with majority voting among these k
Assuming that we learn the actual class of the in-
stance in the next time instance, the representative of
Enhancements for Sliding Window based Stream Classification
the class is updated. In order to slide the window, this
instance is pushed into the head of the window, and
the oldest instance is removed.
The algorithm for m-kNN can be summarized as
given in Algorithm 1.
In order to further improve the method for a dy-
namic and adaptive nature, a dynamic size for slid-
ing window is elaborated on. Additionally, using a
dynamic number of nearest neighbors obtained class
representatives is included as well. Finally, misclassi-
fied instances in the current window are replaced with
the these instances obtained from the class represen-
Using a Dynamic Size for Sliding Window: For
this approach we have an error count that indicates
the count of misclassified instances in the cur-
rent window. If this count exceeds a pre-defined
threshold value, we discard the portion of the win-
dow including the first misclassified instance. Af-
ter cutting this portion of window, for the next it-
erations where classifications are correct, we con-
tinue to extend the sliding window.
Using a Dynamic Count for the Nearest Neigh-
bors Obtained from Centroids of Classes: For
this approach when the error count exceeds given
threshold, we increment the number of near-
est neighbors obtained from the centroids of the
classes among the K-nearest-neighbors up to a
pre-defined maximum value. As a result, we can
increase the weight of the average values for the
classes. When the error count decreases below the
given threshold, we decrement this count for near-
est neighbors.
Replacing Misclassified Instances with Near-
est Centroid of Classes: For this approach, if
the error count exceeds the given threshold, we
replace the first occurrences of misclassified in-
stances with a pre-defined count in the current
4.2 CSWB Classifier
As the second enhancement for sliding window based
classifiers, CSWB is proposed. CSWB combines m-
kNN, Naive Bayes and kNN classifiers. For voting,
we investigate two alternative approaches:
Majority Voting with Equal Weights: In this ap-
proach, after each classifier completes its process,
if at least two of them produce the same result, the
instance is assigned to this class. Otherwise, since
Naive Bayes has high accuracy results in general
according to our experiments, it has a higher pri-
ority to determine the class label.
Algorithm 1: m-kNN.
Input : Data stream, parameter for kNN: k, the
size of the sliding window: n
Output: Class label assigned to instance: assCla
f :number of features;
c: number of class labels;
claLab[c][ f ]: Features list for each class label;
, i
, ..., i
Put the first n 1 instances into sliding window;
for ( i = 0; i < c; i + + ) {
for ( j = 0; j < f ; j + + ) {
claLab[i][j]:=mean value of feature;
Calculate the mean values of features
for each class;
ins: incoming instance in data stream;
eucDis[n 1]: Euclidean Distances;
for ( i = 0; i < n 1; i + + ) {
Calculate Euclidean Distance between each
element in the sliding window and incoming
neaNei[]:=k-1 nearest neighbors to ins;
eucDis[c]: Euclidean Distances;
Find the k 1 nearest neighbors of incoming
sample in sliding window;
for ( i = 0; i < c; i + + ) {
Calculate Euclidean Distance between ins
and each class with the previously calculated
average values of attributes
neaNei[k]:=Nearest neighbor to ins in claLab[];
Add the nearest class to the k 1 neighbors
assCla:=Class label having the majority in
k-nearest neighbors;
Assume that we learn the actual label of the
instance after classification;
for ( i = 0; i < c; i + + ) {
for ( j = 0; j < f ; j + + ) {
Update the mean values of features for
this actual class of the instance;
Add ins to the sliding window;
Remove w[0] from sliding window;
Update the sliding window;
return assCla;
Voting with Current Accuracy: In this version,
we keep the accuracy values up to the new clas-
sification step and sum up the accuracy values for
classifiers having the same result. Finally, we as-
sign the instance to the class having the highest
total accuracy value.
KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
5.1 Experiment-1: Analysis on m-kNN
In this experiment we have used four real-world
datasets. The details of data sets used in this exper-
iment can be given as follows:
KDD Cup 99’: The data set, which is about net-
work intrusion
, includes 42 attributes and con-
tains about 10M instances. In our experiments,
we used a 10% portion containing about 494K in-
Electricity Market: The data set contains in-
stances collected from the Australian New South
Wales Electricity Market
. In this electricity mar-
ket, there are not fixed prices and they are affected
by demand and supply. The prices are set ev-
ery five minutes. The data set contains 45312 in-
stances and the class label identifies the change of
the price relative to a moving average of the last
24 hours.
Forest Cover Type: The data set contains obser-
vations about forest cover types of 30 x 30 meter
cells in US
. The instances in this data set have
54 attributes such as elevation, aspect and slope.
Air Quality: It is about the amount of several
chemicals in the air
. We have used the values
for the amounts of chemicals such as tin oxide, ti-
tania, tungsten oxide and indium oxide. We have
clustered the values of indium oxide and deter-
mine the labels for classification.
We implemented m-kNN and MC-NN and
also we used Apache SAMOA to execute VHT
method. For m-kNN our parameters are k=10, win-
dow size=100 and for MC-NN error threshold=5,
performance threshold=0.75.
The results of our tests for our m-kNN method,
VHT and MC-NN on KDD Cup 99, Electricity Mar-
ket, Forest Cover Type, and Air Quality datasets are
given in Figure 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. In these
figures, the highest accuracy values for each method
among the results obtained with different parameters
are taken into account.
According to the results of our experiments, we
can see that our m-kNN method has a high accuracy
for KDD Cup 99’ data set as 99%. It also has the
best accuracy values for Air Quality data set. On the
other hand, it has lower accuracy values for Electricity
Figure 1: Accuracy for KDD Cup 99’ in Experiment 1.
Figure 2: Accuracy for Electricity Market in Experiment 1.
Figure 3: Accuracy for Forest Cover Type in Experiment 1.
Figure 4: Accuracy for Air Quality in Experiment 1.
Market and Forest Cover Type data sets with respect
to MC-NN.
Enhancements for Sliding Window based Stream Classification
5.2 Experiment-2: Analysis on CSWB
In this experiment, we used several other data sets
from real-world and also two synthetic data sets.
Appliances Energy Prediction: The samples in
this data set were collected periodically with an
interval of 10 min for about 4.5 months
. We used
the columns temperature in living room, outside
temperature, outside pressure, wind speed and the
energy consumption in the data set. We clustered
the values of energy consumption and determine
the labels for classification .
Human Activity Recognition (HAR): This data
set is obtained from the recordings of 30 subjects
performing activities of daily living while carry-
ing a waist-mounted smartphone with embedded
inertial sensors
. There are 561 attributes and
10299 instances in this data set .
ATM Terminal Data Sets: This data set con-
tains amount of money withdrawn from ATM
machines. Each data instance contains an identity
for the ATM machine, a date and an amount.
We used the data of two ATM terminals for one
year period and duplicated this data to a period
of 20 years. We also extracted several features
including month, day of month, day of week and
is work day from the date information. To label
the instances we discretized the amount of money
feature by applying k-Means clustering. This is
the first version of our ATM data set (ATM v1).
As the second version we also added several other
features on weather conditions as temperature,
humidity and wind speed by using the location of
ATM terminal (ATM v2).
SEA: This is a synthetic data set that contains
60,000 examples, 3 attributes and 2 classes
. In
this dataset, the attributes are numeric between 0
and 10 (Street and Kim, 2001).
Hyperplane: This is another synthetic data set,
which contains 10,000 instances with 10 attributes
and 2 classes
For the first part of the analysis we conducted ex-
periments by adding enhancements for making our m-
kNN method more dynamic and adaptive. In the anal-
ysis, each of the following enhancements is applied
Using a dynamic size for sliding window
Using a dynamic count for the nearest neighbors
obtained from centroids of classes
Replacing misclassified instances with nearest
centroid of classes
The results of this experiment are given in Table
1. According to the results we can see that the method
with dynamic number of nearest neighbors lowers the
accuracy values and the other enhancements do not
change the results.
For the second part of this experiment, we applied
m-kNN (without dynamic and adaptive extensions),
Naive Bayes, traditional kNN, and CSWB classifier
in two versions of voting. The results of our tests on
the data set for our m-kNN method, VHT and MC-
NN are given in Figure 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
and 14.
Figure 5: Accuracy for KDD CUP 99 in Experiment 2.
Figure 6: Accuracy for Air Quality in Experiment 2.
KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 1: Results after enhancements for m-kNN are enabled.
Dataset Original
Dynamic count of
nearest mean enabled
Replace with nearest
mean enabled
ATM v1 0.29 0.29 0.14 0.29
KDD CUP 99 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99
Air Quality 0.75 0.75 0.70 0.75
Appliances Energy 0.61 0.61 0.57 0.61
Electricity 0.73 0.73 0.73 0.73
Hyperplane 0.74 0.74 0.60 0.74
SEA 0.82 0.82 0.77 0.82
HAR 0.81 0.81 0.78 0.81
Forest Cover Type 0.73 0.73 0.72 0.80
Table 2: Summary of the results in Experiment-2.
Dataset k window size mkNN kNN Naive Bayes CSWB v1 CSWB v2
Air Quality 5 100 0.77 0.77 0.76 0.78 0.78
5 25 0.64 0.63 0.63 0.64 0.64
5 500 0.63 0.63 0.51 0.63 0.64
HAR 5 250 0.91 0.91 0.87 0.92 0.92
HAR 5 500 0.92 0.92 0.82 0.93 0.93
ATM v2 5 25 0.30 0.35 0.31 0.36 0.36
ATM v2 5 50 0.32 0.38 0.31 0.39 0.39
ATM v2 5 250 0.30 0.42 0.32 0.43 0.43
Figure 7: Accuracy for Appliances Energy Pred. in Ex.2.
Figure 8: Accuracy for Electricity Market in Experiment 2.
Figure 9: Accuracy for Human Activity Recognition in Ex-
periment 2.
Figure 10: Accuracy for Forest Cover Type in Ex.2.
Enhancements for Sliding Window based Stream Classification
Figure 11: Accuracy for ATM v1 in Experiment 2.
Figure 12: Accuracy for ATM v2 in Experiment 2.
Figure 13: Accuracy for SEA in Experiment 2.
Figure 14: Accuracy for Hyperplane in Experiment 2.
When we compare the results under equal valued
parameters, we can see that m-kNN and CSWB meth-
ods have better results that the other methods for sev-
eral data sets. These results are given in the Table 2.
In this experiment we have used k values: {5, 10} and
window size values:{25, 50, 100, 250, 500}.
For each method we have taken the highest accu-
racy into account for these varying parameters. Ac-
cording to the results among these 10 data sets we
can see that m-kNN has the highest accuracy for 3
of the data sets and CSWB classifier is the best for 6
of the data sets. When we analyse the results in Ta-
ble 2, we can see that our enhancements give better
results when k=5 with respect to k=10. This may in-
dicate that making k respectively smaller can reveal
the effect of additional nearest instance coming from
the mean values of attributes and increasing k may de-
grade the success of our enhancements.
In this work we focused on streaming data classifica-
tion, which attracts attention as a comparatively new
research problem. We propose new enhancements, m-
kNN and CSWB classifiers, for sliding window based
methods in data streams.
Since our enhancements are based on sliding win-
dow approach and we only keep the instances in the
current window from the whole data stream, they are
scalable for data streams with huge sizes. The mem-
ory space required to execute these enhancements are
proportional to the window size plus the number of
class labels, as the instances having the current mean
values for the features are maintained throughout the
execution process of data stream.
We analyzed the performance of the proposed
methods on data sets from different domains. For
the comparison, we implemented MC-NN, and used
VHT implementation in Apache SAMOA. Addition-
ally, we applied Naive Bayes and traditional kNN in
sliding window mechanism for accuracy comparison.
We have also elaborated on several variations for a
more adaptive and dynamic structure, however they
did not improve the accuracy.
According to the results obtained from different
data sets, our approaches have higher accuracy values
with respect to other methods for several data sets.
When we review the results of our experiments we
can see that m-kNN has lower accuracy values for
some datasets such as Electricty Market. This can
be related with the poor assocation between the cur-
rent state of the data and the behaviour pattern coming
from the past.
KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
As a result it can be concluded that sharp changes
in data streams can lower the accuracy performance
of m-kNN and it can be preferred when there is a
stronger linkage and a slight transition between the
past and current state of the data. For the future work,
we plan to further analyse failure cases to be able de-
vise improvements and for CSWB classifier different
classifiers from the literature can be combined with
m-kNN to improve the accuracy performance further.
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Enhancements for Sliding Window based Stream Classification