Association and Temporality between News and Tweets
ania Moutinho
, Pavel Brazdil
1 a
and Jo
ao Cordeiro
1,2 b
LIAAD, INESC TEC – Institute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science,
Rua Dr. Roberto Frias, 4200, Porto, Portugal
HULTIG – Centre of Human Language Technology and Bioinformatics, Universidade da Beira Interior,
Rua Marqu
es d’
Avila e Bolama, 6200, Covilh
a, Portugal
Text Mining, Temporal Analysis, Clustering of News, Evolution of Occurrence, Time-wise Differences.
With the advent of social media, the boundaries of mainstream journalism and social networks are becoming
blurred. User-generated content is increasing, and hence, journalists dedicate considerable time searching
platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to announce, spread, and monitor news and crowd check informa-
tion. Many studies have looked at social networks as news sources, but the relationship and interconnections
between this type of platform and news media have not been thoroughly investigated. In this work, we have
studied a series of news articles and examined a set of related comments on a social network during a period
of six months. Specifically, a sample of articles from generalist Portuguese news sources published on the
first semester of 2016 was clustered, and the resulting clusters were then associated with tweets of Portuguese
users with the recourse to a similarity measure. Focusing on a subset of clusters, we have performed a tem-
poral analysis by examining the evolution of the two types of documents (articles and tweets) and the timing
of when they appeared. It appears that for some stories, namely Brexit and the European Football Cup, the
publishing of news articles intensifies on key dates (event-oriented), while the discussion on social media is
more balanced throughout the months leading up to those events.
The advent of social media is gradually changing the
way information is disseminated and, moreover, pos-
sibly shifting the roles of news makers and news re-
cipients. According to (Kaplan and Haenlein, 2010),
social media is the set of applications based on the
Internet where user generated content (UGC) is cre-
ated, modified and exchanged in a collaborative and
participatory way.
Journalism and social media have become more
intricately interconnected. Traditionally, people re-
sort to mainstream media to know what is happen-
ing in the world. However, this dynamic has been
changing in recent years, at least for some news top-
ics. This is due to the fact that a great proportion of
the world population has access to platforms which
broadcast real time events. According to data from
(2019), 57.54% are active internet users, and
45.38% are active social media users. Consequently,
the beginning of the process of news generation and
dissemination has in some cases changed the way
journalism is done. It has been recognized in vari-
ous studies (Newman, 2009; DVJ Insights and ING
The Netherlands, 2015) that journalists spend a con-
siderable amount of their time scouting social media
for interesting topics to write about, relying on these
platforms as more or less reliable sources.
It is therefore relevant to study how events or news
come about on these two types of platforms news
articles and social posts. Of particular interest is the
issue of how and when they arise, disseminate, gain
strength and die. The main objective of our work is to
focus on the timing of their generation and the inten-
sity with which they occur in both media and exploit
text mining techniques for this aim.
In this preliminary study, we are especially inter-
ested in comparing press publication moments with
the community discussion moments, in social media,
for different kinds of topics: longstanding, entity-
oriented, and event-oriented. What are the new tem-
poral trends? Are events first discussed in social me-
dia, becoming later main-stream media, or still in the
other way around? Understanding these temporal dy-
Moutinho, V., Brazdil, P. and Cordeiro, J.
Association and Temporality between News and Tweets.
DOI: 10.5220/0008362105000507
In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2019), pages 500-507
ISBN: 978-989-758-382-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
namics are a crucial issue for many other fields. In
our findings, we have observed that the trend in the
origin of news stories is shifting from traditional me-
dia to social media, at least for certain event-oriented
The literature concerning Twitter and news is often
directed at using tweets as a single news source. In-
deed, there are some studies where Twitter is regarded
as a substitute of (rather than complementary platform
to) traditional news sources (e.g. (Sankaranarayanan
et al., 2009; Zhao et al., 2011; Phuvipadawat and Mu-
rata, 2010)). The main reason for this is perhaps the
realization that some news break first on Twitter. For
example, (Hu et al., 2012) have shown that the cap-
ture and death of Osama Bin Laden was made public
on Twitter at least 20 minutes sooner than on major
U.S. television channels. The authors argue that this
may happen due to the role of a particular set of influ-
ential users, namely journalists and politicians, whose
credibility instantly leads to an immediate reaction on
social networks.
Sankaranarayanan et al. (Sankaranarayanan et al.,
2009) built a tool called TwitterStand with the goal of
collecting and diffusing breaking news quicker than
conventional news media. This system performs on-
line clustering on filtered tweets from a set of manu-
ally selected seeders users that usually post news.
In addition, it performs periodic checks to avoid frag-
mentation and ensure minimal duplication of clusters.
Also, it takes advantage of information in the content
of the tweet and/or the user’s profile to associate top-
ics to geographic locations. The authors believe that
if tweets belonging to a certain cluster mostly come
from one location or a set of close locations, then the
topic of that cluster is likely to pertain to that geo-
graphical area.
Zhao et al. (Zhao et al., 2011) used a corpus
of news articles from the journal New York Times
(NYT) and tweets from users in Edinburgh, gath-
ered from November 11, 2009 to February 1, 2010,
to investigate how similar the topics in Twitter and
a traditional news source are. Their results showed
some differences regarding the most frequent cate-
gories and types of topics: Twitter users tweet mainly
about family and life, a category not covered by the
NYT; arts is a topic similarly frequent on both Twit-
ter and the NYT; world is much more frequent on
the NYT; lastly, while longstanding topics have an
equally strong presence, the same does not happen for
entity-oriented and event-oriented topics, with Twit-
ter favoring the former and the NYT the latter. Re-
garding long-lasting topics, there is evidence that their
prevalence is not due to an increasing number of users
tweeting about them, but to a set of important users
who discuss it over time (Kwak et al., 2010).
The above findings bring about relevant aspects
of the similarities between Twitter and conventional
news sources. Particularly they emphasize the impor-
tance of a certain type of users in social networks that
foster their role as a news medium. Still, while the
reputation and popularity of users is relatively high
regarding new information (Hu et al., 2012), the com-
munication structure set upon follower/followee rela-
tionships makes Twitter a fast information diffusion
network. In fact, this propagation may in some cases
not depend entirely on the first user’s network: (Kwak
et al., 2010) have found that if a message is retweeted,
it quickly reaches an average of 1,000 users, regard-
less of the number of followers of the first user. This is
what the authors call “the emergence of collective in-
telligence”, in the sense that individuals decide what
information is good enough to spread and once that
decision is made, it almost instantly reaches a mas-
sive audience.
None of the above works studied the issue of tem-
porality between news items and Twitter posts. This
motivated us to pursue this issue and report our find-
ings in this article.
The methodology used here is illustrated in Fig. 1.
It involves four main stages, from data gathering to
association and temporality analysis.
First, tweets and news are collected from news
sources and social media. Then, the news items are
clustered into groups of similar news. Afterwards,
tweets about the same news are associated with the
corresponding news clusters. Finally, the association
between news and tweets are examined, both regard-
ing the subject and temporality. The most relevant
parts of this process are detailed in the following sub-
3.1 Description of the Collected Data
The same story or event can be published in many
different articles and shared or commented in many
tweets. Therefore, a set of Portuguese news arti-
cles and tweets, from the first semester of 2016, was
selected from the POPmine plat-form, developed in
SAPO Labs, a large database of news articles and so-
cial media content, automatically crawled from the
Association and Temporality between News and Tweets
Figure 1: The four main stages of our methodology.
Web (Saleiro et al., 2015).
To fulfill our research objectives, we targeted our
data collection on a sample of news stories containing
some degree of discussion on Twitter. This sample
comprises news stories directly referenced in Twitter,
through specific URL pointing to that story, as well as
those without any direct link. We are assuming that
if a tweet contains a link to a news article, then that
tweet is about the same story, naturally meaning that
in terms of temporal order the story came out first on
mainstream news media. But in this study, we also
aim to measure the likelihood of the inverted tempo-
ral order, a new phenomenon with the emergence of
social media. That is, estimating the number of events
and stories that break out first on social media, be-
coming mainstream media later.
Thus, the final sample of data contains 6,074 news
articles and 11,328 tweets, from the same period (the
first semester of 2016), eventually associated with
those news articles. These were selected from an orig-
inal set of near 600 thousand elements, observing the
following three criteria:
We have observed a prevalence of sports topics in
the news articles from the considered period. In
order to obtain a wider range of topics we have
decided to focus only on generalist news sources.
Despite using document vectorization with TF-
IDF and cosine similarity, we noticed that longer
articles are more likely to be grouped together, as
they contain more features, promoting thus doc-
ument similarity. After several clustering trials,
we have decided to only admit documents hav-
ing a length in the range of 100 to 3,349 charac-
ters. The upper bound of 3,349 enables the exclu-
sion of upper outlier documents in terms of doc-
ument length. The lower bound of 100 charac-
ters is used to exclude rather short and uninfor-
mative articles, such as the following examples:
Dados s
ao relativos
a zona euro e
a Uni
ao Eu-
ropeia em geral.”;“Veja na
ıntegra o debate en-
tre os tr
es candidatos presidenciais, transmitido
na SIC Not
ıcias.”. It also prevents some articles
that may not have been fully or correctly collected
from entering the sample.
The final criterion for selecting the articles was
to include both articles that were shared on Twit-
ter and also articles that were not shared. Hence,
50% of the final sample is comprised of online
news articles whose URL was shared in at least
one tweet and 50% of online news articles whose
URL was not found in any of the tweets. There
were 3,037 online news articles with a link to at
least one tweet. The other 50% was randomly as-
sembled, resulting in a final sample of 6,074 arti-
Most of the original 19.4 million Portuguese
tweets from the first semester of 2016 were discarded,
as they report more on personal, family and life sub-
jects, and so irrelevant for our study, as they are not
associated with any new stories. The selection of
tweets potentially relevant for our study was done as
follows. First, 5,664 tweets were selected based on
the presence of an URL to one of the previously se-
lected news articles. Secondly, an equal number of
tweets without any URL were also selected, follow-
ing a process that was both random and con-trolled.
First, 250 thousand tweets with more than 20 charac-
ters were randomly chosen. Then, only those contain-
ing at least one keyword from the clusters (see Section
3.2) of previously selected news, were kept (approxi-
mately 50%). Final-ly, a random subsample of these
was selected. The decision of this selection process
was therefore a compromise between the processing
resources available and the identification of promis-
KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
ing tweets.
Standard pre-processing techniques were applied
to both news articles and tweets, including tokeniza-
tion, lower case conversion, punctuation and numbers
removal, Portuguese stopwords removal and stem-
ming. Additionally, we applied parts-of-speech tag-
ging to identify and keep verbs, nouns or proper
nouns. The recognition of named entities, such as
personalities, names of events and locations, was also
included, as we expected these features to help in
the representation and pattern recognition of groups
of stories or events. This task was done using the
PAMPO method (Rocha et al., 2016), built for the
Portuguese language.
3.2 News Clustering and Labeling
To obtain groups of similar stories clustering tech-
niques were applied to the selected sample of online
news articles. We have identified similar news arti-
cles and tweets and characterized each group with a
number of keywords.
In terms of clustering, the hybrid buckshot method
(Cutting et al., 1992) was used, which combines hi-
erarchical clustering with k-means. The initial cen-
ters for the k-means clustering are chosen by first run-
ning the hierarchical clustering on a sample of
k ·N
news articles, where N represents the number of ar-
ticles, and k the number of centroids. The ideal k
value was chosen based on the representation of the
aggregation indices of the hierarchical clustering and
the representation of the explained inertia, which can
be expressed as a ratio B/T. The term B represents
between-class dispersion, and is measured as the sum
of squared distances of the cluster centers (centroids)
to the center of gravity g. The term T represents the
total dispersion of the data, and is measured as the
sum of squared distances of every observation to the
center of gravity g:
B =
, g)
T =
, g)
The explained inertia (B/T) naturally increases with
the number of clusters. The goal is to find the value
of k for which this value starts to marginally decrease
(the elbow method) (Bholowalia and Kumar, 2014).
In our case this was around k=50. The clusters iden-
tified exhibit non-uniform distribution of documents,
some with large numbers and others with only a few.
The groups of news articles were labeled using
the most significant terms as keywords. The num-
ber of keywords varies according to the cluster size,
so that larger clusters were represented by a larger
set of keywords. Keywords were ordered accord-
ing to their average TF-IDF values within the clus-
ter. As an example, Fig. 2 shows clusters of (a) ar-
ticles related to the Brexit referendum, (b) the first
news about the run of Ant
onio Guterres’ for United
Nations Secretary-General, (c) the European Football
Cup held in France and (d) the Brussels terrorist at-
tack. The names of the clusters were given after an
examination of the list of keywords. We highlight
the importance of named entities identification in this
study, performed using PAMPO (Rocha et al., 2016),
since terms such as Reino Unido (United Kingdom),
ao Europeia (European Union), Nac¸
oes Unidas
(United Nations) and Secret
ario-Geral (Secretary-
General) are often very indicative of the cluster’s
main subject.
In this work we have selected a subset of four clus-
ters for further analysis, based on their size, the topic
addressed and the number of associated tweets. They
were the Brexit, European Football Cup and Air trans-
ports incidents presented above, and also a cluster on
3.3 Assigning Tweets to Clusters
In order to analyse when a certain text or group of
similar texts appear in social networks in comparison
to its press release, there is a need to assign social me-
dia posts to a particular group of similar texts. In this
case, we used a collection of tweets posted during the
same period as the online news articles and assigned
them to the appropriate clusters of articles.
Tweets were assigned to the clusters of news arti-
cles using the cosine similarity measure between each
tweet and the cluster centroids, computed using fea-
ture vectors with normalized TF-IDF values. For each
tweet, the five closest cluster centroids were identi-
fied, and the cluster that was most similar to the tweet
in question was chosen. The sample of tweets is larger
than the sample of articles, and the mean ratio is 1.8
tweets per article. For the clusters under observa-
tion, the ratio is larger than the mean ratio (from 2.1
for cluster Brexit, to 3.9 for cluster Air Transport in-
cidents), with the exception of cluster Politics (0.8).
This is some evidence that the chosen clusters have a
place in the social network discussion.
3.3.1 Assignment
As all the data used in this study are unlabeled, re-
sults cannot be directly evaluated. We addressed this
issue by including tweets with links to clustered news
articles. It can be assumed that if a tweet shares a spe-
cific news article, it should belong to the same clus-
ter. So, we consider the cluster as the real class of
Association and Temporality between News and Tweets
Figure 2: Keyword clouds for four news clusters.
the tweet and compare it with the results of the as-
signment based on similarity to cluster centroids. Ac-
curacy, precision, recall and F1 measures were used
to evaluate these results. In addition, we borrowed
the concept of precision at n (P@n) from the infor-
mation retrieval field (Sch
utze et al., 2008). In this
study, we made the following adaptation: each obser-
vation leads to n predictions, based on the distance to
the closest news centroids. If the true class of a tweet
is in the n-topmost predictions, it is considered as a
true positive. The P@n is therefore the percentage of
observations whose true class is present in the top n
We present the values for P@n, for n up to ve
(see Table 1). In this case, P@5 is 43.3%, which
means that, for 43.3% of the assigned tweets with link
to a news article, the correct cluster was in the top five
Regarding the detailed analysis of our subset of clus-
ters, Brexit has the highest precision value (43.2%)
(see Table 2). However, the value of F1 is higher for
Air transport incidents (39.7%), Football - Euro 2016
(37.0%), and Brexit is in third place (34.7%). These
performance values point to the clusters that are prob-
ably the most reliable for the temporality analysis dis-
cussed in the next section.
Table 1: Global evaluation of tweets assignment to clusters.
Measure Value P@n Value
Accuracy 12.7% P@1 14.2%
MAV Precision 13.8% P@2 21.5%
MAV Recall 33.4% P@3 29.2%
MAV F1 14.7% P@4 36.1%
P@5 43.3%
Table 2: Performance of the selected subset of clusters.
Cluster Precision Recall F1
Air trans. inc. 27.4% 72.2% 39.7%
Foot. Euro 2016 27.4% 57.0% 37.0%
Brexit 43.2% 28.9% 34.7%
Politics 29.7% 1.2% 2.3%
The main goal of this work was to identify similar
stories or events and analyze when they come about
on the news and social media. Given the rise of user
generated content and the current trend of journalists
scouting social media for crowd checking and news
monitoring (DVJ Insights and ING The Netherlands,
2015), the hypothesis is that these two environments
are interconnected. In this section we present the
timeline for all documents in each cluster, in order
to gain insights into the evolution of news generation
and sharing/commenting on Twitter in Portugal.
For this analysis we focused both on tweets that
do not have any link to a news article, as well as on
news articles that were not shared on Twitter. This
prevents a possible bias towards the hypothesis that,
for a given cluster, the discussion on Twitter occurred
after its publication by the press.
Fig. 3 presents the temporal evolution of tweets
and articles for the four clusters under observation.
We recall that Football - Euro 2016, Brexit and Air
transport incidents (includes Brussels attack) were
the clusters with the best F1 scores on the evaluation
of tweets assignment, and that Politics is the largest
cluster, albeit with a lower performance evaluation
(see Table 2).
It is possible to observe that clusters Football - Euro
2016 and Brexit have peaks in the number of articles
KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Figure 3: Evolution of the number of elements.
and tweets at the expected moment: the European
Football Cup started on the 10th of June (week 24)
and the Brexit Referendum took place on the 23rd of
June (week 26). Naturally, both of these events were
subject to discussion in the previous months, as the
National team prepared for the competition and de-
bates concerning Brexit and its consequences inten-
sified. Tweets assigned to Football - Euro 2016 al-
ways surpassed the number of published articles on
a weekly basis, with a global ratio of six tweets to
one news article. This highlights the importance of
this event (Euro 2016) and topic (football) on the Por-
tuguese discussions on Twitter. These time series
show a correlation of 0.84, which may indicate that
football is referred to with the same intensity in the
news and on Twitter. A smoother trend of tweets sur-
passing the number of articles is noticed for Brexit,
with the exception of week 26, when the referendum
occurred, where the number of assigned tweets is ap-
proximately 50% lower than the clustered news arti-
Air transport incidents (includes Brussels attack)
is the smallest cluster under observation, albeit having
scored the highest F1 value. It shows a small rise at
week 13, which was when the bombings in Brussels
Airport and Maalbeck metro station happened. We re-
mark, nevertheless, that if we included shared articles
and tweets with link to them in this analysis, the rise
at week 13 would be significantly larger (18 tweets
and 10 articles versus an average of 0.2 and 1.6 in the
weeks prior to this event).
Politics, the largest cluster of articles and news,
shows a rather smooth evolution in the number of el-
ements, especially on the tweets side. It shows that
for the kind of study further partitioning of this clus-
ter would be desirable in order to identify patterns in
texts possibly different from the ones revealed. This is
the cluster with the lowest ratio of assigned tweets to
articles, which may also be a sign that for this topic,
the keywords generated at the articles level may not
be sufficiently discriminative at the tweets level. The
evaluation measures did, indeed, reveal a large pro-
portion of false negatives for this class. Another pos-
sible line of interpretation is that Portuguese Twitter
users do not, in fact, talk as much about politics when
compared to its importance to the press.
4.1 Time-wise Differences
One way of analyzing the temporality between news
and tweets is to consider the time difference of ev-
ery article in a cluster to its median tweet. The me-
dian tweet is the tweet with median time in the cor-
responding cluster. This brings out a question of how
the press publication timings compare to the moment
when the public discussion is at its highest. The time
difference is computed as a lag variable, that, if posi-
tive, indicates that the article is older than the median
tweet, and the opposite if negative. If the distribution
of this variable is skewed to the right, the stories of
that cluster have a tendency to be first published by
the press; if skewed to the left, the social media dis-
cussion happens sooner than the news. Fig. 4 shows
the representation of the distribution of this lag vari-
Association and Temporality between News and Tweets
Figure 4: Days difference between articles and the median tweet.
able for the considered subset of clusters.
It can be observed that the majority of the articles be-
longing to the cluster Football - Euro 2016 were pub-
lished after the median date of the tweets assigned to
this cluster (a negative days difference). Portuguese
Twitter users seem, therefore, to anticipate the discus-
sion of the national team participation in the compe-
tition in comparison to what happened in the news. A
similar conclusion can be drawn for Brexit: the height
of discussion of Portuguese users of the staying or
leaving of the UK from the European Union happened
on Twitter about two months before it happened in the
These observations lead to the following conclu-
sion: while the news on Football - Euro 2016 and
Brexit were more event-oriented, with peaks of arti-
cles at specific points or short periods of time (e.g.:
the start of the football competition on the 10th of
June; the referendum date announcement in Febru-
ary and the referendum itself on the 23rd of June),
exchange of tweets has happened more evenly dis-
tributed during the period under study.
The Politics cluster does not present any specific
pattern. The Air transport incidents cluster shows
some signs that the press published articles about the
incidents first — in total there were nine articles pub-
lished before the median tweet (positive days dif-
ference) and five articles published after the median
tweet (negative days difference).
We also did this temporality analysis for the whole
dataset, i.e., including shared articles and tweets with
links to them. Conclusions for the selected clusters
have not changed.
This work aimed at providing some insights into the
temporal relationship of texts that appear both as news
articles and in social networks in Portugal. The strat-
egy was to investigate what were the main themes
published and how they behaved in terms of the num-
ber of articles and social media posts during a reason-
ably long period.
To that end, a sample of online news articles
from generalist news sources was subject to text clus-
tering techniques, and 50 groups of similar articles
were identified. These were subsequently labelled
with keywords. The groups included articles on foot-
ball related events and teams, terrorist attacks and
other international incidents, elections, accidents, in-
vestigations, political parties, ministerial actions, eco-
nomic/financial reports and weather warnings, among
Then, to associate tweets with the groups of news
articles, we used a sample of tweets and assigned
them to the clusters using a similarity measure. This
assignment was evaluated using tweets with a news
article URL. The fact that tweets contain very few
terms makes this task rather difficult. Also, as the
number of classes is large, we cannot expect a very
high accuracy. The default accuracy for 50 classes
KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
with equal distribution of examples in training would
be 1/50, i.e. only 2%. The accuracy achieved was
12.7%, that is substantially higher than the default.
Four clusters for which the evaluation was con-
siderably above average, were chosen for the sub-
sequent study of the temporality between news and
tweets. These were Brexit, Football - Euro 2016, Air
transport incidents and Politics. Regarding Football
- Euro 2016 the football national team was a rather
constant subject of discussion on social media in the
first semester of 2016, culminating in the final month
with its participation in the European Cup. However,
the same did not happen on the news side, where
the most frequent articles were published towards the
end of the period under observation. A similar pat-
tern was observed for Brexit. This indicates that, for
some texts, the press is more event-oriented, contrast-
ing with the more permanent focus of Twitter users.
The analysis Air transport incidents, which included
Brussels bombings, revealed that the press had a more
prominent role in the news diffusion, while comments
in social media appeared afterwards. Regarding the
cluster Politics, no pattern was identified. Perhaps,
with a more refined level of partitioning certain tim-
ing patterns would be more easily identified.
Regarding future work, we believe that the results
could be improved by adopting ontologies that would
enable to compute semantic distances between arti-
cles and tweets. Besides, tweets could also be ex-
panded with the use of synonyms or through word
embeddings (Mikolov et al., 2013). This would en-
hance the matching process of tweets to the lexicon
obtained from the articles.
This work has been supported by the project Centro-
01-0145-FEDER-000019 - C4 Cloud Computing
Competences Centre” cofinanced, through the Sup-
port System for Scientific and Technological Re-
search - Integrated SR&TD Programs, by the Portugal
2020 Program (PT 2020), in the framework of the Re-
gional Operational Program of the Center (CENTRO
2020) and by the European Union through the Euro-
pean Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
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