A Mixed Neural Network and Support Vector Machine Model for Tender
Creation in the European Union TED Database
Sangramsing Kayte
and Peter Schneider-Kamp
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (IMADA), University of Southern Denmark (SDU),
Odense M, 5230, Denmark
Natural Language Processing, Natural Language Understanding, Named-entity Recognition, Logistic
Regression, European Union, Tender Electronic Daily, Common Procurement Vocabulary.
This research article proposes a new method of automatized text generation and subsequent classification
of the European Union (EU) Tender Electronic Daily (TED) text documents into predefined technological
categories of the dataset. The TED dataset provides information about the respective tenders includes features
like Name of project, Title, Description, Types of contract, Common procurement vocabulary (CPV) code,
and Additional CPV codes. The dataset is obtained from the SIMAP-Information system for the European
public procurement website, which is comprised of tenders described in XML files. The dataset was pre-
processed using tokenization, removal of stop words, removal of punctuation marks etc. We implemented a
neural machine learning model based on Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) nodes for text generation and
subsequent code classification. Text generation means that given a single line or just two or three words of the
title, the model generates the sequence of a whole sentence. After generating the title, the model predicts the
main applicable CPV code for that title. The LSTM model reaches an accuracy of 97% for the text generation
and 95% for code classification using Support Vector Machine(SVM). This experiment is a first step towards
developing a system that based on TED data is able to auto-generate and code classify tender documents,
easing the process of creating and disseminating tender information to TED and ultimately relevant vendors.
The development and automation of this system will future vision and understand current undergoing projects
and the deliveries by a SIMAP-Information system for European public procurement tenders organisation
based on the tenders published by it.
Natural language processing (NLP) is a wide area
concerned with the application of computers to an-
alyze, understand, and derive meaning from human
language in a smart and useful way. NLP can orga-
nize and structure knowledge to perform tasks such as
automatic summarization, translation, named entity
recognition, relationship extraction, sentiment analy-
sis, speech recognition, and topic segmentation (Man-
ning et al., 2014). The unswerving increase of cate-
gories for tender documents has resulted in the need
for methods that can automatically classify new doc-
uments within subcategories of the text. In this pa-
per we attempt to make the categorization process
automated using a machine learning approach, i.e.,
to learn from the European public procurement ten-
der data in Tender Electronic Daily (TED) database.
Given text describing the tender, the model predicts
codes using the common procurement vocabulary
(CPV) that are relevant for this text. We commence
this paper with an overview of the European Union
(EU) TED and then move to the introduction of a few
terminologies which are relevant to this paper. TED
works under the Policies of European Public procure-
ment as drawn by the Directorate General for Internal
Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship, etc. A tender is
a document that a purchasing agent publishes to an-
nounce its request for certain goods or services. The
whole electronic tendering system is similar to that of
a traditional one, i.e. a selling agent submits a bid
to the purchasing organisation against the tender en-
quiry, which evaluates the quoting vendors based on
the technical specifications as well as financial terms
and conditions.
Then the purchasing agent announces the suc-
cessful bidder. We carried out the classification
Kayte, S. and Schneider-Kamp, P.
A Mixed Neural Network and Support Vector Machine Model for Tender Creation in the European Union TED Database.
DOI: 10.5220/0008362701390145
In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2019), pages 139-145
ISBN: 978-989-758-382-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
on the SIMAP-Information system for European
public procurement tenders available on its web-
site (https://ted.europa.eu/TED/main/HomePage.do).
eNotices is the online tool for preparing public pro-
curement notices and publishing them in the Supple-
ment to the Official Journal of the EU.
There is a standard format for the calling of
tenders in public procurement in European nations,
which are referred online with the process, the Ten-
der European Daily (TED) database. In this, there are
different sections allotted to various categories like
construction, financing, operation, and distribution of
water bottling facilities, etc. The syntactically-parsed
information is maintained in these TED tenders (Gel-
derman et al., 2006). The TED tenders are called
from various sectors associated with public develop-
ment and information is stored in the form of text and
numbers. The important features of the data are given
in Table 1.
The primary goal of this research is to classify ten-
ders according to (parts of) the title of the project. Ti-
tles are generated from the user-given text. The im-
plemented system achieves an accuracy of 97% when
generating titles from user-given text and accuracy
of 95% when predicting CPV codes from the gen-
erated titles. After a deep inspection of the dataset,
it becomes apparent that the CPV code describes the
uniqueness of each tender. Here, we tried to extract
information about certain tenders in TED based on
year-wise allotment along with their CPV codes. So
when the CPV code is given it retrieves the informa-
tion about the project.
In Section 2 of this paper, work related to the pro-
posed method is described. Section 3 reviews relevant
natural processing techniques. Section 4 describes the
corpus of tenders from TED used in this project. The
proposed framework is detailed in Section 5. Sec-
tion 6 covers a preliminary experimental evaluation
of the framework. We conclude in Section 7.
The neurons interconnected with each other simulate
the network structure of neurons in the human brain
(Le et al., 2011). The nodes are interconnected by
edges, and then nodes are organized into layers. Com-
putation and processing are done in a feed-forward
manner, and errors can be back-propagated to pre-
vious layers to adjust the weights of corresponding
edges (Hoskins et al., 1990). The hidden nodes are
randomly assigned to avoid the extra load pay-off in
the structure. In a simple network, the weights are
usually learned in one single step which results in
faster performance (Towell and Shavlik, 1993). For
more complex relations, deep learning methods with
multiple hidden layers are adopted. These methods
were made more feasible with the advances of com-
puting power in hardware and the Graphics Process-
ing Unit (GPU) (Cires¸an et al., 2012).
This allows them to deal with a time sequence
with temporal relations such as speech recognition
(Waibel et al., 1995). According to a previous com-
parative study of RNNs in NLP, RNNs are found to
be more effective in sentiment analysis (Wang et al.,
2016). Thus, we focus on RNNs with Long Short-
Term Memory (LSTM) in this paper. As the time
sequence grows in LSTM, it’s possible for weights
to grow beyond control or to vanish. To deal with
the vanishing gradient problem in training RNNs and
LSTM has been proposed to learn long-term depen-
dency among longer time period (Graves et al., 2005).
In addition to input and output gates, forget gates are
added in LSTM. They are often used for time se-
ries prediction and hand-writing recognition (Sunder-
meyer et al., 2012). The shortfall of LSTM is that
they are only able to make use of the previous con-
text. To avoid this, LSTM is designed for processing
the data in both directions with two separate hidden
layers, which are then feed forwards to the same out-
put layer. Using LSTM will run your inputs in two
ways, one from past to future and one from future to
past. This will help to improve the results and under-
stand the context in a better way (Wang et al., 2018).
For NLP, it is useful to analyze the distribu-
tional relations of word occurrences in documents
(Joachims, 2002). The simplest way is to use one-hot
encoding to represent the occurrence of each word in
documents as a binary vector (Turian et al., 2010). In
distributional semantics, word embedding models are
used to map from the one-hot vector space to a con-
tinuous vector space in a much lower dimension than
conventional bag-of-words (BoW) model (Cho et al.,
2014). Among various word embedding models, the
most popular ones are distributed representation of
words such as Word2Vec and GloVe, where neural
networks are used to train the occurrence relations be-
tween words and documents in the contexts of train-
ing data (Pennington et al., 2014). In this paper, the
Word2Vec word embedding model is used to repre-
sent words in short texts. Then, LSTM classifiers are
trained to capture the long-term dependency among
words in short texts. The sentiment of each text can
then be classified as positive or negative (Wang et al.,
2016). In this paper, LSTM is utilized in learning
sentiment classifiers of short texts, like title and CPV
KMIS 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
Table 1: Project features of data.
Features Data type Values
Name Text singe line free text
Description Text multiple line free text
Types of contract Text one of WORKS, SUPPLIES, or SERVICES
CPV code Number from predefined hierarchical catalog of codes
additional CPV codes List of numbers from predefined hierarchical catalog of codes
NLP investigates the use of computers to process
or to understand human languages for the purpose
of performing useful tasks like information filtering,
language identification, readability assessment, and
sentiment analysis, etc. NLP is an interdisciplinary
field that is a combination of the subfield of com-
puter science, information engineering, and artificial
intelligence. From a scientific perspective, NLP aims
to model the cognitive mechanisms underlying the
understanding and production of human languages
(Deng and Liu, 2018). The following are the impor-
tant pipeline of NLP talks processing:
Text Segmentation.
In this method, the sentence is broken into a sequence
of contiguous parts called segments. There exist an-
other sequence segmentation like sentence segmenta-
tion breaking a piece of string into sentences which
is an important post-processing stage for speech tran-
scription and chunking also known as shallow pars-
ing to find important phrases from sentences, such as
noun phrases (Pak and Teh, 2018).
Named Entity Recognition (NER).
NER is the process of finding and tagging named en-
tities existing in the given text into pre-defined cat-
egories. The NER task is hugely dependent on the
knowledge base used to train the NER extraction al-
gorithm, so it may or may not work depending upon
the provided dataset it was trained on.
Word Embedding.
A word embedding learning method is used to cal-
culate these embeddings using distributional seman-
tics; that is, they approximate the meaning of a word
by considering how often it co-occurs with other
words in the corpus. These embedding-based met-
rics usually approximate sentence-level embeddings
using some heuristic to combine the vectors of the in-
dividual words in the sentence. The sentence-level
embedding between the generated and reference re-
sponse are compared using a measure such as a cosine
distance (Mikolov et al., 2013).
Word2vec is a two-layer neural net used in the recur-
rent neural network that processes text. Its input is a
text corpus and its output is a set of vectors. It gives
the best results for any kind of sequence neural net-
work models to learn node and sequence representa-
tions based on node sequences (Liang et al., 2016).
Bag-of-Words (BOW).
The main idea of BOW is to predict the target word
with surrounding context words. For convenient,
the surrounding words are symmetric (so as in skip-
gram), i.e., a window with size m is predefined and the
task is to predict the target word w
with a sequence of
words (wc m, ..., wc 1, wc + 1, ..., wc + m), where
denotes the word at position c (Le and Mikolov,
Text Cleaning.
The text cleaning is needed for converting the text into
a particular input format. This helps to remove the
tagged data, punctuation, stop words, abbreviations
from the given input text (Hardeniya et al., 2016).
Following are a few steps to clean the data:
Removing the HTML tags
Removing Punctuation and Stopwords
Conversion of data text to lower case
The corpus consists of the information about the an-
nouncements and calls related to tenders in TED. The
data is stored in an open XML format. We extracted
A Mixed Neural Network and Support Vector Machine Model for Tender Creation in the European Union TED Database
it to a Comma-Separated Values (CSV) format, con-
taining the information in form of text and numbers
as indicated in Table 1. The CSV file contains infor-
mation like the title of the project and CPV code as
an important entity along with other sub-entities like
description, reference of the project. The other enti-
ties like types of contract and a detailed description
of a particular project are also part of the dataset. In
this way, we are having a dataset of approx. 40,000
texts for each year from 2015 to 2019. This data will
be helpful for training and implementing the machine
learning model for the required system.
The proposed framework consists of NLP library for
pre-processing such using Natural Language Toolkit
(NLTK) library and unidirectional LSTM architecture
for sequence prediction and classification. We have
also applied linear support vector machine (SVM)
classifier to classify CPV main code category from
other relevant fields, which is shown in the architec-
ture in Figure 1.
The tender category of the title describe overall in-
formation about the particular product. Initially, first
4-6 words from the title are given as input for the sys-
tem, the LSTM model generates the overall text in-
formation. At the first stage, pre-processing and word
features are extracted. Secondly, the Word2Vec word
embedding model is used to learn word representa-
tions as vectors.
The external input gate unit g
is computed sim-
ilarly to the forget gate (with a sigmoid unit to ob-
tain a getting value between 0 and 1), but with its
own parameters of weights and model: (Hochreiter
and Schmidhuber, 1997)
(t) = σ
i, j
i, j
The output of the LSTM cell can also be shut off,
via the output gate q
, which also uses a sigmoid unit
for gating: (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997)
(t) = σ
i, j
i, j
which has parameters b
, U
, W
for its biases,
input weights and recurrent weights, respectively.
Among the variants, one can choose to use the cell
state q
as an extra input (with its weight) into the
three gates of the i th unit, as shown in the above
equation. Thus the LSTM model takes the recurrent
input of weights and concurrently gives the output to
the cell state (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997).
5.1 Preprocessing
In this stage, we filtered the text data into required
format needed for the training of the system. The pre-
processing is divided into four different steps:
1. Cleaning consists of getting rid of the less useful
parts of a text through stopword removal, dealing
with capitalization and characters, and other mi-
nor details.
2. Annotation This process involves the applica-
tion of a scheme to texts which include structural
markup and part-of-speech tagging.
3. Normalization consists of the translation (map-
ping) of terms in the scheme or linguistic re-
ductions through Stemming, Lemmatization, and
other forms of standardization.
4. Analysis consists of statistically probing, manip-
ulating, and generalizing from the dataset for fea-
ture analysis.
5.2 Tokenization
Tokenization is the process of splitting text fields into
meaningful segments by locating the word boundaries
like CPV code, title from the given text database.
The points where one word ends and another begins.
For computational linguistic purposes, the words thus
identified are frequently referred to as tokens. In writ-
ten languages where no word boundaries are explic-
itly marked in the writing system, tokenization is also
known as word segmentation, and this term is fre-
quently used synonymously with tokenization.
5.3 Word Embedding
Word embeddings is the representation of title, de-
scription of words in the form of vectors. The aim
is to represent words via vectors such that similar text
words or words used in a similar context are close to
each other while antonyms end up far apart in the vec-
tor space.
The conversion of word vectors into a high-
dimensional space can be envisioned as shown in Fig-
ure 2
5.4 Dense Layer
The dense layer contains a linear operation in which
every input is connected to every output by weight (so
there are n inputs * n outputs weights - which can be
a lot!). Generally, this linear operation is followed by
a non-linear activation function.
KMIS 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Systems
Figure 1: The system architecture of the proposed approach.
Figure 2: Visualization of Word Embeddings.
5.5 Support Vector Machines
SVM is text classification approach which can be ap-
plied in both types of classification and regression
problems. The feature of SVM model find a max-
imum marginal hyperplane(MMH) that best divides
the dataset into classes and minimization of error.
The classifier identifies the unique data points using
a hyperplane with the largest amount of margin using
training data.SVM finds an optimal hyperplane which
helps in classifying new data points and so also re-
ferred as discriminative classifier (Sassano, 2003).
The decision function g in SVM framework is de-
fined as: (Sassano, 2003)
g(x) = sgn( f (x))) (3)
f (x) =
, x) + b (4)
where K is a kernel function and σi are weights
5.6 Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM)
RNNs have a powerful sequence study capability,
which can finely describe the dependence relationship
of title and CPV code data (Zhang and Lu, 2018).
RNNs such as LSTM are powerful models that are
capable of learning effective feature representations
of sequences when given enough training data (Zhang
et al., 2016). RNNs are layered neural networks that
include recurring connections between layers. The re-
currence creates a temporal effect on the network, al-
lowing certain network connections (parameters) to
be used at different times. This allows RNNs to
capture temporal relationships from a data sequence,
which make them appropriate for predicting sequen-
tial data.
The LSTM deals especially in handling sequences
that have a large gap between relevant information for
learning or predictions of new features in the training
set. The attractive feature of LSTM is that it effec-
tively deals with the long-term dependence problem
in time sequences (Sutskever et al., 2014).
Figure 3: The LSTM cell. a-Input gate, c-Forget gate, b-
Output gate, d- output from the cell (Skovajsov
a, 2017).
Figure 3 shows the structure of the LSTM net-
work, where the repeated modules represent the hid-
den layer in each iteration. Each hidden layer contains
a number of neurons. Each neuron performs a linear
matrix calculation on the input vector and then out-
puts the corresponding results after the nonlinear ac-
A Mixed Neural Network and Support Vector Machine Model for Tender Creation in the European Union TED Database
tion of the activation function (Arjovsky et al., 2016).
In each iteration, the output of the previous iter-
ation interacts with the next word vector of the text
determines the preservation or abandonment of the in-
formation and the update of the current state. h
is the
input of the hidden layer in this iteration. According
to the current state information, the predicted output
value of hidden layer y is obtained, and the output
vector h
is provided for the next hidden layer at the
same time. Whenever there is a new word vector in-
put in the network, the output of the hidden layer at
the next moment is calculated in conjunction with the
output of the hidden layer at the last moment. The
hidden layer circulates and keeps the latest state (Po-
liak et al., 2017)
We have calculated the accuracy of our NLP model
using text prediction and classification. This involves
the concepts of true positives, true negatives, false
positives, and false negatives are also evaluated. False
positives are cases the model incorrectly labels as pos-
itive that are actually negative, or, in our example, the
text which is not identified is considered a false neg-
ative. True positives are data points classified as pos-
itive by the model that actually are positive (meaning
they are correct), and false negatives are data points
the model identifies as negative that actually are pos-
itive (incorrect). The LSTM-based model we imple-
mented achieves an accuracy of 97% for the text gen-
eration and 95% for the code classification.
Figure 4: ROC curve against the training accuracy and loss.
An Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve
plots the accuracy on the x-axis against the number
of epochs on y-axis. The true positive rate (TPR)
is the recall and the false positive rate (FPR) is the
probability of a false alarm. Figure 4 shows the ROC
curve of training accuracy and training loss of the sys-
tem against the number of epochs. We can read from
observations that the training accuracy gradually in-
creases and loss decreases as the number of epochs for
training of the system progresses. This generates and
classifies the data accurately from the given dataset of
the model.
Figure 5: Confusion Matrix training accuracy.
Figure 5 confusion matrix is a summary of predic-
tion results on a classification of text data from given
dataset. In this matrix, the number of correct and in-
correct predictions like title of project and CPV code
are summarized with count values and broken down
by each class. The confusion matrix helps to identify
the ways in which your classification model is con-
fused when it makes predictions. It also clears the
errors being made by your classifier but more impor-
tantly the types of errors that are being made. So in
this project, the confusion matrix is applied for the
classification of text and the percentage accuracy is
95% where the title and CPV code is exactly identi-
fied from the given text data.
This experimental paper reported a high-accuracy ap-
proach based on an LSTM model for predicting CPV
codes for TED tenders using a two step approach of
generating texts and subsequently classifying the gen-
erated texts. Future work is to further increase the
performance of the system as well as to automate the
remaining steps of TED tender creation to the fullest
extent possible.
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A Mixed Neural Network and Support Vector Machine Model for Tender Creation in the European Union TED Database