CMS-oriented Modeling Languages: An Attempt to Assist
Model-driven Development in CMS Domain
Vassiliki Gkantouna
1 a
and Giannis Tzimas
2 b
Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics, University of Patras, Greece
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Peloponnese, Greece
Keywords: Web Modeling, Content Management Systems, CMS-based Web Applications, Model-driven Development.
Abstract: Nowadays, Content Management Systems (CMSs) are widely used as the underlying development platform
for building complex Web applications. However, despite their widespread use, existing MDWE
methodologies have focused mainly on traditional Web applications, and thus, they cannot support the model-
driven development of CMS-based Web applications. Given that MDWE methodologies are driven by the
expressiveness of the modeling languages which are being used within their context, the failure of the existing
MDWE methodologies to support the automated development of CMS-based Web application is probably
caused by the absence of modeling languages able to capture the particular development context of CMS
platforms. To address this problem, we propose a new genre of modeling languages, called CMS-oriented
modeling languages, which are particularly defined over the specific development context of CMS platforms.
We provide a general framework to support their definition in three main stages, involving the analysis of the
target CMS platform, the creation of its domain model and the formal definition of the CMS-oriented
modeling language. In this way, the proposed framework supports the definition of CMS-oriented modeling
languages, which can lay the foundation for the development of MDWE methodologies for CMS-based Web
applications, thus enabling model-driven development in CMS domain.
Content Management Systems (CMSs) play an
increasingly important role in the evolution of the
World Wide Web, since almost half of the websites
today use some form of CMS as their main
development platform (W
Techs, 2019). They
provide development teams with standardized
software platforms that significantly facilitate and
speed up the development of Web applications, the
so-called CMS-based Web applications, while
maintaining high quality and low-cost
implementation without requiring extensive
programming expertise.
Despite the widespread use of CMSs, the
development of CMS-based Web applications is still
entirely performed via the manual configuration and
customization of the underlying CMS platform.
However, as the complexity of CMS-based Web
applications is increasing, these tasks are becoming
more and more troublesome and error-prone, often
resulting in higher development and maintenance
costs. On this basis, we argue that the adoption of the
model-driven paradigm in CMS development,
supporting the automated generation of CMS-based
Web applications, can be of a great potential. More
specifically, in the model-driven approach, CMS
users will be able to design CMS-based Web
applications from a higher level of abstraction, and
then, their design models will be turned into running
applications, not based on manually performed
repetitive, tedious and error-prone development tasks
such as configuration and customization, but rather,
based on automated model transformations that end-
up with automatic code generation. This can
significantly increase prototyping speed and
eliminate errors that could have been probably
derived from the traditional manual development
process, while increasing productivity, consistency
and overall application quality.
To support the adoption of the model-driven
development paradigm in CMS domain, in this paper,
Gkantouna, V. and Tzimas, G.
CMS-oriented Modeling Languages: An Attempt to Assist Model-driven Development in CMS Domain.
DOI: 10.5220/0008363103720379
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2019), pages 372-379
ISBN: 978-989-758-386-5
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
we address a fundamental issue that is currently
hindering its realization. This issue refers to the
failure of the existing Web modeling languages to
capture the development context of CMS platforms,
and thus, their inability to provide a modeling
framework to support the model-driven development
of CMS-based Web applications. This is mainly due
to the fact that these languages are generic (they have
been designed for the general case of Web
applications where development starts from scratch
and not based on a preconfigured software platform
such as CMSs), and thus, they provide generic and
abstract notation which is actually quite far from the
standard development context of CMS platforms.
This makes it hard for designers to determine how
CMS-based Web applications could be modeled
within the context of these languages, and
subsequently, how the design models could be
automatically turned into CMS source code
implementation, given that there is not any kind of
mapping between their modeling framework and the
actual development context of CMSs. To address this
problem, we introduce a new genre of modeling
languages, called CMS-oriented modeling languages,
which are specifically designed for the category of
CMS-based Web applications. More specifically,
they are designed in such a way so that their modeling
framework is in direct correspondence with the
particular development context of the target CMS.
This serves a twofold purpose. First, it allows for a
modeling environment in which designers can
produce the design model of CMS-based Web
applications in terms of modeling primitives that
correspond to the actual elements supported by the
target CMS with which they are already familiar with.
Second, it facilitates the development of tools to
perform the automated interpretation of design
models into running CMS-based Web applications,
since now there is a clear mapping between modeling
and implementation level, facilitating the transition
from modeling to source code level. Based on this, we
argue that the proposed genre of CMS-oriented
modeling languages is a significant first step towards
laying the foundations of model-driven development
in CMS domain in order to support the automated
generation of CMS-based Web applications.
To support the definition of CMS-oriented
modeling languages for the various CMS platforms
available today, we propose a general framework
comprising by three major stages: (i) the analysis of
the target CMS platform, (ii) the creation of its
domain model including all the key elements of its
development context that need to be captured by the
CMS-oriented modeling language, and (iii) the
formal definition of the CMS-oriented modeling
language, i.e., the formalization of its modeling
primitives. In this way, the proposed framework
supports the definition of modeling languages which
have the expressiveness to capture the development
context of CMSs, and thus, represent the CMS-based
Web applications as models consisting of modeling
primitives which are in direct correspondence with
the actual CMS-specific elements of the target CMS,
making the transition from modeling to source-code
level considerably easier and enabling the model-
driven development in CMS domain.
To support our case, we present a case study in
which we have applied the proposed framework on
the popular open-source Joomla! CMS platform,
resulting in the definition of a language for modeling
Joomla!-based Web applications. The remaining of
this paper is organized as follows: Section 2 provides
an overview of related work and discusses the
contribution of this work. Section 3 presents an
overview of the proposed framework, while Section
4 presents in detail the case study for the Joomla!
CMS. Finally, Section 5 discusses conclusions and
future work.
Despite the widespread use of CMSs and their
relevant acceptance in the global market, the vast
majority of Model-Driven Web Engineering
(MDWE) methodologies (Rossi et al., 2016) have so
far ignored the domain of CMSs and they have been
primarily designed to support the development of
traditional Web applications in which development
starts from scratch and not based on a preconfigured
software platform such as CMSs. This makes them
inappropriate for supporting model-driven
development of CMS-based Web applications. It is
only during the last decade that a limited number of
MDWE methodologies has emerged for addressing
model-driven development in CMS domain. Among
them, in (Trias, 2014), authors present a model-driven
approach for the automated migration of websites
built on the open-source CMS platforms of Drupal,
Joomla! and WordPress. In (Souer et al., 2009),
authors argue that customizing CMS-based Web
applications is a difficult task and that there is a gap
between the requirements analysis in this type of Web
applications and its implementation. Therefore, they
propose a model-driven method to configure
automatically a CMS-based Web application based
on requirements. In (Saraiva and Silva, 2009), authors
present a model-driven method for the development
CMS-oriented Modeling Languages: An Attempt to Assist Model-driven Development in CMS Domain
of CMS-based Web applications based on two
modelling languages situated at different abstraction
levels, i.e., the CMS Modelling Language (CMS-ML)
at a higher abstraction level and the CMS
Intermediate Language (CMS-IL) at a lower one.
This method is composed of two phases: the
modelling phase, where the CMS-based Web
application is modelled at two different abstraction
levels, and the deployment phase, where the
deployment artefacts that implement the CMS-based
Web application are generated from the model
defined at lower abstraction level in the previous
phase. However, in all aforementioned approaches, a
major problem is that they all have model
transformation issues which hinders their widespread
adoption by the CMS community. Since they rely on
modeling frameworks which are not directly related
to the development context of the target CMS, it is
difficult to automatically transform the design model
into running CMS-based Web application.
At this point lies the contribution of the proposed
framework. Our main goal is to define modeling
languages having a modeling framework which is in
a 1:1 correspondence with the actual CMS
development context, so that the transition from
modeling to source-code level will become
considerably easier. This clear mapping between
modeling and implementation level will significantly
facilitate the development of tools to perform the
automated interpretation of design models into
running CMS-based Web applications, and thus,
enable model-driven development in CMS domain.
In this section, we present an overview of the
proposed framework for supporting the definition of
CMS-oriented modeling languages. It is composed of
three major stages as depicted in Fig. 1. As one can
notice, the first two stages involve (i) the analysis of
the target CMS platform and (ii) the creation of its
domain model in an effort to determine its particular
development context. This is required in order to
acquire all the necessary information that will allow
us subsequently in the third stage to define a modeling
framework for the CMS-oriented modeling language
that will be CMS-specific, i.e., it will be composed of
modeling primitives which will be in a 1:1
correspondence with the actual elements supported
by the CMS development context.
The first stage involves the analysis of the target
CMS platform under a number of different
viewpoints in order to determine the key elements of
its development context. These viewpoints are the
following: (i) CMS architecture allowing the
identification of the standard building blocks (i.e., the
basic content item types) provided to developers for
composing the pages of CMS-based Web
applications, (ii) CMS database schema allowing the
identification of the underlying data schemas upon
which the standard building blocks operate so that we
can acquire knowledge on how the modeling
elements corresponding to them will be mapped into
the development context of the CMS in order to
facilitate the transition from modeling to source code
level, (iii) CMS front-end interface design
determining how the target CMS supports the
organization of pages in terms of the available content
item types, so that we can acquire knowledge on how
to conceptualize the page template within the
modeling framework of the proposed CMS-oriented
modeling language, and (iv) CMS core features
determining the built-in functionalities provided by
the target CMS in order to define modeling primitives
for capturing such features.
Subsequently, the second stage involves the
creation of the domain model for the target CMS
platform, including the detail description of each one
of its key elements identified in the previous stage.
These elements include the content types supported
by the target CMS, the content items defined over
these types, the built-in front-end views for
publishing these items, etc. For each of these
elements, the domain model accommodates a detailed
list of their attributes and the relationships existing
among them. To collect all these information, a
thorough inspection of the CMS back-end
administration environment must be performed.
At the end of these two first stages, one can
acquire all important information about the
development context of the target CMS, providing
knowledge on how to shape the modeling framework,
(i.e., the various modeling primitives) of the CMS-
oriented modeling framework in the next stage so that
these two can be in 1:1 correspondence.
Finally, the third stage involves the formal
definition of the CMS-oriented modeling language
based on the specifications elaborated in the two
previous stages. More specifically, for every CMS-
specific element identified in the CMS domain
model, a corresponding modeling primitive is
defined. Their formalization can be realized by using
the notation of existing modeling languages (which
will be extended for modeling CMS-based Web
applications) or by defining a whole new syntax and
WEBIST 2019 - 15th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 1: Overview of the proposed framework.
notation. In this way, the proposed framework
supports the definition of CMS-oriented modeling
languages in which the modeling framework is in a
1:1 correspondence with the particular development
context of the target CMS platform, making the
transition from modeling to source-code level
considerably easier, and thus, facilitating
significantly the development of tools for the
automated interpretation of design models into
running CMS-based Web applications.
In order to exemplify the concepts behind the
proposed framework, in the next section, we present
its application on the popular open-source Joomla!
CMS platform.
With more than 3% of the Web running on Joomla!
and a CMS market share of more than 6%, Joomla!
powers the web presence of millions organizations
worldwide and is the second most used CMS platform
on the Web. Therefore, to illustrate the potential of
our approach, we present the application of the
proposed framework on the Joomla! CMS resulting in
the definition of a modeling language oriented
towards Joomla!-based Web applications.
4.1 Stage 1: Analysis of Joomla! CMS
In this stage, we performed the analysis of Joomla!
under the following viewpoints in order to determine
the key elements of its development context.
Architecture Viewpoint: The main building blocks
provided to web developers for building Joomla!-
based Web applications are components and modules.
Components are the main functional units of Joomla!,
which are used to render the main content area of the
page. Each component has one or more "views" that
control how the content is displayed on the main
content area of the page. Modules are typically used
to render content in the secondary content areas of a
page, i.e., peripherally from the main content area. As
one can find in (Marriott and Waring, 2013), Joomla!
supports various categories of components and
Database Schema Viewpoint: We have identified
and recorded all the standard data schemas which are
required for supporting the creation, management and
operation of the various types of components and
modules supported by Joomla!. For each table
included in the database schema, we have identified
its properties and the relationships existing among
them. This information will subsequently guide us on
how to properly shape (in terms of attributes and
relationships) the various modeling primitives of the
Joomla!-oriented modeling language in order to
facilitate transition from modeling to implementation
level. For example, the display of a menu module on
CMS-oriented Modeling Languages: An Attempt to Assist Model-driven Development in CMS Domain
Figure 2: The key elements of Joomla! CMS.
a page involves 4 different tables of the underlying
database. As a result, when we will subsequently
define a modeling primitive for representing the menu
module, we will know how this modeling element
must be mapped into the development context of
Joomla!, e.g., on which tables of the underlying
database schema a model compiler must create
records, in order to automatically create this menu.
Figure 3: Template of a page in Joomla!-based Web
Front-end Design Viewpoint: The template (i.e., the
structure) of pages in Joomla!-based Web
applications is depicted in Fig. 2, where one can
notice a page is composed by exactly one component
rendering content in its main content area and by a
number of modules rendering content in its secondary
content areas, i.e., in the sidebars or at the top and
bottom area of the page. Subsequently in the third
stage, we will rely on this template in order to
conceptualize the structure of pages within the
context of the Joomla!-oriented modeling language.
Core Features Viewpoint: Joomla! provides a large
number of built-in features, such as user management,
access control, content archiving, RSS feeds, etc. (the
detail list can be found in (Marriott and Waring,
2013)). Subsequently, we will take into account all
these built-in functionalities during the formalization
of the modeling framework of the proposed Joomla!-
oriented modeling language, so that it can provide the
modeling capabilities for capturing these built-in
features too.
4.2 Stage 2: Creation of the domain
model for the Joomla! CMS
In this stage, we performed a thorough inspection of
the Joomla! back-end administration environment,
focusing particularly on the configuration settings
used for the creation, management and publishing of
its key elements. Fig. 3 presents these elements where
one can notice the basic content types supported by
Joomla! CMS, the content items defined over these
types, and the built-in front-end views (i.e.,
components and modules) used for publishing these
items. For each of these elements, we have identified
and recorded the detail list of its properties, the
configuration parameters used by the built-in
mechanisms supporting its creation, management and
publishing, the data schemas upon it operates and its
relationships with other elements.
WEBIST 2019 - 15th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 4: The properties of the Single Article component.
All this information has been documented in the
domain model of Joomla! CMS platform which is
freely available in (Gkantouna, 2019). An instance of
the domain model is presented in Fig. 4 which
presents the properties of the “Single Article”
component along with a short description of them.
It is important to mention that since the domain
model produced in this stage provides a
comprehensive documentation of the development
context of Joomla! CMS, it can be used as a reference
model for the definition of new modeling languages
oriented towards the Joomla! CMS platform or even
for developing extensions to existing modeling
languages for Joomla!-based Web applications.
In the next stage, we rely on the information
provided in the domain model in order to produce the
definition of the modeling primitives of the proposed
Joomla!-oriented modeling language.
4.3 Stage 3: Formal Definition of the
Joomla!-oriented Modeling
In this stage, we produce the formal definition of the
CMS-oriented modeling language based on the
specifications elaborated in the two previous stages.
More specifically, for every key element previously
identified in the domain model of Joomla! CMS, we
define its corresponding modeling primitive, having
as attributes and relationships all the properties and
relationships documented for this element in the
domain model. This way, there is a direct
correspondence between the modeling primitives and
the actual elements specified in the development
context of Joomla!.
To formalize the modeling framework of the
proposed Joomla!-oriented modeling language, we
have adopted the notation of WebML and formalize
the specification of the various modeling primitives
by means of WebML elements. There are two main
reasons for choosing WebML. On one hand, WebML
is one of the most popular MDWE approaches so far
that is being used in the industry (Rossi et al., 2016).
On the other hand, for every key element of Joomla!
that need to be captured by the Joomla!-oriented
modeling language, WebML allows us to define two
equivalent representations of them, as follows:
an intuitive visual formalism that can be easily
communicated among the members of the
development team, even by the non-technical
users which are actually the common case in
CMS domain,
a textual formalism, i.e., an XML-based textual
specification of the captured component or
module type, including the detailed list of its
attributes as they have been identified in the
domain model of Joomla! CMS.
The main benefit of this dual representation of the
key elements of Joomla! CMS platform is that it
significantly facilitates the subsequent development
of a modeling environment to support: (i) the design
of Joomla!-based Web applications in terms of
intuitive visual representations (formalisms) of the
actual components and modules types specified in the
development context of Joomla! CMS platform, and
(ii) the mapping of the visual design models into
automated source-code implementations of Joomla!-
based Web applications, simply by providing the
corresponding textual formalism of the involved
visual formalisms into code generators.
CMS-oriented Modeling Languages: An Attempt to Assist Model-driven Development in CMS Domain
Figure 5: Conceptualization of page structure.
Additionally, it must be also noted that the use of
WebML for the definition of modeling primitives that
capture the development context of Joomla! CMS
results into the extension of WebML with new
modeling elements for Joomla!-based Web
4.3.1 Capturing the Standard Database
Schema of Joomla! CMS
Prior to the description of modeling primitives, it must
be noted that as data model of the proposed Joomla!-
oriented modeling language, we have adopted the
Entity-Relationship model. More specifically, we have
defined an entity for every table included in the
standard database schema of Joomla! CMS platform.
The relationships among the various tables of the
standard Joomla! database are also maintained as
relationships among their corresponding entities.
4.3.2 Capturing the Front-end Interface
Design of Joomla! CMS
We have relied on the page template described in Fig.
2 and we have conceptualized the structure of pages
within the modeling framework of the proposed
Joomla!-oriented modeling language as depicted in
Fig. 5, i.e., as the union of a Modulesarea containing
all the modules displayed on a page and a
“Component” area containing the Joomla! component
used for displaying the main content of the page.
4.3.3 Capturing Joomla! Key Elements
(Components and Modules)
For each type of Joomla! components and modules, we
have defined a corresponding modeling primitive
based on the information collected for this element in
the Joomla! domain model. For instance, Fig. 6
presents the modeling primitive defined for the login
module. As one can notice in Fig. 6, there is the front-
end presentation of the login module and its
corresponding visual and textual formalism in
WebML. The detail list of the modeling primitives
defined for all the types of Joomla! components and
modules can be found in (Gkantouna, 2019).
In this paper, we have proposed a new genre of
modeling languages, called CMS-oriented modeling
languages, which are especially defined for the
category of CMS-based Web applications. We have
also presented a framework to support their defini-tion
in three main stages. The first stage involves the
analysis of the CMS platform in order to determine its
particular development context. Then, the second stage
involves the creation of the domain model for the target
CMS, including all the key elements of its
development context that need to be captured by the
CMS-oriented modeling language. Finally, the third
involves the definition of the CMS-oriented modeling
language, i.e., the formalization of its modeling
primitives, based on the specifications elaborated in
WEBIST 2019 - 15th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
Figure 6: Modeling primitive (visual and textual formalism) for the login module.
the previous two stages. In this way, the proposed
CMS-oriented modeling languages have the
expressiveness to represent CMS-based Web
applications as models consisting of modeling
elements which are in direct correspondence with the
elements specified in the actual development context
of the target CMS, making the transition from
modeling to source-code level considerably easier,
enabling the model-driven development in CMS
domain. To support our case, we have applied the
proposed framework on the popular open-source
Joomla! CMS platform, resulting in the definition of a
modeling language oriented towards Joomla!-based
Web applications.
In near future, we are experimenting on developing
model compilers which given as input models
specified in the proposed Joomla!-oriented modeling
language, they can automatically transform them into
source-code implementation of running Joomla!-based
Web applications. We also plan to develop CMS-
oriented modeling languages for other popular CMS
platforms, such as Drupal and WordPress.
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CMS-oriented Modeling Languages: An Attempt to Assist Model-driven Development in CMS Domain