Representational Capacity of Deep Neural Networks: A Computing
Bernhard Bermeitinger
1,2 a
, Tomas Hrycej
and Siegfried Handschuh
Institute for Computer Science, University of St.Gallen, St.Gallen, Switzerland
Faculty for Computer Science, University Passau, Passau, Germany
Deep Learning, Artificial Neural Networks, Optimization, Conjugate Gradient.
There is some theoretical evidence that deep neural networks with multiple hidden layers have a potential for
more efficient representation of multidimensional mappings than shallow networks with a single hidden layer.
The question is whether it is possible to exploit this theoretical advantage for finding such representations with
help of numerical training methods. Tests using prototypical problems with a known mean square minimum
did not confirm this hypothesis. Minima found with the help of deep networks have always been worse than
those found using shallow networks. This does not directly contradict the theoretical findings—it is possible
that the superior representational capacity of deep networks is genuine while finding the mean square minimum
of such deep networks is a substantially harder problem than with shallow ones.
At present, there is a strong revival of interest in lay-
ered neural networks. Although the basic structures
and algorithms are similar to those developed in the
eighties of the past century, there are some shifts in
the focus. The most important of them is the empha-
sis on large networks with more than one hidden layer.
The current interest wave is motivated by numer-
ous reports about positive computing experience with
such multi-layer networks for very large mapping
tasks. Typical applications are corpus-based seman-
tics and computer vision (e.g. (Bermeitinger et al.,
2016)). In particular the former is characterized by
a strong under-determination of model parameters—
there are substantially more parameters than labeled
training examples. There are some review works on
deep learning, summarizing both the success stories
and the theoretical justifications for the success. This
paper takes the extensive work by Lecun et al. (LeCun
et al., 2015) as a frequent reference.
The term deep networks will be used in the sense
of deep learning, denoting networks with more than
one hidden layer. Networks with a single hidden layer
will be referred to as shallow networks.
Besides some experimental findings of represen-
tational efficiency of deep neural networks, there
are also several attempts for theoretical justifications.
They state essentially the following: deep networks
exhibit larger representation capacity than shallow
networks. That is, they are capable of approximating
a broader class of functions with the same number of
parameters. (Montufar et al., 2014)
To compare the representation capacity of deep
and shallow networks, several interesting results have
been published. Bengio et al. (Bengio et al., 2004)
have investigated a class of algebraic functions that
can be represented by a special structure of deep net-
works (alternating summation and product layers).
They showed that for a certain type of deep networks
the number of hidden units necessary for a shallow
representation would grow exponentially while in a
deep network it grows only polynomial. Montu-
far et al. (Montufar et al., 2014) have used a differ-
ent approach for evaluating the representational ca-
pacity. They investigated how many different linear
hyperplane regions of input space can be mapped to
an output unit. They derived statements for the max-
imum number of such hyperplanes in deep networks,
showing that this number grows exponentially with
the number of hidden layers. The activation units used
have been rectified linear units and softmax units. It
is common to these findings that they do not make
statements about arbitrary functions. The result of
(Bengio et al., 2004) is valid for algebraic functions
representable by the given deep network architecture,
Bermeitinger, B., Hrycej, T. and Handschuh, S.
Representational Capacity of Deep Neural Networks: A Computing Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0008364305320538
In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2019), pages 532-538
ISBN: 978-989-758-382-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
but not for arbitrary algebraic terms. (Montufar et al.,
2014) have derived the maximum number of repre-
sentable hyperplanes, but it is not guaranteed, that
this maximum can be attained for an arbitrary func-
tion to be represented. In other words, there are func-
tion classes that can be efficiently represented by a
deep network, while other functions cannot. This is
not unexpected: knowing that some N
function is to be identified from N
training examples
(which is equivalent to satisfying N = N
tions), it cannot be generally represented by less than
N parameters although cases representable by fewer
parameters exist. Another familiar analogy is that of
algebraic terms. Some of them can be made compact
by the distributive law, others cannot.
This finding can be summarized in the following
way. There exist mappings that can be represented
by deep neural networks more economically than by
shallow ones. These mappings are characterized by
multiple usages of intermediary (or hidden) concepts.
This may be typical for cognitive mappings, so that
deep networks may be adequate for cognitive tasks.
Various studies are claiming the superiority of
deep networks based on positive computing expe-
rience. Most of them concern particular architec-
tures such as networks using convolutional layers
(e.g., (Goodfellow et al., 2013)). This network type
has a strong justification for image recognition since
the convolutional layers are closely related to spacial
operators known to be important for image process-
ing. It is then logical to expect that a network with
an appropriate number of such layers is superior to a
shallow network that offers only the possibility of us-
ing a single convolutional layer followed directly by
the final processing to the output.
A few works address the issue of the representa-
tional capacity of fully connected deep networks. (Er-
han et al., 2009) is aware of problems with conver-
gence properties of optimization algorithms for deep
networks, but claim their superiority to shallow net-
works on test sets. Their particular focus is to show
the usefulness of unsupervised pre-training of some
layers, rather than the comparison of the represen-
tational capacity so that the choice of test problems
makes it not fully appropriate for clarifying the repre-
sentational capacity of deep and shallow networks.
Their study compares networks with different to-
tal numbers of network parameters (weights and
biases) so that the comparison is favorable for
deeper networks having more parameters.
First-order optimization methods with fixed learn-
ing rates are used so that the danger of influencing
the results by a poor convergence of the optimiza-
tion method is serious.
Some problems are under-determined, that is,
having fewer constraints than parameters. In this
case, the minimum of the training set error may be
expected to be zero not only for a single optimum
solution but also for large subsets of the parameter
For an objective review of deep and shallow networks,
it is important to:
Use sufficiently determined problems (i.e., having
more constraints than parameters),
Use optimization methods that can be expected to
reliably converge at least to local minima,
Compare shallow and deep networks with iden-
tical or nearly identical numbers of free network
A comparison following these principles is the goal
of this study.
Even if some class of functions has a superior rep-
resentational capacity, it is not guaranteed that this
capacity can be fully exploited—the additional nec-
essary component is an algorithm that is capable of
attaining the functional fit.
In terms of shallow and deep networks, it would
be necessary to have algorithms that exploit the as-
sumed superior capacity of deep networks in fitting
them to a set of training examples in an efficient way.
This efficiency would have to be sufficient not to lose
the representational advantage. In practical terms, the
usefulness of a network type consists of both a repre-
sentational capacity and the algorithm efficiency. So,
a high capacity potential and a poorly converging al-
gorithm may result in low exploitable capacity.
In the concrete case of mean square minimization,
the numerical efficiency of the optimizing algorithm
for a given problem is the key parameter. For strictly
convex minimization tasks, the usual measure of the
potential efficiency is the condition number of the
Hessian matrix (i.e., the matrix of the second deriva-
tives of the error function with regard to the network
parameters W , with W
being the parameters of the i-th
hidden layer). This condition number is defined as the
ratio of the largest and the smallest eigenvalue of the
Hessian. Unfortunately, this objective measure can-
not be applied for our comparison, for two reasons:
The error function is not convex at points far away
from the minimum.
Representational Capacity of Deep Neural Networks: A Computing Study
Even at the points where the error function is con-
vex, some eigenvalues are very close to zero, cor-
responding to search directions which have no or
very small effect on the error function.
The condition number is then near to infinity.
These directions result from redundancies inher-
ent to the neural networks. This is the case, for
example, due to the rotational invariance of the
hidden layers at the points of nearly linear activa-
tion. Then, the mapping W
is identical with
, for any non-singular square matrix
H of the dimension corresponding to the width
of the i-th hidden layer. So, the neural network
constitutes the same mapping with the matrices
and W
as with HW
and W
For the lack of theoretical alternatives, the only possi-
bility is to assess the efficiency of particular problems
experimentally. To make reliable conclusions from
the experiments, it is important to use reliable opti-
mization methods whose results are as little as pos-
sible subject to random disturbances of the solution
path. This is why a widespread numerical optimiza-
tion procedure with well-defined convergence prop-
erties, the conjugate gradient method, has been used
in addition to the optimization methods usual in the
neural network community.
The problems were generated so that they have a
known MSE minimum equal to zero (see Sect. 3), at-
tainable by a particular network architecture (shallow
or deep). Since it is hardly possible to generate over-
determined problems that have a zero minimum for
both a shallow and a deep network, cross-validation
has been used. A pair of zero minimum problems
have been generated, one (P
) with a zero minimum
for shallow network N
, and another (P
) with a zero
minimum for deep network N
. Both network archi-
tectures have the same dimensions of input and out-
put vectors, and hidden layer sizes such that the over-
all numbers of network parameters are close to each
other (the completely identical parameter numbers are
difficult to reach).
Both problems, P
and P
, are fitted by shallow
network N
and deep network N
. Comparing the
minima reached allows conjectures about the attain-
able representational capacity of shallow and deep
The scope of this study is only fully connected
networks. There seems to be no doubt that specific
deep architectures such as those using convolution
networks (mimicking spatial operators in image pro-
cessing) are optimal for specific problems. So, a com-
parison of deep and shallow networks with such spe-
cial architectures would make sense only in such spe-
cific application settings.
To assess the performance of training algorithms, it
is desirable to use test problems with a known op-
timum. A construction method is presented in this
section. Many statements about the performance of
deep learning are based on computing experience
with practical problems from various application do-
mains. In the very most cases, the problem is fitting
the deep network to real data. This implies that the
real minimum is not known—the size of real prob-
lems makes it impossible to figure out. This may dis-
tort the performance evaluation. Reaching “accept-
able” or even “the best known” results from the ap-
plication problem view lets the unanswered question
how far we are from the real optimum. It cannot be
excluded that all methods find solutions far away from
the optimum and the statements about the algorithms
are to a large degree arbitrary. To clarify this aspect,
this investigation will make use of problems with a
known minimum. Such problems can be generated in
the following way:
A network with a set of arbitrary (e.g., random)
weights w
is generated. Furthermore, a set of random
input vectors U for a mapping to be fitted is produced.
These inputs, applied to the network f (u, w), result in
a set of output vectors Y .
= f (u
, w
), i = 1, . . . , n (1)
The pairs
, y
), i = 1, . . . , n (2)
constitute the training set to be fitted. The least-
squares objective function
E =
f (u
, w))
has an obvious minimum of zero. This minimum may
not be unique in terms of the parameter vector w. So,
the success of the fitting is measured only via a min-
imum value of E reached. The random weights are
generated from a uniform distribution:
n + 1
n + 1
, i = 1, . . . , n (4)
with n being the number of unit inputs from the pre-
ceding layer. There is a predefined factor w
controlling the degree of saturation within the net-
work. The division by the square root of n + 1 has
the goal of reaching an identical standard deviation of
the weighted sum (including the bias) going as input
to the nonlinear unit.
KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 1: Overview of test problems.
Problem Input Output Data size # hidden layers
# nodes
(per hidden layer)
# parameters # constraints
100 50 80 1 20 3070 4000
100 50 80 3 16 3010 4000
100 50 80 5 14 3004 4000
300 150 240 1 60 27210 36000
300 150 240 3 49 27149 36000
300 150 240 5 43 27111 36000
1000 500 800 1 200 300700 400000
1000 500 800 3 164 300784 400000
1000 500 800 5 144 300164 400000
Neural networks were optimized by several methods
implemented in the popular framework Keras (Chol-
let et al., 2015) with the TensorFlow backend
et al., 2015): Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) and
RMSprop were selected because of their widespread
use, as well as Adadelta (Zeiler, 2012).
These methods are first-order and there is a wide-
spread opinion in the neural network community
that second-order methods are not superior to the
first-order ones. However, there are strong theoreti-
cal and empirical arguments in favor of the second-
order methods from numerical mathematics (see,
e.g. (Bermeitinger et al., 2019)). To make sure that
the results in favor of shallow or deep networks are
not biased by deficiencies of the optimization meth-
ods used, second-order methods should not be ne-
glected. So, the Conjugate Gradient method (CG,
see, e.g. (Press et al., 1989)), as implemented in SciPy
(Jones et al., 2001), has also been included. This im-
plementation uses the line search method based on
the step length conditions of Wolfe (Wolfe, 1969). It
exploits the derivative information and has excellent
convergence properties for smooth functions.
Since the Keras-to-SciPy-to-Keras interface re-
quires a custom-built bridge for information flow be-
tween the frameworks, fast GPU-enhanced execution
is not possible and the run-time can’t be evaluated
The performance of the optimization methods
has been compared by the number of gradient calls
(epochs in Keras). All these methods have been used
with Keras’ and SciPy’s default settings.
The actual version was 2.0.0-beta0.
A series of computing experiments have been car-
ried out to assess the relationship between attainable
representational capacities of shallow and deep net-
works. The comparison is by using identical mapping
problems (defined by input/output pairs) and observ-
ing the errors of both network architectures. To pro-
vide a reasonable meaning to the mean square figures
attained and to make the results comparable, all prob-
lems have been deliberately defined to have a mini-
mum at zero, according to the scheme of Section 3.
To justify the use of the hidden layer as a feature
extractor, its width should be smaller than the mini-
mum of the input and output sizes. The dimensions
have been chosen so that the full regression is under-
determined (as typical for the application class men-
tioned above), but the relatively narrow hidden layer
makes it slightly over-determined. So the effect of
overfitting, harmful for generalization, is excluded.
5.1 Data Generation
Three problem sizes denoted as A, B, and C have been
used. These classes are characterized by their input
and output dimensions as well as by the size of the
training set. For every class, a shallow network with a
single hidden layer and two deep networks with three
and five hidden layers have been generated. The prob-
lem of size class X
A, B, C
with i hidden layers is
denoted by X
. The concrete network sizes, parame-
ter numbers, and numbers of constraints are given in
Table 1. The numbers of constraints are imposed by
the reference outputs to be fitted. It is the product of
the output dimension and the training set size. Com-
paring the number of constraints with the number of
parameters defines the extent of over-determination
Representational Capacity of Deep Neural Networks: A Computing Study
or under-determination of the problem (e.g., a prob-
lem with more constraints than parameters is over-
Hidden layer units are symmetric sigmoid functions
rescaled to have a unity derivative at x = 0, defined by
s(x) =
1 + e
f (x) = 2s (2x) 1 =
1 + e
1 (6)
For every individual network architecture, fifteen dif-
ferent random parametrizations with corresponding
training sets have been generated, all with a known
mean square error minimum of zero.
5.2 Optimization Results
The results for the optimization methods for prob-
lem size class B are given in Table 2. The focus
of this table is on showing the performance on shal-
low and deep networks for all optimization methods.
Besides to the optimum of the error function F
the error value at the initial random parameter set is
shown to illustrate the extent of the error improve-
ment. The number of iterations is fixed to 2000 for
Keras-methods while it is determined by the stopping
rule for the conjugate gradient. However, the maxi-
mum number of iterations for the conjugate gradient
is also set to 2000.
The first three blocks of the table show the opti-
mization results for shallow and deep networks indi-
vidually. Each network is optimized to fit the training
set generated for this network architecture. The error
optimum is known to be zero under of the principles
of Section 3. These optima set the baseline for those
reached by the cross-checks in the following rows.
The following four blocks represent the cross-
check itself. The column Network denotes the net-
work architecture used for the applied optimization.
The column Source points to the architecture for
which the training set has been generated, with a
known error optimum of zero. For the training runs
presented in these rows, the optimum is not known. It
is only known that it would be zero for the architec-
ture given in the column Source, but not necessarily
also for the architecture of the column Network, used
for the fitting.
For example, for the first of these sixteen rows, the
network architecture trained is B
(i.e., a shallow net
with a single hidden layer). It is optimized to fit the
training set for which it is known that a zero error can
be reached by the architecture B
(i.e., a deep net with
three hidden layers).
The column Ratio to CG displays how many times
the error function value attained by the Keras methods
was higher than that reached by the conjugate gradi-
The column Deep/Shallow shows the ratio of the
following error function values for the deep network
and the shallow network.
Additionally, Table 3 shows mean square min-
ima for all size classes using the Keras optimization
method RMSprop. This table elucidates the devel-
opment of the performance (MSE) with shallow and
deep networks for varying network sizes. Each row
shows the performance of a pair of a shallow and a
deep network with a comparable number of param-
eters. The average performance of a shallow net-
work for a problem for which a zero error minimum is
known to be attainable by a deep network is given in
the column Data deep NN shallow. The average per-
formance of a deep network for a problem for which
a zero error minimum is known to be attainable by a
shallow network is given in the column Data shallow
– NN deep. The ratio of both average performances is
shown in the column Ratio Deep/Shallow.
The following can be observed:
The mean square error minima (MSE) attained
by shallow networks for problems having a zero
MSE for some deep network are essentially lower
than in the opposite situation.
The difference tends to slightly decrease with the
problem size.
The by far weakest method was SGD, while the
best was the conjugate gradient (CG). Adadelta
and RMSprop were performing between them
both, with RMSprop sometimes approaching the
CG performance.
The difference between the performance with a
shallow network on one hand and deep network,
on the other hand, grows with the performance
of the optimization method: the difference is rel-
atively small for the worst-performing SGD and
very large for the best-performing CG.
The computing experiments seem to essentially show
the superiority of shallow networks in attaining low
mean square minima for given mapping problems.
This is not necessarily a contradiction to the theoret-
ical results expecting the contrary. It is still possible
that the representational capacity of deep networks is
superior, while it is difficult to exploit this capacity
KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Table 2: Detailed results for problems of size B.
Network Source Algorithm # iterations F
Ratio to CG Deep/Shallow
Adadelta 2000 332.2 6.748 578.43
RMSprop 2000 332.2 0.098 8.40
SGD 2000 332.2 90.402 7748.77
CG 821 332.2 0.012
Adadelta 2000 143.3 6.446 173.67
RMSprop 2000 143.3 0.243 6.54
SGD 2000 143.3 50.485 1360.22
CG 2200 143.3 0.037
Adadelta 2000 83.8 4.915 41.04
RMSprop 2000 83.8 0.277 2.31
SGD 2000 83.8 33.233 277.51
CG 1490 83.8 0.120
Adadelta 2000 235.8 2.577 70.41
RMSprop 2000 235.8 0.075 2.04
SGD 2000 235.8 45.396 1240.02
CG 420 235.8 0.037
Adadelta 2000 206.7 1.594 52.44
RMSprop 2000 206.7 0.070 2.29
SGD 2000 206.7 32.404 1065.83
CG 333 206.7 0.030
Adadelta 2000 237.8 28.331 6.75 11.0
RMSprop 2000 237.8 4.415 1.05 59.2
SGD 2000 237.8 118.896 28.34 2.6
CG 1072 237.8 4.195 114.6
Adadelta 2000 208.6 44.980 5.32 28.2
RMSprop 2000 208.6 9.629 1.14 138.1
SGD 2000 208.6 136.118 16.11 4.2
CG 2125 208.6 8.451 278.0
Table 3: Results for all given problems and their ratio between shallow and deep networks.
Shallow setting Deep setting
Data deep –
NN shallow (×10
Data shallow –
NN deep (×10
0.038 5.368 140.5
0.035 11.353 320.5
0.075 4.415 59.2
0.070 9.629 138.1
0.182 4.663 25.7
0.148 9.777 66.1
by fitting the mapping with the help of numerical al-
Shallow networks have been superior for all test
problems and all optimizing algorithms. However, it
is interesting to observe that the gap, although always
large, was relatively smaller for weakly performing
optimization methods (SGD and Adadelta) as well as
for large networks.
A possible hypothesis explaining the both might
be that the gap is low if the optimizing method fails
to search for the minimum efficiently, approaching the
performance of some kind of random search. This can
result either from the weakness of the method itself or
from the difficulty of the problem. Even sophisticated
methods such as the conjugate gradient have growing
difficulties with growing problem size. These difficul-
Representational Capacity of Deep Neural Networks: A Computing Study
ties may have to do with the machine precision nec-
essary for stopping rules (testing for zero gradient) or
with the number of iterations available.
So, the conjugate gradient provides a theoreti-
cal guarantee for finding a minimum for an exactly
quadratic problem of dimension q in q steps. This
is a huge number of iterations for our test problems
(and other real-world ones). In addition to this, our
problems are far from being exactly quadratic (they
may even be non-convex), which further increases
the computing requirements. This makes clear that
the adequacy of every optimization method decreases
with the problem size. This still does not explain why
deep networks should be more favorable if the opti-
mization method is not adequate to the problem—at
best, it may be argued that the search is then close to
the random search, which might be indifferent to the
functional parametrization optimized.
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KDIR 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval