A Comparative Evaluation of Visual and Natural Language Question
Answering over Linked Data
Gerhard Wohlgenannt
1 a
, Dmitry Mouromtsev
1 b
, Dmitry Pavlov
, Yury Emelyanov
and Alexey Morozov
Faculty of Software Engineering and Computer Systems, ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russia
Vismart Ltd., St. Petersburg, Russia
Diagrammatic Question Answering, Visual Data Exploration, Knowledge Graphs, QALD.
With the growing number and size of Linked Data datasets, it is crucial to make the data accessible and useful
for users without knowledge of formal query languages. Two approaches towards this goal are knowledge
graph visualization and natural language interfaces. Here, we investigate specifically question answering (QA)
over Linked Data by comparing a diagrammatic visual approach with existing natural language-based systems.
Given a QA benchmark (QALD7), we evaluate a visual method which is based on iteratively creating diagrams
until the answer is found, against four QA systems that have natural language queries as input. Besides other
benefits, the visual approach provides higher performance, but also requires more manual input. The results
indicate that the methods can be used complementary, and that such a combination has a large positive impact
on QA performance, and also facilitates additional features such as data exploration.
The Semantic Web provides a large number of struc-
tured datasets in form of Linked Data. One central
obstacle is to make this data available and consum-
able to lay users without knowledge of formal query
languages such as SPARQL. In order to satisfy spe-
cific information needs of users, a typical approach
are natural language interfaces to allow question an-
swering over the Linked Data (QALD) by translating
user queries into SPARQL (Diefenbach et al., 2018;
opez et al., 2013).
As an alternative method, (Mouromtsev et al.,
2018) propose a visual method of QA using an iter-
ative diagrammatic approach. The diagrammatic ap-
proach relies on the visual means only, it requires
more user interaction than natural language QA, but
also provides additional benefits like intuitive insights
into dataset characteristics, or a broader understand-
ing of the answer and the potential to further explore
the answer context, and finally allows for knowledge
sharing by storing and sharing resulting diagrams.
In contrast to (Mouromtsev et al., 2018), who
present the basic method and tool for diagrammatic
question answering (DQA), here we evaluate DQA
in comparison to natural language QALD systems.
Both approaches have different characteristics, there-
fore we see them as complementary rather than in
The basic research goals are: i) Given a dataset
extracted from the QALD7 benchmark
, we evaluate
DQA versus state-of-the-art QALD systems. ii) More
specifically, we investigate if and to what extent DQA
can be complementary to QALD systems, especially
in cases where those systems do not find a correct an-
swer. iii) Finally, we want to present the basic outline
for the integration of the two methods.
In a nutshell, users that applied DQA found the
correct answer with an F1-score of 79.5%, compared
to a maximum of 59.2% for the best performing
QALD system. Furthermore, for the subset of ques-
tions where the QALD system could not provide a
correct answer, users found the answer with 70% F1-
score with DQA. We further analyze the characteris-
tics of questions where the QALD or DQA, respec-
tively, approach is better suited.
The results indicate, that aside from the other ben-
efits of DQA, it can be a valuable component for in-
tegration into larger QALD systems, in cases where
Wohlgenannt, G., Mouromtsev, D., Pavlov, D., Emelyanov, Y. and Morozov, A.
A Comparative Evaluation of Visual and Natural Language Question Answering over Linked Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0008364704730478
In Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2019), pages 473-478
ISBN: 978-989-758-382-7
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: After placing the Wikidata entity Van Gogh onto the canvas, searching properties related to his “style” with Ontodia
DQA tool.
those systems cannot find an answer, or when the user
wants to explore the answer context in detail by visu-
alizing the relevant nodes and relations. Moreover,
users can verify answers given by a QALD system
using DQA in case of doubt.
This publication is organized as follows: After the
presentation of related work in Section 2, and a brief
system description of the DQA tool in Section 3, the
main focus of the paper is on evaluation setup and re-
sults of the comparison of DQA and QALD, including
a discussion, in Section 4. The paper concludes with
Section 5.
As introduced in (Mouromtsev et al., 2018) we un-
derstand diagrammatic question answering (DQA) as
the process of QA relying solely on visual explo-
ration using diagrams as a representation of the un-
derlying knowledge source. The process includes (i)
a model for diagrammatic representation of seman-
tic data which supports data interaction using em-
bedded queries, (ii) a simple method for step-by-step
construction of diagrams with respect to cognitive
boundaries and a layout that boosts understandabil-
ity of diagrams, (iii) a library for visual data explo-
ration and sharing based on its internal data model,
and (iv) an evaluation of DQA as knowledge under-
standing and knowledge sharing tool. (Eppler and
Burkhard, 2007) propose a framework of five per-
spectives of knowledge visualization, which can be
used to describe certain aspects of the DQA use cases,
such as its goal to provide an iterative exploration
method, which is accessible to any user, the possi-
bility of knowledge sharing (via saved diagrams), or
the general purpose of knowledge understanding and
abstraction from technical details.
Many tools exist for visual consumption and in-
teraction with RDF knowledge bases, however, they
are not designed specifically towards the question
answering use case. (Dud
s et al., 2018) give an
overview of ontology and Linked Data visualization
tools, and categorize them based on the used visual-
ization methods, interaction techniques and supported
ontology constructs.
Regarding language-based QA over Linked Data,
(Kaufmann and Bernstein, 2007) discuss and study
the usefulness of natural language interfaces to
ontology-based knowledge bases in a general way.
They focus on usability of such systems for the end
user, and conclude that users prefer full sentences
for query formulation and that natural language in-
terfaces are indeed useful.
(Diefenbach et al., 2018) describe the challenges
of QA over knowledge bases using natural languages,
and elaborate the various techniques used by existing
QALD systems to overcome those challenges. In the
present work, we compare DQA with four of those
systems using a subset of questions of the QALD7
benchmark. Those systems are: gAnswer (Zou et al.,
2014) is an approach for RDF QA that has a “graph-
driven” perspective. In contrast to traditional ap-
proaches, which first try to understand the question,
and then evaluate the query, in gAnswer the intention
of the query is modeled in a structured way, which
leads to a subgraph matching problem. Secondly,
QAKiS (Cabrio et al., 2014) is QA system over struc-
tured knowledge bases such as DBpedia that makes
use of relational patterns which capture different ways
to express a certain relation in a natural language in
order to construct a target-language (SPARQL) query.
Further, Platypus (Pellissier Tanon et al., 2018) is a
QA system on Wikidata. It represents questions in an
KEOD 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Figure 2: Answering the question: Who is the mayor of Paris?
internal format related to dependency-based compo-
sitional semantics which allows for question decom-
position and language independence. The platform
can answer complex questions in several languages by
using hybrid grammatical and template-based tech-
niques. And finally, also the WDAqua (Diefenbach
et al., 2018) system aims for language-independence
and for being agnostic of the underlying knowledge
base. WDAqua puts more importance on word se-
mantics than on the syntax of the user query, and fol-
lows a processes of query expansion, SPARQL con-
struction, query ranking and then making an answer
For the evaluation of QA systems, several
benchmarks have been proposed such as WebQues-
tions (Berant et al., 2013) or SimpleQuestions (Bor-
des et al., 2015). However, the most popular bench-
marks in the Semantic Web field arise from the QALD
evaluation campaign (L
opez et al., 2013). The re-
cent QALD7 evaluation campaign includes task 4:
“English question answering over Wikidata”
serves as basis to compile our evaluation dataset.
The DQA functionality is part of the Ontodia
The initial idea of Ontodia was to enable the explo-
ration of semantic graphs for ordinary users. Data
exploration is about efficiently extracting knowledge
from data even in situations where it is unclear what
is being looked for exactly (Idreos et al., 2015).
The DQA tool uses an incremental approach to ex-
ploration typically starting from a very small number
of nodes. With the context menu of a particular node,
relations and related nodes can be added until the dia-
gram fulfills the information need of the user. Figure 1
gives an example of a start node, where a user wants
to learn more about the painting style of Van Gogh.
To illustrate the process, we give a brief example
here. More details about the DQA tool, the motivation
for DQA and diagram-based visualizations are found
in previous work (Mouromtsev et al., 2018; Wohlge-
nannt et al., 2017).
As for the example, when attempting to answer a
question such as “Who is the mayor of Paris?” the
first step for a DQA user is finding a suitable start-
ing point, in our case the entity Paris. The user enters
“Paris” into the search box, and can then investigate
the entity on the tool canvas. The information about
the entity stems from the underlying dataset, for ex-
ample Wikidata
. The user can in an incremental
process search in the properties of the given entity
(or entities) and add relevant entities onto the canvas.
In the given example, the property “head of govern-
ment” connects the mayor to the city of Paris, Anne
Hidalgo. The final diagram which answers the given
question is presented in Figure 2.
Here we present the evaluation of DQA in comparison
to four QALD systems.
4.1 Evaluation Setup
As evaluation dataset, we reuse questions from the
QALD7 benchmark task 4 “QA over Wikidata”.
Question selection from QALD7 is based on the prin-
ciples of question classification in QA (Moldovan
et al., 2000). Firstly, it is necessary to define ques-
tion types which correspond to different scenarios of
data exploration in DQA, as well as the type of ex-
pected answers and the question focus. The question
focus refers to the main information in the question
which help a user find the answer. We follow the
model of (Riloff and Thelen, 2000) who categorize
questions by their question word into WHO, WHICH,
WHAT, NAME, and HOW questions. Given the ques-
tion and answer type categories, we created four ques-
tionnaires with nine questions each
resulting in 36
questions from the QALD dataset. The questions
were picked in equal number for ve basic question
20 persons participated in the DQA evaluation
14 male and six female from eight different countries.
The majority of respondents work within academia,
A Comparative Evaluation of Visual and Natural Language Question Answering over Linked Data
Table 1: Overall performance of DQA and the four QALD tools – measured with precision, recall and F1 score.
DQA WDAqua askplatyp.us QAKiS gAnswer
Precision 80.1% 53.7% 8.57% 29.6% 57.5%
Recall 78.5% 58.8% 8.57% 25.6% 61.1%
F1 79.5% 56.1% 8.57% 27.5% 59.2%
however seven users were employed in industry. 131
diagrams (of 140 expected) were returned by the
The same 36 questions were answered using four
QALD tools: WDAqua
(Diefenbach et al., 2018),
(Cabrio et al., 2014), gAnswer
(Zou et al.,
2014) and Platypus
(Pellissier Tanon et al., 2018).
For the QALD tools, a human evaluator pasted the
questions as is into the natural language Web inter-
faces, and submitted them to the systems. Typically
QALD tools provide a distinct answer, which may be
a simple literal, or a set of entities which represent
the answer, and which can be compared to the gold
standard result. However, the WDAqua system, some-
times, additionally to the direct answer to the ques-
tion, provides links to documents related to the ques-
tion. We always chose the answer available via direct
To assess the correctness of the answers given
both by participants in the DQA experiments, and by
the QALD system, we use the classic information re-
trieval metrics of precision (P), recall (R), and F1.
P measures the fraction of relevant (correct) answer
(items) given versus all answers (answer items) given.
R is the faction of correct answer (parts) given divided
by all correct ones in the gold answer, and F1 is the
harmonic mean of P and R. As an example, if the
question is “Where was Albert Einstein born?” (gold
answer: “Ulm”), and the system gives two answers
“Ulm” and “Bern”, then P =
, R = 1 and F1 =
For DQA four participants answered each ques-
tion, therefore we took the average P, R, and F1 val-
ues over the four evaluators as the result per question.
The detailed answers by the participants and available
4.2 Evaluation Results and Discussion
Table 1 presents the overall evaluation metrics of
DQA, and the four QALD tools studied. With the
given dataset, WDAqua (56.1% F1) and gAnswer
(59.2% F1) clearly outperform askplatyp.us (8.6%
F1) and QAKiS (27.5% F1). Detailed results per ques-
tion including the calculation of P, R and F1 scores
are available online
. DQA led to 79.5% F1 (80.1%
precision and 78.5% recall).
In further evaluations, we compare DQA results to
WDAqua in order to study the differences and poten-
tial complementary aspects of the approaches. We se-
lected WDAqua as representative of QALD tools, as it
provides state-of-the-art results, and is well grounded
in the Semantic Web community.
Comparing DQA and WDAqua, the first interest-
ing question is: To what extend is DQA helpful on
questions that could not be answered by the QALD
system? For WDAqua the overall F1 score on our test
dataset is 56.1%. For the subset of questions where
WDAqua had no, or only a partial, answer, DQA
users found the correct answer in 69.6% of cases. On
the other hand, the subset of questions that DQA users
(partially) failed to answer, were answered correctly
by WDAqua with an F1 of 27.3%. If DQA is used
as a backup method for questions not correctly an-
swered with WDAqua, then overall F1 can be raised
to 85.0%. The increase from 56.1% to 85.0% demon-
strates the potential of DQA as complementary com-
ponent in QALD systems.
As expected, questions that are difficult to an-
swer with one approach are also harder for the other
approach as some questions in the dataset or just
more complex to process and understand than others.
However, almost 70% of questions not answered by
WDAqua could still be answered by DQA. As ex-
amples of cases which are easier to answer for one
approach than the other, a question that DQA users
could answer, but where WDAqua failed is: “What
is the name of the school where Obama’s wife stud-
ied?”. This complex question formulation is hard to
interpret correctly for a machine. In contrast to DQA,
QALD systems also struggled with “Who is the son
of Sonny and Cher?”. This question needs a lot of
real-world knowledge to map the names Sonny and
Cher to their corresponding entities. The QALD sys-
https://github.com/gwohlgen/DQA evaluations/blob/
master/nlp eval.xlsx
Furthermore, at the time of paper writing the gAnswer
online demo was not available any more, support for this
tools seems limited.
KEOD 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Figure 3: Answering the question: Who is the son of Sonny and Cher? with DQA.
tem needs to select the correct Cher entity from mul-
tiple options in Wikidata, and also to understand that
“Sonny” refers to the entity Sonny Bono. The re-
sulting answer diagram is given in Figure 3. More
simple questions, like “Who is the mayor of Paris?”
were correctly answered by WDAqua, but not by all
DQA users. DQA participants in this case struggled
to make the leap from the noun “mayor” to the head-
of-government property in Wikidata.
Regarding the limits of DQA, this method has dif-
ficulties when the answer can be obtained only with
joins of queries, or when it is hard to find the initial
starting entities related to question focus. For exam-
ple, a question like “Show me the list of African birds
that are extinct. typically requires an intersection of
two (large) sets of candidates entities, ie. all African
birds and extinct birds. Such a task can easily be rep-
resented in a SPARQL query, but is hard to address
with diagrams, because it would require placing, and
interacting with, a huge amount of nodes on the ex-
ploration canvas.
Overall, the experiments indicate, that addition-
ally to the use cases where QALD and DQA are use-
ful on their own, there is a lot of potential in com-
bining the two approaches, especially by providing a
user the opportunity to explore the dataset with DQA
if QALD did not find a correct answer, or when a
user wants to confirm the QALD answer by check-
ing in the underlying knowledge base. Furthermore,
visually exploring the dataset provides added benefits,
like understanding the dataset characteristics, sharing
of resulting diagrams (if supported by the tool), and
finding more information related to the original infor-
mation need.
For the integration of QALD and DQA, we envi-
sion two scenarios. The first scenario addresses plain
question answering, and here DQA can be added to a
QALD system for cases where a user is not satisfied
with a given answer. The QALD Web interface can
for example have a Explore visually with diagrams
button, which brings the user to a canvas on which
the entities detected by the QALD system within the
question and results (if any) are displayed on the can-
vas as starting nodes. The user will then explore the
knowledge graph and find the answers in the same
way as the participants in our experiments. The first
scenario can lead to a large improvement in answer
F1 (see above).
The second scenario of integration of QALD and
DQA focuses on the exploration aspect. Even if the
QALD system provides the correct answer, a user
might be interested to explore the knowledge graph
to validate the result and to discover more interest-
ing information about the target entities. From an im-
plementation and UI point of view, the same Explore
visually with diagrams button and pre-population of
the canvas can be used. Both scenarios also provide
the additional benefits of potentially saving and shar-
ing the created diagrams, which elaborate the relation
between question and answer.
In this work, we compare two approaches to answer
questions over Linked Data datasets: a visual di-
agrammatic approach (DQA) which involves itera-
tive exploration of the graph, and a natural language-
based (QALD). The evaluations show, that DQA can
be a helpful addition to pure QALD systems, both
A Comparative Evaluation of Visual and Natural Language Question Answering over Linked Data
regarding evaluation metrics (precision, recall, and
F1), and also for dataset understanding and further
exploration. The contributions include: i) a compara-
tive evaluation of four QALD tools and DQA with a
dataset extracted from the QALD7 benchmark, ii) an
investigation into the differences and potential com-
plementary aspects of the two approaches, and iii) the
proposition of integration scenarios for QALD and
In future work we plan to study the integration of
DQA and QALD, especially the aspect of automat-
ically creating an initial diagram from a user query,
in order to leverage the discussed potentials. We en-
vision an integrated tool, that uses QALD as basic
method to find an answer to a question quickly, but
also allows to explore the knowledge graph visually
to raise answer quality and support exploration with
all its discussed benefits.
This work was supported by the Government of
the Russian Federation (Grant 074-U01) through the
ITMO Fellowship and Professorship Program.
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KEOD 2019 - 11th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development