A Framework for Context-dependent User Interface Adaptation
Stephan K
, Felix Schwinger
and Karl-Heinz Krempels
Information Systems, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology FIT, Aachen, Germany
Context, Context-aware Applications, User Interface, Human-computer Interaction, Adaptation.
Mobile information systems are operated in a large variety of different contexts – especially during intermodal
journeys. Every context has a distinct set of properties, so the suitability of user interfaces differs in various
contexts. But currently, the representation of information on user interfaces is hard-coded. Therefore, we
propose a dynamic adaptation of user interfaces to the context of use to increase the value of an information
system to the user. The proposed system focuses on travel information systems but is designed in a way that
it is generalizable to other application domains. The adaptation system works as an independent service that
acts as a broker in the communication between an application and the user. This service transforms messages
between a user- and a system-oriented representation. The context of use, the device configuration, and user
preferences affect the calculated user-oriented representation.
In recent years, powerful and flexible, yet small and
handy mobile information systems have been devel-
oped and became widely available to the public. They
do not only provide useful information, but also en-
tertainment and means of communication with other
people. Due to their high portability and usefulness,
such information systems are used in a diverse set of
environments, such as at home, at the working place
or during traveling.
A context is a collection of information on the
situation of an entity. This includes information on the
entity itself, its physical and social environment and
all other entities with an influence on it. An entity can
be a human, an object or a place (Dey, 2001; Strang
and Linnhoff-Popien, 2003).
Most contemporary mobile devices are equipped
with a multitude of different sensors, such as ac-
celerometers, cameras or light sensors. The data col-
lected from those sensors give information systems
access to a wide range of information on the current
context of use (Johnson and Trivedi, 2011).
In this paper, we especially examined the mobility
aspect of potential users, as a variety of different con-
texts can occur during a journey (H
orold et al., 2013).
Each context has different properties and makes differ-
ent demands on the human-computer interaction (Kol-
ski et al., 2011). For example, when carrying luggage
with both hands, tactile interaction with an informa-
tion system is inconvenient because both hands are
already occupied. In this situation, the user has to stop
walking and put down the luggage to be able to input
information into an information system. Likewise, the
use of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) while driving
a car or walking is dangerous. The interaction with a
GUI usually distracts the vision of the user. The con-
sequence is a highly increased crash potential (Smith,
The user interface (UI) of most information sys-
tems is hard-coded in the form of GUIs that are con-
trolled over tactile communication means (Edwards
and Mynatt, 1994). However, as illustrated in the
examples above, this hard-coding of UIs results in re-
stricted access of the user to the information system in
certain situations.
To provide the optimal human-computer interac-
tion in each context of use, the user interface must
automatically adapt to the current context of use using
the available communication resources. Hence, each
message between the user and the system is rendered
with the currently most suitable modality on the most
suitable output device. This increases the number of
situations where an information system can be used.
We attempt to sketch a framework for the automatic
adaptation of multimodal user interfaces to the current
context. The remainder of the paper is structured as
Kölker, S., Schwinger, F. and Krempels, K.
A Framework for Context-dependent User Interface Adaptation.
DOI: 10.5220/0008487200002366
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2019), pages 418-425
ISBN: 978-989-758-386-5; ISSN: 2184-3252
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
follows: Section 2 introduces the current State of the
Art regarding multimodal UIs and adaptation systems.
In Section 3, we present our approach to the problem,
whereas Section 4 concludes the paper with a brief
summary and highlights future work.
Current widely used travel information systems, such
as car navigation systems or Google Maps usually use
hard-coded UIs that are optimized for a specific con-
text of use. Most commonly, GUIs are used for the pre-
sentation of information to the user and tactile UIs to
receive information (Edwards and Mynatt, 1994). Ad-
ditionally, speech-based interaction is common among
travel information systems to present information to
drivers. The general topic of context-aware computing
is not a recent one, we refer the reader to recent sur-
veys in the area for a more general overview: (Chen
and Kotz, 2000; Jaimes and Sebe, 2007; Dumas et al.,
2009; Hong et al., 2009)
(Mitrevska et al., 2015) present a context-aware
in-car information system that interacts with the user
via speech, gesture and displays. Their system enables
the user to interact with specific objects in the environ-
ment of the car (e.g., a restaurant) to retrieve further
information about them or to access associated ser-
vices (e.g., reserving a table), but the user interaction
is not dynamically adapted to the current context.
An XML-based language for describing multi-
modal UIs on different levels of abstraction is intro-
duced by (Vanderdonckt et al., 2004). This language
supports the device- and modality-independent devel-
opment of multimodal UIs and provides transforma-
tions between different forms of UIs. An iterative
process for the design of mobile information systems
with multimodal interfaces is proposed by (Lemmel
et al., 2008). The result of the design process is a set
of UIs for different contexts of use designed by UI de-
velopers. The automated synthesis of UIs for different
contexts is not examined in their work.
A system for the automated synthesis of UIs is
proposed by (Falb et al., 2006). They represent the
human-computer interaction by communicative acts
and introduce a meta-model for the description of inter-
actions. The UI is automatically generated for various
possible output devices based on an interaction de-
scription, but does not take the context of use into
Besides car navigation systems and PDAs/smart-
phones, further device classes have been evaluated
with regard to their suitability for travel navigation.
Travel navigation systems on the basis of smartwatches
are proposed by (Pielot et al., 2010), (Zargamy et al.,
2013), and (Samsel et al., 2015). The suitability of
vibration for presenting navigational instructions to
travelers is examined by (Pielot et al., 2012). (Eis
et al., 2017) introduce a travel navigation system with
smart glasses and (Rehman and Cao, 2016) compare
handheld-based navigation with navigation on smart
(Baus et al., 2002) present a pedestrian navigation
system that provides the user with context-dependent
information while adapting the presentation of this in-
formation to the capabilities of the employed hardware
and the information needs of the user. A process for
the adaptation of UIs to hardware capabilities and user
preferences is described by (Christoph and Krempels,
2007; Christoph et al., 2010). They represent UIs as a
sequence of elementary interaction objects. Those in-
teraction objects are represented in XML and adapted
via XSLT. The dynamic adaptation of GUIs during
runtime is discussed by (Criado et al., 2010). They
present a meta-model for the description of GUIs that
allows incremental adaptation.
In this section, we are introducing our automated user
interface adaptation system. The UI adaptation sys-
tem is designed as an independent service that acts
as a broker in the communication between the user
and an information system. An information system is
the client of this adaptation service. The UI adapta-
tion service is responsible for the context-dependent
generation of a UI, the reception of user inputs and,
optionally, the interpretation of user inputs.
An overview of the system is given in Figure 1. In-
stead of generating a UI, an information system sends
a message to the UI adaptation service. The UI adapta-
tion service calculates a suitable representation for this
message based on the context of use. The service for-
wards this representation to the rendering engine which
renders the UI. The UI adaptation service directly re-
ceives user inputs and extracts useful information from
it. Afterwards, it sends the information to the target
3.1 Service Interfaces
For the context-dependent adaptation of a UI, the UI
adaptation service interacts with a client information
service, a context detection service, and a renderer. In
this section, a representation of data on those interfaces
is proposed.
A Framework for Context-dependent User Interface Adaptation
Dialogue manager
Adaptation Service
Client app
Fusion engine
Context manager
Raw user
User Interface
Context Detection Service
Multimodal Fission
Figure 1: Overview over the components of the UI adapta-
tion service.
The Information Service Interface.
The human-
computer interaction can be modeled by the Agent
Communication Language (ACL) proposed by the
Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents (FIPA,
2002a). In the framework of FIPA ACL, each message
between two agents is a communicative act which con-
tains information about the communicants, the content
of the message and the conversation (e. g., interaction
protocol and conversation ID). A conversation is a
sequence of communicative acts. The interaction pro-
tocol restricts the number of those sequences (Odell
et al., 2001). In (FIPA, 2002b), several types of com-
municative acts are proposed, such as:
the sender provides the recipient with infor-
the sender requests the recipient to perform a
specific action and to provide the sender with the
result of this action, and
the sender requests the recipient to perform
a specific action.
The content of a communicative act can be represented
by an ontology. Established ontology languages are the
Resource Description Framework (RDF) (Cyganiak
et al., 2014) and the Web Ontology Language (OWL)
(Schreiber and Dean, 2004).
Context Interface.
The context manager is the com-
ponent within the UI adaptation service that retrieves
and maintains context models. An external context
detection service provides the context manager with a
description of the current context of use.
A context of use can be described by ontological
models because ontologies provide a formal model
that facilitates knowledge sharing and reuse across
different entities (Strang and Linnhoff-Popien, 2003;
Wang et al., 2004). Ontologies are a tool for the formal
modeling of concepts and their interrelations (Gruber,
1993). A predefined set of inference rules allows to
infer implicit knowledge from an ontology. As a spe-
cialization of logic programs, ontologies can also be
translated into logic programs and extended with logi-
cal rules (Baader, 2010; Wang et al., 2004).
The Renderer Interface.
At the renderer interface,
the UI adaptation service provides a UI renderer with a
description of the final UI. The format of this descrip-
tion highly depends on the targeted platform.
3.2 Transformation of Information into
a User-friendly Representation
We formally describe the transformation of informa-
tion from an application into a user-friendly represen-
tation as a function
that maps from the input
documents to an output document:
: D
× D
× D
× D
denotes the set of documents in the lan-
guage of communicative acts,
the set of docu-
ments in the language of the context detection service,
the set of documents in the language of the user
the set of documents in the language
of the device profile, and
the set of documents in
the language that is understood by the renderer. The
is a composition of the following
trans pui : D
(transformation from
speech acts to prototypical UIs),
adapt : D
× D
× D
× D
(context-dependent adaptation of prototypical user
interfaces), and
inst ui : D
(instantiation of the out-
put document),
denotes the set of documents in the lan-
guage of the prototypical user interfaces. A prototypi-
cal UI is a system- and implementation-independent
description of a UI that is subject to adaptation. An
overview over the composition of the functions is given
in Figure 2.
Representation of Prototypical User Interfaces.
In this work, we represent the prototypical user inter-
face as a set of elementary interaction objects (eIOs),
as introduced by (Christoph and Krempels, 2007). El-
ementary interaction objects are non-decomposable
objects that enable a user to interact with a system.
To be applicable to the problem at hand, we extend
the definition of eIOs by (Christoph and Krempels,
WEBIST 2019 - 15th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
trans pui
inst ui
Figure 2: Overview of the transformation function
and its components.
2007). In this extended definition, an eIO has the
following properties:
Type of the interaction object, one of the following:
Single select: selection of one single element
from a given list
Multiple select: selection of multiple elements
from a given list
Input: input of information into the system
Inform: output of information to the user
Action: initiate an action in the system
Description of the interaction object (optional)
Content of the object, if needed
Content representation (output device, representa-
tion medium, modality
and modality properties
Natural language of the content
Unique identifier of the element for reference
Transformation of Communicative Acts into Pro-
totypical User Interfaces.
A communicative act is
transformed into an eIO based on the performative, the
identity of the sender and receiver and the associated
interaction protocol. The performatives from (FIPA,
2002b) are classified into either one of two classes:
informs or requests. Informs are used to inform the
receiver of a message about a given subject without
requesting any specific action. The purpose of requests
is to invoke a specific behavior in the receiver of the
message. Feedback about the results of an action can
be part of this behavior. The associated interaction
protocol specifies whether feedback is expected.
e. g., text, image, or speech
e. g., font color, size, or voice
As visualized in Table 1, the eIO types can be ar-
ranged into a two-dimensional space spanned by the
performative class and the direction of the communi-
cation. This arrangement and the above-mentioned
classification of performatives together define a map-
ping from communicative acts to eIOs.
Adaptation of Prototypical User Interfaces.
ject to adaptation is the content representation of every
eIO. As shown in Figure 2, the adaptation of the eIO
document is based on the context of use and the user
and device profile information.
To resolve possible ambiguities and contradictions
among the input documents, we define a hierarchy of
the input documents: In case of a conflict between the
device profile and the user profile the system discards
the information from the user profile. The reason for
this is that the device profile defines the technically
possible means of communication, whereas the user
profile defines abilities, but also preferences of the
user. The implications from the context of use to the
UI are assigned to the lowest priority because they are
desirable, yet optional properties of the UI.
On a high level, the UI adaptation procedure works
as follows:
Remove all preferences from the user profile that
are in conflict with the device profile (this yields
the adjusted user profile)
From the set of all theoretically possible content
representations, determine the set of admissible
content representations R
Find the best content representation(s)
for the current context
according to
an evaluation function eval:
= argmax
eval(C, cr)
Set the properties of all eIOs according to
the device profile and the adjusted user profile
The adaptation system determines the set of ad-
missible content representations based on the avail-
able output devices, their interaction capabilities, the
abilities of the user and the message content. The
message content imposes restrictions on the available
modalities (e. g., image data cannot be represented by
The evaluation function
assigns a rating to a
context and a content representation.
eval : C × R R,
denotes the set of all possible contexts and
the set of all content representations. A more detailed
A Framework for Context-dependent User Interface Adaptation
Table 1: Characterization of eIOs by the direction of the communication and the interaction type.
System User User System
Inform Inform Input, selection
Request (without feedback) Inform Action
Request (with feedback) Inform + inputs and selections Action
Figure 3: Communication infrastructure ontology.
description of
is given in Section 3.3. If mul-
tiple content representations have an optimal rating,
the renderer renders the UI using all optimal content
representations concurrently.
Implementation of Content Representation
For the search of the best content represen-
tations, a compact representation of all admissible
combinations of output devices, modalities and
modality properties is needed. In the following,
we refer to this representation as communication
infrastructure. The communication infrastructure is
modeled by an RDF ontology. Figure 3 shows the
corresponding RDF schema.
A communication infrastructure has a hierarchi-
cal structure: on the first levels are available devices.
Every device can usually access several presentation
media. Each presentation medium addresses a spe-
cific communication channel and has a set of avail-
able modalities. Each modality is assigned to exactly
one communication channel and has a set of possi-
ble modality properties. Due to this structure, a path
from a device to a modality property describes a valid
content representation. Besides, the abstract concept
of communication means with
tions is included.
is as a super-
class of all aforementioned communication means and
is a generalization of all other relations
prefixed with
”. This allows for a more generic
definition of the search algorithm.
The search algorithm is a uniform-cost search on
the RDF graph of the communication infrastructure
(Russell and Norvig, 2018). For the search, only
relations are considered. The search
starts on all nodes with no incoming edge (root nodes).
The cost of an edge is determined by the evaluation
of the target node of the edge in the current context.
The result of the search is the set of all best-rated paths
from one of the root nodes to a leaf node. The rating
for a path is the combination of the ratings of all edges
on that path.
This algorithm is applicable to a wide variety of
different device configurations because it relies on a
generic graph structure for the representation of the
communication infrastructure. Consequently, this al-
gorithm is well-adapted to use cases with automated
recognition of connected devices and easily customiz-
able preferences.
Instantiation of the User Interface.
The instantia-
tion of the UI is highly platform-specific. Each mo-
bile device platform provides a unique UI description
language (Thornsby, 2016; D’areglia, 2018). Com-
mon to all platforms is the possibility to write ap-
plications with HTML, CSS and JavaScript, e. g.,
through Progressive Web Apps (Ater, 2017) or frame-
works (Wargo, 2012). To support a broad range of plat-
forms, it is sensible to use HTML, CSS and JavaScript
for the definition of the final UI. It is possible to define
a mapping from graphical eIOs to HTML and CSS
and from auditive and tactile eIOs to JavaScript code
3.3 Suitability of User Interfaces in
The evaluation function
(cf. Section 3.2) deter-
mines the suitability of a UI in a given context. In this
section, we propose an implementation for the evalua-
tion function. This implementation is targeted towards
journey contexts.
Classification of Journey Contexts.
Instead of clas-
sifying journey contexts into distinct context classes,
such as in (H
orold et al., 2013), journey contexts are
identified by partial context descriptions because many
context aspects have to be considered in the evaluation.
A partial context description is an expression that de-
scribes parts of a context. Partial context descriptions
identify the class of all contexts that match the descrip-
WEBIST 2019 - 15th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
tion and allow for very fine-grained context classes.
For example, the partial context description “rainy and
crowded” refers to the class of all contexts with rainy
weather and a crowded environment. A partial context
description can be implemented as a query in predicate
Representation of an Rating.
A rating can be rep-
resented by a real value
r [0, 1] R
, where
r = 1
stands for “suitable” and
r = 0
for “unsuitable”. The
combination function
should meet the following
([0, 1], )
is a monoid with “suitable” (i.e., 1) as
identity element.
is monotonically increasing, i.e., if
, r
, r
), then r
The result of the combination of two ratings sat-
isfies the rating semantics, i.e.,
= 1
“suitable” and r
= 0 means “unsuitable”.
The result of a combination with “unsuitable” is
always “unsuitable”, i.e., r 0 = 0.
The multiplication function meets these requirements
for the chosen value range. Consequently, the combi-
nation of two ratings
is their multiplication
· r
Mapping from Contexts to User Interfaces.
content representation is a combination of multiple
communication means. Due to the large variety of
possible content representations, the assignment of a
suitability value to each single content representation
is hard. Let a context
be represented as a set of
all possible partial context descriptions that hold in
Then, the evaluation function can be represented as
eval(C, cr) =
(c, cm),
is the evaluation of a single communica-
tion mean in a context.
The value of
(c, cm)
is retrieved from lookup
tables. These lookup tables contain suitability eval-
uations of communication means assigned to partial
context descriptions. Due to the high number of possi-
ble partial context descriptions
and the fact that most
communication means are suitable in most contexts,
the lookup table does not need to contain all possible
evaluations. Instead, a default value is introduced and
only those values are given that deviate from this de-
fault value. This default value is the identity element
of ([0, 1] , ), i. e., “suitable” or 1.
For example, the following subset of the set of all
partial context descriptions is already uncountably infinite:
{temperature = x | x R}.
3.4 Transformation of Information
from the User
The proposed UI adaptation service is able to receive
information from the user on any available input chan-
nel. This enables the user to freely choose the most
suitable input channel. This decision is based on the
assumption that the user knows best which communi-
cation channel is the most suitable one in the current
In general, two basic modes of human-computer
interaction from the perspective of the user can be
Proactive Communication:
the user initiates a com-
munication with the information service.
Reactive Communication:
the user responds to a
previous action of the information service accord-
ing to an interaction protocol.
To support proactive communication, the client infor-
mation service has to provide the adaptation service
with a set of functions for the current application mode.
For reactive communication, the adaptation service has
to augment the prototypical UI with additional interac-
tion objects for user input during the adaptation.
Processing User Input.
The user input is first reg-
istered at the UI. Inputs are either GUI events or raw
data (e. g., audio or video data). These inputs are for-
warded to the UI adaptation service. If the input data
type matches the expected data type in the interaction
protocol of the conversation, the data is directly for-
warded to the client. Otherwise, the adaptation service
interprets the input data. An interpretation, for ex-
ample, can be the translation of spoken speech into a
textual representation, or the mapping of a touch event
to an intent. The necessary interpretation procedure is
determined based on the input and output data types
of predefined interpretation procedures.
Multimodal systems employ a fusion engine for the
coordination of multiple incoming data streams (Du-
mas et al., 2009). The proposed UI adaptation ser-
vice supports concurrent multimodality (Nigay and
Coutaz, 1993), so such coordination is not necessary
here. Here, the task of the fusion engine is to link
the incoming messages from the user to conversations.
This linkage is possible by keeping track of which
interaction object corresponds to which conversation.
At last, a communicative act is generated and sent
to the client information service. The fields conver-
sation id, sender and receiver are filled with the ap-
propriate information and the raw or interpreted input
data is added as the content of the communicative act.
A Framework for Context-dependent User Interface Adaptation
3.5 Dialogue Manager
The dialogue manager provides and manages informa-
tion about conversations (Dumas et al., 2009). This
includes the communication history, the states of all
conversations and the interaction protocols. Further-
more, the dialogue manager validates communicative
acts in the context of a conversation and determines
the expected type of data of a communicative act cor-
responding to an interaction protocol.
In this work, we proposed a context-dependent UI
adaptation system. This system is a service that trans-
forms messages between a system- and a user-oriented
representation depending on the context of use.
Messages between an application and the adapta-
tion service are represented as communicative acts and
translated into a prototypical UI. Elementary interac-
tion objects (eIOs) describe prototypical UIs, whereas
an ontology models the context of use. The content
representation of the eIOs is adapted to the context of
use via a uniform-cost search on a communication in-
frastructure graph and an evaluation function. Finally,
the prototypical UI is transcribed into a document that
can be rendered and presented to the user by the tar-
geted rendering engine. Messages from a user are
received by the adaptation service, processed in the
context of the associated conversation and forwarded
to the client application as communicative acts.
In future work, suitable evaluation functions for
specific domains should be defined, a functional pro-
totype of the system should be implemented and the
system should be tested in real-life environments with
potential users, including developers and end-users of
the UI. The system and the evaluation function should
then be refined based on user feedback and observa-
tions from those tests.
Regarding the introduction of smartwatches, smart
glasses, and smart speakers in the recent past, it is
likely that users will interact with multiple devices on
a regular basis. The proposed system can provide a
framework for the seamless interaction between appli-
cations and users across different devices.
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