ShoCons: Effective Display of Shortcuts in Icon Toolbars
Vidya Setlur and Benjamin Watson
Tableau Research, Palo Alto, U.S.A.
Keyboard Shortcuts, Menus, Toolbars, Icons.
Users often do not use keyboard shortcuts in applications as recalling and choosing the correct shortcut is a
higher-order cognitive task. Mouse driven menus, toolbars, and icons are easier for a user to learn because
they present hints and make visible what operations are possible, drawing on the power of recognition rather
than recall. How can we better support the usage of shortcuts with such menus? Two existing methods are text
in the icons, and popups with mouse hover. While the first is space inefficient; the second limits exposure and
imposes an interaction cost. We propose a third method, ShoCons, that is spatially more efficient and neither
limits user exposure nor imposes an interaction cost. To achieve this, ShoCons use a succinct iconic display of
meta keys, limiting textual display to one character. We examine these alternatives in a controlled study, and
find that when used with a high-level task, ShoCons enable faster task performance and an immediate increase
in the accuracy of shortcut use.
Making functionality easier to access for users is a
problem common to all interactive software. Tool-
bars are prevalent in graphical user interfaces because
they make visible what operations are possible, sub-
stituting the ease of recognition for the difficulty of
recall, making the interface easier to learn. Icons are
commonly used in toolbars as they are visually dis-
tinctive, and can succinctly convey the semantics of
the underlying information (Familant and Detweiler,
A keyboard shortcut is a combination of
keystrokes used to carry out some operation that
would otherwise be executed with the mouse. In
desktop applications, most shortcuts use one or more
metakeys (i.e., the Ctrl, Alt, and Shift keys) in com-
bination with another key, creating a chord. Because
they allow users to perform operations without devi-
ating significantly from their tasks, they are generally
viewed as more efficient than using icons in toolbars
(Lane et al., 2005). As users transition from being
novices to experts, one would expect them to employ
shortcuts more often. Unfortunately this is not the
case. Shortcuts can be hard to learn and remember,
because unlike menus and toolbars, they often have
no visual representation (Lane et al., 2005).
2.1 Shortcut Display in Icons
There are two prevailing methods for displaying key-
board shortcuts. Pop-ups display on demand a textual
representation of the shortcut next to the correspond-
ing icon, and are often used with toolbars. For ex-
ample, Microsoft Office displays a tooltip when the
cursor hovers over an icon. Pop-ups preserve the visi-
bility of icons, but hide the keyboard end of the short-
cut mapping, requiring user action before making it
completely visible. This limits the both the exposure
to and incidental learning of mappings that is impor-
tant to effective integration of shortcuts in interfaces
(Grossman et al., 2007). Static or continuous hints
always display a textual representation of the short-
cut, and are regularly used in text menus such as OS
X. While they can display both ends of the shortcut
mapping, the display space they dedicate to key dis-
play can reduce the visibility of the mapping to appli-
cation functionality.
2.2 Measuring Usage and Efficacy of
Keyboard Shortcuts
Lane et al. explored the efficiency of shortcuts (2005),
finding that once learned, drop-down menus are less
Setlur, V. and Watson, B.
ShoCons: Effective Display of Shortcuts in Icon Toolbars.
DOI: 10.5220/0008494502290234
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications (CHIRA 2019), pages 229-234
ISBN: 978-989-758-376-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: ShoCons encodings for various shortcut metakey
combinations. Hash marks in the border of the ShoCons
correspond to the positioning of the Alt, Control and Shift
metakeys on a QUERTY keyboard.
efficient than icon toolbars, and toolbars are less ef-
ficient than shortcuts. In another study, Odell et al.
examined the efficiency of toolbars, shortcuts phys-
ically grouped by related functionality, and shortcuts
mapped to keys with a lexical relationship to the func-
tion’s name (Odell et al., 2004). They found that
physically grouped shortcuts were fastest, while tool-
bars were slowest. The literature on flow applied to
user interfaces provides a good motivation for why
users should make the transition from icon toolbars to
keyboard shortcuts (Bederson, 2004). Bederson de-
scribes different levels of skill acquisition, where in
the final autonomous stage, the command is almost
exclusively facilitated by keyboard shortcuts.
Several researchers worked toward easing the
transition to shortcuts. Grossman et al. (2007) found
that audio display of shortcut mappings and disabling
command access through menus was quite effective.
In the Blur system (Scarr et al., 2011), when the user
executes a command using a toolbar, Blur displays a
transient, visual “calm notification” reminding them
of the equivalent shortcut. When arranging several
objects in Powerpoint, Blur users made the expert
transition more easily than with traditional shortcuts.
ExposeHK overlays key combinations onto existing
UI widgets when a metakey is pressed (Malacria
et al., 2013), making shortcuts visible on demand.
We propose a new method of shortcut display called
ShoCons, which uses a succinct iconic representation
of shortcut metakeys (Shift, Ctrl and Alt) that mirrors
the layout of those keys on the QWERTY keyboard
(Figure 1). Our work:
Demonstrates the Potential of Continuous Short-
cut Display. Rather than making display of short-
cut mappings conditional on mouse (Grossman
et al., 2007) or keyboard interaction (Malacria
et al., 2013) (Scarr et al., 2011), ShoCons en-
ables continuous display of shortcuts, increasing
the visibility of shortcut keyboard mappings. This
simplifies their discovery, eases their confirma-
tion, and better supports the incidental and as-
sociative learning described by Grossman et al.
Our experiments show that ShoCons continuous
shortcut display can significantly improve task
performance and accuracy of shortcut use.
Proposes and Verifies a Visually Efficient Short-
cut Display. Continuous display of shortcut map-
pings might overload the interface, which is al-
ready quite busy in complex applications, and
may introduce a tradeoff that obscures the very
functionality mappings it hopes to reveal. Our ex-
periments confirm that ShoCons offers significant
improvements in task performance and accuracy
of shortcut use over a less concise, continuous
shortcut display.
Examines Shortcut Usage in a Higher Level Con-
text. Most previous work on shortcuts evaluated
their effectiveness using disjoint, short, repetitive
tasks (e.g., “press A now”) to accelerate and en-
able the study of learning in the lab. Inspired by
Scarr et al.s (2011) use of a higher-level Power-
point layout task to improve the external valid-
ity of their evaluation, we use a high-level garden
building task to evaluate ShoCons. Our experi-
ments suggest that even in this challenging con-
text, ShoCons can enable rapid improvements in
task performance and accuracy of shortcut use.
To test whether ShoCons continuous display of short-
cut mappings could improve task performance and
shortcut learning, we performed an experiment com-
paring our continuous, succinct ShoCons display to
a a traditional continuous shortcut display (verbose,
Figure 3(a)), and a popup display that shows map-
pings only when the Alt key is pressed (conditional,
Figure 3(a)). We hypothesized that:
Continuous is Better: Continuous display (ver-
bose & ShoCons) enables better task performance
and learning than conditional display.
CHIRA 2019 - 3rd International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications
Figure 2: Experimental interface with ShoCons (continuous succinct) display in the toolbar and a participant’s garden. We do
not show the very similar target garden at the bottom.
(a) Text in the icon (continuous verbose)
(b) Popups (conditional)
Figure 3: The other two different experimental shortcut displays in addition to ShoCons. There are no popups in (b) because
the user has not just pressed the Alt key.
Succinct is Better: Succinct continuous display
(ShoCons) enables better performance and learn-
ing than verbose display.
4.1 Method
4.1.1 Participants and Apparatus
18 participants aged from 25 to 45 took part in our ex-
periment, all with normal or corrected-to-normal vi-
sion. They used a Windows 7 2.0GHz 4GB PC with
a 1280 × 1024 LCD monitor, mouse, and keyboard.
4.1.2 Task and Stimuli
In each trial, participants used a computerized gar-
dening interface to recreate a target garden (Figure
2). A successful recreation matched the target gar-
den by having the same number, types and sizes of
objects, placed in the same vertical and horizontal or-
ders. The gardening interface showed a toolbar at the
top with an icon for each possible garden operation,
a display below of the participant’s current garden,
and the target garden at the bottom. Gardens were
made up of five object types including grass, flowers,
bushes, trees and sprinklers, each of which could vary
in location and size (except fixed size sprinklers). Tar-
get gardens varied in both the complexity of the tar-
get, and of the shortcut key combinations that could
be used. All participants used the same gardens and
shortcut key combinations.
There were five operations for inserting objects
(one per type), six editing operations (cut, copy, paste,
color, insert and delete), and four maintenance oper-
ations (irrigating, pruning, plowing and fertilizing).
Maintenance operations either changed object state
(e.g. making sprinklers shoot water) or appearance
(e.g. fertilizing made objects larger). Maintenance
operations were present only if they could be used in
the current garden. Each icon had a matching key-
board shortcut. Icons in the toolbar displayed short-
cuts in one of the three ways discussed above: con-
ShoCons: Effective Display of Shortcuts in Icon Toolbars
tinuous succinct display (ShoCons, Figure 1 and the
top of Figure 2); continuous verbose display, with text
in the icon (Figure 3(a)); or conditional display, with
higher-contrast icon text appearing only when the Alt
key was pressed and disappearing with the next action
(Figure 3(b)). To interact with the interface, partici-
pants could click on an icon, or use the matching key-
board shortcut. To select an object, participants could
click on it, or use the tab key to cycle through them.
To move an object, participants could either drag it
with the mouse, or use arrow keys.
4.1.3 Procedure
We provided each participant with written instruc-
tions explaining their task and illustrating each of
the shortcut displays. The instructions asked partic-
ipants to complete each task as quickly as possible,
use shortcuts as often as they were able, and take
breaks as needed between any two trials. To gain
some familiarity with the gardening interface and the
different shortcut displays without also beginning to
learn about their combination, participants practiced
each in isolation: they built simple gardens using a
purely textual interface without shortcuts until suc-
cessful twice, and then practiced with each short-
cut display without gardening functionality until they
input the matching keystrokes twice. The interface
displayed a visual message informing participants of
when they successfuly completed the garden. How-
ever, participants were free to continue to the next
garden before this message appeared, causing an er-
ror. On average, only 3 of a participant’s 108 gardens
were errors.
4.1.4 Design
We used a two-factor (3 shortcut displays x 3 blocks)
design. Both variables were within subject. Short-
cut display showed shortcut key mappings to partici-
pants using verbose, ShoCons or conditional display.
Blocks formed trials within each shortcut display into
three sequential groups, letting us sample the learning
process. To control for learning interference between
different shortcut displays, the order in which par-
ticipants worked with different shortcut displays was
completely counterbalanced across subjects. More-
over, as in Grossman et al. (2007), each participant
used three different key mappings, so that learning
of key mappings would not continue as shortcut dis-
play varied. All participants experienced the same key
mappings, but their order and pairing with shortcut
display was completely counterbalanced across sub-
As dependent measures of task performance, we
used time, the average number of seconds elapsed be-
tween target garden display and trial completion; and
error, the percentage of trials completed incorrectly.
To measure shortcut usage we recorded achievement,
the proportion of all operations executed that were
shortcuts; and accuracy, the proportion of the num-
ber of all key combinations that successfully executed
a shortcut. There was no reason to use key combi-
nations unless one was attempting a shortcut, so ac-
curacy measured the success of participants when at-
tempting to use shortcuts.
Participants performed 108 trials: 36 with each
display, with each block containing 12 trials. Aver-
age trial time was 27.67 seconds, meaning that par-
ticipants finished their trials in just under 50 minutes.
The number of commands performed per garden var-
ied between 2 and 11, with a median of 5.
4.2 Results
For all of our analyses, we averaged the times, errors,
achievement and accuracy within each block. Each
block contained 12 trials, producing 9 aggregated tri-
als from the original 108 for each participant: one for
each combination of shortcut display and block.
To confirm that key mapping and shortcut dis-
play order did not cause a confound in our results,
we performed a four-way ANOVA (key mapping, dis-
play order, shortcut display and block) that included
these experimental parameters as independent vari-
ables. Neither had any significant main effects, nor
any meaningful interactions with display or block.
We therefore performed a 2-way ANOVA on
shortcut display and block alone. We found no effects
on achievement (overall achievement was 51%), and
while block significantly affected error (F(2, 34) =
4.35, p < 0.01), its effect size was quite limited,
changing error from 1.8% to 4.6%, an increase of
roughly 1 in 36 gardens per display. We therefore
confine our remaining discussion of results to time
and accuracy.
In a 2-way ANOVA, shortcut display had sig-
nificant main effects on both time (F(2,34)=2833.5,
p < .0001) and accuracy (F(2,34)=84.5, p < .0001).
Block had no effect, and did not interact significantly
with display.
Figure 4 shows the effects on time. Significant
pairwise comparisons using contrasts showed that all
three mean times (34.16, 26.67 and 22.17 seconds;
σ = 10.91, 11.96 and 8.43) differed from one an-
other significantly. Both the verbose and ShoCons
displays enabled task performance that was meaning-
fully (22% and 35%) faster than performance with
CHIRA 2019 - 3rd International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications
Figure 4: Effects of shortcut display on time. The box cen-
ter is at median, the hinges are quartiles, and the whiskers
extend to the last data point less than 1.5 IHQ from the
hinge, where IHQ is the distance across the quartiles.
Figure 5: Effects of shortcut display on accuracy. Box plots
are configured as in Figure 4.
the conditional display. ShoCons communicated the
shortcut key mappings more clearly than the ver-
bose continuous display, permitting a performance
speedup of over four seconds.
Figure 5 shows the effects of shortcut display on
accuracy. Again significant pairwise comparisons us-
ing contrasts showed that all three means were signifi-
cantly different. While only two-thirds of shortcut at-
tempts with the conditional shortcut display were ac-
curate, 81% of the attempts with the verbose display
were, and 87% of the attempts with ShoCons were
(σ = 27%, 23% 18%). This difference in accuracy of
shortcut use likely explains much of the difference in
time between the conditional and continuous displays.
We begin our discussion with a review of our hypothe-
ses, and continue with two research questions.
Continuous is Better: This hypothesis was partially
confirmed. Continuous shortcut display did indeed
permit faster task performance than conditional dis-
play. It also enabled much more immediately accu-
rate use of shortcuts than conditional display. How-
ever, despite some promising trends across blocks, we
found no concrete evidence that continuous display
improves learning over time. Instead, the improve-
ments in task speed and shortcut accuracy were al-
most immediate.
Succinct is Better: This hypothesis was also partially
confirmed. The succinct ShoCons display permitted
faster task performance and immediate shortcut ac-
curacy than verbose display, even though its shortcut
hints were smaller than the verbose display’s. How-
ever, succinct display also did not clearly accelerate
shortcut learning over time. Rather, these improve-
ments were again almost immediate.
Why did Patterns of Shortcut Usage and Learn-
ing Differ from Previous Work? In previous re-
search (Grossman et al., 2007) (Scarr et al., 2011)
(Malacria et al., 2013), improved learning consis-
tently showed itself in significant differences in mea-
sured achievement (proportion of shortcut usage), and
faster improvement in achievement over time. Why
are these more gradual patterns absent in our results?
First, recall that we asked participants to maximize
shortcut usage. For this reason shortcut usage may
have rapidly reached a ceiling. Perhaps more im-
portantly, like Scarr et al. (2011), we used a high-
level experimental task with many components that
may have slowed shortcut learning, and certainly re-
duced the rate at which we could experimentally sam-
ple shortcut learning (with repetitious requests to ex-
ecute shortcuts). For example, note that selecting and
positioning objects was a central component of the ex-
perimental task, and that ShoCons did not display the
shortcuts for those operations. It may be that users re-
lied heavily on the mouse when positioning, limiting
Will ShoCons Scale to Larger Interfaces? The
obvious objection to continuous display of shortcut
key mappings is that it adds additional information
to already busy interfaces. While it is fortunate that
ShoCons is more effective in communicating short-
cuts than the less succinct verbose display, the ob-
jection still holds. If shortcut display is indeed to be
continuous, it may prove impossible to eliminate this
concern entirely. However, it may be possible to mit-
igate it by throttling continuous display to match the
specific learning needs of a user.
While our experimental task had many similarities to
Scarr et al.s (2011), it was unusual, giving rise to a
unique pattern of results. Future work might replicate
ShoCons: Effective Display of Shortcuts in Icon Toolbars
or extend our evaluation of ShoCons and continuous
display by using a high-level task with a more com-
plete use of shortcut display, or a low-level task en-
abling a more direct comparison to prior work.
Even when succinct, continuous shortcut display
introduces tradeoffs between display of functionality
and shortcut mappings the difference we found
between verbose and ShoCon task performance may
be evidence of this. Future work might explore this
tradeoff, e.g. by varying the complexity of the user
interface, or adjusting shortcut display salience to
match shortcut familiarity.
In this paper, we presented ShoCons, a visual tech-
nique that allows succinct and continuous display of
shortcut keyboard mappings in toolbars. We found
that when compared to standard alternatives for short-
cut display, ShoCons significantly speeds task perfor-
mance and improves accuracy during shortcut use;
even when that task contained significant components
(e.g cognitive planning and object positioning) that
did not benefit greatly from shortcuts.
Future work should examine the questions raised
by our work more closely. Does the improvement in
shortcut learning grow over the longer term in these
more complex task settings? Might an improvement
in learning as measured by achievement eventually
appear? Finally, what sort of information load does
continuous shortcut display place on user interfaces?
Thanks to our anonymous reviewers, who helped im-
prove this paper. We are also grateful to our psychol-
ogy colleague Anne McLaughlin for her statistical ad-
vice, and to the many Nokia Research employees who
participated in our experimental evaluation.
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CHIRA 2019 - 3rd International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications