sea, which are only limited to embankments, so that
people can easily throw garbage at random.
Many people still do not understand about
sanitation, we can value them from their daily
habits. Another issue is that people rarelyto pay
retribution to the government, therefore, problems
like this become a polemic between the government
and society. One side of the community does not pay
retribution because the waste has already been
dumped while on the one hand the government does
not want to transport waste because of its non-
payment of the waste.
3.7 Weaknesses of the Government
Handle Waste
Every activity regarding waste handling, the
most important thing is the government. However,
date in the role of the government is still
questionable. There are many complaints from the
community as currently the container provided by
the government is not evenly distributed, it means
only some people get the container while some
people only rely on used barrels or are immediately
disposed of into the sea. later, the community often
complained because the intervals of transportation of
garbage by officers were too long. usually the officer
transports trash 3-4 days so it is not uncommon for
rubbish to overflow from the container and scatter
around the container.
Waste handling is also strongly supported by the
availability of operational tools. However, in fact the
availability of operational tools in Simeulue District
is still very minimal so work is felt to be very slow
and time consuming. Another problem is that the
sanitary landfill system has not been running for
nearly 1 year, but until now it is still like normal
open dumping. The problem of waste is one of the
sectors that is considered in the adaptation efforts of
a city to reach a resilient city. Waste management in
Indonesia is currently considered to be less effective
and tends to damage the environment so it does not
lead to sustainable development that should be
proclaimed in every city in Indonesia. Waste
management currently carried out in Indonesia only
relies on efforts to dispose of waste carried out in an
open dumping manner with a limited service life
(Manurung, 2013).
Another disadvantage point is the government
policies that have been made to date have not been
implemented. Example on Qanun article 16 Number
18 of 2012 which regulates criminal sanctions. This
article does not work in the community at all, hence,
the community does not pay retributioneasily. The
government is not strict enough to follow up on this
situation even though retribution is very helpful as
an addition to the operational process.
The regency's Qanun and Regulations which in
the District of Simeulue have so far not been
implemented, finally the community has until now
considered it only as a written regulation. the
informant said that"I don't pay for garbage money,
because there is no garbage, so what do I pay for?
The garbage that we burn, or we waste the sea. From
time to time, the garbage will be transported from
where you stack it and you can just throw it away.
After all we don't pay even if it's not in law or all
1. Some of the inhibiting factors for garbage
managing in Suka Maju Village are increasing
the population growth and movements.
2. The waste management in Suka Maju Village
should involve all the components of
stakeholders both from the government and from
the community themselves.
3. From this study, the community also needs to be
socialized regarding environmental hygiene, thus
people wil no longer littering in clean
As a recommendation from this study, it is
expected that the government will be more serious in
handling waste. policies that are made worthy of
being carried out according to the rules so that the
community does not view the performance of the
government as weak. The government is also
expected to be more transparent to the community,
so that this does not create a bad community
perspective. And it is also hoped that the community
will not be complacent or hope for the government
alone, solutions and handling can also be done by
the community itself. mutual cooperation between
the government and the community is more
profitable and of course the results are better.
Fangga & Mulasari, S, A. (2016). Kebijakan
pemerintah dalam mengelola sampah
domestic di Kabupaten Bantul Propinsi D.I
Waste Management in the Simeulue Coast of Aceh Province (Case Study in Suka Maju Village, Simeulue Timur District)