assignment is also either the same or higher than the
true positives obtained using the one-versus-all and
the round-robin assignments. The bracket assignment
was introduced to avoid some of the drawbacks of the
one-versus-all assignment for this application. The
latter assignment inherently implies the availability of
a large number of records for the unknown vehicles
as these records are exposed to all the clusters of all
the vocations at once. The bracket assignment over-
comes this limitation by comparing two vocations at
a time and was shown in this study to have a com-
parable performance to that of the one-versus-all as-
signment. The bracket assignment was also compared
to a round-robin assignment which scales with an in-
creasing number of vocations. The results show that
the bracket assignment has higher precision and recall
but most importantly has lower time complexity.
There are several directions that are being consid-
ered for future work including exploring the possi-
bility of reducing vocation confounding by applying
weights to specific features. In addition, the proposed
vocation identification algorithm relies on features ag-
gregated daily from the duty cycle of the vehicle over
a period of 13 days. Using data points collected over
shorter sample periods will enhance the applicability
of the algorithm to a wide range of vehicles.
This research was supported in part by Allison Trans-
mission, Inc.
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VEHITS 2021 - 7th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems