On the Application of Short-Term Heart Rate Variability Indices to Track Changes in Cognitive Arousal
Low Profiled Angiographic Catheter with Enhanced Pushability and Flexibility: A Novel Design, Fabrication, and in-Vitro Analysis
Artificial Intelligence and Numerical Methods Aided Design of Patient-Specific Coronary Stents
Monitoring of Vital Signs in the Home Environment: A Review of Current Technologies and Solutions
Analysis of a Simple Method to Change the Wettability of the PDMS Surface for Biomicrofluidic Applications
In Vitro Flow Study in an Intracranial Aneurysm Biomodel Manufactured by Additive Manufacturing
A Novel Multi-Modal Sensing System Prototype for Cardiovascular and Cardiopulmonary Monitoring
A Novel Microfluidic Pressure Sensor for Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Pulse Data Collection and Analysis
In silico Tissue Engineering and Cancer Treatment Using Cellular Automata and Hybrid Cellular Automata-Finite Element Models
4D Printed Surgical Devices: Current Capabilities and Challenges
Bioimpedance Simulations for the Monitoring of Fluid Overload in Heart Failure Patients
Towards an Intelligent Triage Bracelet: A Conceptual Study of a Semi-Automated Prehospital Triage Algorithm and the Integration of Blood Pressure Measurement
Simulating the Effects of Melanin and Air Gap Depth on the Accuracy of Reflectance Pulse Oximeters
A Portable System for Screening of Cervical Cancer
A Modular BLE-Based Body Area Network Embedded into a Smart Garment for Rescuers Real-Time Monitoring in Emergency Scenarios
Enhancing Men’s Health Management at Home with an Easy-to-Use, App-Connected Prostate Self-Testing Device
Towards a Synthetic Tissue Model of the Lower Urinary Tract
Biomechanical System Prototype with Advanced Biofeedback for Rehabilitation of Bedridden Patients
Pattern Genomic Probes Inside Capillary Tubes by Magneto Lithography Method Producing Parallel Detection of DNA and RNA
An Analysis of IoMT Vital Signs Measurement Devices for Practical and Secure Remote Clinical Monitoring
Smartphone Sensors to Measure Individual Sleeping Pattern: Experimental Study
Particle Tracking with Neighbourhood Similarities: A New Method for Super Resolution Ultrasound Imaging
SalienceNet: An Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation Method for Nuclei Saliency Enhancement in Microscopy Images
Improving Mitosis Detection via UNet-Based Adversarial Domain Homogenizer
Explainable Feature Learning with Variational Autoencoders for Holographic Image Analysis
Measurement of Platelet Aggregation in Ageing Samples and After in-Vitro Activation
In Vitro Quantification of Cellular Spheroids in Patterned Petri Dishes
Automatic Spine Segmentation in CT Scans
Prediction of Thyroid Malignancy Using Contextual Semantic Interpretability from Sonograms
EGFR Mutation Prediction of Lung Biopsy Images Using Deep Learning
Mathematical Morphology Based Volumetric Analysis of Bone Density Around Implant in Post-Operational Follow-up of Per-Trochanteric Fractures
LipoPose: Adapting Cellpose to Lipid Nanoparticle Segmentation
Skin Tone via Device-Independent Colour Space
Retinal Image Segmentation with Small Datasets
Simulating Ultrasound Images from CT Scans
Foreground Extraction in Histo-Pathological Image by Combining Mathematical Morphology Operations and U-Net
Condition for Sustained Oscillations in Repressilator Based on a Hybrid Modeling of Gene Regulatory Networks
MRQPMS: Design of a Map Reduce Bioinspired Model for Solving Quorum Planted Motif Search for High-Speed Deployments
Intelligence-Based Recommendation System for Critical Stroke Management in Intensive Care Units
Building a DNA Methylation Aging Clock Model on Less Labelled Data Using Item Response Theory
A Formal Probabilistic Model of the Inhibitory Control Circuit in the Brain
Local Forward-Motion Panoramic Views for Localization and Lesion Detection for Multi-Camera Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Videos
Efficient Hashing of Multiple Spaced Seeds with Application
NP-BERT: A Two-Staged BERT Based Nucleosome Positioning Prediction Architecture for Multiple Species
Ontology-Powered Boosting for Improved Recognition of Ontology Concepts from Biological Literature
Skin Lesion Segmentation Using Attention-Based DenseUNet
Prediction of Antimicrobial Peptides Using Deep Neural Networks
GediNETPro: Discovering Patterns of Disease Groups
DT-ML: Drug-Target Metric Learning
GPTree: Generator of Phylogenetic Trees with Overlapping and Biological Events for Supertree Inference
PUMP: An Underspecification Analysis Tool
System Modeling and Machine Learning in Prediction of Metastases in Lung Cancer
Patient Similarity Networks Integration for Partial Multimodal Datasets
Formal Analysis of Rewriting System Representing RNA Folding
Intrinsic-Dimension Analysis for Guiding Dimensionality Reduction in Multi-Omics Data
MOT: A Multi-Omics Transformer for Multiclass Classification Tumour Types Predictions
Separation of Concerns in an Edge-Based Compartmental Modeling Framework
Predicting Moonlighting Proteins from Protein Sequence
Ongoing Work to Study the Underlying Statistical Patterns of Oesophageal Chromothripsis
Computational Study of Particle Separation Based on Inertial Effects in Rectangular Serpentine Channels with Different Aspect Ratios
Semi-Automated Workflow for Computer-Generated Scoring of Ki67 Positive Cells from HE Stained Slides
Unsupervised Cardiac Differentiation Stage Portraying and Pseudotime Mapping Based on Gene Expression Data
GenExViz: Effective Visualizations of Bioinformatics Data - An Analysis Studies on Cancer Prevention
Constrained ALS for Estimation of Human Upper Limb Synergies
Assessing Situation Awareness (SA) Using Single- or Dual-Location functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS)
Machine Learning Algorithms for Mouse LFP Data Classification in Epilepsy
Stylohyoid and Posterior Digastric Measurement with Intramuscular EMG, Submental EMG and Swallowing Sound
AI and IoT Enabled Sleep Stage Classification
Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms for Human Activity Recognition
Spontaneous Cardiac-Locomotor Coupling in Healthy Individuals During Daily Activities
Machine Learning Algorithm Development and Metrics Extraction from PPG Signal for Improved Robustness in Wearables
Annotation-Based Evaluation of Wrist EDA Quality and Response Assessment Techniques
Prediction of Sleep Stages Based on Wearable Signals Using Machine Learning Techniques
Depression in Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients: Is Using Complex Deep Learning Structures Worth It?
Impact of Body Position on Imaging Ballistocardiographic Signals
Spectral Analysis of Cardiogenic Vibrations to Distinguish Between Valvular Heart Diseases
Comparison of the Electrophysiological Myoelectrical Activity Evolution in Induction of Labor with Pharmacological and Mechanical Methods
Arrythmia Classification Using MATLAB® Classification Learner App
Description of PD Phonation in Terms of EEG-Related Frequency Bands
Hybrid Improved Physarum Learner for Structure Causal Discovery
Deep Minutiae Fingerprint Extraction Using Equivariance Priors
Study of Uncertainty Quantification Using Multi-Label ECG in Deep Learning Models
The Subspace Regularization Method Improves ErrP Detection by EEGNET in BCI Experiments
Multimodal Stress Classification Based on Biosignals Extracted from Smart Devices and Electromyography
Analysis of Postural Variability of Office Workers Using Inertial Sensors
Speech-Based Supervised Learning Towards the Diagnosis of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Automated Detection of Decision-Making Style, Based on Users’ Online Mouse Pointer Activity
Class-wise Knowledge Distillation for Lightweight Segmentation Model
Fall Risk Assessment Using Wearable-Based Turn Detection: Comparison of Different Algorithms During Real-World Monitoring
Event-Related Desynchronization Analysis During Action Observation and Motor Imagery of Transitive Movements
Correlating EEG Signals and Electrode Locations by Means of Multidimensional Scaling
Towards Lung Cancer Staging via Μultipositional Radiomics and Machine Learning
Hallucinated Heartbeats: Anomaly-Aware Remote Pulse Estimation
Estimation of Fluid Intake Volume from Surface Electromyography Signals: A Comparative Study of Seven Regression Techniques
An RFID Based Localization and Mental Stress Recognition System Using Wearable Sensors
A Rank Aggregation Algorithm for Performance Evaluation in Modern Sports Medicine with NMR-based Metabolomics
Classification of HCI Datasets Using Information Fusion and Weighted Frechet Distance
Reflecting on the Status Quo of Nonverbal Human-Machine Interaction
Heterogeneous Inertial Measurement Units in Motion Analysis
Using Sparse Representation of EEG Signal from a Shallow Sparse Autoencoder for Epileptic Seizure Prediction
Redundancy and Novelty Between ECG Leads Based on Linear Correlation
Parkinson and REM Sleep Behaviour Disorder: HRV Difference During Polysomnography
Data Augmentation, Multimodality, Subject and Activity Specificity Improve Wearable Electrocardiogram Denoising with Autoencoders
Automatic Reconstruction of Roof Overhangs for 3D City Models
Real-Time Physics-Based Mesh Deformation with Haptic Feedback and Material Anisotropy
Improved Directional Guidance with Transparent AR Displays
Optimal Activation Function for Anisotropic BRDF Modeling
Automatic Prediction of 3D Checkpoints for Technical Gesture Learning in Virtual Environments
Local Reflectional Symmetry Detection in Point Clouds Using a Simple PCA-Based Shape Descriptor
Unifying Human Motion Synthesis and Style Transfer with Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models
Deep Interactive Volume Exploration Through Pre-Trained 3D CNN and Active Learning
An Immersive Feedback Framework for Scanning Probe Microscopy
Accurate Cutting of MSDM-Based Hybrid Surface Meshes
Experimental Setup and Protocol for Creating an EEG-signal Database for Emotion Analysis Using Virtual Reality Scenarios
Multiclass Texture Synthesis Using Generative Adversarial Networks
Dense Point-to-Point Correspondences Between Genus-Zero Shapes Using Cubic Mapping and Horn-Schunck Optical Flow
Shape Morphing as a Minimal Path in the Graph of Cubified Shapes
Topological Data Structure: The Fast Marching Example
Computerised Muscle Modelling and Simulation for Interactive Applications
Development of a Realistic Crowd Simulation Environment for Fine-Grained Validation of People Tracking Methods
Analysis of Wettability Model Using Adhesional and Spreading Works
Colour-Field Based Particle Categorization for Residual Stress Detection and Reduction in Solid SPH Simulations
Real-Time Volume Editing on Low-Power Virtual Reality Devices
Cartesian Robot Controlling with Sense Gloves and Virtual Control Buttons: Development of a 3D Mixed Reality Application
Sampling-Distribution-Based Evaluation for Monte Carlo Rendering
Mobile Augmented Reality for Analysis of Solar Radiation on Facades
A Systematic Review and Recommendation of Software Architectures for SARS-CoV-2 Monitoring
Fall Prediction Amongst the Elderly Using Data from an Ambient Assisted Living System
Designing Personalised Gamification of mHealth Survey Applications
Artificial Intelligence Enabled Healthcare Ecosystem Model: AIEHEM Project
Context Discovery and Cost Prediction for Detection of Anomalous Medical Claims, with Ontology Structure Providing Domain Knowledge
Daily Pain Prediction in Workplace Using Gaussian Processes
Launcher50+: An Android Launcher for Use by Older Adults
Development and Application of Regional Level Complete Inspection Management Platform
Benchmarking Disease Modeling Techniques on the Philippines’ COVID-19 Dataset
Wearable EEG-Based Cognitive Load Classification by Personalized and Generalized Model Using Brain Asymmetry
Predicting Comorbidities in Diabetic Patients and Visualizing Data for Improved Healthcare
IT-Structures and Algorithms for Quality Assurance in the Medical Advisory Service Institutions in Germany. Step 2: To err is Human. Consensus-Conferences
Leveraging Out-of-the-Box Retrieval Models to Improve Mental Health Support
Recommender System for Alarm Thresholds in Medical Patient Monitors
Predicting the Socio Economic Status of end Users of a Maternal Health App by Machine Learning
An Easy-to-Use and Robust Approach for the Differentially Private De-Identification of Clinical Textual Documents
Facilitating SNOMED-CT Template Creation by Targeting Stopwords
Novel Distributed Informatics Platform to Support Machine Learning Discovery of Metabolic Biomarkers in Hypoxia Predisposition
(ε, k)-Randomized Anonymization: ε-Differentially Private Data Sharing with k-Anonymity
Development, Implementation and Validation of a Stochastic Prediction Model of UICC Stages for Missing Values in Large Data Sets in a Hospital Cancer Registry
Technical Realization and First Insights of the Multicenter Integrative Breast Cancer Registry INTREST
A Mobile Application for Milano Ventilatore Meccanico: A First Prototype
Evaluating the Effects of a Priori Deep Learning Image Synthesis on Multi-Modal MR-to-CT Image Registration Performance
On the Problem of Data Availability in Automatic Voice Disorder Detection
Benchmarking the BRATECA Clinical Data Collection for Prediction Tasks
Predicting Hospital Length of Stay of Patients Leaving the Emergency Department
A Correlation Network Model for Analyzing Mobility Data in Depression Related Studies
Eating Habit Improvement System Using Dietary Sound
Extended Head Pose Estimation on Synthesized Avatars for Determining the Severity of Cervical Dystonia
Concept for General Improvements in the Treatment of Femoral Shaft Fractures with an Intramedullary Nail
Pharmaceutical Audit Trail Blockchain-Based Microservice
Analysis of Virtual Reality Therapy Game Prototype for Persons Living with Dementia in the Philippines
Lessons Learned from mHealth Monitoring in the Wild
Bed Management System Development
On the Use of Generative Adversarial Networks to Predict Health Status Among Chronic Patients
Intelligent Provision of Tailored, Easily Understood, and Trusted Health Information for Patient Empowerment
The Use of Machine Learning to Predict Hospitalization of Covid-19: A Case Study in the State of Minas Gerais - Brazil
A Gait Analysis Tool Based on Machine Learning to Support the Rehabilitation Strategy of Post-stroke Patients
Physiological Data Recording in VR Simulator for Sleepiness Detection During Driving
GASTon: A Graph-Exploration System for Indexing, Annotating and Visualizing PubMed Articles to Enhance the Analysis of Social deTerminants of Health
Analysis of Driving Behavior by Applying LDA Topic Model at Intersection Using VR Simulator
Federated Health Recommender System
Methods to Estimate Respiratory Rate Using the Photoplethysmography Signal
LifeSeniorProfile: A Multisensor Dataset for Elderly Real-time Activity Track
Fit-Twin: A Digital Twin of a User with Wearables and Context as Input for Health Promotion
A Survey on Technologies Used During out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest
Camera-Based Tracking and Evaluation of the Performance of a Fitness Exercise
Development of Learning System to Support for Passing Steps of Wheelchair
Effectiveness of Reflexology for Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) and Other Health Difficulties Specific to Women
A Profile Recognition System Based on Emotions for Children with ASD in an Interactive Museum Visit
Improvement Potential of Business Models and Usability of Fitness Apps: Results of Expert Interviews and a User Study
Contrast Set Mining for Actionable Insights into Associations Between Sleep and Glucose in a Normoglycemic Population
Automated Identification of Yellow Flags and Their Signal Terms in Physiotherapeutic Consultation Transcripts
How Different Elements of Audio Affect the Word Error Rate of Transcripts in Automated Medical Reporting
Using Balancing Methods to Improve Glycaemia-Based Data Mining
HydReminder-W: A Bottle Cap that Listens to Your Heart to Remind You to Drink!
Deep Learning Assisted Plus Disease Screening of Retinal Image of Infants
A Multi-Modality Approach to Medical Case Retrieval for Alzheimer's Disease
Biometric Evaluation to Measure Brain Activity and Users Experience Using Electroencephalogram (EEG) Device
GroupGazer: A Tool to Compute the Gaze per Participant in Groups with Integrated Calibration to Map the Gaze Online to a Screen or Beamer Projection
Pistol: PUpil INvisible SUpportive TOOl to Extract Pupil, Iris, Eye Opening, Eye Movements, Pupil and Iris Gaze Vector, and 2D as Well as 3D Gaze
The Gaze and Mouse Signal as Additional Source for User Fingerprints in Browser Applications
Virtual Reality Simulation for Multimodal and Ubiquitous System Deployment
The VVAD-LRS3 Dataset for Visual Voice Activity Detection
Virtual Avatar Creation Support System for Novices with Gesture-Based Direct Manipulation and Perspective Switching
Language Agnostic Gesture Generation Model: A Case Study of Japanese Speakers' Gesture Generation Using English Text-to-Gesture Model
Towards Enhanced Guiding Mechanisms in VR Training Through Process Mining
Measuring Emotion Intensity: Evaluating Resemblance in Neural Network Facial Animation Controllers and Facial Emotion Corpora
Interaction-based Implicit Calibration of Eye-Tracking in an Aircraft Cockpit
Analysis of the User Experience (UX) of Design Interactions for a Job-Related VR Application
VR Virtual Prototyping Application for Airplane Cockpit: A Human-centred Design Validation
Usability Assessment in Scientific Data Analysis: A Literature Review
Co-creation of Ethical Guidelines for Designing Digital Solutions to Support Industrial Work
It’s not Just What You Do but also When You Do It: Novel Perspectives for Informing Interactive Public Speaking Training
eHMI Design: Theoretical Foundations and Methodological Process
Can Pupillary Responses while Listening to Short Sentences Containing Emotion Induction Words Explain the Effects on Sentence Memory?
Improving Throughput of Mobile Robots in Narrow Aisles
Spatial Positions of Operator's Finger and Operation Device Influencing Sense of Direct Manipulation and Operation Performance
Towards Identifying Concepts in Persuasive Social Networks: Case Study TikTok
On the Importance of User Role-Tailored Explanations in Industry 5.0
Supporting Online Game Players by the Visualization of Personalities and Skills Based on in-Game Statistics
Fighting Disinformation: Overview of Recent AI-Based Collaborative Human-Computer Interaction for Intelligent Decision Support Systems
An Immersive Virtual Reality Application to Preserve the Historical Memory of Tangible and Intangible Heritage
Measuring User Trust in an in-Vehicle Information System: A Comparison of Two Subjective Questionnaires
Comparing Conventional and Conversational Search Interaction Using Implicit Evaluation Methods
Examining the Potential for Conversational Exploratory Search Using a Smart Speaker Digital Assistant
Can Visual Information Reduce Anxiety During Autonomous Driving? Analysis and Reduction of Anxiety Based on Eye Movements in Passengers of Autonomous Personal Mobility Vehicles
Safety Education Method for Older Drivers to Correct Overestimation of Their Own Driving
Happy or Sad, Smiling or Drawing: Multimodal Search and Visualisation of Movies Based on Emotions Along Time
A Holonic Multi-Agent Architecture For Smart Grids
Differential Weight and Population Size of PRDE Traders: An Analysis of Their Impact on Market Dynamics
Implicit Cooperative Learning on Distribution of Received Reward in Multi-Agent System
Online HTN Planning for Data Transfer and Utilization Considering Legal and Ethical Norms: Case Study
Cross-Paradigm Interoperability Between Jadescript and Java
Operational Semantic of an AgentSpeak(L) Interpreter Using Late Bindings
Analyzing the Effectiveness of Stereotypes
Virtual Agent Behavior Modeling in Case of a Risky Situation in a Virtual Electrical Substation
Dynamic Task Graphs for Teams in Collaborative Assembly Processes
Logic of Awareness in Agent’s Reasoning
Teleo-Reactive Agents in a Simulation Platform
Ontology-Based Solution for Building an Intelligent Searching System on Traffic Law Documents
Wall Climbing Emergent Behavior in a Swarm of Real-World Miniature Autonomous Blimps
Autonomous Energy-Saving Behaviors with Fulfilling Requirements for Multi-Agent Cooperative Patrolling Problem
A Novel Group-Based Firefly Algorithm with Adaptive Intensity Behaviour
Measuring Emotion Velocity for Resemblance in Neural Network Facial Animation Controllers and Their Emotion Corpora
SNAPE: A Sequential Non-Stationary Decision Process Model for Adaptive Explanation Generation
Conflicting Moral Codes for Self-Driving Cars: The Single Car Case
Machine Learning for Cognitive BDI Agents: A Compact Survey
A Study Toward Multi-Objective Multiagent Reinforcement Learning Considering Worst Case and Fairness Among Agents
Bottom-Up Bio-Inspired Algorithms for Optimizing Industrial Plants
Towards a Fleet of Autonomous Haul-Dump Vehicles in Hybrid Mines
Hierarchical Constraint Logic Programming for Multi-Agent Systems
Fast Heuristic for Ricochet Robots
Parallel and Distributed Epirust: Towards Billion-Scale Agent-Based Epidemic Simulations
A Study of the Effectiveness of English Speaking of Teachable Agent using AI Chatbot
Studying the Impact of Transportation During Lockdown on the Spread of COVID-19 Using Agent-Based Modeling
Towards User-Centred Validation and Calibration of Agent-Based Models
Swapping Physical Resources at Runtime in Embedded MultiAgent Systems
A Normative Multiagent Approach to Represent Data Regulation Concerns
Study on Decentralized Anytime Evolutionary Algorithm for DCOPs Containing Adversarial Agents
Modelling Agents in Industry 4.0 Applications Using Asset Administration Shell
A Game Theoretic Approach to Attack Graphs
Reciprocal Adaptation Measures for Human-Agent Interaction Evaluation
How to Find Good Coalitions to Achieve Strategic Objectives
Coupled Assignment Strategy of Agents in Many Targets Environment
Automated Agent Migration over Distributed Data Structures
The Missing Tip: Lack of Micro-Movements Impairs Navigation Realism in Artificial Social Agents
REPMAS: A Requirements Engineering Process for MultiAgent Systems: An Application Example
Towards Modelling and Verification of Social Explainable AI
Strategy Analysis for Competitive Bilateral Multi-Issue Negotiation
An Agent-Based Model Study on Subsidy Fraud Risk in Technological Transition
On Converting Logic Programs Into Matrices
JoVe-FL: A Joint-Embedding Vertical Federated Learning Framework
Interpretable Machine Learning for Modelling and Explaining Car Drivers' Behaviour: An Exploratory Analysis on Heterogeneous Data
Farsighter: Efficient Multi-Step Exploration for Deep Reinforcement Learning
An Ontology-Based Augmented Observation for Decision-Making in Partially Observable Environments
InsectDSOT: A Neural Network for Insect Detection in Olive Trees
MRNN: A Multi-Resolution Neural Network with Duplex Attention for Deep Ad-Hoc Retrieval
CSP-DC: Data Cleaning via Constraint Satisfaction Problem Solving
Integrating Unsupervised Clustering and Label-Specific Oversampling to Tackle Imbalanced Multi-Label Data
Analysing Customer Behaviour Using Simulated Transactional Data
An Audit Framework for Technical Assessment of Binary Classifiers
EMTE: An Enhanced Medical Terms Extractor Using Pattern Matching Rules
A Fine-Tuning Aggregation Convolutional Neural Network Surrogate Model of Strategy Selecting Mechanism for Repeated-Encounter Bilateral Automated Negotiation
An Application of Priority-Based Lightweight Ontology Merging
Deep Hybrid Bagging Ensembles for Classifying Histopathological Breast Cancer Images
Exotic Bets: Evolutionary Computing Coupled with Bet Mechanisms for Model Selection
Partner Selection Strategy in Open, Dynamic and Sociable Environments
Multi-Label Learning for Aspect Category Detection of Arabic Hotel Reviews Using AraBERT
Improving Convergence for Quantum Variational Classifiers Using Weight Re-Mapping
Automatic Facility Layout Design System Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
Qualitative Spatial Representation and Reasoning About Fold Strata
Quantum Reinforcement Learning for Solving a Stochastic Frozen Lake Environment and the Impact of Quantum Architecture Choices
Data Augmentation Through Expert-Guided Symmetry Detection to Improve Performance in Offline Reinforcement Learning
Coverage-Guided Fuzzing for Plan-Based Robotics
Trade-off Clustering Approach for Multivariate Multi-Step Ahead Time-Series Forecasting
A New Dynamic Community-Based Recommender System
Rewiring Knowledge Graphs by Graph Neural Network Link Predictions
Interactive Video Saliency Prediction: The Stacked-convLSTM Approach
LSTM, ConvLSTM, MDN-RNN and GridLSTM Memory-based Deep Reinforcement Learning
Predicting Off-Block Delays: A Case Study at Paris - Charles de Gaulle International Airport
Towards a Foundation for Intelligent Contracts
Using NLP to Enrich Scientific Knowledge Graphs: A Case Study to Find Similar Papers
Generation of Facial Images Reflecting Speaker Attributes and Emotions Based on Voice Input
Deep W-Networks: Solving Multi-Objective Optimisation Problems with Deep Reinforcement Learning
Deep Learning Model Selection With Parametric Complexity Control
Innovations and Emerging Technologies: A Study of the Italian Intellectual Property Knowledge Database
Adding Time and Subject Line Features to the Donor Journey
Identifying Visitor's Paintings Appreciation for AI Audio Guide in Museums
Reinforcement Learning Explained via Reinforcement Learning: Towards Explainable Policies through Predictive Explanation
First Go, then Post-Explore: The Benefits of Post-Exploration in Intrinsic Motivation
Generation-Based Data Augmentation Pipeline for Real-Time Automatic Gesture Recognition
GaSUM: A Genetic Algorithm Wrapped BERT for Text Summarization
Latent Code Disentanglement Using Orthogonal Latent Codes and Inter-Domain Signal Transformation
Brain Tumor Segmentation of Lower-Grade Glioma Across MRI Images Using Hybrid Convolutional Neural Networks
Studying Narrative Economics by Adding Continuous-Time Opinion Dynamics to an Agent-Based Model of Co-Evolutionary Adaptive Financial Markets
Coevolving Hexapod Legs to Generate Tripod Gaits
Normalization and Denormalization for a Document-Oriented Data
Turn-Based Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Model Checking
Emotion-Cause Pair Extraction as Question Answering
Improving the Engagement of Participants by Interacting with Agents who Are Persuaded During Decision-Making
Improving the Human-Likeness of Game AI’s Moves by Combining Multiple Prediction Models
Detecting 2D NMR Signals Using Mask RCNN
Task Scheduling: A Reinforcement Learning Based Approach
pdi-Bagging: A Proposal of Bagging-Type Ensemble Method Generating Virtual Data
Hard Spatial Attention Framework for Driver Action Recognition at Nighttime
Anomaly Detection for Multivariate Industrial Sensor Data via Decoupled Generative Adversarial Network
A Knowledge-Based Approach for Evaluating Impact of Therapeutic Strategies
Scenario Generation With Transitive Rules for Counterfactual Event Analysis
Comparative Analysis of Process Models for Data Science Projects
Learning Preferences in Lexicographic Choice Logic
Sentence Transformers and DistilBERT for Arabic Word Sense Induction
Denial of Service Detection for IoT Networks Using Machine Learning
An Efficient Real Time Intrusion Detection System for Big Data Environment
Chop-SAT: A New Approach to Solving SAT and Probabilistic SAT for Agent Knowledge Bases
A System for Updating Trust and Performing Belief Revision
Nature-Inspired Algorithms for Solving Weighted Constraint Satisfaction Problems
Explainable Recommendations of Drugs for Diabetic Patients
Fully Hidden Dynamic Trigger Backdoor Attacks
On the Impact of Grounding on HTN Plan Verification via Parsing
Automatic Reactive Power Classification Based on Selected Machine Learning Methods
Nearest Neighbours and XAI Based Approach for Soft Labelling
A Sequence-to-Sequence Neural Network for Joint Aspect Term Extraction and Aspect Term Sentiment Classification Tasks
Why Do We Need Domain-Experts for End-to-End Text Classification? An Overview
Towards Low-Budget Real-Time Active Learning for Text Classification via Proxy-Based Data Selection
A New Approach to Probabilistic Knowledge-Based Decision Making
XR4DRAMA Knowledge Graph: A Knowledge Graph for Media Planning
ECA-CE: An Evolutionary Clustering Algorithm with Initial Population by Clustering Ensemble
Features Normalisation and Standardisation (FNS): An Unsupervised Approach for Detecting Adversarial Attacks for Medical Images
SiameseBERT: A Bert-Based Siamese Network Enhanced with a Soft Attention Mechanism for Arabic Semantic Textual Similarity
A Clustering Strategy for Enhanced FL-Based Intrusion Detection in IoT Networks
Interpretability and Explainability of Logistic Regression Model for Breast Cancer Detection
Enhancing Time Series Classification with Self-Supervised Learning
Symbolic Explanations for Multi-Label Classification
VoronoiPatches: Evaluating a New Data Augmentation Method
Diverse Level Generation for Tile-Based Video Game using Generative Adversarial Networks from Few Samples
The MindSpaces Knowledge Graph: Applied Logic and Semantics on Indoor and Urban Adaptive Design
A New Approach to Moving Object Detection and Segmentation: The XY-shift Frame Differencing
Towards Automatic Medical Report Classification in Czech
Continual Optimization of In-Production Machine Learning Systems Through Semantic Analysis of User Feedback
Background Image Editing with HyperStyle and Semantic Segmentation
Multi-Objective Optimization of the Dynamic and Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem Under Workers Fatigue Constraints
MAKI: A Multi-Agent Public Key Infrastructure
A Survey of Socio-Emotional Strategies for Generation-Based Conversational Agents
On the Prediction of a Nonstationary Exponential Distribution Based on Bayes Decision Theory
Automatic Detection of Implicit and Typical Implementation of Singleton Pattern Based on Supervised Machine Learning
An Automatic Method for Building a Taxonomy of Areas of Expertise
Multi-Objective Deep Q-Networks for Domestic Hot Water Systems Control
A Sequence-Motif Based Approach to Protein Function Prediction via Deep-CNN Architecture
Generation of Daily and Monthly Flows Using the GR4j Method with ERA5 Grilled Data in the Cañete River Basin to the Putinza Hydrometric Station
Predicting Visual Importance of Mobile UI Using Semantic Segmentation
NewsRecs: A Mobile App Framework for Conducting and Evaluating Online Experiments for News Recommender Systems
Emotions Relationship Modeling in the Conversation-Level Sentiment Analysis
Head Star (H*): A Motion Planning Algorithm for Navigation Among Movable Obstacles
Constraint-Based Filtering and Evaluation of CSP Search Trees
A Framework for Explaining Accident Scenarios for Self-Driving Cars
An Effective Hybrid Text-Based Approach to Identify Fake News on Social Media
GAN Inversion with Editable StyleMap
Rumor Detection in Tweets Using Graph Convolutional Networks
Potentials of Explainable Predictions of Order Picking Times in Industrial Production
Compressing UNSAT Search Trees with Caching
Explainable Decision Support Modelling Based on Multi-Layer FCM with Multi-Objective Optimization Characteristics: The Case of the Microservices Adoption Problem
A Review of AutoML Software Tools for Time Series Forecasting and Anomaly Detection
Thompson Sampling on Asymmetric a-stable Bandits
Catch Me if You Can: Improving Adversaries in Cyber-Security with Q-Learning Algorithms
Voicemail Urgency Detection Using Context Dependent and Independent NLP Techniques
Video Game Agents with Human-like Behavior using the Deep Q-Network and Biological Constraints
Learning Spatio-Temporal Features via 3D CNNs to Forecast Time-to-Accident
Semantically Layered Representation for Planning Problems and Its Usage for Heuristic Computation Using Cellular Simultaneous Recurrent Neural Networks
Targeted Adversarial Attacks on Deep Reinforcement Learning Policies via Model Checking
Multi Platform-Based Hate Speech Detection
Automatically Generating Image Segmentation Datasets for Video Games
Candidate Path Selection Heuristics for Multi-Agent Path Finding: A Novel Compilation-Based Method
Randout-KD: Finetuning Foundation Models for Text Classification via Random Noise and Knowledge Distillation
Automated Planning for Military Airline Controller Training Scenarios
Evolving Behavioural Level Sequence Detectors in SystemVerilog Using Grammatical Evolution
Multi-Agent Parking Problem with Sequential Allocation
Ethical Considerations for the Deployment of Logic-Based Models of Reasoning
Bagged Ensembles for Blood Glucose Prediction: A Comparative Study
Shrinking the Inductive Programming Search Space with Instruction Subsets
How Fine Tuning Affects Contextual Embeddings: A Negative Result Explanation
Integration of Efficient Deep Q-Network Techniques Into QT-Opt Reinforcement Learning Structure
InFER: A Multi-Ethnic Indian Facial Expression Recognition Dataset
Hybrid Genetic U-Net Algorithm for Medical Segmentation
Convolutional Networks Versus Transformers: A Comparison in Prostate Segmentation
Modeling Syntactic Knowledge With Neuro-Symbolic Computation
Applied Deep Learning Architectures for Breast Cancer Screening Classification
Can We Use Probing to Better Understand Fine-Tuning and Knowledge Distillation of the BERT NLU?
PARL: A Dialog System Framework with Prompts as Actions for Reinforcement Learning
Evaluating and Improving End-to-End Systems for Knowledge Base Population
Model Transparency: Why Do We Care?
Drone Surveillance in Extreme Low Visibility Conditions
Explainability of MLP Based Species Distribution Models: A Case Study
Accelerate Training of Reinforcement Learning Agent by Utilization of Current and Previous Experience
Modeling an e-Commerce Hybrid Recommender System Based on Machine Learning Algorithms
Challenges in Domain-Specific Abstractive Summarization and How to Overcome Them
An Empirical Heuristic Algorithm for Solving the Student-Project Allocation Problem with Ties
Popularity Prediction for New and Unannounced Fashion Design Images
Automated Deep Learning Based Answer Generation to Psychometric Questionnaire: Mimicking Personality Traits
SEQUENT: Towards Traceable Quantum Machine Learning Using Sequential Quantum Enhanced Training
A Bi-Level Genetic Algorithm to Solve the Dynamic Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem
Question Difficulty Decision for Automated Interview in Foreign Language Test
Japanese Word Reordering Based on Topological Sort
An Artificial Dendritic Neuron Model Using Radial Basis Functions
Supervised Learning for Untangling Braids
Multi-Graph Encoder-Decoder Model for Location-Based Character Networks in Literary Narrative
Model for Real-Time Subtitling from Spanish to Quechua Based on Cascade Speech Translation
Decision-Making in Hearthstone Based on Evolutionary Algorithm
Measures of Lexical Diversity and Detection of Alzheimer’s Using Speech
A Convolutional Neural Network Based Patch Classifier Using Mammograms
How Far Can a Drone be Detected? A Drone-to-Drone Detection System Using Sensor Fusion
Blending Dependency Parsers With Language Models
A Zero-Shot Transformer Model For an Attribute-Guided Challenge
Compression of GPS Trajectories Using Autoencoders
Improved Encoding of Possibilistic Networks in CNF Using Quine-McCluskey Algorithm
Logic + Reinforcement Learning + Deep Learning: A Survey
German BERT Model for Legal Named Entity Recognition
Using Neural Network Architectures for Intraday Trading in the Gold Market
Software Requirements Prioritisation Using Machine Learning
Data-Driven Weather Forecast Using Deep Convolution Neural Network
A Novel Sampling Technique for Detecting Cyber Denial of Service Attacks on the Internet of Things
Creating a Math Expression Filter to Extract Concise Math Expression Images
Optimising Evolution of SA-UNet for Iris Segmentation
Playstyle Generation for Geister With Genetic Algorithm and Clustering
Efficient Aggregation of Face Embeddings for Decentralized Face Recognition Deployments
IVNPROTECT: Isolable and Traceable Lightweight CAN-Bus Kernel-Level Protection for Securing in-Vehicle Communication
Evaluation of DoS/DDoS Attack Detection with ML Techniques on CIC-IDS2017 Dataset
Cybersecurity Awareness and Capacities of SMEs
An Explainable Convolutional Neural Network for Dynamic Android Malware Detection
Towards a Rust SDK for Keystone Enclave Application Development
Machine Learning Based Prediction of Vulnerability Information Subject to a Security Alert
An End-to-End Encrypted Cache System with Time-Dependent Access Control
Concrete Quantum Circuits to Prepare Generalized Dicke States on a Quantum Machine
Towards Audit Requirements for AI-Based Systems in Mobility Applications
Tracing Cryptographic Agility in Android and iOS Apps
CHARRA-PM: An Attestation Approach Relying on the Passport Model
Evaluation Scheme to Analyze Keystroke Dynamics Methods
Revisiting the DFT Test in the NIST SP 800-22 Randomness Test Suite
Veto: Prohibit Outdated Edge System Software from Booting
SHOID: A Secure Herd of IoT Devices Firmware Update Protocol
An Analysis of Cybersecurity Awareness Efforts for Swiss SMEs
Using Infrastructure-Based Agents to Enhance Forensic Logging of Third-Party Applications
Systematically Searching for Identity-Related Information in the Internet with OSINT Tools
Security Analysis of a Color Image Encryption Scheme Based on Dynamic Substitution and Diffusion Operations
Measurements of Cross-Border Quantum Key Distribution Link
Evaluating the Fork-Awareness of Coverage-Guided Fuzzers
SWaTEval: An Evaluation Framework for Stateful Web Application Testing
Clipaha: A Scheme to Perform Password Stretching on the Client
Automating XSS Vulnerability Testing Using Reinforcement Learning
TTP-Aided Searchable Encryption of Documents Using Threshold Secret Sharing
An Efficient Unified Architecture for Polynomial Multiplications in Lattice-Based Cryptoschemes
Privacy-Aware IoT: State-of-the-Art and Challenges
On the Feasibility of Fully Homomorphic Encryption of Minutiae-Based Fingerprint Representations
Query Log Analysis for SQL Injection Detection
How to Design a Blue Team Scenario for Beginners on the Example of Brute-Force Attacks on Authentications
SCANTRAP: Protecting Content Management Systems from Vulnerability Scanners with Cyber Deception and Obfuscation
Use-Case Denial of Service Attack on Actual Quantum Key Distribution Nodes
A Systematic Review of Secure IoT Data Sharing
A k-Anonymization Method for Social Network Data with Link Prediction
Bypassing Multiple Security Layers Using Malicious USB Human Interface Device
Evaluation of a Tool to Increase Cybersecurity Awareness Among Non-experts (SME Employees)
Dark Ending: What Happens when a Dark Web Market Closes down
The Story of Safety Snail and Her e-Mail: A Digital Wellness and Cybersecurity Serious Game for Pre-School Children
Evading Detection During Network Reconnaissance
Temporal Constraints in Online Dating Fraud Classification
Data Leakage in Isolated Virtualized Enterprise Computing Systems
Cloud Inspector: A Tool-Based Approach for Public Administrations to Establish Information Security Processes Towards Public Clouds
Exploring False Demand Attacks in Power Grids with High PV Penetration
Evaluation of Persistence Methods Used by Malware on Microsoft Windows Systems
Security Aspects of Digital Twins in IoT
Identifying Personal Data Processing for Code Review
Online Transition-Based Feature Generation for Anomaly Detection in Concurrent Data Streams
Design Rationale for Symbiotically Secure Key Management Systems in IoT and Beyond
SPA Attack on NTRU Protected Implementation with Sparse Representation of Private Key
Assessing Security and Privacy Insights for Smart Home Users
On the Design of GDPR Compliant Workflows for Responsible Neuroimage Data Sharing
XMeDNN: An Explainable Deep Neural Network System for Intrusion Detection in Internet of Medical Things
Towards Long-Term Continuous Tracing of Internet-Wide Scanning Campaigns Based on Darknet Analysis
A Stochastic Game Model for Cloud Platform Security
Vehicle Data Collection: A Privacy Policy Analysis and Comparison
A Scenario-Driven Cyber Security Awareness Exercise Utilizing Dynamic Polling: Methodology and Lessons Learned
Systematic Literature Review of Threat Modeling Concepts
Cyber Teaching Hospitals: Developing Cyber Workforce Competence
Correlating Intrusion Detection with Attack Graph on Virtual Computer Networkings
Vulnerabilities in IoT Devices, Backends, Applications, and Components
Comparing the Effect of Privacy and Non-Privacy Social Media Photo Tools on Factors of Privacy Concern
On the Use of Multiple Approximations in the Linear Cryptanalysis of Baby Rijndael
Automating Vehicle SOA Threat Analysis Using a Model-Based Methodology
PDIFT: A Practical Dynamic Information-Flow Tracker
Improving Unlinkability in C-ITS: A Methodology For Optimal Obfuscation
t.ex-Graph: Automated Web Tracker Detection Using Centrality Metrics and Data Flow Characteristics
P2BAC: Privacy Policy Based Access Control Using P-LPL
Secure Software Updates for IoT Based on Industry Requirements
A Game Theoretic Analysis of Cyber Threats
RPCDroid: Runtime Identification of Permission Usage Contexts in Android Applications
Secure Joint Querying Over Federated Graph Databases Utilising SMPC Protocols
Towards Security Attack Event Monitoring for Cyber Physical-Systems
Anomalous File System Activity Detection Through Temporal Association Rule Mining
Automata-Based Study of Dynamic Access Control Policies
StegWare: A Novel Malware Model Exploiting Payload Steganography and Dynamic Compilation
A Framework for Assessing Decompiler Inference Accuracy of Source-Level Program Constructs
Fast-Flux Malicious Domain Name Detection Method Based on Domain Resolution Spatial Features
A Biometric Self Authentication Scheme
Group Privacy for Personalized Federated Learning
Forecasting Cyber-Attacks to Destination Ports Using Machine Learning
A Self-Configuration Controller To Detect, Identify, and Recover Misconfiguration at IoT Edge Devices and Containerized Cluster System
Assessing the Impact of Attacks on Connected and Autonomous Vehicles in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
Differential Privacy: Toward a Better Tuning of the Privacy Budget (ε) Based on Risk
Assessing Risk in High Performance Computing Attacks
SeCloud: Computer-Aided Support for Selecting Security Measures for Cloud Architectures
Integrated Production and Energy Supply Planning on an Industrial Site by Mixed-Integer Linear Programming
Synchronizing Vehicle Routing and Photo-Voltaic Production
A Comparison of Several Speed Computation Methods for the Safe Shortest Path Problem
Hybrid Methods to Solve the Two-Stage Robust Flexible Job-Shop Scheduling Problem with Budgeted Uncertainty
Welcome to the Jungle: A Conceptual Comparison of Reinforcement Learning Algorithms
Counterfactual Explanations for Workforce Scheduling and Routing Problems
Performance Metrics Based on Data Envelopment Analysis for Evaluating Multi-Objective Linear Programming Solution Methods
The Green Tourist Trip Design Problem with Time Windows: A Model Application on a Urban Scale
Opportunistic Maintenance of Multi-Component Systems Under Structure and Economic Dependencies: A Healthcare System Case Study
Simulation Study for the Comparison of Power Flow Models for a Line Distribution Network with Stochastic Load Demands
Distributionally Robust Optimization of Adaptive Cruise Control Under Uncertainty
The Single Depot Multiple Set Orienteering Problem
A Robust Optimization for a Single Operating Room Scheduling Problem with Uncertain Durations
Joint Multi-Item Production and Condition-Based Maintenance Control of a System with Setup Times and Stochastic Demand
Estimating Workforce Attrition Rate Parameters: A Controlled Comparison
Multi-Objective Task Assignment Solution for Parked Vehicular Computing
Optimization of Circular Conveyor Belt Systems with Multi-Commodity Network Flows
Storage Assignment Using Nested Annealing and Hamming Distances
Automatic Placer for Analog Circuits Using Integer Linear Programming Warm Started by Graph Drawing
Modeling and Optimization of Virtual Networks in Multi-AS Environment
Optimization of Direct Transportation Flows for the Removal of Construction Waste Bins with both Resource and Task Availability Interval Constraints
Managing Inventory Level and Bullwhip Effect in Multi Stage Supply Chains with Perishable Goods: A New Distributed Model Predictive Control Approach
A Blockchain-Based System for the Last-Mile Delivery
MorDeephy: Face Morphing Detection via Fused Classification
Classifying Intelligence Tests Patterns Using Machine Learning Methods
Deep Learning Semi-Supervised Strategy for Gamma/Hadron Classification of Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope Events
Multi-Scale Feature Aggregation Based Multiple Instance Learning for Pathological Image Classification
Debiasing Sentence Embedders Through Contrastive Word Pairs
EvLiDAR-Flow: Attention-Guided Fusion Between Point Clouds and Events for Scene Flow Estimation
Multi-task Fusion for Efficient Panoptic-Part Segmentation
"Why Here and not There?": Diverse Contrasting Explanations of Dimensionality Reduction
Fake It, Mix It, Segment It: Bridging the Domain Gap Between Lidar Sensors
Random Quasi Intersections with Applications to Instant Machine Learning
Adaptive Adversarial Samples Based Active Learning for Medical Image Classification
From Xception to NEXcepTion: New Design Decisions and Neural Architecture Search
Rainfuzz: Reinforcement-Learning Driven Heat-Maps for Boosting Coverage-Guided Fuzzing
Light U-Net with a New Morphological Attention Gate Model Application to Analyse Wood Sections
A Comparative Analysis of Classifier Performance for Epileptic Seizure Detection Using EEG Signals
Explainable Outlier Detection Using Feature Ranking for k-Nearest Neighbors, Gaussian Mixture Model and Autoencoders
Topology-Preserving Reductions on (18,12) Pictures of the Face-Centered Cubic Grid
Severity of Catastrophic Forgetting in Object Detection for Autonomous Driving
Co-Incrementation: Combining Co-Training and Incremental Learning for Subject-Specific Facial Expression Recognition
Hard Spatio-Multi Temporal Attention Framework for Driver Monitoring at Nighttime
Neonatal Video Database and Annotations for Vital Sign Extraction and Monitoring
Dealing with Overfitting in the Context of Liveness Detection Using FeatherNets with RGB Images
Video-Based Sign Language Digit Recognition for the Thai Language: A New Dataset and Method Comparisons
Deep Learning for Diagonal Earlobe Crease Detection
Lightweight Audio-Based Human Activity Classification Using Transfer Learning
Keyframe and GAN-Based Data Augmentation for Face Anti-Spoofing
Using a Genetic Algorithm to Update Convolutional Neural Networks for Abnormality Classification in Mammography
DNN Pruning and Its Effects on Robustness
Ensemble Learning for Cough-Based Subject-Independent COVID-19 Detection
Evaluating the Impact of Low-Light Image Enhancement Methods on Runner Re-Identification in the Wild
Visual Question Answering Analysis: Datasets, Methods, and Image Featurization Techniques
Automatic Subjective Answer Evaluation
Two-Step Graph Classification on the Basis of Hierarchical Graphs
LiDAR and Camera Based 3D Object Classification in Unknown Environments Using Weakly Supervised Learning
Subcaterpillar Isomorphism Between Caterpillars: Subtree Isomorphism Restricted Text and Pattern Trees to Caterpillars
Recent Advances in Statistical Mixture Models: Challenges and Applications
Outlier Detection Method for Equipment Onboard Merchant Vessels
PVT based Blood Vessel Segmentation and Polyp Size Estimation in Colonoscopy Images
Clustering LiDAR Data with K-means and DBSCAN
Sequential Spatial Transformer Networks for Salient Object Classification
Towards Explainability in Using Deep Learning for Face Detection in Paintings
Estimating Electric Vehicle Driving Range with Machine Learning
State of Health Estimation of Lithium-ion Batteries Using Convolutional Neural Network with Impedance Nyquist Plots
Point to Segment Distance DTW for Online Handwriting Signals Matching
Unsupervised Tree Detection and Counting via Region-Based Circle Fitting
Correlated Mutations of Positions Among Structural Proteins in Delta and Omicron Variants for SARS-CoV-2 Amino Acid Sequences
Step Towards Generalization: Fault Classification in Multivariate High-Frequency Data from Different Operating Regimes of Hydraulic Rock Drill System
Gradient Clipping in Deep Learning: A Dynamical Systems Perspective
Addressing Privacy and Security Concerns in Online Game Account Sharing: Detecting Players Using Mouse Dynamics
Distance Transform in Parallel Logarithmic Complexity
Rethinking Image-Based Table Recognition Using Weakly Supervised Methods
Speech Recognition for Minority Languages Using HuBERT and Model Adaptation
Cardiac Arrhythmia Classification in Electrocardiogram Signals with Convolutional Neural Networks
Facial Paralysis Recognition Using Face Mesh-Based Learning
Impact of Transformer-Based Models and User Clustering in Early Fake News Detection in Social Media
When Simple Statistical Algorithms Outperform Deep Learning: A Case of Keystroke Dynamics
Finger Region Estimation by Boundary Curve Modeling and Bezier Curve Learning
Image-Based Fire Detection in Industrial Environments with YOLOv4
Synthetic Data for Object Classification in Industrial Applications
Visual Detection of Personal Protective Equipment and Safety Gear on Industry Workers
So Can We Use Intrinsic Bias Measures or Not?
The Effects of Character-Level Data Augmentation on Style-Based Dating of Historical Manuscripts
Strokes Trajectory Recovery for Unconstrained Handwritten Documents with Automatic Evaluation
Deep Analysis and Detection of Firewall Anomalies Using Knowledge Graph
Continuous Sign-Language Recognition using Transformers and Augmented Pose Estimation
Sewer-AI: Sustainable Automated Analysis of Real-World Sewer Videos Using DNNs
Evaluation of Induced Expert Knowledge in Causal Structure Learning by NOTEARS
Image Inpainting Network Based on Deep Fusion of Texture and Structure
Fixed Tasks for Continuous Authentication via Smartphone
Metric-Based Few-Shot Learning for Pollen Grain Image Classification
Deep Learning Based Text Translation and Summarization Tool for Hearing Impaired Using Indian Sign Language
A Semantic Frame Graph for Information Extraction
Modified kNN Classifier in the Output Vector Space for Robust Performance Against Adversarial Attack
Data Streams: Investigating Data Structures for Multivariate Asynchronous Time Series Prediction Problems
Evaluation of Factors-of-Interest in Bone Mimicking Models Based on DFT Analysis of Ultrasonic Signals
Imposing Functional Priors on Bayesian Neural Networks
Image-Based Material Analysis of Ancient Historical Documents
Leveraging Explainability with K-Fold Feature Selection
On the Future of Training Spiking Neural Networks
Machine Fault Classification Using Hamiltonian Neural Networks
Bayesian Iterative Closest Point for Shape Analysis of Brain Structures
Learning Independently from Causality in Multi-Agent Environments
Instance Segmentation Based Graph Extraction for Handwritten Circuit Diagram Images
MAGAN: A Meta-Analysis for Generative Adversarial Networks’ Latent Space
Towards a Neuro-Symbolic Framework for Multimodal Human-AI Interaction
Using a 1D Pose-Descriptor on the Finger-Level to Reduce the Dimensions in Hand Posture Estimation
Patterns in Pupillary Diameter Variation While Reading Portuguese Language Texts
Classification of Respiratory Diseases Using the NAO Robot
Speech to Text Recognition for Videogame Controlling with Convolutional Neural Networks
New Centre/Surround Retinex-like Method for Low-Count Image Reconstruction
Towards Improved Indoor Location with Unmodified RFID Systems
A Comparative Study of GAN Methods for Physiological Signal Generation
Arabic Handwriting off-Line Recognition Using ConvLSTM-CTC
Prostate Cancer Detection, Segmentation, and Classification using Deep Neural Networks
On the Convergence of Stochastic Gradient Descent in Low-Precision Number Formats
On the Hardness and Necessity of Supervised Concept Drift Detection
Integration of Statistical Methods and Artificial Neural Networks for the Detection of Oil Stains in the Aquatic Environment
Noise Robustness of Data-Driven Star Classification
Invertible Neural Network-Based Video Compression
SynFine: Boosting Image Segmentation Accuracy Through Synthetic Data Generation and Surgical Fine-Tuning
Automatic Coronary Angiogram Keyframe Extraction
TeTIm-Eval: A Novel Curated Evaluation Data Set for Comparing Text-to-Image Models
Agnostic eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) Method Based on Volterra Series
Generalized Torsion-Curvature Scale Space Descriptor for 3-Dimensional Curves
Improving the Accuracy of Tracker by Linearized Transformer
A Comparative Study of BRISK, ORB and DAISY Features for Breast Cancer Classification
Visualizing Grassmannians via Poincare Embeddings
Damast: A Visual Analysis Approach for Religious History Research
Contrast Driven Color-Group Assignment in Categorical Data Visualization
Visual Document Exploration with Adaptive Level of Detail: Design, Implementation and Evaluation in the Health Information Domain
Trajectory-Based Dynamic Boundary Map Labeling
The Compilation of 2D and 3D Dynamic Visualizations
Viewpoint-Based Quality for Analyzing and Exploring 3D Multidimensional Projections
Model Order in Sugiyama Layouts
Evaluating Differences in Insights from Interactive Dimensionality Reduction Visualizations Through Complexity and Vocabulary
Using Well-Known Techniques to Visualize Characteristics of Data Quality
Heart Rate Visualizations on a Virtual Smartwatch to Monitor Physical Activity Intensity
XAIVIER the Savior: A Web Application for Interactive Explainable AI in Time Series Data
Towards a Visual Analytics Workflow for Cybersecurity Simulations
Evaluating Architectures and Hyperparameters of Self-supervised Network Projections
BigGraphVis: Visualizing Communities in Big Graphs Leveraging GPU-Accelerated Streaming Algorithms
The HORM Diagramming Tool: A Domain-Specific Modelling Tool for SME Cybersecurity Awareness
Interactive Exploration of Complex Heterogeneous Data: A Use Case on Understanding City Economics
A Comparative Study on Vision Transformers in Remote Sensing Building Extraction
On Metavisualization and Properties of Visualization
An Interactive Graph Layout Constraint Framework
Supporting University Research and Administration via Interactive Visual Exploration of Bibliographic Data
Visual Analysis of Multi-Labelled Temporal Noise Data from Multiple Sensors
MR to CT Synthesis Using GANs: A Practical Guide Applied to Thoracic Imaging
A Survey of Geospatial-Temporal Visualizations for Military Operations
InTra: A Pragmatic Approach of Using Rule-Based Model Transformation to Reduce Complexity of UML and SysML Models
Lightweight Software Language Processing Using Antlr and CGTL
On the Interest of Combining Several Variability Tactics to Design the Implementation of Product Lines
Mutation of Formally Verified SysML Models
Hierarchical Design of Cyber-Physical Systems
Go Meta of Learned Cost Models: On the Power of Abstraction
A Tool for Supporting Round-Trip Engineering with the Ability to Avoid Unintended Design Changes
Model-Driven Collaborative Design of Professional Education Programmes with Extended Online Whiteboards
Visualizing Errors and Inconsistencies in the DSML IEC 61499
A Modelling Methodology for Developing an Information Model for Cyber-Physical Production Systems using OPC UA
Towards Specification of Medical Processes According to International Standards and Semantic Interoperability Needs
A Proposal Towards Discovering Metamodels from Low-Code Application Platforms
Model-Driven Optimisation of Monitoring System Configurations for Batch Production
Modeling Machine Learning Concerns in Collective Adaptive Systems
Application of a Process-Oriented Build Tool for Verification and Validation of a Battery Slave Controller for a Battery Modular Multilevel Management System Along the DO-178C/DO-331 Process
Metamodel-Based Multi-View Modeling Framework for Machine Learning Systems
NICE: A Flexible Expression Language
Challenges in Modeling and Unmodeling Emergence, Rule Composition, and Networked Interactions in Complex Reactive Systems
Creating Python-Style Domain Specific Languages: A Semi-Automated Approach and Intermediate Results
Exploiting Meta-Model Structures in the Generation of Xtext Editors
Experiences and Lessons from Introducing Model-Based Analysis in Brown-Field Product Family Development
Requirement Formalisation Using Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning: A Systematic Review
An Integrated Framework for Running Extended Class Models
Supporting Change Impact Analysis in System Architecture Design: Towards a Domain-Specific Modeling Method
Verifying Static Constraints on Models Using General Formal Verification Methods
Enhancing Deep Learning with Scenario-Based Override Rules: A Case Study
Towards Multi-Level Structuring of Goal-Oriented Models for Improved Model-Based Systems Engineering
Toward Automated Modeling of Abstract Concepts and Natural Phenomena: Autoencoding Straight Lines
ATMO: Autonomous Train Map Ontology
Future Directions for MBSE with SysML v2
Multi-Wavelength High-Resolution Fourier Ptychographic Microscopy Using a Hemispherical LED Array
Barrier Structure for Ga-Free Type-II Superlattice Midwave Infrared Photodetector
Studying the Topography of Laser Cut Aluminium Using Latent Space Produced by Deep Learning
Mode Analysis of Hybrid Plasmonic Waveguide Using Multilayer Spectral Green’s Function and Rational Function Fitting Method
Design of Inner Baffle Array for Compact Multi-Aperture Off-Axis Optical System
Performance Evaluation of IREDA Prototype System: An IR-Based Portable Electronic Detection System for Blood Alcohol Concentration
Simulation and Experiment of Ghost Imaging-OCT Target Imaging in Scattering Media
Environmental Pollution Assessment with Indicator Plant Under Ozone Gas Atmosphere by Using OCT
Imaging System Front-End at 202GHz Using LO/RF Isolation of Harmonic Mixer for Illumination
Generation and Characterization of Fork Gratings in Fused Silica
Short Pulse Generation in Erbium-Doped Fiber Lasers Using Graphene Oxide as a Saturable Absorber
Improvement in Thermal Resistance of Surface-Emitting Quantum Cascade Laser by Using a Diamond Submount
Investigations on Sensitivity of Modal Fibre-Interferometer for Acoustic Detection
Ultra-Sensitivity Widefield, Confocal Surface Plasmon Interferometry Using Sequential Coding
TSCH Slotframe Optimization Using Differential Evolution Algorithm for Heterogeneous Sensor Networks
SLAE6: Secure and Lightweight Authenticated Encryption Scheme for 6LoWPAN Networks
On the Path Towards Standardisation of a Sensor API for Forensics Investigations
LoRa Structural Monitoring Wireless Sensor Networks
Using Learned Indexes to Improve Time Series Indexing Performance on Embedded Sensor Devices
Triple Pi Sensing to Limit Spread of Infectious Diseases at Workplace
A Low-Cost Sensors Study Measuring Exposure to Particulate Matter in Mobility Situations
Gateway Placement in LoRaWAN Enabled Sensor Networks
A Survey on Algorithmic Problems in Wireless Systems
A Simulation-Based Testing to Evaluate and Improve a Radar Sensor Performance in a Use Case of Highly Automated Driving Systems
Salient Mask-Guided Vision Transformer for Fine-Grained Classification
Railway Switch Classification Using Deep Neural Networks
Deep Learning Semantic Segmentation Models for Detecting the Tree Crown Foliage
Generative Adversarial Network Synthesis for Improved Deep Learning Model Training of Alpine Plants with Fuzzy Structures
A Model-agnostic Approach for Generating Saliency Maps to Explain Inferred Decisions of Deep Learning Models
Robust Path Planning in the Wild for Automatic Look-Ahead Camera Control
Flexible Extrinsic Structured Light Calibration Using Circles
Detection of Microscopic Fungi and Yeast in Clinical Samples Using Fluorescence Microscopy and Deep Learning
CoDA-Few: Few Shot Domain Adaptation for Medical Image Semantic Segmentation
Let’s Get the FACS Straight: Reconstructing Obstructed Facial Features
Classification and Embedding of Semantic Scene Graphs for Active Cross-Domain Self-Localization
Semantic Segmentation on Neuromorphic Vision Sensor Event-Streams Using PointNet++ and UNet Based Processing Approaches
Multi-Phase Relaxation Labeling for Square Jigsaw Puzzle Solving
Deformable and Structural Representative Network for Remote Sensing Image Captioning
Deep Distance Metric Learning for Similarity Preserving Embedding of Point Clouds
Point Cloud Neighborhood Estimation Method Using Deep Neuro-Evolution
Interactive Indoor Localization Based on Image Retrieval and Question Response
Fully Convolutional Neural Network for Event Camera Pose Estimation
Fine-Tuning Restricted Boltzmann Machines Using No-Boundary Jellyfish
An Extension of the Radial Line Model to Predict Spatial Relations
Persistent Homology Based Generative Adversarial Network
A Basic Tool for Improving Bad Illuminated Archaeological Pictures
AI-Powered Management of Identity Photos for Institutional Staff Directories
High-Level Workflow Interpreter for Real-Time Image Processing
Robust RGB-D-IMU Calibration Method Applied to GPS-Aided Pose Estimation
PG-3DVTON: Pose-Guided 3D Virtual Try-on Network
Adaptive Fourier Single-Pixel Imaging Based on Probability Estimation
Masking and Mixing Adversarial Training
Hand Segmentation with Mask-RCNN Using Mainly Synthetic Images as Training Sets and Repetitive Training Strategy
FakeRecogna Anomaly: Fake News Detection in a New Brazilian Corpus
Data-Driven Fingerprint Reconstruction from Minutiae Based on Real and Synthetic Training Data
3D Ego-Pose Lift-Up Robustness Study for Fisheye Camera Perturbations
Extractive Text Summarization Using Generalized Additive Models with Interactions for Sentence Selection
Concept Explainability for Plant Diseases Classification
UMVpose++: Unsupervised Multi-View Multi-Person 3D Pose Estimation Using Ground Point Matching
Maritime Surveillance by Multiple Data Fusion: An Application Based on Deep Learning Object Detection, AIS Data and Geofencing
Model Fitting on Noisy Images from an Acoustofluidic Micro-Cavity for Particle Density Measurement
ALiSNet: Accurate and Lightweight Human Segmentation Network for Fashion E-Commerce
Exploiting GAN Capacity to Generate Synthetic Automotive Radar Data
Automatic Fracture Detection and Characterization in Borehole Images Using Deep Learning-Based Semantic Segmentation
Data-Efficient Transformer-Based 3D Object Detection
EHDI: Enhancement of Historical Document Images via Generative Adversarial Network
Two-Model-Based Online Hand Gesture Recognition from Skeleton Data
Synthesis for Dataset Augmentation of H&E Stained Images with Semantic Segmentation Masks
Fruit Defect Detection Using CNN Models with Real and Virtual Data
Search for Rotational Symmetry of Binary Images via Radon Transform and Fourier Analysis
Uncertainty-Aware DPP Sampling for Active Learning
N-MuPeTS: Event Camera Dataset for Multi-Person Tracking and Instance Segmentation
Football360: Introducing a New Dataset for Camera Calibration in Sports Domain
Trajectory Prediction in First-Person Video: Utilizing a Pre-Trained Bird's-Eye View Model
Estimation of Robot Motion Parameters Based on Functional Consistency for Randomly Stacked Parts
Finger-UNet: A U-Net Based Multi-Task Architecture for Deep Fingerprint Enhancement
Deep Neural Network Based Attention Model for Structural Component Recognition
Investigating the Performance of Optimization Techniques on Deep Learning Models to Identify Dota2 Game Events
Near-infrared Lipreading System for Driver-Car Interaction
Contactless Optical Detection of Nocturnal Respiratory Events
Image Quality Assessment for Object Detection Performance in Surveillance Videos
Memory-Efficient Implementation of GMM-MRCoHOG for Human Recognition Hardware
Complement Objective Mining Branch for Optimizing Attention Map
Counting People in Crowds Using Multiple Column Neural Networks
Study of Coding Units Depth for Depth Maps Quality Scalable Compression Using SHVC
Novel View Synthesis for Unseen Surgery Recordings
Shape-based Features Investigation for Preneoplastic Lesions on Cervical Cancer Diagnosis
A Low-Cost Process for Plant Motion Magnification for Smart Indoor Farming
Put Your PPE on: A Tool for Synthetic Data Generation and Related Benchmark in Construction Site Scenarios
SynMotor: A Benchmark Suite for Object Attribute Regression and Multi-Task Learning
Industrial Visual Defect Inspection of Electronic Components with Siamese Neural Network
Finding Similar non-Collapsed Faces to Collapsed Faces Using Deep Learning Face Recognition
Re-Learning ShiftIR for Super-Resolution of Carbon Nanotube Images
A Wearable Device Application for Human-Object Interactions Detection
Printed Packaging Authentication: Similarity Metric Learning for Rotogravure Manufacture Process Identification
Generating Pedestrian Views from In-Vehicle Camera Images
Adaptive Resolution Selection for Improving Segmentation Accuracy of Small Objects
Seeing Risk of Accident from In-Vehicle Cameras
Towards a Robust Solution for the Supermarket Shelf Audit Problem
Predicting Eye Gaze Location on Websites
EFL-Net: An Efficient Lightweight Neural Network Architecture for Retinal Vessel Segmentation
Sentiment-Based Engagement Strategies for Intuitive Human-Robot Interaction
Concept Study for Dynamic Vision Sensor Based Insect Monitoring
Multichannel Analysis in Weed Detection
ResNet Classifier Using Shearlet-Based Features for Detecting Change in Satellite Images
Fast Skeletons of Handwritten Texts in Digital Images
Image Quality Assessment in the Context of the Brazilian Electoral System
IncludeVote: Development of an Assistive Technology Based on Computer Vision and Robotics for Application in the Brazilian Electoral Context
Evaluation of U-Net Backbones for Cloud Segmentation in Satellite Images
Automatic Robotic Arm Calibration for the Integrity Test of Voting Machines in the Brazillian 2022's Election Context
ENIGMA: Egocentric Navigator for Industrial Guidance, Monitoring and Anticipation
Inverse Rendering Based on Compressed Spatiotemporal Infomation by Neural Networks
Colonoscopic Polyp Detection with Deep Learning Assist
Combined Unsupervised and Supervised Learning for Improving Chest X-Ray Classification
Toward a Thermal Image-Like Representation
Face-Based Gaze Estimation Using Residual Attention Pooling Network
Multimodal Light-Field Camera with External Optical Filters Based on Unsupervised Learning
You Can Dance! Generating Music-Conditioned Dances on Real 3D Scans
When Continual Learning Meets Robotic Grasp Detection: A Novel Benchmark on the Jacquard Dataset
Handwriting Recognition in Down Syndrome Learners Using Deep Learning Methods
An Unsupervised IR Approach Based Density Clustering Algorithm
FlexPooling with Simple Auxiliary Classifiers in Deep Networks
Towards Human-Interpretable Prototypes for Visual Assessment of Image Classification Models
Curriculum Learning for Compositional Visual Reasoning
Learning Less Generalizable Patterns for Better Test-Time Adaptation
FInC Flow: Fast and Invertible k × k Convolutions for Normalizing Flows
Emotion Transformer: Attention Model for Pose-Based Emotion Recognition
Efficient Deep Learning Ensemble for Skin Lesion Classification
Linking Data Separation, Visual Separation, and Classifier Performance Using Pseudo-labeling by Contrastive Learning
HaloAE: A Local Transformer Auto-Encoder for Anomaly Detection and Localization Based on HaloNet
Few-Shot Gaze Estimation via Gaze Transfer
Real-Time Monitoring of Crowd Panic Based on Biometric and Spatiotemporal Data
Dynamically Modular and Sparse General Continual Learning
Application of Deep Learning to the Detection of Foreign Object Debris at Aerodromes’ Movement Area
YCbCr Color Space as an Effective Solution to the Problem of Low Emotion Recognition Rate of Facial Expressions In-The-Wild
Applying Positional Encoding to Enhance Vision-Language Transformers
Brazilian Banknote Recognition Based on CNN for Blind People
Towards an Automatic System for Generating Synthetic and Representative Facial Data for Anonymization
Evaluation of Computer Vision-Based Person Detection on Low-Cost Embedded Systems
FPCD: An Open Aerial VHR Dataset for Farm Pond Change Detection
Triple-stream Deep Metric Learning of Great Ape Behavioural Actions
DEff-GAN: Diverse Attribute Transfer for Few-Shot Image Synthesis
Crane Spreader Pose Estimation from a Single View
3D Mapping of Indoor Parking Space Using Edge Consistency Census Transform Stereo Odometry
On Computing Three-Dimensional Camera Motion from Optical Flow Detected in Two Consecutive Frames
Low-Cost 3D Reconstruction of Caves
How to Train an Accurate and Efficient Object Detection Model on any Dataset
Real-Time Obstacle Detection using a Pillar-based Representation and a Parallel Architecture on the GPU from LiDAR Measurements
Tackling Data Bias in Painting Classification with Style Transfer
VK-SITS: Variable Kernel Speed Invariant Time Surface for Event-Based Recognition
System for 3D Acquisition and 3D Reconstruction Using Structured Light for Sewer Line Inspection
Synthetic Driver Image Generation for Human Pose-Related Tasks
Body Part Information Additional in Multi-decoder Transformer-Based Network for Human Object Interaction Detection
BGD: Generalization Using Large Step Sizes to Attract Flat Minima
A Novel 3D Face Reconstruction Model from a Multi-Image 2D Set
Algorithmic Fairness Applied to the Multi-Label Classification Problem
Improvement of Vision Transformer Using Word Patches
The Effect of Covariate Shift and Network Training on Out-of-Distribution Detection
DeepCaps+: A Light Variant of DeepCaps
IFMix: Utilizing Intermediate Filtered Images for Domain Adaptation in Classification
A Lightweight Gaussian-Based Model for Fast Detection and Classification of Moving Objects
A Data Augmentation Strategy for Improving Age Estimation to Support CSEM Detection
Shuffle Mixing: An Efficient Alternative to Self Attention
Semantic Segmentation by Semi-Supervised Learning Using Time Series Constraint
3D Human Body Reconstruction from Head-Mounted Omnidirectional Camera and Light Sources
3D Reconstruction of Occluded Luminous Objects
Joint Training of Product Detection and Recognition Using Task-Specific Datasets
Human Motion Prediction on the IKEA-ASM Dataset
End-to-End Gaze Grounding of a Person Pictured from Behind
Automatic Defect Detection in Leather
Image Generation from a Hyper Scene Graph with Trinomial Hyperedges
Neural Architecture Search in the Context of Deep Multi-Task Learning
CrowdSim2: An Open Synthetic Benchmark for Object Detectors
Domain Adaptive Pedestrian Detection Based on Semantic Concepts
A Robust Deep Learning-Based Video Watermarking Using Mosaic Generation
Robust Semi-Supervised Anomaly Detection via Adversarially Learned Continuous Noise Corruption
An End-to-End Multi-Task Learning Model for Image-based Table Recognition
PanDepth: Joint Panoptic Segmentation and Depth Completion
Multi-Scale Feature Based Fashion Attribute Extraction Using Multi-Task Learning for e-Commerce Applications
On Attribute Aware Open-Set Face Verification
Self-Modularized Transformer: Learn to Modularize Networks for Systematic Generalization
Human Fall Detection from Sequences of Skeleton Features using Vision Transformer
Leveraging Unsupervised and Self-Supervised Learning for Video Anomaly Detection
Multi-Camera 3D Pedestrian Tracking Using Graph Neural Networks
Real-World Case Study of a Deep Learning Enhanced Elderly Person Fall Video-Detection System
Pyramid Swin Transformer: Different-Size Windows Swin Transformer for Image Classification and Object Detection
YOLO: You Only Look 10647 Times
Subjective Baggage-Weight Estimation from Gait: Can You Estimate How Heavy the Person Feels?
Visual Anomaly Detection and Localization with a Patch-Wise Transformer and Convolutional Model
An Experimental Consideration on Gait Spoofing
Flow-Based Visual-Inertial Odometry for Neuromorphic Vision Sensors Using non-Linear Optimization with Online Calibration
Banana Ripeness Level Classification Using a Simple CNN Model Trained with Real and Synthetic Datasets
Using Continual Learning on Edge Devices for Cost-Effective, Efficient License Plate Detection
Rotation Equivariance for Diamond Identification
Toward Few Pixel Annotations for 3D Segmentation of Material from Electron Tomography
FedBID and FedDocs: A Dataset and System for Federated Document Analysis
Estimating Distances Between People Using a Single Overhead Fisheye Camera with Application to Social-Distancing Oversight
Overcome Ethnic Discrimination with Unbiased Machine Learning for Facial Data Sets
How far Generated Data Can Impact Neural Networks Performance?
Object Detection in Floor Plans for Automated VR Environment Generation
Absolute-ROMP: Absolute Multi-Person 3D Mesh Prediction from a Single Image
Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation with CycleGAN Guided by Downstream Task Awareness
MixedTeacher: Knowledge Distillation for Fast Inference Textural Anomaly Detection
Benchmarking Person Re-Identification Datasets and Approaches for Practical Real-World Implementations
Surface-Graph-Based 6DoF Object-Pose Estimation for Shrink-Wrapped Items Applicable to Mixed Depalletizing Robots
DeNos22: A Pipeline to Learn Object Tracking Using Simulated Depth
A General Context Learning and Reasoning Framework for Object Detection in Urban Scenes
Impact of Vehicle Speed on Traffic Signs Missed by Drivers
Transfer Learning for Word Spotting in Historical Arabic Documents Based Triplet-CNN
Combining Two Adversarial Attacks Against Person Re-Identification Systems
1D-SalsaSAN: Semantic Segmentation of LiDAR Point Cloud with Self-Attention
Understanding of Feature Representation in Convolutional Neural Networks and Vision Transformer
Fast Eye Detector Using Siamese Network for NIR Partial Face Images
Smoothed Normal Distribution Transform for Efficient Point Cloud Registration During Space Rendezvous
Exploring Deep Learning Capabilities for Coastal Image Segmentation on Edge Devices
False Negative Reduction in Semantic Segmentation Under Domain Shift Using Depth Estimation
Upper Bound Tracker: A Multi-Animal Tracking Solution for Closed Laboratory Settings
A Patch-Based Architecture for Multi-Label Classification from Single Positive Annotations
Unfolding Local Growth Rate Estimates for (Almost) Perfect Adversarial Detection
A Multi-Class Probabilistic Optimum-Path Forest
Mixing Augmentation and Knowledge-Based Techniques in Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Segmentation of Edible Insect States
Combining Metric Learning and Attention Heads for Accurate and Efficient Multilabel Image Classification
Anisotropic Metasurface for Ultrafast Polarization Control via All-Optical Modulation
User-Perception of a Webcam-Based Intervention System for Healthy Habits at Computer Workstations
Investigating the Fidelity of Digital Peer Support: A Preliminary Approach using Natural Language Processing to Scale High-Fidelity Digital Peer Support
Designing a Digital Personal Coach to Promote a Healthy Diet and Physical Activity Among Patients After Cardiothoracic Surgery
Top-Funded Digital Health Companies Offering Services for Type-1 Diabetes Patients: Business Models and Scalability Considerations
Scalable Business Models in Digital Healthy Longevity: Lessons from Top-Funded Digital Health Companies in 2022
Digital Therapeutics for Healthy Longevity: A Roadmap
Integration of a Deep Learning-Based Module for the Quantification of Imaging Features into the Filling-in Process of the Radiological Structured Report
A Convolutional Neural Network Model for Prediction of ICU Performance Metrics: Time Series and Image Transformation Approaches
Knowledge Graph Based Trustworthy Medical Code Recommendations
Short-Term and Long-Term Readmission Prediction in Uncontrolled Diabetic Patients using Machine Learning Techniques
Personalized Semantic Annotation Recommendations on Biomedical Content Through an Expanded Socio-Technical Approach
Attention-Based Explainability Approaches in Healthcare Natural Language Processing
An NLP-Enhanced Approach to Test Comorbidities Risk Scoring Based on Unstructured Health Data for Hospital Readmissions Prediction
Medical Devices Used in Extreme Conditions in Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine: Overview of the Issue, Use Case Regarding Mechanical Ventilation at Altitude and Advice
How to Create a Biological Sample Collection: Requirements and Tips from an Academic Research Example in France
Shaping User-Centered Health Innovation Through Assessment
Regulatory Positioning of an Innovative Biomaterial for Regenerative Medicine: TissYou Project
Detection of Compound-Type Dark Jargons Using Similar Words
Natural Language Explanatory Arguments for Correct and Incorrect Diagnoses of Clinical Cases
Defence Workforce Transition Simulation and Analysis
Course Scheduling Under Uncertainty for Defence Workforce Training
A Serious Game Development and Usability Test for Blood Phobia Treatment - PHOBOS
Data Acquisition System for a Wearable-Based Fall Prevention
On a Real Real-Time Wearable Human Activity Recognition System
Ground-Truthing in the European Health Data Space
Efficient Representation of Biochemical Structures for Supervised and Unsupervised Machine Learning Models Using Multi-Sensoric Embeddings
Fast Exact String to D-Texts Alignments
SAT-Based Method for Finding Attractors in Asynchronous Multi-Valued Networks
A Service-Based Preset Recommendation System for Image Stylization Applications
Learning to Participate Through Trading of Reward Shares
A Robust Adaptive Workload Orchestration in Pure Edge Computing
Proposal of a Signal Control Method Using Deep Reinforcement Learning with Pedestrian Traffic Flow
Bottom-up Japanese Word Ordering Using BERT
IACT: Intensive Attention in Convolution-Transformer Network for Facial Landmark Localization
Multi-View Video Synthesis Through Progressive Synthesis and Refinement
WSAM: Visual Explanations from Style Augmentation as Adversarial Attacker and Their Influence in Image Classification
SVM Based Maximum Power Consumption Excess Forecast Alert for Large-Scale Power Consumers
TrichANet: An Attentive Network for Trichogramma Classification
Monocular Depth Estimation for Tilted Images via Gravity Rectifier
Prediction of Shuttle Trajectory in Badminton Using Player's Position
Towards the Virtual Human Simulator
Machine Learning Applied to Electronic Health Record Data: Opportunities and Challenges
Beyond the Third Dimension: How Multidimensional Projections and Machine Learning Can Help Each Other
A Question of Trust: Old and New Metrics for the Reliable Assessment of Trustworthy AI
A Hierarchical Approach for Multilingual Speech Emotion Recognition
Multimodal Unsupervised Spatio-Temporal Interpolation of Satellite Ocean Altimetry Maps
Quantitative Analysis to Find the Optimum Scale Range for Object Representations in Remote Sensing Images
DaDe: Delay-Adaptive Detector for Streaming Perception
Environmental Information Extraction Based on YOLOv5-Object Detection in Videos Collected by Camera-Collars Installed on Migratory Caribou and Black Bears in Northern Quebec
Cost-Aware Ensemble Learning Approach for Overcoming Noise in Labeled Data
Towards Pattern Recognition with Network Science and Natural Language Processing for Information Retrieval
Human Object Interaction Detection Primed with Context
Rethinking the Backbone Architecture for Tiny Object Detection
Ultra-Low Power Electronic Circuits Inspired by Biological Genetic Processes
Turkish Sign Language Recognition Using CNN with New Alphabet Dataset
Hemodynamics of Convergent Cavopulmonary Connection with Ventricular Assist Device for Fontan Surgery: A Computational and Experimental Study
Perceptions on Telemedicine in Portugal During Sars-Cov-2 Pandemic: A Mixed-Methods Study
Quantitative Performance Analysis from Discrete Perspective: A Case Study of Chip Detection in Turning Process
Neural Style Transfer for Image-Based Garment Interchange Through Multi-Person Human Views
Advanced Deep Transfer Learning Using Ensemble Models for COVID-19 Detection from X-ray Images
Stereoscopy in User: VR Interaction
Multi-Agent Pathfinding on Large Maps Using Graph Pruning: This Way or That Way?
Fast and Reliable Template Matching Based on Effective Pixel Selection Using Color and Intensity Information
FakeRevealer: A Multimodal Framework for Revealing the Falsity of Online Tweets Using Transformer-Based Architectures
Exploiting Context in Handwriting Recognition Using Trainable Relaxation Labeling
Content Based Image Retrieval Using Depth Maps for Colonoscopy Images
Wearable Data Generation Using Time-Series Generative Adversarial Networks for Hydration Monitoring
An Android App for Posture Analysis Using OWAS
Design and Manufacturing of Microtextured Patient-Specific Coronary Stent
A Comparative Study of Deep Learning Methods for the Detection and Classification of Natural Disasters from Social Media
Workforce Modelling with Experience Accumulation
Human Factors for Cybersecurity Awareness in a Remote Work Environment
Abstraction of Prevention Conceived in Distributed Knowledge Base
Structural Analysis of the Curriculum Through a Bipartite Network
Exploring Potential Causal Models for Climate-Society-Conflict Interaction
Mainstream and Alternative Narratives in the Wake of Gun Shootings
Forecasting of COVID-19 Pandemic Using ARIMA and Fb-Prophet Models: UK Case Study
Examining the Intra-Location Differences Among Twitter Samples
The Transition from Kanban to Scrum and Risk Prevention in Big Telco Corporation
Recommendation of Educational Resources in a Blended Learning Environment
Quizzes and Eggs: Exploring the Impact of Course Design Elements on Students’ Engagement
Visualizing Environments of Modern Scripting Languages
Generating LADs that Make Sense
Hybrid Recommender System for Educational Resources to the Smart University Campus Domain
MoodleStories: Improving Learner Motivation Through Interactive Visual Stories
Student Teacher Interaction While Learning Computer Science: Early Results from an Experiment on Undergraduates
TMBQ-LT: A Student-Facing Learning Tool to Support Time Management Skills
Effects of Early Warning Emails on Student Performance
Virtual Labs as a Tool for Training Preservice Science Teachers
Crypto Advisor: A Web Application for Spotting Cross-Exchange Cryptocurrency Arbitrage Opportunities
Talk-to-the-Robot: Speech-Interactive Robot To Teach Children Computational Thinking
Improving NLP Model Performance on Small Educational Data Sets Using Self-Augmentation
Leveraging Web Components for Authoring Interactive Mathematics
Adapting Is Difficult! Introducing a Generic Adaptive Learning Framework for Learner Modeling and Task Recommendation Based on Dynamic Bayesian Networks
Bridging the Computer Science Teacher Shortage with a Digital Learning Platform
Design and Evaluation of Computational Thinking Tasks in the <colette/> Project: Experiences Gained from Workshops with Secondary and Grammar School Students in Austria, the Netherlands, and Slovakia
Computer Supported Argumentation Learning: Design of a Learning Scenario in Academic Writing by Means of a Conjecture Map
Authoring Tools: The Road to Democratizing Augmented Reality for Education
Fact-in-a-Box: Hiding Educational Facts in Short Stories for Implicit Learning
Promoting Long-Lasting Interest in Computer Science: An Analysis of High School Teachers' Perspectives
K-DAD a Platform for Cooperative Learning in Primary Schools
A Transformer Based Semantic Analysis of (non-English) Danish Jobads
Investigating Collaborative Problem Solving Temporal Dynamics Using Interactions Within a Digital Whiteboard
A STEM Virtual Lab to Improve Girls’ Attitude Towards Technology
"Is Computer Science the Right Study Program for Me?": Concept Development of a Mobile Self-Reflection App for Prospective University Students
Students' Perspective on AI-Supported Assessment of Open-Ended Questions in Higher Education
Investigating How Introductory Programming Students Apply Regulation Strategies
Visualizing Compiler Design Theory from Implementation Through an Interactive Tutoring Tool: Experiences and Results
eduARM: Web Platform to Support the Teaching and Learning of the ARM Architecture
The Multipurpose Autonomous Agent Project: Experiential Learning for Engineering Assistive Artificial Intelligence
Modeling Spaced Repetition with LSTMs
Integration of Virtual Reality with Intelligent Tutoring for High Fidelity Air Traffic Control Training
The Impact of COVID-19 on Authoring Open Data Workshop Settings in High School
At School of Open Data: A Literature Review
Using Deep Learning and Native Mobile App to Assist Autistic Students’ Educational Experience
Proposal of Indicators for Measuring Collaborative Writing in a Digital Learning Environment
An Analysis of Teaching Informatics by Means of Enactive-Haptic Representations
Social Entrepreneurship Intervention Methodology for the Scaling of Perceived Achievement of Social Entrepreneurship Competency and Complex Thinking
EuroTeQ as an Alliance to Promote European Engineering Education
A Proposal of a New Team Building Method in IT PBL: A Trial of the SENTAI-Hero-Exercise
Introducing Digital Education as a Mandatory Subject: The Struggle of the Implementation of a New Curriculum in Austria
Which Approach Best Predicts Dropouts in Higher Education?
Mapping Task Types and Gameplay Categories in the Context of Declarative Knowledge Training
An Analysis Framework for Designing Declarative Knowledge Training Games Using Roguelite Genre
Explore Through the Past: Gesture-Based Mobile Game for Children Observing Geological Layer Exhibit at History Museum
An Online Collaborative Biology Simulation Used by Ukrainian Students During the 2022 Russian Invasion
Do Rules Still Rule? Comprehensive Evaluation of a Rule-Based Question Generation System
Towards a Development of Automated Feedback and Diagnostic Assessment System in Support of Literacy Teaching and Learning
Success Factors for Mathematical e-Learning Exercises Focusing First-Year Students
A Serious Game with Which to Introduce Users to the World of DevOps
Modelling Teachers' Digital Maturity: Literature Review and Proposal for a Unified Model
Gamebrics: Integrating Analytical Rubrics into Serious Games to Teach Analytical Skills
Revision of the AIG Software Toolkit: A Contribute to More User Friendliness and Algorithmic Efficiency
Smart Surveys: An Automatic Survey Generation and Analysis Tool
The Generalization of the Solution Process in a Mathematical Problem-Solving Activity with an Advanced Computing Environment
Ethical Considerations in the Use of Disfluencies in AI-Generated Speech
Information Literacy Instructional Practices Among Academic Librarians Within the Asia and Asia-Pacific Region: A Comparative Analysis
Designing a Career Exploration Corner for Children with Less Access to Role Models
Assessment of Digital and Mathematical Problem-Solving Competences Development
Visually-Structured Written Notation Based on Sign Language for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing
UK Students’ Concerns About Security and Privacy of Online Higher Education Digital Technologies in the Coronavirus Pandemic
COVID-19 Impact on the Laboratory Practices of the Automation Subjects at the University of La Laguna
Virtual Reality as a Tool for Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Within the Higher Education Landscape
Large Language Models (GPT) Struggle to Answer Multiple-Choice Questions About Code
Design of a Blended Learning ICT Education Program for Undergraduate Students in Asia-Pacific Based on Communities of Practice
Davinci Goes to Bebras: A Study on the Problem Solving Ability of GPT-3
Using Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education
Optimization Analysis for an Uncovered Wagon Transportation with an Interactive Animated Simulation-Based Platform for Multidisciplinary Learning
How Far Can We Trust the Predictions of Learning Analytics Systems?
Apply an Integrated Responsible AI Framework to Sustain the Assessment of Learning Effectiveness
Vegetation Coverage and Urban Amenity Mapping Using Computer Vision and Machine Learning
3D Semantic Scene Reconstruction from a Single Viewport
A Deep Learning Approach for Estimating the Rind Thickness of Trentingrana Cheese from Images
TabProIS: A Transfer Learning-Based Model for Detecting Tables in Product Information Sheets
An Anisotropic and Asymmetric Causal Filtering Based Corner Detection Method
Layer-wise External Attention for Efficient Deep Anomaly Detection
Normalised Color Distances
Fuzzy Inference System in a Local Eigenvector Based Color Image Smoothing Framework
Multi-Scale Surface Normal Estimation from Depth Maps
3D Reference-Based Skeletal Movement Evaluation
FUB-Clustering: Fully Unsupervised Batch Clustering
Intrinsic Image Decomposition: Challenges and New Perspectives
From Depth Sensing to Deep Depth Estimation for 3D Reconstruction: Open Challenges
Deep Learning and Medical Image Analysis: Epistemology and Ethical Issues
An Integrated Mobile Vision System for Enhancing the Interaction of Blind and Low Vision Users with Their Surroundings
Automatic Defect Detection in Sewer Network Using Deep Learning Based Object Detector
Facial Expression Recognition with Quarantine Face Masks Using a Synthetic Dataset Generator
A Global Multi-Temporal Dataset with STGAN Baseline for Cloud and Cloud Shadow Removal
University of Things: Opportunities and Challenges for a Smart Campus Environment based on IoT Sensors and Business Processes
Software Updates Monitoring & Anomaly Detection
The Implementation of an HSM-Based Smart Meter for Supporting DLMS/COSEM Security Suite 1
An Energy Management Unit for Predictive Solar Energy Harvesting IoT
Analysis of Security Events in Industrial Networks Using Self-Organizing Maps by the Example of Log4j
Castles Built on Sand: Observations from Classifying Academic Cybersecurity Datasets with Minimalist Methods
Simulation Based Performance Evaluation of FIWARE IoT Platform for Smart Agriculture
CopAS: A Big Data Forensic Analytics System
Attack Simulation on Data Distribution Service-based Infrastructure System
Green Intelligent Homes: A Perspective on the Future of Smart Homes and Their Implications
Deep Dive into Hunting for LotLs Using Machine Learning and Feature Engineering
Creating a Personalized Recommendation Framework in Smart Shopping by Using IoT Devices
RePAD2: Real-Time Lightweight Adaptive Anomaly Detection for Open-Ended Time Series
Function-as-a-Service for the Cloud-to-Thing Continuum: A Systematic Mapping Study
The Anatomy of an Infrastructure for Digital Underground Mining
Reducing IoT Big Data for Efficient Storage and Processing
Generative Deep Learning for Solutions to Data Deconflation Problems in Information and Operational Technology Networks
Process Automation and Monitoring Systems Based on IIoT Using Private LoRaWAN Networks: A Case Study of ArcelorMittal Vega Facilities
EMBEDD-ER: EMBEDDing Educational Resources Using Linked Open Data
Ear Training Applications in Music Education: Exploring Utilization, Effectiveness, and Adoption Factors in France
Teachers Facing Psychosocial Risks: Adaptation of a French Context Questionnaire to Egypt
Multi-Lang Question Answering Framework for Decision Support in Educational Institutes
Towards Serendipitous Learning Resource Recommendation
A Simulation Tool for Exploring Ammunition Stockpile Dynamics
Personnel Data Management System for Workforce Analytics
Quantifying the Impact of Secondary Duties on Sailor Workload Through Simulation
A Case Study of Genealogical Networks from Network Science Perspective
The Correlation Between Media Consumption and Loneliness: The Case of Young People in Portugal
An Analysis of Twitter Communities Related to the 2022 War in Ukraine
International Economic Integration from the Perspective of Economic Complexity and Economic Fitness: A Methodological Proposal
JobIQ: Recommending Study Pathways Based on Career Choices
AlgoPoint as an Original Didactic Tool for Introductory Programming Using Flowcharts
Is the Scratch Programming Environment Ideal for all? Enhancements to the Scratch IDE to Make it Easier to Use and More Useful for Students and Teachers
Student's Attraction for a Carrier Path Related to Databases and SQL: Usability vs Efficiency in Students' Perception -Case Study
Improving Learning Motivation for Out-of-Favour Subjects
Codeschool in a Box: A Low-Barrier Approach to Packaging Programming Curricula
Encouraging Errors Through Gradual Feedback to Improve Vocabulary Learning
Online Polyglot Programming Education with LFT (Lingua Franca Transformer)
L2 Vocabulary Learning Benefits from Skill-Based Learner Models
Growing Grade-by-Grade
Feedback in Online Mathematics Tutoring
EvscApp: Evaluating the Pedagogical Relevance of Educational Escape Games for Computer Science
Common Code Quality Issues of Novice Java Programmers: A Comprehensive Analysis of Student Assignments
The Potential of Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies for Digital Accessibility in Childhood Literacies: A Critical Review of the Literature
Learning Analytics Solution for Monitoring and Analyzing the Students’ Behavior in SQL Lab Work
Estimating the Distribution of Oral Presentation Skills in an Educational Institution: A Novel Methodology
Complex Thinking in Interdisciplinarity: An Exploratory Study in Latin American Population
STEM in Elementary Teacher Training in Austria
The Concept of Derivatives Through Eye-Tracker Analysis
Understanding the Gaps in Software Engineering Education from the Perspective of IT Leaders: A Field Study
Blended Approach for Deep Learning: A Framework for Teaching Undergraduate Computer Programming Courses
Nurturing Social Presence in a Blended Learning Environment
ICT-Supported Design Thinking Workshop Program: A Case Study of Encouraging Social Lean-In for High School Students in Japan
Getting Ready for the New Normal Way of Working: Using Business Simulation Projects to Foster Work-from-Anywhere Skills
An Overview of Toxic Content Datasets for Artificial Intelligence Applications to Educate Students Towards a Better Use of Social Media
Determinants of Learners' Self-Directed Learning and on-Line Learning Attitudes in on-Line Learning
Communicating Emotions During Lectures
Can Emotional Intelligence Act as a Weapon (Warrior) Against Bullying?
DotWrangler: A Method for Assessing Fluency, Originality, and Flexibility of Concept Maps and Diagrams at Scale
Trading Strategy Validation Using Forwardtesting with Deep Neural Networks
Framework for IT Project Management During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Using Fuzzy Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis to Explore the Decisive Factors of Charismatic Leadership
Optimizing Transport Network to Reduce Municipality Mobility Budget
Transportation Infrastructure and Market and Supplier Access: How Do They Shape Foreign Direct Investment?
Exploring Situational Leadership Using Critical Incident Technique in the Times of COVID-19
Smart Shopping Carts to Increase Healthier Food Purchase: A Conjoint Experiment
ICT-Enabled Community-Based Social Support System Matrix for Elderly: A Social Support Perspective in Japan
Dissecting interRAI Instrument Data Using Visual and Predictive Analytics
Implementing an Intersectoral Telemedicine Network in Rural Areas: Evaluation from the Point of View of Telemedicine Users
Wellbeing Recommender System, a User-Centered Framework for Generating a Recommender System for Healthy Aging
Trust in and Acceptance of Video-based AAL Technologies
Exploring Different User Interfaces for Automatic Tracking of Free Weight Exercises Using Computer Vision
Digitalization of Healthcare Processes Through BPMN for Clinical Risk Monitoring and Management
Digital Participation Among People Aged 50+ in Switzerland: Insights to Course Offers and Training Experiences
A Comparative Study on Cloud-based and Edge-Based Digital Twin Frameworks for Prediction of Cardiovascular Disease
GesTEApp: A Pilot Study on an Expert Web-Based System that Integrates Gestural Analytics and a Hybrid Recommendation System to Support the Early Detection of ASD in Children
Developing an ICT-Based Mental Healthcare Service Platform for Older People (IMPOP)
Sending Trustworthy News to the Elderly Through TV Notifications
Easierphone: Participative Development of a Senior-Friendly Smartphone Application
Development of a Web-based Program for Personalized Physical Exercise for Older Adults
Gesture-Based Communication for People with Aphasia While in Bed
vEEGNet: A New Deep Learning Model to Classify and Generate EEG
Gesture Recognition for Communication Support in the Context of the Bedroom: Comparison of Two Wearable Solutions
A Quantitative Analysis of Barriers to International Telemedicine Education: The Case of the Philippines
Leveraging Deep Neural Networks for Automatic and Standardised Wound Image Acquisition
Data Analytics Framework for Identifying Relevant Adverse Events in Medical Software
Climbing with Virtual Mentor by Means of Video-Based Motion Analysis
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Video Violence Detection in the Wild
Bank Checks Fraud Detection Based on the Analysis of Event Trends in Data-Flow Systems
Quantum Clustering on Streaming Data: A Novel Method for Analyzing Big Data
Lightweight and Self Adaptive Model for Domain Invariant Bearing Fault Diagnosis
Analysis of Sensor Attacks Against Autonomous Vehicles
On-Premise Internet of Things (IoT) Data Storage: Comparison of Database Management Systems
AccA: A Decentralized and Accumulator-Based Authentication and Authorization Architecture for Autonomous IoT in Connected Infrastructures
Detection of DDoS Attacks on Urban IoT Devices Using Neural Networks
A Music Programming Course for Undergraduate Music Conservatory Students: Evaluation and Lessons Learnt
Interactive Generation of Musical Corpora for Piano Education: Opportunities and Open Challenges
A Mobile Serious Game to Foster Music Sight Reading with Different Clefs
Tuning of the Update Timing Will Stop the Defector Invasion in the Spatial Game Theory
ALARP in Engineering: Risk Based Design and CBA
SAPHIR: A Pluricultural Authoring Tool to Produce Resources in Support of Education for Sustainable Development
What's in a Persona? A Preliminary Taxonomy from Persona Use in Requirements Engineering
A Perspective from Large vs Small Companies Adoption of Agile Methodologies
Live Code Smell Detection of Data Clumps in an Integrated Development Environment
Visualizing Dynamic Data-Flow Analysis of Object-Oriented Programs Based on the Language Server Protocol
LibSteal: Model Extraction Attack Towards Deep Learning Compilers by Reversing DNN Binary Library
An Empirical Evaluation of System-Level Test Effectiveness for Safety-Critical Software
Evaluation of Contemporary Smart Contract Analysis Tools
Multivocal Literature Review on Non-Technical Debt in Software Development: An Exploratory Study
Multi-Step Reasoning for IoT Devices
Studying Synchronization Issues for Extended Automata
A Platform Selection Framework for Blockchain-Based Software Systems Based on the Blockchain Trilemma
Compaction of Spacecraft Operational Models with Metamodeling Domain Knowledge
An OWL Multi-Dimensional Information Security Ontology
Predictive Power of Two Data Flow Metrics in Software Defect Prediction
Requirements Elicitation and Modelling of Artificial Intelligence Systems: An Empirical Study
A Step to Achieve Personalized Human Centric Privacy Policy Summary
Evaluation of Approaches for Documentation in Continuous Software Development
Toward a Deep Contextual Product Recommendation for SO-DSPL Framework
A Comparison of Source Code Representation Methods to Predict Vulnerability Inducing Code Changes
A Distance-Based Feature Selection Approach for Software Anomaly Detection
Towards Synthesis of Code for Calculations Using Their Specifications
Reverse Engineering of OpenQASM3 Quantum Programs to KDM Models
From Descriptive to Predictive: Forecasting Emerging Research Areas in Software Traceability Using NLP from Systematic Studies
A New Approach for Software Quality Assessment Based on Automated Code Anomalies Detection
Methods for Model-Driven Development of IoT Applications: Requirements from Industrial Practice
Software Code Smells and Defects: An Empirical Investigation
A Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering Approach for IoT Applications
Using Bigrams to Detect Leaked Secrets in Source Code
mHealthSwarm: A Unified Platform for mHealth Applications
Ontology of Online Management Tools Aimed at Artificial Management Implementation: An Example of Use in Software Design
A Study on Early & Non-Intrusive Security Assessment for Container Images
Improved Business Analysis by Using 3D Models
Toward a Goal-Oriented Methodology for Artifact-Centric Process Modeling
Blockchain Technology in Medical Data Processing: A Study on Its Applications and Potential Benefits
ASMS: A Metrics Suite to Measure Adaptive Strategies of Self-Adaptive Systems
Web Platform for Job Recommendation Based on Machine Learning
Extracting Queryable Knowledge Graphs from User Stories: An Empirical Evaluation
Investigate How Developers and Managers View Security Design in Software
Various Shades of Teaching Agile
Specification Based Testing of Object Detection for Automated Driving Systems via BBSL
A Bibliometric Analysis for Stakeholder Management Focused on Energy and Sustainability
Bridging Corporate Social Responsibility and Individual Social Responsibility
The Correlation of ESG Ratings and Abnormal Returns: An Event Study Using Machine Learning
Analysis of Production Costs: An Approach to Decision-Making
Exploring Risks in the Metaverse in an Immersive Digital Economy
A Review on Cryptocurrency Transaction Methods for Money Laundering
Living on Video: Insights on the User Perspective of Video-Based AAL Technology
Evaluation of the Cross-Platform Framework Flutter Using the Example of a Cancer Counselling App
SleepPal: A Sleep Monitoring System for Body Movement and Sleep Posture Detection
Self-Dependency Amelioration and Dignity Revival for South-East Asian Older Adults: Using Technology as a Means and Method
Collaborative Mapping of Urban Spaces for Active Ageing in the City
Environmental Scan of Existing Digital Health Solutions for Older Adults Living with Neurocognitive Disorders (Mild and Major) and Their Informal Caregivers: Summary Report
What Is Privacy? Perceptions of Older Adults in the South of Spain About the Concept of Privacy and in Terms of Video-Based AAL Technologies
A Machine Learning Approach to Digitize Medical History and Archive in a Standard Format
A Fallen Person Detector with a Privacy-Preserving Edge-AI Camera
Emotion Based Music Visualization with Fractal Arts
A Scalable Decentralized and Lightweight Access Control Framework Using IOTA Tangle for the Internet of Things
Human-Centered Design for the Efficient Management of Smart Genomic Information
Security Tools’ API Recommendation Using Machine Learning
Time-Constrained, Event-Driven Coordination of Composite Resources’ Consumption Flows
Schfuzz: Detecting Concurrency Bugs with Feedback-Guided Fuzzing
VeriCombTest: Automated Test Case Generation Technique Using a Combination of Verification and Combinatorial Testing
Carbon-Box Testing
SmartMuVerf: A Mutant Verifier for Smart Contracts
Constraint-Logic Object-Oriented Programming with Free Arrays of Reference-Typed Elements via Symbolic Aliasing
MODINF: Exploiting Reified Computational Dependencies for Information Flow Analysis
Efficient Academic Retrieval System Based on Aggregated Sources
A Dynamic Service Placement in Fog Infrastructure
Detecting Outliers in CI/CD Pipeline Logs Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation
Software Vulnerability Prediction Knowledge Transferring Between Programming Languages
Modelling Adaptive Systems with Nets-Within-Nets in Maude
A Study on Hybrid Classical: Quantum Computing Instructions for a Fragment of the QuickSI Algorithm for Subgraph Isomorphism
A Reflection on the Use of Systemic Thinking in Software Development
Clouds Coalition Detection for Business Processes Outsourcing
Impact of COVID-19 on the Factors Influencing on-Time Software Project Delivery: An Empirical Study
Text Mining Studies of Software Repository Contents
Rethinking Certification for Higher Trust and Ethical Safeguarding of Autonomous Systems
Managing Domain Analysis in Software Product Lines with Decision Tables: An Approach for Decision Representation, Anomaly Detection and Resolution
Towards Automated Prediction of Software Bugs from Textual Description
Sustainability-Driven Meetings as a Way to Incorporate Sustainability into Software Development Phases
Timed Transition Tour for Race Detection in Distributed Systems
Git Workflow for Active Learning: A Development Methodology Proposal for Data-Centric AI Projects
Toward a Modeling Language Prototype for Modeling the Behavior of Wireless Body Area Networks Communication Protocols
Impact of Machine Learning on Software Development Life Cycle
Leveraging Transformer and Graph Neural Networks for Variable Misuse Detection
Enhancing Unit Tests in Refactored Java Programs
An Empirical Study on the Relationship Between the Co-Occurrence of Design Smell and Refactoring Activities
Tendencies in Database Learning for Undergraduate Students: Learning In-Depth or Getting the Work Done?
An Evaluation of Malware Triage Similarity Hashes
Smart Placement of Routers in Agricultural Crop Areas
INSIDE: Semantic Interoperability in Engineering Data Integration
CrudeBERT: Applying Economic Theory Towards Fine-Tuning Transformer-Based Sentiment Analysis Models to the Crude Oil Market
A Framework for a Data Quality Module in Decision Support Systems: An Application with Smart Grid Time Series
Adoption of Intelligent Information Systems: An Approach to the Colombian Context
Probability Distribution as an Input to Machine Learning Tasks
A Decision Support System for Multi-Trip Vehicle Routing Problems
A Multidimensional-Paradigm-Centered Architecture for Cooperative Digital Ecosystems
An Architecture for a Large-Scale IoT e-Mobility Solution
A Review of Blockchain Platforms Based on the Scalability, Security and Decentralization Trilemma
A Concept for Optimal Warehouse Allocation Using Contextual Multi-Arm Bandits
Assessing the Lakehouse: Analysis, Requirements and Definition
Design Principles and a Software Reference Architecture for Big Data Question Answering Systems
Counteracting Popularity-Bias and Improving Diversity Through Calibrated Recommendations
Using Multilingual Approach in Cross-Lingual Transfer Learning to Improve Hate Speech Detection
Fuzzy Logic Based Edge Detection Methods: A Systematic Literature Review
Forecasting Residential Energy Consumption: A Case Study for Greece
An Unsupervised Approach for Study of the Relationship Between Behavioral Profile and Facial Expressions in Video Interviews
Natural Language Processing Approach for Classification of Archetypes Using Text on Business Environments
Labor Accidents Classification Using Machine Learning
IT Project Portfolio Management: Development and Validation of a Reference Model
“How to Make Them Stay?”: Diverse Counterfactual Explanations of Employee Attrition
Perception of Agile Teams About Home Office During the Covid-19
GOTE: An Edge Computing Architecture for Mobile Gaming
Decentralised Autonomous Management of an Association Through Smart Contracts According to German Legislation
Towards a Business-Oriented Approach to Visualization-Supported Interpretability of Prediction Results in Process Mining
Tuning Analog PID Controllers by Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms with Fuzzy Aggregation
Explaining Meta-Features Importance in Meta-Learning Through Shapley Values
Adapting a Generic Smart Service Platform Architecture to the Road-Based Physical Internet
Algorithm for Selecting Words to Compose Phonological Assessments
Natural Language Processing Applied in the Context of Economic Defense: A Case Study in a Brazilian Federal Public Administration Agency
A Multi-Perspective Framework for Smart Contract Search in Decentralised Applications Design
Achieving Private Verification in Multi-stakeholder Environment and Application to Stable Matching
Artificial Intelligence-Powered Decisions Support System for Circular Economy Business Models
SDRank: A Deep Learning Approach for Similarity Ranking of Data Sources to Support User-Centric Data Analysis
A Report on Work: Cardiac MRI CBIR for Pathologies Detetion
Building Resilient Supply Chains with Information Systems: Key Lessons from Médecins Sans Frontières Logistique During the COVID-19 Crisis
Assessing the Effects of Extreme Events on Machine Learning Models for Electricity Price Forecasting
Towards a Better Evaluation of Disaster Management Solutions
Modelling of Advanced Dependencies Between the Start and the End of Activities in Business Processes
Towards a Multi-Level Model of Enterprise Architecture Modeling Notations
Identification of Interface Related Factors Between Safety Management System and Cybersecurity Management System for Highly Automated Driving Vehicles
A Recommender Plug-in for Enterprise Architecture Models
Automated Input Data Management for Discrete Event Simulation Models of Emergency Departments
A Systematic Mapping Study on Quantum Circuits Design Patterns
Process Mining and Perceived Privacy Violations: A Pilot-Study
Comprehensive Differentiation of Partitional Clusterings
Bringing Distributed Collaborative Design and Team Collaboration to the Table: A Conceptual Framework
Digital Transformation of Public Services from the Perception of ICT Practitioners in a Startup-Based Environment
Effectual Behavior and Corporate Entrepreneurship in the Digital Age
The Digital Transformation of Corporate Entrepreneurship: The Role of Digital Skills and Digital Champions
A Systematic Literature Review on the Business Implications of 5G
Digital Maturity Models for SMEs: A Systematic Literature Review
Modelling Digital Maturity for SMEs
Emerging Technologies as Enabler of Sustainable Business Model Innovation: Evidence from Space Tech New Ventures
Towards a Reference Architecture for a Business Continuity
Optimization of SNP Search Based on Masks Using Graphics Processing Unit
Towards a Transition Matrix-Based Concept Drift Approach: Experiments on the Detection Task
Engagement, Participation, and Liveness: Understanding Audience Interaction in Technology-Based Events
Semantic Representation of Key Performance Indicators Categories for Prioritization
An Experience in the Gather.town: Factors That Promote Immersion in Systems for the Metaverse
The Impact of Blockchain on Business Model: A Literature Review
Analyzing Software Architecture Documentation Models According to Agile Characteristics
Introduction to BASE Enterprise Architecture Framework for Holistic Strategic Alignment of the Complex Enterprise
A Situating Method for Improving the Utility of Information Products
Improving Czech Digital Government Based on Quantified Maturity Model of Enterprise Architecture
Scenario-Based Model Checking of Declarative Process Models
FAIR Data by Design: A Case of the DiVA Portal
Supporting Small Businesses and Local Economies Through Virtual Reality Shopping and Artificial Intelligence: A Position Paper
Towards Agile IT/Business Alignment at BizDevOps
Characterizing Security-Related Commits of JavaScript Engines
A Practical Method to Plan Co-Evolution of Business and Information Technology
A Process for Evaluating the Prudence of Enterprise Architecture Debts
IT Service Well-Being: A Service Ecosystem Approach
An Ontology-based Knowledge Management Model on Information Governance
A Literature Review of Evaluation Approaches for Cyber-Physical Production Systems
Interaction Room for Cloud Migration (IR:CM): A Systematic Approach
UXNator: A Tool for Recommending UX Evaluation Methods
Engineering of Digital Innovation in Edge Computing and Industry 4.0: An Experience Report
Unobtrusive Integration of Data Quality in Interactive Explorative Data Analysis
Towards an Ontology to Enforce Enterprise Architecture Mining
Value Co-Creation in the IT Service Ecosystem
Supervised Machine Learning for Recovering Implicit Implementation of Singleton Design Pattern
Software Engineering Comments Sentiment Analysis Using LSTM with Various Padding Sizes
Mapping Process Mining Techniques to Agile Software Development Perspectives
Empirical Analysis for Investigating the Effect of Machine Learning Techniques on Malware Prediction
Digital Twins for Trust Building in Autonomous Drones Through Dynamic Safety Evaluation
Features and Supervised Machine Learning Based Method for Singleton Design Pattern Variants Detection
Revisiting Food Deserts in North Carolina, USA, Using a Cloud-Based Real-Time Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) Tool
Spatio-Temporal Modelling of Relationship Between Organic Carbon Content and Land Use Using Deep Learning Approach and Several Co-Variables: Application to the Soils of the Beni Mellal in Morocco
Bushfire Susceptibility Mapping Using Gene Expression Programming and Machine Learning Methods: A Case Study of Kangaroo Island, South Australia
Sentinel 2 High-Resolution Land Cover Mapping in Sub-Saharan Africa with Google Earth Engine
LiDAR and SfM-MVS Integrated Approach to Build a Highly Detailed 3D Virtual Model of Urban Areas
Modelling Spatial Connectivity of Forest Harvest Areas: Exact and Heuristic Approaches
3D Geospatial Data Management Architecture for Common Operational Picture Functionalities in Emergency Response
Borehole Inner Surface Visualization System with Vibration Cancellation and Trajectory Smoothing Based on Optical Monocular Video Camera
GNSS Monitoring of Geodynamics in the Region Around Sofia and South-Western Bulgaria
Evaluating the Fulfilment Rate of Charging Demand for Electric Vehicles Using Open-Source Data
On-the-Fly Acquisition and Rendering with Low Cost LiDAR and RGB Cameras for Marine Navigation
Accuracy Assessment of Direct Georeferencing Using UAV Matrice 210 RTK V2 on Gully Santiš, Island of Pag (Croatia)
New Challenges in the Implementation and Exploitation of a Low-Cost Web Map of the Active Deformation Areas Across Europe
Using Deep Learning and Radar Backscatter for Mapping River Water Surface
Modeling & Simulating the Evacuation of a Building Based on Building Floor Plan and Evacuation Strategies
Exploring Spectral Data, Change Detection Information and Trajectories for Land Cover Monitoring over a Fire-Prone Area of Portugal
GIS Multicriteria Decision Analysis in Selecting the Optimal Location for Urban Green Space: A Case Study of Zadar City
Data-Driven Modelling of Freshwater Ecosystems: A Multiscale Framework Based on Global Geospatial Data
Vector Tile Geospatial Data Protection Using Quantization-Based Watermarking
An Exploratory Analysis of the Use of ETL in Transparency Portals
Improved ACO Rank-Based Algorithm for Use in Selecting Features for Classification Models
Legal Information Retrieval Based on a Concept-Frequency Representation and Thesaurus
A Classifier-Based Approach to Predict the Approval of Legislative Propositions
Towards a Novel Edge AI System for Particle Size Detection in Mineral Processing Plants
Indexing High-Dimensional Vector Streams
Problems and Causes of Data Privacy in Big Data Systems in Brazil
A User-Centered Approach to Analyze Public Service Apps Based on Reviews
Novel Topic Models for Content Based Recommender Systems
Learning Deep Fake-News Detectors from Scarcely-Labelled News Corpora
Classification of H&E Images via CNN Models with XAI Approaches, DeepDream Representations and Multiple Classifiers
A Predictive Model for Assessing Satisfaction with Online Learning for Higher Education Students During and After COVID-19 Using Data Mining and Machine Learning Techniques: A Case of Jordanian Institutions
ESG Data Collection with Adaptive AI
Investigating Aha Moment Through Process Mining
Automated Decision Support Framework for IoT: Towards a Cyber Physical Recommendation System
Fuzzy Logic for Diabetes Predictions: A Literature Review
On the Use of Blockchain Technology to Improve the Reproducibility of Preclinical Research Experiments
Mammography Unit Location: Reconciling Maximum Coverage and Budgetary Constraints
Mobile Robot Navigation Strategies Through Behavioral Cloning and Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning
On the Adoption of Federated Machine Learning: Roles, Activities and Process Life Cycle
An Online Deterministic Algorithm for Non-Metric Facility Leasing
Multi-Modal Artificial Intelligence in Additive Manufacturing: Combining Thermal and Camera Images for 3D-Print Quality Monitoring
An Automatic Ant Counting and Distribution Estimation System Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Towards Autonomous Mobile Inspection Robots Using Edge AI
Enhancing Interoperability of Digital Twins Based on Digital Twins Definition Language
Multiscale Context Features for Geological Image Classification
Analyzing BERT’s Performance Compared to Traditional Text Classification Models
A Proposal for an Ontology Metrics Selection Process
FakeSpreadersWhatsApp.BR: Misinformation Spreaders Detection in Brazilian Portuguese WhatsApp Messages
Human-AI Collaboration Types and Standard Tasks for Decision Support: Production System Configuration Use Case
Predicting Moisture Content on Wood Using Machine Learning Classification Methods
Towards the Automatic Creation of Optimized Classifier Ensembles
Ontology-Driven IoT System for Monitoring Hypertension
Using Deep Learning with Attention to Detect Data Exfiltration by POS Malware
Generating Synthetic Faces for Data Augmentation with StyleGAN2-ADA
BATMAN: A Big Data Platform for Misinformation Monitoring
Evaluation of Deep Learning Techniques for Entity Matching
GeoBlockchain: Geolocation Based Consensus Against 51% Attacks
An Investigation of Deep-Learned Features for Classifying Radiographic Images of COVID-19
A Real-Time Platform to Monitoring Misinformation on Telegram
Developing and Evaluating a Tool to Support Predictive Tasks
Decision Support System for Adherence to the White Tariff
Performance Analysis for Upper Limb Rehabilitation in Non-Immersive and Immersive Scenarios
DTGov: Digital Transformation of Government Processes
Exploring the Role of Technological Change in the Relationship Between Strategic Innovation and Business Model Innovation: Evidence from a Cross-Industry Multiple Case Study
Remote and Collaborative Software Development Projects: A Requirements Elicitation Exploratory Study
Experimentation in Corporate Entrepreneurship: An Exploratory Multiple Case Study
The Usability of Hidden Functional Elements in Mobile User Interfaces
Digital Corporate Entrepreneurship: How Digital Technologies Are Reshaping Entrepreneurship in Incumbents
Factors Affecting Employees’ Acceptance of Blockchain in the Higher Education Institutions
The Analysis of Data-Flow and Control-Flow in Workflow Processes Using Maude
A Next-Generation Digital Procurement Workspace Focusing on Information Integration, Automation, Analytics, and Sustainability
The Future of Commerce: Linking Modern Retailing Characteristics with Cloud Computing Capabilities
Hypermediation Functionalities in Digital Platforms for Collaborative and Social Interaction
People Management Problems and Practices in Software Development Projects: A Systematic Literature Review
SysIoTML: A Technique for Modeling Applications in the Context of IoT
BPM in the Era of Industry 4.0: A Bibliometric Analysis
An Exploratory of Factors Influencing of Digital Technology Adoption in Thai Maritime Industry: Perspective of Thai Shipowners
Recommender Systems in Business Process Management: A Systematic Literature Review
Enterprise-Level IS Research: Challenges and Potentials of Looking Beyond Enterprise Solutions
Supporting Disconnected Operation of Stateful Services Using an Envoy Enabled Dynamic Microservices Approach
Optimal Static Bidding Strategy for Running Jobs with Hard Deadline Constraints on Spot Instances
Towards Security-Aware Microservices: On Extracting Endpoint Data Access Operations to Determine Access Rights
An Evaluation Method and Comparison of Modern Cluster-Based Highly Available Database Solutions
Data Driven Meta-Heuristic-Assisted Approach for Placement of Standard IT Enterprise Systems in Hybrid-Cloud
An Experimental Evaluation of Relations Between Architectural and Runtime Metrics in Microservices Systems
ARTHUR: Machine Learning Data Acquisition System with Distributed Data Sensors
SkyData: Rise of the Data How Can the Intelligent and Autonomous Data Paradigm Become Real?
How to Select Quantum Compilers and Quantum Computers Before Compilation
Filling The Gaps in Microservice Frontend Communication: Case for New Frontend Patterns
A Comparison of Synchronous and Asynchronous Distributed Particle Swarm Optimization for Edge Computing
Towards Poisoning of Federated Support Vector Machines with Data Poisoning Attacks
Edge Anomaly Detection Framework for AIOps in Cloud and IoT
Semi-Automated Smell Resolution in Kubernetes-Deployed Microservices
YASF: A Vendor-Agnostic Framework for Serverless Computing
Customisable Fault and Performance Monitoring Across Multiple Clouds
Cloud-Native Applications' Workload Placement over the Edge-Cloud Continuum
Microservices Architecture Language for Describing Service View
Network Failures in Cloud Management Platforms: A Study on OpenStack
FaaS Benchmarking over Orama Framework's Distributed Architecture
A Recent Publications Survey on Reinforcement Learning for Selecting Parameters of Meta-Heuristic and Machine Learning Algorithms
Self-Healing Misconfiguration of Cloud-Based IoT Systems Using Markov Decision Processes
QoS-Aware Task Allocation and Scheduling in Three-Tier Cloud-Fog-IoT Architecture Using Double Auction
Sophos: A Framework for Application Orchestration in the Cloud-to-Edge Continuum
AI Marketplace: Serving Environment for AI Solutions Using Kubernetes
A Security Evaluation Framework for Software-Defined Network Architectures in Data Center Environments
Analyzing Declarative Deployment Code with Large Language Models
Enabling Quantum Key Distribution on a Multi-Cloud Environment to Secure Distributed Data Lakes
Latency-Aware Cost-Efficient Provisioning of Composite Applications in Multi-Provider Clouds
Towards Optimizing the Edge-to-Cloud Continuum Resource Allocation
QuantME4VQA: Modeling and Executing Variational Quantum Algorithms Using Workflows
Accelerating Deep Learning Model Training on Cloud Tensor Processing Unit
Empirical Analysis of Federated Learning Algorithms: A Federated Research Infrastructure Use Case
The Evolution of the South-Eastern Baltic Sea Coastline Between 1988 and 2018 by Remote Sensing
When Should We Report the Traffic Jams of Today? A Case Study on a Swiss Highway Using Graph Neural Networks and Expert Knowledge
Standards-Based Geospatial Services Integration for Smart Cities Platforms
Evaluation of Urban Perception Using Only Image Segmentation Features
Biodiversity, Urban Quality Life and Air Quality Indices for Hotspot Detection of Transformation Opportunities in Cities: A Case Study in Barcelona
Imperviousness Density Mapping Based on GIS-MCDA and High-Resolution Worldview-2 Imagery
Identification of Emergent and Floating Aquatic Vegetation Using an Unsupervised Thresholding Approach: A Case Study of the Dniester Delta in Ukraine
Deep-Learning Based Super-Resolution of Aeolianite Images on the Purpose of Edge Detection and Pattern Extraction
Towards Developing a Metaverse Authentication Model for Mobile Features
On the Automatic Generation of Knowledge Connections
Investigating Bug Report Changes in Bugzilla
Architecture Design Decisions in Distributed Teams: An Assessment of Tool Support
Towards a Governance Framework for Data Platform Ecosystems in the Construction Industry
Expectation vs Reality: Analyzing the Competencies of Software Testing Teams
HMMs Recursive Parameters Estimation for Semi-Bounded Data Modeling: Application to Occupancy Estimation in Smart Buildings
The CommYOUnity Data Project: Exploring Novice Evaluations of Urban Spaces
A Carbon-Neutral, Community-Based, Reactive and Scalable Ride-Sharing Service
Discrete-Time MDP Policy for Energy-Aware Data Center
Energy Consumption Optimization in Data Center with Latency Based on Histograms and Discrete-Time MDP
Digital Models for Power Flow Analysis and Calculation of Electromagnetic Interference Effects of Long-Distance Ultrahigh-Voltage Transmission Lines
Marginal Emission Factors in Power Systems: The Case of the Netherlands
A Green and Energy-Efficient Smart Building Driven by Photovoltaic Thermal Panels Connected to the Grid
Duck Box: Sensor-Based Material Flow Optimization for Economically and Energy-Efficient Intralogistics
The Best of both Worlds: Social and Technical Challenges of Creating Energy Islands
Towards e-Cities: An Atlas to Enhance the Public Realm Through Interactive Urban Cyber-Physical Devices
Optimal Control Strategy for Mixed Fuel Use in a Renewable Polygeneration System
Dynamic Simulation and Energy, Economic and Environmental Analysis of a Greenhouse Supplied by Renewable Energy Sources
Dynamic Numerical Model for a Geothermal Well
Traffic Data Evaluation for Automated Driving Handover Scenarios
V2X Communication Test Tool for Scenario-Based Assessment of Truck Platooning
Incident-Aware Distributed Signal Systems in Self-Organised Traffic Control Systems
Integrated Optimization of Vehicle Trajectories and Traffic Signal Timings
Towards Building a Naturalistic Cycling Dataset Capturing Bicycle/Car Interactions
Traffic Data Analysis from Social Media
Distributed Collaborative Incident Validation in a Self-Organised Traffic Control System
Visual Looming from Motion Field and Surface Normals
Towards Effective Traffic Signal Safety and Optimization Using Fisheye Video
25Gbps Automotive Ethernet ECU PCB: MDI Design Implementation and Insertion Loss Characterization
Context-Aware Travel Support During Unplanned Public Transport Disturbances
Analytical Model for Winter Road Maintenance Efficiency Determination
Long-Distance Directional Dial-a-Ride Problems
Optimizing CAV Driving Behaviour to Reduce Traffic Congestion and GHG Emissions
Instance Segmentation and Detection of Children to Safeguard Vulnerable Traffic User by Infrastructure
Generation of Concrete Parameters from Logical Urban Driving Scenarios Based on Hybrid Graphs
Development of a Smartphone App for Lane Departure Warning
Hybrid Optimal Traffic Control: Combining Model-Based and Data-Driven Approaches
SAFR-AV: Safety Analysis of Autonomous Vehicles Using Real World Data: An End-to-End Solution for Real World Data Driven Scenario-Based Testing for Pre-Certification of AV Stacks
Framework and Algorithms for Data Analytics, Semantic Querying and Realistic Modelling of Traffic
Naturalistic Driving Studies Data Analysis Based on a Convolutional Neural Network
A Path-Depended Passenger Flow Forecasting Model for Metro Rail Systems Using LSTM Neural Network
Night Fatigue Driving Detection Technology Using Infrared Images and Convolutional Neural Networks
Applying Activity-Based Models to Integrate Labeled Preset Key Events in Intra-Day Human Mobility Scenarios
Towards a Topological Map-Matching Algorithm for Solid Waste Collection Systems
Approaches to Automatic Road Traffic Incident Detection and Incident Forecasting
When Is an Automated Driving System Safe Enough for Deployment on the Public Road? Quantifying Safety Risk Using Real-World Scenarios
3D Mask-Based Shape Loss Function for LIDAR Data for Improved 3D Object Detection
From Maps to Models: Computing Velocity Models for Turn Prediction Using OpenStreetMap Data
On the Adjacency Matrix of Spatio-Temporal Neural Network Architectures for Predicting Traffic
An Infrastructure-Based Trust Management Framework for Cooperative ITS
Enhancing Vulnerable Road User Awareness of Intelligent Transport Systems Through Relay and Aggregation of Collective Perception Messages with Road Side Units
Aggregating Pairwise Information Over Optimal Routes
Implementing Remote Driving in 5G Standalone Campus Networks
Simulation Environment for Traffic Control Systems Targeting Mixed Autonomy Traffic Scenarios
Impacts of Connected Automated Vehicles on Large Urban Road Network
Comparative Structural Analysis of Hydrodynamic Interaction of Full-Submerged Tandem Archimedes Screws of Rotary-Screw Propulsion Units of Snow and Swamp-Going Amphibious Vehicles with the Water Area in Running and Mooring Modes
V2X Tolling System for C-ITS Environments
How to Model Privacy Threats in the Automotive Domain
Deep Driving with Additional Guided Inputs for Crossings in Pedestrian Zones
Unlocking the Wheel: Insights into Shared Micromobility Perceptions and Adoption on Campus
Using DSRC Road-Side Unit Data to Derive Braking Behavior
ASIMS: Acceleration Spectrograms Based Intelligent Mobility System for Vehicle Damage Detection
Towards a Robust Traffic Scene Representation in Cooperative Connected Automated Mobility
Does the Intelligent Driver Model Adequately Represent Human Drivers?
Massivizing Computer Systems: VU on the Science, Design, and Engineering of Distributed Systems and Ecosystems
Trace-Based Authentication Biometric for On-Line Education
Programming Language Identification in Stack Overflow Post Snippets with Regex Based Tf-Idf Vectorization over ANN
A Novel Method for InSAR Phase Unwrapping with Single Baseline
Digital Image Processing in the Diagnosis of Cracks in Steel Sheet
Examination of the Relationship Between Smartphone Dependency and Driving Behaviour in Young Drivers: Preliminary Analysis
An Innovative Approach to Develop Persona from Application Reviews
Application of Particle Detection Methods to Solve Particle Overlapping Problems
3D Object Detection for Autonomous Driving: A Practical Survey
X-AMINOR: A Mobile Multi-Sensor Platform for Lifecycle-Monitoring of Transformers
Parallelism in the Generation of Concepts Through the Formal Context Object Partitioning Using the In-Close 4 Algorithm
Adaptive Model for the Selection of Resources and Activities in a Virtual Learning Environment
A Problem Analysis in Game-Based Student Response System from UX Elements Perspective
Handling Data Heterogeneity in Federated Learning with Global Data Distribution
A Computational Model for Predicting Cryptocurrencies Using Exogenous Variables
Simulation-Based Estimation of Resource Needs in Fog Robotics Infrastructures
Recommendation Model for an After-School E-learning Mobile Application
Design Patterns for Monitoring and Prediction Machine Learning Systems: Systematic Literature Review and Cluster Analysis
A Systematic Mapping Study on Security in Configurable Safety-Critical Systems Based on Product-Line Concepts
ODRL-Based Resource Definition in Business Processes
How to Make IoT Sensitive to Privacy? An Approach Based on ODRL and Illustrated With WoT TD
Incremental Reliability Assessment of Large-Scale Software via Theoretical Structure Reduction
Conversational Agents for Simulation Applications and Video Games
RPA Testing Using Symbolic Execution
Practitioners’ Experiences on Developing Graphical Modeling Editors: A Survey
Automatic Generation of an Informative Marketing Technological Platform
RoLA: A Real-Time Online Lightweight Anomaly Detection System for Multivariate Time Series
Exploiting Relations, Sojourn-Times, and Joint Conditional Probabilities for Automated Commit Classification
Model-Based Documentation of Architectures for Cloud-Based Systems
Inspect-GPU: A Software to Evaluate Performance Characteristics of CUDA Kernels Using Microbenchmarks and Regression Models
Understanding Compiler Effects on Clone Detection Process
Goal-Modeling Privacy-by-Design Patterns for Supporting GDPR Compliance
A Tool-Supported Approach for Modeling and Verifying Hybrid Systems using EVENT-B and the Differential Equation Solver SAGEMATH
Towards a Novel Approach for Smart Agriculture Predictability
A Java Testing Framework Without Reflection
Impact of Deep Learning Libraries on Online Adaptive Lightweight Time Series Anomaly Detection
The Power of Scrum Mastery: An Analysis of Agile Team Performance and Scrum Master Influence
Nagare Media Engine: Towards an Open-Source Cloud- and Edge-Native NBMP Implementation
Indentation in Source Code: A Randomized Control Trial on the Readability of Control Flows in Java Code with Large Effects
An Exploratory Study on the Evidence of Hackathons' Role in Solving OSS Newcomers' Challenges
Effectiveness of Data Augmentation and Ensembling Using Transformer-Based Models for Sentiment Analysis: Software Engineering Perspective
TERA-Scaler for a Proactive Auto-Scaling of e-Business Microservices
A Topic Modelling Method for Automated Text Analysis of the Adoption of Enterprise Risk Management
Quality Engineering Framework for Functional Safety Automotive Projects
An Analysis of Improving Bug Fixing in Software Development
A Methodology Based on Quality Gates for Certifiable AI in Medicine: Towards a Reliable Application of Metrics in Machine Learning
ADM: An Agile Template for Requirements Documentation
Child Vaccination in Peru: How to Support it Using Cloud Computing and Blockchain
Study on Adversarial Attacks Techniques, Learning Methods and Countermeasures: Application to Anomaly Detection
Multi-Output Learning for Predicting Evaluation and Reopening of GitHub Pull Requests on Open-Source Projects
The Rise of Remote Project Management - A New Norm?: A Survey on IT Organizations in Bangladesh
A Hybrid Approach to Overcome Requirements Challenges in the Software Industry
Trust Management and Attribute-Based Access Control Framework for Protecting Maritime Cyber Infrastructure
Risk Management in IT Project in the Framework of Agile Development
An Analysis of Energy Consumption of JavaScript Interpreters with Evolutionary Algorithm Workloads
Scientometric Analysis of Fake News Detection and Machine Learning Based on VOSviewer
Multimodal Biometric Recognition Systems based on Physiological Traits: A Systematic Mapping Study
Source Code Implied Language Structure Abstraction through Backward Taint Analysis
Source-Code Embedding-Based Software Defect Prediction
CI/CD Process Development for Blockchain Environment Based on Hyperledger Infrastructure
Verifying Data Integrity for Multi-Threaded Programs
Towards Good Practices for Collaborative Development of ML-Based Systems
Adopting the Actor Model for Antifragile Serverless Architectures
A Process Mining Methodology for People Analytics: With a Case Study on Recruitment Analysis
Towards Incremental Model-Driven Software Modernisation: Feedback from an Industrial Proof of Concept in Railways
Towards Readability-Aware Recommendations of Source Code Snippets
Towards Interpretable Monitoring and Assignment of Jira Issues
ACPS: Adaptive Cyber-Physical Systems in Industry 4.0
Blockchain for Artificial Intelligence: An Industry and Literature Survey
Closer: A Tool Support for Efficient Learning Integrating Alexa and ChatGPT
Towards Computer Assisted Compliance Assessment in the Development of Software as a Medical Device
Quality Measurement of Functional Requirements
A Blockchain Self-Sovereign Solution for Secure Generation, Exchange and Management of User Identity Data
Software Development Life Cycle for Engineering AI Planning Systems
Light Quantum Key Distribution Network Security Estimation Tool
Evaluating Label Flipping Attack in Deep Learning-Based NIDS
Security for Next-Gen Analytics for Cross-Organisation Collaboration
Leveraging Hardware Reverse Engineering to Improve the Cyber Security and Resilience of the Smart Grid
On the Implementation of a Lattice-Based Revocable Hierarchical Ibe
Lessons Learned: Defending Against Property Inference Attacks
ArmorDroid: A Rule-Set Customizable Plugin for Secure Android Application Development
SQLi Detection with ML: A Data-Source Perspective
Guidelines and a Framework to Improve the Delivery of Network Intrusion Detection Datasets
Labelled Vulnerability Dataset on Android Source Code (LVDAndro) to Develop AI-Based Code Vulnerability Detection Models
A Comprehensive Risk Assessment Framework for IoT-Enabled Healthcare Environment
Adapting P2P Mixnets to Provide Anonymity for Uplink-Intensive Applications
On the Security of the Novel Authentication Scheme for UAV-Ground Station and UAV-UAV Communication
Robust Three-Factor Lightweight Authentication Based on Extended Chaotic Maps for Portable Resource-Constrained Devices
SEBDA: A Secure and Efficient Blockchain Based Data Aggregation Scheme
Data Protection and Security Issues with Network Error Logging
Defeating MageCart Attacks in a NAISS Way
Fidelis: Verifiable Keyword Search with No Trust Assumption
A Method for Robust and Explainable Image-Based Network Traffic Classification with Deep Learning
A First Appraisal of Cryptographic Mechanisms for the Selective Disclosure of Verifiable Credentials
Lightweight FHE-based Protocols Achieving Results Consistency for Data Encrypted Under Different Keys
Approximate Homomorphic Pre-Processing for CNNs
Trans-IDS: A Transformer-Based Intrusion Detection System
Regulating Cyber Incidents: A Review of Recent Reporting Requirements
OCScraper: Automated Analysis of the Fingerprintability of the iOS API
Griffin: Towards Mixed Multi-Key Homomorphic Encryption
Automated Feature Engineering for AutoML Using Genetic Algorithms
Towards Usable Scoring of Common Weaknesses
Generic Blockchain on Generic Human Behavior
A 10-Layer Model for Service Availability Risk Management
Smart Bulbs Can Be Hacked to Hack into Your Household
Lattice-Based Threshold Signature Implementation for Constrained Devices
Unclonable Cryptography: A Tale of Two No-Cloning Paradigms
Design of a New Hardware IP-HLS for Real-Time Image Chaos-Based Encryption
How to Plausibly Deny Steganographic Secrets
Proctoring Online Exam Using Eye Tracking
Toward a Compliant Token-Based e-Voting System with SSI-Granted Eligibility
Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) Attribute-Based Web Authentication
International Mutual Recognition: A Description of Trust Services in US, UK, EU and JP and the Testbed “Hakoniwa”
Improving Intrusion Detection Systems with Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning: Enhanced Centralized and Decentralized Approaches
Combining Generators of Adversarial Malware Examples to Increase Evasion Rate
Detecting BrakTooth Attacks
SoK: Towards CCA Secure Fully Homomorphic Encryption
Remote Security Assessment for Cyber-Physical Systems: Adapting Design Patterns for Enhanced Diagnosis
Anomaly Detection in Smart Grid Networks Using Power Consumption Data
Security for Distributed Machine Learning
The Explainability-Privacy-Utility Trade-Off for Machine Learning-Based Tabular Data Analysis
VerifMSI: Practical Verification of Hardware and Software Masking Schemes Implementations
A Lightweight Access Control Scheme with Attribute Policy for Blockchain-Enabled Internet of Things
Optimizing Attribute-Based Encryption for Circuits Using Compartmented Access Structures
RSSI-Based Fingerprinting of Bluetooth Low Energy Devices
On Single-Server Delegation Without Precomputation
WebAppAuth: An Architecture to Protect from Compromised First-Party Web Servers
Anomaly-Based Intrusion Detection System for DDoS Attack with Deep Learning Techniques
A Visual Analysis of Hazardous Events in Contract Risk Management
Look at the Horizon: Evaluation of a Software Solution Against Cyber Sickness in Virtual Reality Applications
Benchmarking Automated Machine Learning Methods for Price Forecasting Applications
Behavioral Recommender System for Process Automation Steps
Predicting How Much a Consumer Is Willing to Pay for a Bottle of Wine: Dealing With Data Imbalance
Exploring Functional Patterns of Driving Records by Interacting with Major Classes and Territory Using Generalized Additive Models
Building a Dataset for Trip Style Assessment Based on Real Trip Data
Automatic Classification of Quantitative Data from DNS Cache Servers into Stationary and Non-Stationary States Based on Clustering
Characterizing Speed Performance of Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
GUIDO: A Hybrid Approach to Guideline Discovery & Ordering from Natural Language Texts
Integrating Autoencoder-Based Hybrid Models into Cervical Carcinoma Prediction from Liquid-Based Cytology
Does Categorical Encoding Affect the Interpretability of a Multilayer Perceptron for Breast Cancer Classification?
Enriching Relation Extraction with OpenIE
Predicting Academic Performance of Low-Income Students in Public Ecuadorian Online Universities: An Educational Data Mining Approach
A Data Analysis Pipeline for Automating Apple Trait Analysis and Prediction
A Measure Data Catalog for Dashboard Management and Validation
A Semantic Web Approach for Military Operation Scenarios Development for Simulation
Identifying High-Quality Training Data for Misinformation Detection
Hawkes Processes on Social and Mass Media: A Causal Study of the #BlackLivesMatter Movement in the Summer of 2020
Detection of Drowsy Driving Using Wearable Sensors
QFLS: A Cloud-Based Framework for Supporting Big Healthcare Data Management and Analytics from Big Data Lakes: Definitions, Requirements, Models and Techniques
Heterogeneous Ensemble Learning for Modelling Species Distribution: A Case Study of Redstarts Habitat Suitability
Effects of Environmental Conditions on Historic Buildings: Interpretable Versus Accurate Exploratory Data Analysis
Rigor in Applied Data Science Research Based on DSR: A Literature Review
Clustering Object-Centric Event Logs
Design and Implementation of a Document Encryption Convergence Program Selecting Encryption Methods, and Integrating the Program into the Existing Office System
Prediction of QT Prolongation in Advanced Breast Cancer Patients Using Survival Modelling Algorithms
Optimization of Surgery Scheduling Problems Based on Prescriptive Analytics
An Ontology-Based Collaborative Business Intelligence Framework
Anomaly Detection of Medical IoT Traffic Using Machine Learning
Semantic, Technical and Legal Interoperability of European Company Open Data in Practice: The STIRData Approach
Creation and Evaluation of a Food Product Image Dataset for Product Property Extraction
Detecting Anomalies on Cryptocurrency Markets Using Graph Algorithms
Dense Information Retrieval on a Latin Digital Library via LaBSE and LatinBERT Embeddings
Performance Evaluation and Comparison of a New Regression Algorithm
A Multi-Factor Approach to Measure User Preference Similarity in Neighbor-Based Recommender Systems
Union k-Fold Feature Selection on Microarray Data
Analyzing Cyber-Physical Systems in Cars: A Case Study
Decision Support System for Corporate Reputation Based Social Media Listening Using a Cross-Source Sentiment Analysis Engine
Sharding and Master-Slave Replication of NoSQL Databases: Comparison of MongoDB and Redis
A Design Framework for a Blockchain-Based Open Market Platform of Enriched Card-Based Transactional Data for Big Data Analytics and Open Banking
AutoImpute: An Autonomous Web Tool for Data Imputation Based on Extremely Randomized Trees
Optimized Fusion Chain with Web3 Storage
GreenCC: A Hybrid Approach to Sustainably Validate Manufacturing Data in Industry 4.0 Environments
Advances in AI-Based Garment Returns Prediction and Processing: A Conceptual Approach for an AI-Based Recommender System
Exploring the Viability of Digital-Only Banking: An Empirical Investigation Using the Push-Pull Model
A Strategy for Structuring Teams Collaboration in University Course Projects
On the Challenges of Applying Test Driven Development to the Engineering of Big Data Applications
Trustworthy Decentralized Last-Mile Delivery Framework Using Blockchain
Extending Marketplace Business Model in Academia: A Case of FONBoard
Enhancing Product Market Payoff in Small and Medium Internet-Based Firms: A Survey-Based Analysis of Innovation and Competition Factors
Roadmap for Implementing Business Intelligence Systems in Higher Education Institutions: Exploratory Work
Next Step: How Digital Literacy Affects Digital Transformation in Companies
An Analysis of AI Models for Making Predictions: Groundwater Case Study
A Comparison of Enterprise Architecture Tools
PhotoHandler: Manipulation of Portrait Images with StyleGANs Using Text
Detection and Verification of the Status of Products Using YOLOv5
Optimizing B2B Relationships with Post-Covid Sales and Marketing Automation Through ERP Implementation: A Value-Driven Approach in Bangladesh
Towards an Evaluation Concept for Business Simulation Games: Preliminary Work and Piloting in SAP ERP Teaching
A Context-Based Approach for Real-Time Adaptation Need Detection
Towards the Creation of a Holistic Video Analytics Platform for Retail Environments
Towards Resolving Security Smells in Microservices, Model-Driven
Uncovering Behavioural Patterns of One: And Binary-Class SVM-Based Software Defect Predictors
Execution Patterns for Quantum Applications
Semantic Coverage: Measuring Test Suite Effectiveness
Robotic Process Automation for the Gaming Industry
Acadela: A Domain-Specific Language for Modeling Clinical Pathways
Can ChatGPT Generate Code Tasks? An Empirical Study on Using ChatGPT for Generating Tasks for SQL Queries
Differentiated Monitor Generation for Real-Time Systems
Enhancing Game Usability: A Framework for Small-to-Medium-Sized Game Development Businesses
Conceptual Framework for Adaptive Safety in Autonomous Ecosystems
AIM-RL: A New Framework Supporting Reinforcement Learning Experiments
Towards Integration of Sustainable User Experience Aspects in Systems Design: A Human-Centered Framework
An Empirical Study on the Possible Positive Effect of Imperative Constructs in Declarative Languages: The Case with SQL
IBE.js: A Framework for Instrumenting Browser Extensions
Can ChatGPT Fix My Code?
Automatic Fuzz Testing and Tuning Tools for Software Blueprints
Automatic Test-Based Assessment of Assembly Programs
Architectural Evolution Style Representation Model
A Web Scraping Algorithm to Improve the Computation of the Maximum Common Subgraph
Integration of Heterogeneous Components for Co-Simulation
Enhancing ICS Security Diagnostics with Pseudo-Greybox Fuzzing During Maintenance Testing
Agile Quality Requirements Elaboration: A Proposal and Evaluation
A Knowledge-Based Proactive Intelligent System for Buildings Occupancy Monitoring
Privacy Protection of Synthetic Smart Grid Data Simulated via Generative Adversarial Networks
JShelter: Give Me My Browser Back
Threshold Cryptosystems Based on 2 k-th Power Residue Symbols
Improvement of Winternitz OTS with a Novel Fingerprinting Function
MEMES: Memory Encryption-Based Memory Safety on Commodity Hardware
K-Anonymous Privacy Preserving Manifold Learning
AIS Authentication Using Certificateless Cryptography
One to Bind Them: Binding Verifiable Credentials to User Attributes
A Note on a CBC-Type Mode of Operation
CAPoW: Context-Aware AI-Assisted Proof of Work Based DDoS Defense
Classical to Post-Quantum Secure ABE-IBE Proxy Re-Encryption Scheme
Risk-Based Illegal Information Flow Detection in the IIoT
ZT-NIDS: Zero Trust, Network Intrusion Detection System
On the Effectiveness of Re-Identification Attacks and Local Differential Privacy-Based Solutions for Smart Meter Data
Towards a Geometric Deep Learning-Based Cyber Security: Network System Intrusion Detection Using Graph Neural Networks
BAGUETTE: Hunting for Evidence of Malicious Behavior in Dynamic Analysis Reports
PIUDI: Private Information Update for Distributed Infrastructure
BeeHIVE: Behavioral Biometric System Based on Object Interactions in Smart Environments
XACML Extension for Graphs: Flexible Authorization Policy Specification and Datastore-Independent Enforcement
Informed Consent as Patient Driven Policy for Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment: A Smart Contract Based Approach
Using Untrusted and Unreliable Cloud Providers to Obtain Private Email
Heterogeneous Graph Storage and Leakage Prevention for Data Cooperatives
Smoothing the Ride: Providing a Seamless Upgrade Path from Established Cross-Border eID Workflows Towards eID Wallet Systems
Blockchain Data Replication
Virtual Private Networks in the Quantum Era: A Security in Depth Approach
Secure E-Commerce Protocol with Complex Trading Capabilities of Intermediaries
5G Handover: When Forward Security Breaks
IMAGINE Dataset: Digital Camera Identification Image Benchmarking Dataset
Uncovering Flaws in Anti-Phishing Blacklists for Phishing Websites Using Novel Cloaking Techniques
CNN-HMM Model for Real Time DGA Categorization
A Secure Emergency Framework in an IoT Based Patient Monitoring System
Migrating Applications to Post-Quantum Cryptography: Beyond Algorithm Replacement
Analyzing Image Based Strategies for Android Malware Detection and Classification: An Empirical Exploration
Privacy-Preserving Algorithms for Data Cooperatives with Directed Graphs
ERC20: Correctness via Linearizability and Interference Freedom of the Underlying Smart Contract
A Rand Index-Based Analysis of Consensus Protocols
Δ SFL: (Decoupled Server Federated Learning) to Utilize DLG Attacks in Federated Learning by Decoupling the Server
Structuring the End of the Data Life Cycle
Fundus Unimodal and Late Fusion Multimodal Diabetic Retinopathy Grading
Towards a Low-Code Tool for Developing Data Quality Rules
Pump and Dump Cryptocurrency Detection Using Social Media
Insights from Big Data Economy of Finnish Company Trust, Consumer Confidence and Data Exchange: An Empirical Evidence of Structural Equation Modelling
Embedding-Enhanced Similarity Metrics for Next POI Recommendation
Astronomical Images Quality Assessment with Automated Machine Learning
Decomposition Heuristic for the Aircraft Sequencing Problem: Impact on Mathematical and Constraint Programming
IntrusionHunter: Detection of Cyber Threats in Big Data
CryptonDL: Encrypted Image Classification Using Deep Learning Models
Distributed Edge Computing System for Vehicle Communication
Comparing Data Store Performance for Full-Text Search: To SQL or to NoSQL?
Conv-LSTM for Real Time Monitoring of the Mineral Grades in the Flotation Froth
Disease Prediction with Heterogeneous Graph of Electronic Health Records and Toxicogenomics Data
A Proactive Approach for the Sustainable Management of Water Distribution Systems
Detection and Prediction of Leakages in Water Distribution Networks
Extracting Frequent Gradual Patterns Based on SAT
The Imbalance Data Handling of XGBoost in Insurance Fraud Detection
BERT-Based Hybrid Deep Learning with Text Augmentation for Sentiment Analysis of Indonesian Hotel Reviews
An Advanced BERT LayerSum Model for Sentiment Classification of COVID-19 Tweets
A Comparison Study for Disaster Tweet Classification Using Deep Learning Models
Geo-Semantic Event-POI Matching of Large Mobility Datasets
Behavioral Modeling of Real Dynamic Processes in an Industry 4.0-Oriented Context
Towards Data Ecosystems in Smart Cities: Success Factors of Urban Data Spaces
EREO: An Effective Rule Evaluation Framework for Discovering Interesting Patterns in US Birth Data and Beyond
The Application of Affective Measures in Text-Based Emotion Aware Recommender Systems
On Data-Preprocessing for Effective Predictive Maintenance on Multi-Purpose Machines
A Successive Quadratic Approximation Approach for Tuning Parameters in a Previously Proposed Regression Algorithm
Indoor Navigation for Personalised Shopping: A Real-Tech Feasibility Study
Development of a Procedure for the Processing of Raw Sensor Data from Smart Devices for Utilisation in Process Mining
Exploring the Test Driven Development of an Information Retrieval System
There is More than Mean and Variance on Waiting
Performance of a K-Means Algorithm Driven by Careful Seeding
Integrating a Multi-Agent System Simulator and a Network Emulator to Realistically Exercise Military Network Scenarios
Simulation Structure for Simulation Model of MCFC–GT Hybrid System
Designing an Agent-Based Model for a City-Level Simulation of COVID-19 Spread in Cyprus
Hemodynamic Characterization of Localized Aortic Valve Calcifications
Metrics and Metamodels for Mission-Based Assessment of Multi-Aircraft Force Compositions
The Features of Design Calculation Stages of Parameters of Flow Path of Cascade Compressor of Twin Shaft Gas Turbine Engine Core on Base of 1D and 2D Dimensional Models of Their Working Process
Improving the Thermal Condition of the High-Pressure Turbine Blade
Performance Evaluation of Free Space Optics Laser Communications for 5G and Beyond Secure Network Connections
Analytical Model of Communication Algorithm for Simulations with Range-Limited Interactions
Mitigation of LLDP Topological Poisoning Attack in SDN Environments Using Mininet Emulator
Optimization of a Deep Reinforcement Learning Policy for Construction Manufacturing Control
Agent Based In-Situ Visualization by Guide Field
Practical Implementation of Diode SPICE Model with Reverse Recovery
Using Analytical Methods and Simulation to Estimate the Magnitude of Errors in Calculations for Recovery in Washed Red Blood Cells
Performance and Efficiency Improvement of an Axial Flow Fan by Combining the FANDAS and the PIAnO Codes
Joint Stiffness Adjustment of a Pneumatic Driven Exoskeleton
Towards a Digital Twin Simulation for Cycle Times Analysis in a Cyber-Physical Production System
Exploring the Effects of Subversive Agents on Consensus-Seeking Processes Using a Multi-Agent Simulator
Modeling of Naïve Lymphocyte Signaling Pathway
Learning Heuristics for Topographic Path Planning in Agent-Based Simulations
Position Analysis of the Atomiser Unit of an Aerosol-on-Demand Jet-Printhead by means of Computational Fluid Dynamics
Work in Progress: Extending Virtual Prototypes of Microprocessor Architectures with Accuracy Tracing
A Comparison of the Dynamic Temperature Responses of Two Different Heat Exchanger Modelling Approaches in Simulink Simscape for HVAC Applications
The E-Dossier as a Tool to Optimize Civil Courts: The Cuneo Case
A Digital Twin Simulator Approach as a Support to Develop an Integrated Observatory of the Epidemic Risk in a Rural Community in Senegal
Implicit Multilinear Modeling of Air Conditioning Systems
A Novel OMNeT++-Based Simulation Tool for Vehicular Cloud Computing in ETSI MEC-Compliant 5G Environments
Impact of Inventory Management Policies on Supply Chain Resilience at RiRiShun Logistics
Network Structure Identification for Medium Transport in a Virtual Reality Environment
Large Language Models for Code Obfuscation Evaluation of the Obfuscation Capabilities of OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 on C Source Code
Managing Trade-off Between Cost and Time in Project Scheduling Problems Using Discrete Event Simulation
Consensus Simulator for Organisational Structures
A Topic-Based Data Distribution Management for HLA
Project Management Information System Data Model Development and Explanation
Expanding the Scope and Increasing the Functionality of Digital Twins by Integrating Thermal Simulations
A Flood Prediction Benchmark Focused on Unknown Extreme Events
DataFITR: An Open, Guided Input Modeling Tool for Creating Simulation-Based Digital Twins
Interaction-Based Task Group Scheduling for a Scalable and Real-Time Self-Driving Simulation
Lyapunov Function Computation for Linear Switched Systems: Comparison of SDP and LP Approaches
Event-Oriented Simulation Module for Dynamic Elastic Optical Networks with Space Division Multiplexing
Building Commuting Flows for an Agent Based Disease Spreading Simulation System Based on Aggregated Information
LiDAR-GEiL: LiDAR GPU Exploitation in Lightsimulations
Robust Finite-Time Control of a Multirotor System via an Improved Optimized Homogeneous Twisting Control: Design and Validation
Efficient Machine-Learning-Based Crypto Forecasting Analysis
Modeling & SMC Based Trajectory Tracking for a Tilt-Rotor Convertible UAV
Doctrine-Based Multi-Resolution Conversion for Distributed Agent-Based Simulations
Numerical Investigation of a High-Capacity Vertical Submersible Two-Stage Pump and Realization of an Experimental Test Bench for Determining the Strains and the Stresses on a Pump Shaft
An Open Tool-Set for Simulation, Design-Space Exploration and Optimization of Supply Chains and Inventory Problems
Multi-Environment Training Against Reward Poisoning Attacks on Deep Reinforcement Learning
Temporal Multidimensional Model for Evolving Graph-Based Data Warehouses
QTrail-DB: A Query Processing Engine for Imperfect Databases with Evolving Qualities
A 3D Descriptive Model for Designing Multimodal Feedbacks in any Virtual Environment for Gesture Learning
Beyond Traditional Web Technologies for Locally Web-Services Migration
Privacy in Practice: Private COVID-19 Detection in X-Ray Images
Simulation of Steady and Transient 3D Flows via Physics-Informed Deep Learning
Identifying the Economic Relevance of Smart Meter Reliability in Germany: A Cost-Benefit Analysis
Developing a Framework for Multi-Scale Modeling of the Digital Patient: Insights from Current Status and Future Directions
Context-Aware Behavioral Fingerprinting of IoT Devices via Network Traffic Analysis
Unveiling the Digital and Sustainability Convergence: Leveraging Blockchain for Grand Challenges Oriented Business Model Innovation
Receipt-Free Electronic Voting from zk-SNARK
Industrial Transformation Roadmap for Digitalisation and Smart Factories: The Danish SMEs Model
A Two-Party Hierarchical Deterministic Wallets in Practice
Study of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions Load from Transportation Sources in Sukorejo Village Gresik
Production Quality Control Analysis in Battery Product Quality Improvement Efforts
MSMI Development Strategy in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0
Product Mixture of SKU to Pod Assignment Policy in Robotic Mobile Fulfillment System Warehouse
Simulation and Model Prediction of Interfacial Concrete-to-Concrete Shear-Friction Behavior
Simulation of Curvature Ductility of Reinforced Concrete Cantilever Beam Under Variety of Section Ratio
Impact of Climate Change on Corroded Reinforced Concrete Structure in Indonesia Using Web Information Systems and Technology-Probability Approach
The Influence Analysis of Work Stress, Work Environmental and Motivation on Employee Performance Through Job Satisfaction as an Intervening Using Variable SEM (Structural Equation Modelling) Method
Proposed Model for Halal Blockchain Barrier: Literature Review and Interview
Monthes: A Compact Software Traceability Dataset
Structural Modelling and Assessment of RC Beam-Column Joints Subjected to Seismic Loads for Progressive Collapse Approach
A Novel Polymer Electrolyte Membrane PES/SPEEK-TIO2 Potential for Direct Methanol Fuel Cell
Integrated Web Based Information System with Short Message Service (SMS) Gateway for Natural Disaster Preparations: Case Study in Kediri Region, East Java Indonesia
Modelling of Structural Strengthening Techniques for Existing Building and Structures: Case Study Club House Graha Natura Under Lift Loading Using Carbon Fibre-Reinforced Polymer (CFRP)
Simulation and Numerical Modelling of Heritage Stone Masonry Timber Structure in Seismic Region
Development of Augmented Reality Based Learning Applications in Introducing Types of Animals after the Covid-19 Pandemic
Applying Design Thinking in Food-Waste Mobile Application
Production of Biodiesel from Microalgae Using Transesterification Batch Reactor with the Assistance of Calcium Oxide Hydrotalcite Catalyst
Model Design of the Mine Drainage System Kaolin Mining Site Djawani Gunung Abadi, Trenggalek Regency, East Java Province
Design and Build Two Wheel Balancing Robot Simulation with Fuzzy PID
Design of Internet Electrical Power Usage Metering System Based on ESP32s Mcu and Mysql Database with User Interface Application
K-Means Algorithm Grouping for Visualizing Potential of Hydrogen (pH) Data in Kali Lamong River
Experimental Study to Analyze the Effect of Fan Speed on Energy Efficiency in Open Cathode Pem Fuel Cells
The Evaluation of Intersection Traffic Characteristics and Analysis by the Micro Simulation Program
Determination of Breakfast Menu Patterns on the Fast Food Restaurant Using Apriori Algorithm
Productivity Analysis of Heavy Equipment in the Nglurup Pond Project, Tulungagung Regency East Java Examined from Time and Cost Analysis
On-Grid Study of Rooftop Solar PV Energy Production System with Four Different Faces
Evaluation System Usability Scale (SUS) Method on Batik Website
Determinants of Consumer Behavior Towards Purchase Intention of Halal Cosmetic Product Using Structural Equation Modelling Approach
Modified Particle Swarm Optimization for Clustering
Solar Simulation to Realize the Concept of Smart Building at Ibnu Sina Regional General Hospital of Gresik
Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP) Based RAMS Plus C Using Genetic Algorithm Optimization in Heater Naphtha Hydro Treater, Oil Refinery Unit, Cilacap Indonesia
Energy Continuity of the Electricity at Surabaya Mall Using Continues Power Flow Methods
Enhancing the Efficiency of 100 WP Solar Panels with the Active Method of Circulating Cooling Water System
Damage Simulation Using Digital Image Correlation Technique Under Review Development for Structural Monitoring
Analysis of the Effectiveness of Cashier Service with a Simulation of the Queue System
Structural Health Monitoring of High-Rise Structure Using Different Dynamic Properties
Effects of Business and Supply Chain Uncertainty to Business Sustainability in Indonesian Coal Industry: An Exploratory Study
Sustainability-Focused Integrated Civil Engineering Research and Education
CFD Based Performance Prediction Model for Paddle Wheel Aerator
Defence Scheme on Madura Island Against System Loading Variation for Energy Security
Alternating Current Electric Field (ACEF) to Maintain Plant-Based Product Quality
Numerical Simulation of Scouring Around Four Cylindrical Piles with Different Inclination Angles Arrangements
Preliminary Results from a Field Experiment on Volcanic Tremor at Ijen Volcano Using an Array of Digital Seismographs
Multiple Linear Regression Modeling of Brachen Water Quality Parameters for Vannamei Shrimp Cultivation
Analysis of the Application of Eco Interior Design Concepts in Shipping Container Buildings: Case Study in Arbanat Restaurant Malang
Model of Building Envelope Towards Energy Efficiency and Adaptability as the Architectural Approach
Risk Analysis of Biodiesel Production from Used Cooking Oils with Risk-Based Thinking ISO 9001:2015 Approach
Integration of Lean Six Sigma and Green Productivity for Manufacturing SMEs
The Fuel Characteristics of a Diethyl Ether–Ethanol–Gasoline Mixture as a Performance and Exhaust Improvement in Matic Spark Ignition Engine
Research on SVPWM and Midpoint Potential Balancing Algorithm of Improved NPC Three-Level Inverter
Design of a Logistics Allocation Scheme Based on the Approximate: Relaxed Approach to Batching Algorithm
Design and Simulation for Disk-type Magnetorheological Fluid Transmission Device
Design and Simulation of Adsorption Citrus Picking Actuator
Special Vehicle Collision Safety Analysis
Research on Academic Warning of Online Learning Behavior based on K-Means Clustering Algorithm
Criticality Safety Calculation and Analysis for NPP Transportation of Fuel Assemblies
Design of Geographic Entity Database of 3D Real Scene About Xi’an City
Finite Element Simulation on The Tensile Property of Steel Cord at Different Lay Lengths Under Axial Loading
The Intelligent Technology Application of Green Building in Our Country Based on the Green Label and LEED
Expert System for the Control of Effluent TN Excedance of AAO Process
Design of Double-Loop Trajectory Tracking Control System for Mobile Robot
Construction of Big Data Monitoring Cloud Platform for New Energy Industry Chain
Dynamic Mode Decomposition of Hydrofoil Cavitation
Laser Detection Manipulator Stability Control Based on Inversion Control
Goertzel Algorithm Based on Matlab Platform System Simulation for Listening Dial Tone Recognition Research
Evaluation of Space Measurement Radar Maintenance Support Capability Based on System Dynamics
Semi-Active Damping Control of Vehicles Based on Negative Stiffness Suspensions
Sliding Mode Formation Control for Multiple Hypersonic Glide Vehicles
Intra-Vehicular Network Security Datasets Evaluation
When the Few Outweigh the Many: Illicit Content Recognition with Few-Shot Learning
Interactive Role Mining Including Expert Knowledge into Evolutionary Algorithms
A Study on Multi-Objective Optimization of Epistatic Binary Problems Using Q-learning
Real-World Optimization Benchmark from Vehicle Dynamics: Specification of Problems in 2D and Methodology for Transferring (Meta-)Optimized Algorithm Parameters
Shaping the Behavior Space with Counterfactual Agents in Multi-Objective Map Elites
A Genetic Algorithm for Marine Spatial Planning with Minimized Conflict Between Planned Regions
Comparison of Different Surrogate Models for the JADE Algorithm
Equidistant Reorder Operator for Cartesian Genetic Programming
Adaptive Case Selection for Symbolic Regression in Grammatical Evolution
Comparative Analysis of Metaheuristics Techniques for Trade Data Harmonization
MOEA/D with Adaptive Mutation Operator Based on Walsh Decomposition: Application to Nuclear Reactor Control Optimization
Optimizing CMA-ES with CMA-ES
Enhancing ε-Sampling in the AεSεH Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithm
A Comparison of the State-of-the-Art Evolutionary Algorithms with Different Stopping Conditions
A Hybrid Bayesian-Genetic Algorithm Based Hyperparameter Optimization of a LSTM Network for Demand Forecasting of Retail Products
Comparative Evaluation of Metaheuristic Algorithms for Hyperparameter Selection in Short-Term Weather Forecasting
On Switching Selection Methods to Increase Parsimony Pressure
Too Constrained for Genetic Algorithms too Hard for Evolutionary Computing the Traveling Tournament Problem
A Game Theoretic Approach Based on Differential Evolution to Ensemble Learning for Classification
Hybrid Training to Generate Robust Behaviour for Swarm Robotics Tasks
Meta-Heuristic Optimization of Transistor Sizing in CMOS Digital Designs
Assisting Convergence Behaviour Characterisation with Unsupervised Clustering
A Survey and Analysis of Evolutionary Operators for Permutations
Challenges of ELA-Guided Function Evolution Using Genetic Programming
Filter Evolution Using Cartesian Genetic Programming for Time Series Anomaly Detection
Towards Understanding Crossover for Cartesian Genetic Programming
Can HP-protein Folding Be Solved with Genetic Algorithms? Maybe not
Differential Evolution Algorithm Based Hyper-Parameters Selection of Convolutional Neural Network for Speech Command Recognition
Approximations of New MV-Valued Types of Fuzzy Sets
Measuring and Ranking Bipolarity via Orthopairs
On the Categories of Coalgebras, Dialgebras and Powerset Theory over L-Fuzzy Approximation Spaces
Fuzzy Least Squares and Fuzzy Orthogonal Least Squares Linear Regressions
A New Approach to Addressing Uncertainty in Information Technology with Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis
Semi-Supervised Fuzzy C-Means for Regression
A Novel Fuzzy Geometric Naive Bayes Network for Online Skills Assessment in Training Based on Virtual Reality
Experimental Assessment of Heterogeneous Fuzzy Regression Trees
A Concept for Optimizing Motor Control Parameters Using Bayesian Optimization
Smooth Sliding Mode Control Based Technique of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Based Localization Using Obstacle Avoidance Strategy
Advanced Trajectory Planning and 3D Waypoints Navigation of Unmanned Underwater Vehicles Based Fuzzy Logic Control with LOS Guidance Technique
Technological Solution for Crime Prevention in Los Olivos
RoboToy Demoulding: Robotic Demoulding System for Toy Manufacturing Industry
A Dynamic Computational Model of Head Sway Responses in Human Upright Stance Postural Control During Support Surface Tilt
CASP: Computer Aided Specimen Placement for Robot-Based Component Testing
Design and Control of Wearable Ankle Robotic Device
On Selecting Optimal Hyperparameters for Reinforcement Learning Based Robotics Applications: A Practical Approach
Real Time Orbital Object Recognition for Optical Space Surveillance Applications
Fractional Order-Sliding-Mode Controller for Regulation of a Nonlinear Chemical Process with Variable Delay
TEAM: A Parameter-Free Algorithm to Teach Collaborative Robots Motions from User Demonstrations
Driver Attention Estimation Based on Temporal Sequence Classification of Distracting Contexts
Computing the Traversability of the Environment by Means of Sparse Convolutional 3D Neural Networks
Experimental Investigation and Comparison of Approaches for Correcting Acceleration Phases in Motor Torque Signal of Electromechanical Axes
Experimental Validation of an Actor-Critic Model Predictive Force Controller for Robot-Environment Interaction Tasks
Evaluating Deep Learning Assisted Automated Aquaculture Net Pens Inspection Using ROV
Robot Path Planning with Safety Zones
On-Board Estimation of Vehicle Speed and the Need of Braking Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Experimental Validation of the Non-Orthogonal Serret-Frenet Parametrization Applied to the Path Following Task
Probabilistic Physics-Augmented Neural Networks for Robust Control Applied to a Slider-Crank System
A Clustering-Based Approach for Adaptive Control Applied to a Hybrid Electric Vehicle
Mapping, Localization and Navigation for an Assistive Mobile Robot in a Robot-Inclusive Space
Single Source of Truth: Integrated Process Control and Data Acquisition System for the Development of Resistance Welding of CFRP Parts
Comparative Analysis of Segmentation Techniques for Reticular Structures
Dual-Arm Compliance Control with Robust Force Decomposition
Kinematics Based Joint-Torque Estimation Using Bayesian Particle Filters
Robust Single Object Tracking and Following by Fusion Strategy
Locally Convex Neural Lyapunov Functions and Region of Attraction Maximization for Stability of Nonlinear Systems
Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Uranium Extraction-Scrubbing Operation in Spent Nuclear Fuel Treatment Process
Sensorless Reduction of Cane Oscillations Aimed at Improving Robotic Grapevine Winter Pruning
Contraction Metrics by Numerical Integration and Quadrature: Uniform Error Estimate
Dynamic Periodic Event-Triggered Control for Linear Systems Based on Partial State Information
Learning-Based Inverse Dynamic Controller for Throwing Tasks with a Soft Robotic Arm
Simultaneous Planning of the Path and Supports of a Walking Robot
Curved Surface Inspection by a Climbing Robot: Path Planning Approach for Aircraft Applications
A Linear Regression Based-Approach to Collective Gas Source Localization
An Unsupervised Neural Network Approach for Solving the Optimal Power Flow Problem
Zeroth-Order Optimization Attacks on Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Lane Changing Algorithms for Autonomous Vehicles
Multi-Agent Pathfinding for Indoor Quadcopters: A Platform for Testing Planning-Acting Loop
Trajectory Planning for Multiple Vehicles Using Motion Primitives: A Moving Horizon Approach Under Uncertainty
Positively Invariant Sets for ODEs and Numerical Integration
Stereo Video Camera Calibration in the Wild
SMaNa: Semantic Mapping and Navigation Architecture for Autonomous Robots
Muscle-Like Soft Actuation for Motor-Less Robotic Exoskeletons
Fault Diagnosis with Stacked Sparse AutoEncoder for Multimode Process Monitoring
A PLF-CACC Design with Robustness to Communication Delays
An Efficient Resilient MPC Scheme via Constraint Tightening Against Cyberattacks: Application to Vehicle Cruise Control
Hand Gesture Interface to Teach an Industrial Robots
Emergency Meteorological Data Preparation for Artillery Operations
Spectral Clustering in Rule-Based Algorithms for Multi-Agent Path Finding
Soft Robotic Tongue Mimicking English Pronunciation Movements 2 Report: Fabrication and Experimental Evaluation
Low-Cost Synchronization Techniques for KUKA Robots and External Axes in Low-Dynamic Processes
Position/Velocity Aided Leveling Loop: Continuous-Discrete Time State Multiplicative-Noise Filter Case
Creating of Minefield Breaches with Artillery
Design and Control of a Novel High Payload Light Arm for Heavy Aerial Manipulation Tasks
Enhanced Optimal Beacon Placement for Indoor Positioning: A Set Variable Based Constraint Programming Approach
Modelling of a 6DoF Robot with Integration of a Controller Structure for Investigating Trajectories and Kinematic Parameters
Neural-Network for Position Estimation of a Cable-Suspended Payload Using Inertial Quadrotor Sensing
CFRLI-IDM: A Counterfactual Risk Level Inference Based Intelligence Driver Model for Extremely Aggressive Cut-in Scenario in China
A Decision-Making Architecture for Human-Robot Collaboration: Model Transferability
Mobile Robot Navigation Based on Pedestrian Flow Model Considering Human Unsteady Dynamic Behavior
A Study on Acquisition of 3D Self-Localization by Fluorescent Lights
Evaluation of Low-Cost 3D Scanner Hardware for Clothing Industry
Distributed Predictive Control for Roundabout Crossing Modelled by Virtual Platooning
Shape Transformation with CycleGAN Using an Automobile as an Example
Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Control to Solve Containment Problem of Multiple USV with Leader’s Formation Controller
A Study on the Energy Efficiency of Various Gaits for Quadruped Robots: Generation and Evaluation
Development of Walking Assistance Orthosis by Inducing Trunk Rotation Using Leg Movement: 1 st Report on Prototype and Feasibility Experiment
Offline Feature-Based Reinforcement Learning with Preprocessed Image Inputs for Liquid Pouring Control
Variable Trust Setting for Safe and Ethical Algorithms for Navigation of Autonomous Vehicles (C-NAV) on a Highway
Preliminary Results on Controllability of Serial Robot-Manipulators in Singular Configurations
A Meta-Review on the Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Context of Electrical Power Grid Operators
Proposal of a New Approach Using Deep Learning for QR Code Embedding
Hand-Drawn Diagram Correction Using Machine Learning
Longitudinal Motion Control of Underactuated Cruising AUVs for Acoustic Bottom Survey
LQR Combined with Fuzzy Control for 2-DOF Planar Robot Trajectories
From Point Cloud Perception Toward People Detection
Sustainability in Robotic Process Automation: Proposing a Universal Implementation Model
Learning How to Use a Supernumerary Thumb
Thorough Analysis and Reasoning of Environmental Factors on End-to-End Driving in Pedestrian Zones
High-Velocity Walk-Through Programming for Industrial Applications: A Safety-Oriented Approach
A Study on Gathering Staircase Information for Active Staircase Entry of Wheelchair Stair Climbing Assistive Devices
University Recommendation System for Undergraduate Studies in Bangladesh Using Distributed Machine Learning
Explainable Machine Learning for Evapotranspiration Prediction
Real-Time Material Identification Using Light Spectroscopy and Support Vector Machine (SVM)
Adaptive Direct Compensation of External Disturbances for MIMO Linear Systems with State-Delay
Study on Cost Estimation of the External Fleet Full Truckload Contracts
Design of Acceleration Command for Feed Drive System in Corner Motion
A Low-Cost Printed Circuit Board Design for External Force Measuring in Robotic Applications
Comprehensive Φ-Bonacci Index for Walking Ability Assessment in Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo: Role of Rehabilitation
Cycle Life Prediction of Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Deep Learning
Breast Cancer Epidemic Model and Optimal Control
Relationship Between Tableting Motion and Tablet Hardness in Compression Molding
Bayesian State Estimation Using Constrained Zonotopes
Analysis of Powder Behavior Inside the Mortar During Tableting Process
Fixed-Time Tracking Control for a Class of Nonlinear Systems via Command Filtered Backstepping
Network Analysis of the Egyptian Reddit Community
Using the Built-in iPhone Body Tracking System for Neurological Tests: The Example of Assessing Arm Weakness in Stroke Patients: A Preliminary Evaluation of Accuracy and Performance
Application of a Simulation Platform for the Study and Experimental Comparison of PEM Electrolyzer Models
Tuning the Dynamic Response of a Redundant Robotic System Using Its Dominant Natural Frequencies
Wireless Remote Control of Low-Cost Smart Devices for No-Coders
Joint-Based Robotic Impedance Control Transformations: An Experimental Study
Dynamic Model of the Weighing Process of an Industrial Combination Scale: Model Development and Simulative Analysis of the Product Impact Force
An Observer Design Method Using Ultra-Local Model for Autonomous Vehicles
Lateral Control for Automated Vehicles Based on Model Predictive Control and Error-Based Ultra-Local Model
Design of Modular and Distributable Automation Software for PLCs
Stochastic Estimation of Fundamental and Harmonic Signal Components
Learning-Based Energy Consumption Model of Machining Processes Using Gaussian Process Regression
Evaluation of Controllability of Interaction Between Pedestrian and Autonomous Mobile Robot in Shared Mobility Space
Effects Study of Sensors’ Placement on the Accuracy of a 3D TDOA-Based Localization System
Towards a Novel Nonlinear PID Controller Tuned with Particle Swarm Optimization with Improved Performance for First Order Plus Time Delay (FOPTD) Systems
Ultra-Wideband Direct RF Sampling Transceiver Design
MultiSpectrum Inspection of Overhead Power Lines
Multiphysics Simulation for the Optimization of an Optoelectronic-Based Tactile Sensor
Single-Experiment Reconstructibility of Boolean Control Networks Revisited
Closing the Sim-to-Real Gap with Physics-Enhanced Neural ODEs
Schedulling Production Based on an Optimized Production Sequencer and Manufacturing Maps
Non-Parallel Training Approach for Emotional Voice Conversion Using CycleGAN
Improving the License Plate Character Segmentation Using Naïve Bayesian Network
Secured Communication of Speech Signal Using the Discrete Cosine Transform Based on Hyperchaos-System
Reaction Time Estimation Based on Recursive Short-Term Principal Component Analysis for Skeletal Information of Badminton Players
Validation of a Biomechanical Performance Assessment Platform Applying an Inertial-Bpased Biosensor and Axis Vector Computation
Bayesian Hierarchical Modelling of Basketball Team Performance: An NBA Regular Season Case Study
Automated System for Indoor Sport Video Production
Can Ensemble Learning Approaches for Offside Detection Work?
Detection of Shot Information Using Footwork Trajectory and Skeletal Information of Badminton Players
Vertical Launch Angle Measurement of a Golf Ball Using Audio and Monocular Video Data
The Relationship of Situational Efficiency Parameters of Volleyball Game Phases and Their Intrateam Variability with the Set Score
2Trax3: Raising Accessibility and Everyday Use of Automatic Motion Analysis in (Combat) Sports via ML Enhanced 2D to 3D Estimation Algorithms
VICE: View-Invariant Chess Estimation
Development of a Method for Reproducing Measured Orbital Data of Curling Stone by VR Technology
Statistical Analysis of Recent Rule Revision Effects for Tactical and Strategic Elements in Curling
Development of a Curling Stone Tracking System Using Infrared LEDs, and an Accompanying Application
Accelerometer Based Body Movement Quantification in Classroom Lectures: Seated Activity Comparison Between Body Regions
Video Analysis Application to Assess the Reaction Time in an ATP Tennis Tournament
Real-Time Karting Performance Monitoring via DAQ System with RTK-Enhanced GPS
Construction of a Virtual Environment to Measure the Evolution of Kendo Athletes
Evaluating the Impact of Mouse Curvature Design on Hand Ergonomics and Comfort in E-Sport Players Through EMG and 3D Kinematics Measurement Methods
Energetic Cost of Running in Track and Treadmill
Development of Monocular Vision-Based Tracking Method for Wheelchair Sports
Modelling Drag Forces on a Wheelchair Racing Simulator
FOOTBALLTrace: An AI-Based System for Football Player Tracking with Occlusion Detection and Trajectory Correction
No Pain no Game or More Game More Pain? The Effects of Summer Congested Games Periods on Professional European Male Football Players’ Injury Occurrences for the Following Season: A Data Analytics Approach
The 12th Player: Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) in Football: Conceptualisation, Applications, Challenges and Future Directions
Influence of Sport on Autonomic Dysreflexia of a Patient with Spinal Cord Injury
Investigations of the Throwing Biomechanics Index in Collegiate Baseball Pitchers
Identifying Similar Top-K Household Electricity Consumption Patterns
Detecting Greenwashing in the Environmental, Social, and Governance Domains Using Natural Language Processing
Speech Detection of Real-Time MRI Vocal Tract Data
A Flexible Approach for Retrieving Geometrically Similar Finite Element Models Using Point Cloud Autoencoders
Fine-Tuning and Aligning Question Answering Models for Complex Information Extraction Tasks
Closeness Centrality Detection in Homogeneous Multilayer Networks
Subject Classification of Software Repository
Recommendation System for Product Test Failures Using BERT
An Explainable Knowledge Graph-Based News Recommendation System
A Comparative Study on Main Content Extraction Algorithms for Right to Left Languages
UNCOVER: Identifying AI Generated News Articles by Linguistic Analysis and Visualization
LAxplore: An NLP-Based Tool for Distilling Learning Analytics and Learning Design Instruments out of Scientific Publications
Barycentre Averaging for the Move-Split-Merge Time Series Distance Measure
The Partition Problem, and How The Distribution of Input Bits Affects the Solving Process
Development of Cart with Providing Constant Steerability Regardless of Loading Weight or Position: 3 rd Report on Evaluation of a Steering Assist System on Translational Movement
Masry: A Text-to-Speech System for the Egyptian Arabic
A Personalized Book Recommender System for Adults Based on Deep Learning and Filtering
Enhancing Healthcare in Emergency Department Through Patient and External Conditions Profiling: A Cluster Analysis
Mapping Cost-Sensitive Learning for Imbalanced Medical Data: Research Trends and Applications
Which Word Embeddings for Modeling Web Search Queries? Application to the Study of Search Strategies
Deep Reinforcement Agent for Efficient Instant Search
Visual Counterfactual Explanations Using Semantic Part Locations
KRAKEN: A Novel Semantic-Based Approach for Keyphrases Extraction
Collaborative Emotion Annotation: Assessing the Intersection of Human and AI Performance with GPT Models
Approaches for Enhancing Preference Balance in Neighbor-Based Group Recommender Systems
Enhancing Explainable Matrix Factorization with Tags for Multi-Style Explanations
Enhancing Diabetic Retinopathy Detection Using CNNs with Dimensionality Reduction Techniques and K-Nearest Neighbors Ensembles
Attentional Sentiment and Confidence Aware Neural Recommender Model
Automated Classification of Building Objects Using Machine Learning
Impact of Thresholds of Univariate Filters for Predicting Species Distribution
Make Deep Networks Shallow Again
A Long-Term Funds Predictor Based on Deep Learning
DrBerry: Detection of Diseases in Blueberry Bush Leaves
Unified New Techniques for NP-Hard Budgeted Problems with Applications in Team Collaboration, Pattern Recognition, Document Summarization, Community Detection and Imaging
Easy Scaling: The Most Critical Consideration for Choosing Analytical Database Management Systems in the Cloud Era
Comparing Ensemble and Single Classifiers Using KNN Imputation for Incomplete Heart Disease Datasets
Machine Learning in Customer-Centric Web Design: The Website of a Portuguese Higher Education Institution
Enhancing Gesture Recognition for Sign Language Interpretation in Challenging Environment Conditions: A Deep Learning Approach
Evaluation of Information Retrieval Models and Query Performance Predictors for Amharic Adhoc Task
Evaluating the Use of Interpretable Quantized Convolutional Neural Networks for Resource-Constrained Deployment
Content Significance Distribution of Sub-Text Blocks in Articles and Its Application to Article-Organization Assessment
An Explorative Guide on How to Detect Forged Car Insurance Claims with Language Models
Classification of Questionnaires with Open-Ended Questions
Pill Metrics Learning with Multihead Attention
Machine Learning Models for Prostate Cancer Identification
Advancing Flotation Process Optimization Through Real-Time Machine Vision Monitoring: A Convolutional Neural Network Approach
Interdependencies and Cascading Effects of Disasters on Critical Infrastructures: An Analysis of Base Station Communication Networks
Mexico City’s Urban Trees Reforestation Based on Characteristics of Plantation Sites
Knowledge Discovery for Risk Assessment in Economic and Food Safety
Methodology for the Analysis of Agricultural Data in the Mexican Context: Study Case of Marigold
On the Value of Combiners in Heterogeneous Ensemble Effort Estimation
Encoding Techniques for Handling Categorical Data in Machine Learning-Based Software Development Effort Estimation
Challenges in Implementing a University-Based Innovation Search Engine
EvdoGraph: A Knowledge Graph for the EVDOXUS Textbook Management Service for Greek Universities
Development of an OWL Ontology Based on the Function-Oriented System Architecture to Support Data Synchronization Between SysML and Domain Models
A Novel Approach to Ontological View-Based Semantic Mapping in Decentralized Environments
A Data Mesh Adaptable Oil and Gas Ontology Based on Open Subsurface Data Universe (OSDU)
Using Paraphrasers to Detect Duplicities in Ontologies
Extending the Meta Model for Enterprise Systems Dynamics from a Software Tooling Perspective
Mechanical Fault Prediction Based on Event Knowledge Graph
An Ontology-Based Question-Answering, from Natural Language to SPARQL Query
Memory Net: Generalizable Common-Sense Reasoning over Real-World Actions and Objects
IoT-Enabled Agroecology: Advancing Sustainable Smart Farming Through Knowledge-Based Reasoning
OntoEffect: An OntoUML-Based Ontology to Explain SARS-CoV-2 Variants’ Effects
Discovering Ontological Knowledge in Unstructured Recipes of a Portuguese Monk from the 16th Century
On the Development of a Collaborative Knowledge Platform for Engineering Sciences
Modelling Expressions of Physical Quantities
Exploring User-Generated Content to Detect Community Problems: The Ontological Model of ALLEGRO
Towards Developing an Ontology for Safety of Navigation Sensors in Autonomous Vehicles
Semiotic Knowledge Models for Personal Knowledge Repositories
Towards Semi-Automatic Approach of Building an Ontology: A Case Study on Material Handling Data
Event Detection in News Articles: A Hybrid Approach Combining Topic Modeling, Clustering, and Named Entity Recognition
UpKG: A Framework to Insert New Domains in Knowledge Graphs
Towards an Ontology of Task Dependence in Organizations
Addressing Entity Change in Procedural Ontologies
Ontology-Driven Extraction of Contextualized Information from Research Publications
JThermodynamicsCloud: Case Study in an Ontology-Driven NoSQL Database Cloud Based Application in Chemical Domain
A Knowledge Layer in Data-Centric Architectures in the Automotive Industry
Characterizing Complex Network Properties of Knowledge Graphs
Developing Digital Media Service Value Creation by Using Emotion Data
Knowledge Graphs Alignment Based on Learning to Rank Methods
Knowledge Graphs Extracted from Medical Appointment Transcriptions: Results Generating Triples Relying on LLMs
An Approach to Developing Ontology-Based Tools for Event Series Analysis
Evaluating the Perceived Quality and Functionality of DEMO Models’ Representations in the Health Domain
Navigating Responsible AI Adoption
Enhancing Leadership and Management Effectiveness: Leveraging Actor-Network Theory for Project Risk Mitigation
Discovering Potential Founders Based on Academic Background
Emotional Intelligence: Predictor of Success and Career Advancement - A Survey of Bulgarian Digital Entrepreneurs
Autonomy and Turnover: A Survey Applied to Distributed Software Teams
Knowledge Transfer Factors for Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) Industry to Electric Vehicle (EV) Industry by Artificial Intelligent: Machine Learning
Improving Corporate Governance Using DAO
Towards Digital Transformation: Knowledge Management as an Enabler in a Public Sector Asset Lifecycle
Knowledge Sharing Between Higher Educational Institutions: Evaluation of a Transfer Platform
Bottlenecks in Regional Innovation Ecosystem: A Case on Region with Extremely Low RDI Activity
Using Knowledge Maps to Create a Business School Faculty Portrait
Challenges to Implementing Effective Data Governance: A Literature Review
Graph Analytics for Avian Science Data
Adaptive Granulation: Data Reduction at the Database Level
Data Mesh for Managing Complex Big Data Landscapes and Enhancing Decision Making in Organizations
Remote Monitoring of Heart Failure Patients Treatment Programme: Customer Experience, Expectations, Barriers and Conditions
The Dark Side of Sharing Knowledge in the Social Media Era: Faculty Members’ Perspectives
Acceptance of Digital Sales and Marketing Tools: A Customer Perspective on Intention to Use
Utility of Univariate Forecasting for Workload Metrics Predictions in Enterprise Applications
Digital Twins for Traffic Congestion in Smart Cities: A Novel Solution Using Data Mining Techniques
Benefits and Challenges of Robotic Process Automation
Explainable Intrusion Detection for Internet of Medical Things
Proposed Extensions to the Methodology of Technology Scouting
A Knowledge Graph Approach for Exploratory Search in Research Institutions
Digital Transformation of an OEM Development Process from a Socio-Technical Perspective: A Case Study
Business Intelligence, Business Analytics, and Intellectual Capital: An Opportunity for Innovation Potential in the Private Healthcare?
Survival Analysis as a Risk Stratification Tool for Threshold Exceedance Forecasting
Decoding the Language of Care: A Typology of Caregiver Utterances and Their Influence on Assistive Technology Use
Toward Standardization and Automation of Data Science Projects: MLOps and Cloud Computing as Facilitators
Ontology Proposal for Support Team: A Case Study in a Software Development Company for the Financial Market
A Taxonomy for Autonomous LLM-Powered Multi-Agent Architectures
Towards Effective Ecosystems: A Framework for Mapping Knowledge Governance and Management Activities of Innovation Ecosystems Constituent Elements
ZeitGeist: A Generic Tool Supporting the Dissemination of Time Series Data Following FAIR Principles
Tag Recommendation System for Data Catalog Site of Japanese Government
Application of the Flocking Method for Spatial Analysis of Brain Activity in Optogenetics Datasets
MA-VAE: Multi-Head Attention-Based Variational Autoencoder Approach for Anomaly Detection in Multivariate Time-Series Applied to Automotive Endurance Powertrain Testing
MASD: Malicious Web Session Detection Using ML-Based Classifier
Robust Drone Detection and Classification from Radio Frequency Signals Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Using Abstraction Graphs to Promote Exploration in Curiosity-Inspired Intrinsic Motivation
Feature Extraction Methods for Neural Networks in the Classification of Structural Health Anomalies
Exploring Segnet Architectures for iGPU Embedded Devices
Neural Network-Based Approach for Supervised Nonlinear Feature Selection
Testing Variants of LSTM Networks for a Production Forecasting Problem
Development of Kendo Motion Prediction System for VR Kendo Training System
Multiple Additive Neural Networks: A Novel Approach to Continuous Learning in Regression and Classification
Automatic Emoticons Insertion System Based on Acoustic Information of User Voice: 1st Report on Data Model for Emotion Estimation Using Machine Learning
The Opaque Nature of Intelligence and the Pursuit of Explainable AI
Unsupervised Representation Learning by Quasiconformal Extension
Molecule Builder: Environment for Testing Reinforcement Learning Agents
A Comparison Between Seasonal and Non-Seasonal Forecasting Techniques for Energy Demand Time Series in Smart Grids
Compilation of Distributed Programs to Services Using Multiple Programming Languages
Impact of Item Polarity on the Scales of the User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ)
Who Says What (WSW): A Novel Model for Utterance-Aware Speaker Identification in Text-Based Multi-Party Conversations
Enhancing SSR in Low-Thread Web Servers: A Comprehensive Approach for Progressive Server-Side Rendering with any Asynchronous API and Multiple Data Models
A Data Service Layer for Web Browser Extensions
Is this a Good Book? The Role of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Cues for Perceived Product Quality in Textbooks in e-Commerce
Java Binding for JSON-LD
A Proposed Ontology-Based Sociocultural Context Model
Implications of Edge Computing for Static Site Generation
The State of Disappearing Frameworks in 2023
Students’ Interests Related to Web and Mobile Technologies Study
Enhancing User Experience in e-Government: A Deep Dive into e-Government Forms and Citizen Perceptions
Enhancing Soft Web Intelligence with User-Defined Fuzzy Aggregators
Easy to Find: A Natural Language Query Processing System on Advertisements Using an Automatically Populated Database
Malicious Web Links Detection Using Ensemble Models
FaceCounter: Massive Attendance Taking in Educational Institutions Through Facial Recognition
Identifying Student Profiles in CSCL Systems for Programming Learning Using Quality in Use Analysis
Investigating the Use of the Thunkable End-User Framework to Develop Haptic-Based Assistive Aids in the Orientation of Blind People
Access Control Using Facial Recognition with Neural Networks for Restricted Zones
Reconstruction and Validation of the UX Factor Trust for the User Experience Questionnaire Plus (UEQ+)
Paperless Checklist for Process Validation and Production Readiness: An Industrial Use Case
There Are no Major Age Effects for UX Aspects of Voice User Interfaces Using the Kano Categorization
PhotoRestorer: Restoration of Old or Damaged Portraits with Deep Learning
User-Centered Design and Iterative Refinement: Promoting Student Learning with an Interactive Dashboard
Data Exfiltration by Hotjar Revisited
Quality Metrics for Reinforcement Learning for Edge Cloud and Internet-of-Things Systems
Improved Random Key Cuckoo Search Optimization Algorithm for Community Detection in Social Networks
Apache Spark Based Deep Learning for Social Transaction Analysis
On the Construction of Database Interfaces Based on Large Language Models
Enhancing Users’ Interactions in Mobile Augmented Reality Systems Through Fuzzy Logic-Based Modelling of Computer Skills
Comparing the Energy Consumption of WebAssembly and JavaScript in Mobile Browsers
Pragmatic versus Hedonic: Determining the Dominant Quality in User Experience for Professional and Leisure Collaboration Tools
Pleural Effusion Classification on Chest X-Ray Images with Contrastive Learning
A Stateless Bare PC Web Server
A User Interface for Tuning QoS Parameters in Recommendation-Based Business Process Scenario Adaptation
SPORENLP: A Spatial Recommender System for Scientific Literature
Supporting the Automated Generation of Acceptance Tests of Process-Aware Information Systems
Tourpedia App: A Web Application for Tourists and Accommodation Owners
A Novel Hybrid Approach Combining Beam Search and DeepWalk for Community Detection in Social Networks
Examining the Feasibility of Incorporating Social Media Platforms into Professional Training Programs
The Impact of IOT Cybersecurity Testing in the Perspective of Industry 5.0
Semantic Micro-Front-End Approach to Enterprise Knowledge Graph Applications Development
Impacts of Social Factors in Wage Definitions
Experimental Analysis of Pipelining Community Detection and Recommender Systems
Ontology-Driven Intelligent Group Pairing in Project-Based Collaborative Learning
Intelligent Agents with Graph Mining for Link Prediction over Neo4j
Documents as Intelligent Agents: An Approach to Optimize Document Representations in Semantic Search
Towards a Framework for AI-Assisted Data Storytelling
Similarity Learning for Person Re-Identification Using Deep Auto-Encoder
Decentralized Identification and Information Exchange in Distributed, Blockchain-Based Internet Architectures: A Technology Review
Quantifying Fairness Disparities in Graph-Based Neural Network Recommender Systems for Protected Groups
A Decentralized Authentication Model for Internet of Vehicles Using SSI
GANMCMCRO: A Generative Adversarial Network Markov Chain Monte Carlo Random Oversampling Algorithm for Imbalance Datasets
Detecting the Manipulation of Text Structure in Text Steganography Using Machine Learning
An Attention-Based Deep Generative Model for Anomaly Detection in Industrial Control Systems
Cache Side-Channel Attacks Against Black-Box Image Processing Software
Adapting Open-Set Recognition Method to Various Time-Series Data
Observation as a Tool for Gait Assessment: Eye, Camera, Vision and Viewing
Differences and Relations Between Chrono-Biological and Motor-Functional Characteristics of Infants
Improving Reward Estimation in Goal-Conditioned Imitation Learning with Counterfactual Data and Structural Causal Models
A One-Vs-One Approach to Improve Tangled Program Graph Performance on Classification Tasks
Decentralized Federated Learning Architecture for Networked Microgrids
2D LiDAR-Based Human Pose Tracking for a Mobile Robot
Hybrid LSTM-Fuzzy System to Model a Sulfur Recovery Unit
Analysis of the Reaction Time and Dominance in Elderly Men: A Pilot Study
DAF: Data Acquisition Framework to Support Information Extraction from Scientific Publications
BioSTransformers for Biomedical Ontologies Alignment
CoreSelect: A New Approach to Select Landmarks for Dissimilarity Space Embedding
New Perspectives on Data Exfiltration Detection for Advanced Persistent Threats Based on Ensemble Deep Learning Tree
DOM-Based Clustering Approach for Web Page Segmentation: A Comparative Study
Automatic Mapping of Business Web Applications
Enhancing Industrial Productivity Through AI-Driven Systematic Literature Reviews
BSODCS: Bee Swarm Optimization for Detecting Community Structure
Towards True Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Real World Applications
Deep Learning for Active Robotic Perception
Data Digitalization and Conformity Verification in Oil and Gas Industry Databooks Using Semantic Model Based on Ontology
Knowledge Economy in the Anthropocene: A Blueprint for Urban Cities
Maximizing Particle Coverage with Fixed-Area Rectangles
Recognition and Position Estimation of Pears in Complex Orchards Using Stereo Camera and Deep Learning Algorithm
Maritime Dynamic Resource Allocation and Risk Minimization Using Visual Analytics and Elitist Multi-Objective Optimization
Learning Based Interpretable End-to-End Control Using Camera Images
A Methodology for Knowledge Integration and Acquisition in Model-Based Systems Engineering
Hanging Drone: An Approach to UAV Landing for Monitoring
Spatial Patterns in Neurodegenerative Disease’s Hospitalizations in Portugal (2000-2016)
Enterprise Search: Learning to Rank with Click-Through Data as a Surrogate for Human Relevance Judgements
A Protocol to Assess Usability and Feasibility of e-SpeechT, a Web-based System Supporting Speech Therapies
Design a Recommendation System in Real Estate Investment Based on Context Approach
Vehicle Detection Algorithm Based on Fisheye Camera in Parking Environment
Target Planning for UAV Merchant Ship Recognition Based on KNN Nearest Neighbor Algorithm
Problem Research on the Optimal Way of UAV on Account of Ant Colony Algorithm
Research on Color Vision Tool Design Based on Detection Algorithms
A Knowledge Distillation Approach with Time Series Prediction and Predictive Elastic Telescopic Algorithm in Computing Force Network
Research on Optimization of Random Forest Algorithm Based on Feature Engineering
Research on Interactive Teaching for Intelligent Algorithm of Engineering Big Data
Research on the Improvement of Link Prediction Algorithm and Its Application in Industrial Structure Adjustment
Research on Order Allocation of Group Enterprise Based on Differential Evolution Algorithm
An Environmental Sound Classification Algorithm Based on Multiscale Channel Feature Fusion
Variable Rate Image Compression Based Adaptive Data Transfer Algorithm for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks
Non-Invasive Load Recognition Model Based on CNN and Mixed Attention Mechanism
Modeling and Simulation of Mobile Robot Based on VREP
Variable Admittance Human-Robot Collaborative Control Based on Motion Intention Prediction
Superposition and Decomposition Analysis of Limbs’ Vibration Based on 6-UPS Tibia Fracture Reduction Surgical Robot
Design of UAV Cooperative Countermeasure Decision System
Research on Optimization of Machine Learning Algorithm Based on Feature Selection
Design of Network Security Management System Based on K-Means Algorithm
A Reliable and Energy-Efficient Federated Learning in Computing Force Network
Remote Computer Monitoring System Based on HTTPS Communication
Kinematics Analysis of 4-RPUR Parallel Mechanism with 3D Rotation Center Overlap for Ankle Rehabilitation
Multi-Coil Electromagnetic Field Calculation with Two Methods and Software Implementation
Calculation Method for Harmonic Impedance of System Side Based on Data Fusion
Analysis and Research of Precipitation in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Based on WAM-2layers Calculation Model
Research on the Application of Computer 3D Digital Technology in 2D Animation
Mixed Teaching Reform of Computer Major Courses Under the Background of Intelligent Teaching
Reconstruction of Campus Learning Space Driven by Computer Science
Inventory Demand Prediction Based on Gated Recurrent Neural Network and Fuzzy Time Series
Research on Prediction of Decision Tree Algorithm on Different Types of Stocks
Layered Batch Inference Optimization Method for Convolutional Neural Networks Based on CPU
Femur Fracture Detection Based on Deep Learning Model YOLOv8
Heterogeneous Resource Scheduling Method Based on Energy Optimization Under Price Constraints in Computing Force Network
A Method for Judging the Accuracy of Harmonic Impedance Calculation Results
Evaluation of Teaching Reform Effect of Computer Vision Specialty Based on Deep Learning
Research on Integrating Explicit/Implicit Semantic Representation and Multimodal Knowledge Graph for Traditional Chinese Medicine Digital Therapy
The Exploration of Small Sample-Oriented Object Detection Technology in the Field of Electric Power
Design of a New Generation Power Grid Dispatching Automation System Based on Distributed Object Technology
Applications and Innovations of Artificial Intelligence Voice Command Platforms in the Power Field
Application of Blood Flow Velocity Study Based on Electromagnetic Flowmeter in the Treatment of Cerebral Infarction
Research on a Consortium Blockchain Private Electric Vehicle Charging Station Sharing Platform for New Energy Vehicles
Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing and Rectification Analysis of Beidou Shipborne Terminal System
Study on Wire-Controlled Differential Steering of Hub-Driven Four- Wheel Electric Vehicle
Ground Resistance Measurement Method Based on High-Frequency Pulses
General Studies on Electromagnetic Wave Transmission Behaviors with the High-Speed Dielectric Interface
Research on Post Evaluation Method for Power Grid Technology Projects Based on AHP-CRITIC-TOPSIS
Research on Transmission Line Small Target Detection and Defect Recognition Based on Machine Vision
Design of Network Security Active Defense Mechanism for Power Monitoring System
Research on Terahertz Generation Based on Cherenkov-Type Difference Frequency
Research on the Application of Parametric Methods in Submarine Conceptual Design
Multi-Objective Optimization for Cost and Latency in Computing Force Network
Research on Tailings Dam Displacement Prediction Model Based on CNN
A Comparative Study of Multiple Table Data Queries Based on SQL Server 2008
Dual IV Design Scheme: An Improved AES Encryption Approach
The Visualization Analysis of TCFL Classroom Management Based on Citespace
Information System Design for Logistics Warehouse Management Based on Struts
Research on Motion Law of Submarine Emergency Floating Under High-Pressure Blowing
Design and Implementation of New Media Manuscript Retrieval System
AGTG: Text Sentiment Analysis on Social Network Domain Based on Pre-Training and Regular Optimization Techniques
Analysis of Tourists' Route Selection in Scenic Areas Based on Game Theory Model
Evaluating Text Summarization Generated by Popular AI Tools
Exploring Innovations in Teaching Reform for Python Programming Under Engineering Education Accreditation
Research on the Intelligence of Carbon Number in Data Center
Application of Digital Image Correlation Technology in Geotechnical Structure Measurement
Research on Ship Track and Navigation Behavior Characteristics Based on Deep Learning
Strip Steel Defect Detection Based on Improved YOLOv5s
Text-Guided Salient Object Detection
Research on Decision Tree in Price Prediction of Low Priced Stocks
Analysis and Improvement of Oscilloscope Jitter Measurement Floor Based on Simulation Experiments
Research on Sales Forecast of Fresh Food Industry Based on ARIMA-Transformer Model
Convolution Neural Network-Based Expert Recommendation for Alert Processing
Cross Project Software Attack Location Method Based on Context Awareness
An Anomaly Prediction of Spark Log Based on Self-Attention GRU Network
J2EE Architecture and Programming Based on OBE Concept Curriculum Objective Teaching Process Design and Research
Research on Scientific Research Communication Mode Analysis and System Design Based on New Media Big Data
Weakly Mixing and Topological Conjugation of Discrete Dynamical System
Analysis of Finite Element Analysis of Steel Concrete Conversion Beam Tip Node
The Assessment of Vulnerability of the Global Container Shipping Network Based on MATLAB Software
Design and Optimisation of Crash Prevention Platform for Online Course Selection System Based on Network Traffic Analysis
The Design of High Speed Wideband Receiver Based on FPGA
Detection Method of Duplicate Data in Software Testing Based on BP Neural Network
Design and Research of Equipment Asset Life Cycle Management System Based on ERP
Gearbox Fault Diagnosis Based on Polynomial Chirplet Transform and Support Vector Machine
Prediction of GGDP Based on SEEA-2012 and Logistic Model
Research on Coal Production Cost Prediction Based on PCA-SSA-SVR
Mathematical Modeling of Filtration Efficiency of Granular Bed Filter Based on Semi-Coke as Filter Medium
Analysis and Research on the Age Structure of Population Based on Multiple Regression Model
AEBs Perception Stability Study of Intelligent Vehicles Based on C- NCAP
Analysis of User Behavior in the New Media Era
From Ethereum 1.0 to 2.0: Implications for the Blockchain-Based NFT Market
Research on Phase-Control Technology of Recovery Terminal by Two-Way Optical Fiber Time Frequency Transfer Method
Research on Information Communication Network Security Under the Background of Big Data
Research and Practice on the Teaching Mode of the Course Based on the OBE Concept-Taking the C Programming Course as an Example
Algebraic Subset of n-dimensional Vector Space on Affine Scheme
CFD Simulation and Application of Semi-Closed Inclined Simple Cold Channel in a Data Center Server Room
Research on Reloading Airdrop Strategy Based on Multi-Objective Programming
Research on New Media Integration Method Based on Game Model
Lightweight Design and Analysis of Four-Wing UAV Fuselage Structure Based on Topology Optimization
High Accurate Prediction of Heart Disease Classification by Support Vector Machine
The Classification of Tea Leaf Diseases Using Sift Feature Extraction of Learning Vector Quantization Method with Support Vector Machine
Numerical Simulation of Harmonic Distortion on DC Power Distribution System on Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger Vessel
Sentiment Analysis of Data on Google Maps Reviews Regarding Tourism on Keraton Kasepuhan Cirebon Using the Lexicon Based Method
Development of REST API for Digital Advertising Application Using an Iterative Incremental Method (Case Study: Show-Up Apps)
Forest Fire Data Analysis Using Conventional Machine Learning Algorithms
Non-Invasive Anemia Detection Tool with Application of Mini Spectrometry Base Machine Learning
The Effect of Segmentation and CNN Architecture in Determining Accuracy Convolutional Neural Network
Improving Performance of the K-Means Algorithm with the Pillar Technique for Determining Centroids
The Evolution of Anak Krakatoa Based on Landsat Imagery
Increasing Paddy Production Through Integrated Farming System Using System Dynamics Modeling
Levenberg Marquardt Backpropagation Algorithm in Predicting Potential Mortality in Heart Failure
Acceptance of the Use of Social Media on the Application of Blended Learning in Higher Education in Indonesia
Discrete-Event Simulation and Data Envelopment Analysis in Port Efficiency Evaluation: A Bibliometric Analysis and Mapping of Combined Databases
Development Intelligent E-Health Model of Indonesian Province Using Big Data
Implementation of Computer Vision in Asphalt Damage Identification on the Trans-Sumatera Road
Management Blood Using Optimization Algorithm: A State of the Art Literature Review
Bandwidth Management Analysis Using Proxy Server-Based Method Virtual Machine
Affecting Factors of Technopreneurship Intentions Islamic Higher Education Students
Sign-Then-Encrypt Scheme with Cramer-Shoup Cryptosystem and Dissanayake Digital Signature
Hyperparameter Optimization in CNN Algorithm for Chili Leaf Disease Classification
Leaf Disease Detection Using Color Histogram and Random Forest on Pongamia Pinnata (L.) Pierre
The Effect of Online Video Advertising and Green Message on Electric Car Purchase Intention
Comprehensive Approach to Assure the Quality of MSME Data in Indonesia: A Framework Proposal
Text Mining for Customer Experience Mobile Banking Analysis
The Importance of Bioinformatics Tools in Medical Field: From Prediction to Prescription
Real Time Indonesian Sign Language Hand Gesture Phonology Translation Using Deep Learning Model
Resampling and Hyperparameter Tuning for Optimizing Breast Cancer Prediction Using Light Gradient Boosting
Application K-Nearest Neighbor Method with Particle Swarm Optimization for Classification of Heart Disease
Diabetic Retinopathy Tracker System
Detachable Electric Motor Design and Data Acquisition on Smart Wheelchair System
Estimating Technical Efficiency of Crude Palm Oil in Malaysia
Learning Based Recognition: User Acceptance Test
Modification of Advance Encryption Standard (AES) and Rivest–Shamir–Adleman (RSA) Algorithms for Data Authentication on Study Results Card
UI/UX Evaluation on Entrepreneurial Mindfulness Mobile Application
Information System Design for Water Pump Production Monitoring
Prediction of Heart Disease Using Decision Tree in Comparison with Particle Swarm Optimization to Improve Accuracy
A Model to Determine Priority in AHP Using Coefficient Correlation
Multi Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) to Support Decision Making in Tourism: A Bibliometric Review
Convolutional Neural Network Face Recognition for Lecturer Attendance
Digital Recruitment: Designing the Use of Opensource ERP System in Optimizing SMEs’ Hiring Process
Application of Fuzzy Time Series Average-Based Algorithm in Forecasting the Human Development Index (HDI)
Comparison of the Hebbian Algorithm Based on Input and Output Patterns in the Prediction of Lung Cancer in Smokers
Backpropagation Neural Network Levenberg-Marquardt Method in Predicting Lung Cancer in Smokers
Graph Convolutional Networks with Knowledge Graph for Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Application of Data Mining for the Selection Process of Prospective Students at ITTelkom Surabaya by Using the SPSS Modeler
Clustering Diagnostic Assessment of Students with the K-Means Algorithm Based on Talents and Interests
Liquid Waste Data Collection Uses the Internet of Things (IoT) Using Data Queues
Enhanced of Analysed Optimization Learning Model for Multi Product Retail and Distribution System
DiabeticFoodBot: Food and Water Intake Recommender System for Diabetics
Online Portfolio Selection of LQ45 Stocks Index with the Adaptive Online Moving Average Method
Gesture Controlled Device with Vocalizer for Physically Challenged People
Lighting Design and Energy Simulation of a Residential House
Bidirectional DC-DC Converter For Electric Vehicle Application Using FLC Controller
Design of High Gain Switched Capacitor Z-Source Converter with Extended SC Cells
Prototype Of Fuzzy PID Controller For Load Frequency Control Based On Hybrid Optimization Algorithm
Portable Microgrid Development with Power Management and Quality Power Capability Using PLC for Disasster Mangement
Clean Development Mechanism: Case Assessment of Wind Power site at Maharashtra
Direct AC/AC Active-Clamped Converter Inductive Coupled With Half-Bridge Converter With Reduced Switches For Battery Charging Applications
Design Of Single-Phase AC DC AC Bidirectional Three-Arm Converter With Reduced Switches
Enhancing Security Measures Through Colour Detection Algorithm Implemented With ESP32 Cam
Automatic Bottle Filling And Capping System
BLDC Motor Control For EVs Using Cuckoo Search Algorithm In PI Controller Tunning
Design Of Multilevel Inverter with Unbalanced Voltage Sources with Reduced Number of Mosfets
Effective Multilevel Inverter with 129 Level Output
IoT Based Efficient Hydroponics System
Design of a SI Cuk Converter Based on Bridgeless Power Factor Correction with Regenerative Braking
Enhancement of Three-Body Wear Resistance of Steel Substrate Using Molybdenum Coating for Steel Roller Conveyor
Design of Automatic Fire Extinguisher System for Electric Vehicles
Enhancing Road Safety: An IoT Based Driver Sleep Detection and Alarming System for Accident Prevention
Data Collection, Pre-Processing, and Visualization of IMD Gridded Climate Data for Spatio-Temporal Exploratory Analysis
Design of Regenerative Suspension System Using Spiral Drive Mechanism
Implementation of Fuzzy Logic Based MPPT Controller for Solar Photo Voltaic Application
An Intelligent Algorithm an Approach for Distribution System Solution
Machine Learning Model to Forecast Power System Breakdowns
Design of Three Phase Nine Level Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter with Low Total Harmonic Distortion Based Pulse-Width Modulation Method
Income Pattern of Migrant Labours at Alang Ship Breaking Yard
Standardization and Optimization of Psychodiagnostic Questionnaires
The Importance of Personal Tolerance in Learning a Foreign Language
The Life Perspectives of Students as a Factor of Mindful Attitude Towards Learning
Ethnopsychological Specific Qualities of Gifted Students
The Study of the Communicative Features of Virtual Communication as a Factor in the Formation of the Personal Identity of Student Youth in Late Adolescence
Socio-Psychological Characteristics of the Improvement of Students’ Talents in Technical Fields
Manifestation of Emotional States in Pedagogical Activity: Characteristics and Implications
Components of Social Maturity in Students
Study on Influence of Computer Dependence on Characterological Features of Personality in Adolescents
Characteristics of Professional Values Across Generations
The Present Condition of Preparedness for the Development of Family Life
The Significance of Family Group Synergy in the Shaping of Self-Concept in Adolescents
Socio-Psychological Aspects of Childhood Creativity Development: A Study on Unique Traits
Empirical Investigation of Emotional Intelligence as a Factor in the Efficiency of Communication with Adolescents
Socialisation of the Individual in Social Institutions
Interpretation of the Poetic Views of the Period in Mutribi Tazkiras (Essays)
Personal Characteristics of Chemically Dependent Individuals with Varying Degrees of Narcotic Anosognosia
Diagnostics of the Current Psychological Status of Children with Chronic Somatic Diseases
The Impact of Group and Individual Psychotherapy in a Self-Defence Program on Women's Well-Being
Scientific Underpinnings of Vocational Guidance for Secondary School Pupils
Comparative Typological Analysis of Uzbek and Kazakh Yor-Yor Songs
Socio-Psychological Criteria for the Construction of a Psychological Profile in Training Personnel for Innovative Management Activities
Adjustment of Computer Games in Teenagers
Empirical Analysis of the Social Giftedness of Children
Motive as a Factor Influencing the Creative Choice of a Teacher's Profession
The Role of Social Environment in the Formation of Self-Awareness Process in Preschool Children
Metaphorical Competence in the Context of Spanish Language Education
Intercultural Philosophy and Traditionalism: Perspectives of the Dialogue of Cultures
The Interaction Between Leadership and Tolerance in Individual Initiative
Psychological Features of the Formation of Fine Arts Motives in Preschool Children
Alisher Navoi Author’s Corpus: Value, Necessity and Significance
The Emergence of the Science of Rhyme
The Influence of Allusive Names on the Perception of Artistic Text
English Language and Uzbek Students: A Linguocultural Point
Image of Jabroil Alayhissalam in Navoyi's Me’rojnomas
Navoi and Tabiby: Literary Following
The Role of Individual-Typological Characteristics in the Process of Family Adaptation of Young Brides
Challenges of Balancing Historical Accuracy and Interpretation in the Depiction of a Historical Figure
The Function of Complex Sentences in the Prose of Alisher Navoi
Cognitive Mechanism of a Metaphor
The Impact of Hazrat Khodja Ubaydullah Ahror on Zahiruddin Muhammad Babur's Personality Formation
On the Literary Traditions of Navoi in the Works of Khorezm Poetesses
Study of Complex Structural Genres in the Work of Alisher Navoi
Qur’anic Quotes in Al-Hariri’s Maqamats
On Hermeneutic Concepts and Models in Translation Studies
Linguistic and Stylistic Features of Humorous Discourse Based on Jokes in English
Poetic Research in Modern Story-Writing
Alisher Navai’s Mastery on Usage of Polysemantic Words in Literary Works
Navoi and Husayniy
"Tradition and Innovation in Alisher Navoi's "Khamsa": Studying the Works of Alisher Navoi in Literature Lessons
Thoughts About Modern Uzbek Poetry
The Origins of the Literary Heritage of Scholar Mahmud Zamakhshari
Methodology of Studying Linguistic Units in Different Texts and Discourses
Creative Originality of Alisher Navoi
The Concept of "Beauty" in Navoi's Works
Artistic Interpretation of the Futuvvat Idea in Alisher Navoi’s Works
Literary - Aesthetic and Educational Significance of Comedy in Uzbek Children’s Literature of the Independence Period
“Khamsa” as a Universal Genre
Some Comments on the Novel "Alisher Navai" by Isajan Sultan
Navoi's Contributions to Eastern Divan Introductions
Poetics of the First and Last Sentence in the Story
The Style of Shoyim Butaev's Stories
Principles of Creating Scientific-Critical Texts of Mutrib's Works
Navoiyan Spirit in the Poetic Heritage of Gafur Ghulam
Linguistic Essence as a Set of Generalities and the Integral Realization of Linguistic Potential in Speech
Problems of Translation in Military Terms
Unity of Form and Content in Translations of Arabic Classical Texts
Aman Matchon: An Expert in Classic Literary Studies
Stylistic Characteristics of Vocatives in Alisher Navoi's Lyrics: An Example from His Poetic Collection "Garoyib us-sigar"
Video Gaming and its Association with Classroom Attention, Problem Solving and Pro-Social Behaviour in Adolescents During Pandemic
Establishment of the Khorezm People's Soviet Republic: Contemporary Attitudes Towards the Political Situation in the Country
Harmony of Sufi Symbols and Poetic Figures in Alisher Navoi’s Ghazals of Na’t (Glorification)
The Spiritual World of a Child as an Expression of Tragicness: An Analysis of Safar Barnoev's Works
Alisher Navoi: The Founder of the Theory of Homonymy
The Universal and National-Cultural Specificity of Idioms Incorporating the Component 'Black'
Methods, Principles and Practical Problems in the Study of “Hamsa” Texts by Alisher Navoi
Poetic Research in Modern Story-Writing
Folklore Features: Links Between Arab and Turkic Peoples
Author's Concept in Understanding the Text
Alisher Navai’s Thoughts and Dreams of a Preeminent Person
The Term “Gap” (Lacuna) in the Works of Uzbek and Foreign Linguists
A Comparative Analysis of the Administrative Document "Application" in English and Uzbek Dictionaries
Using the Works of Alisher Navoi as Teaching Material
Textual Study of Diwans of Khorezm Prince Poets of the 19th-20th Centuries
Ghulam Zafari’s Role in the History of Uzbek Dramaturgy
Cholpon and World Literary Aesthetic Thinking
The Philosophy of Self
Formal-Stylistic Features of Aman Mukhtar’s Dilogy “Navai and the Artist Abulkhair”
About Alisher Navoi’s Ghazals with “Firaq” from the Diwan of the Aq Qoyunlu Admirers
Talent Management Practices: Unleashing Employee Engagement Through Perceived Organizational Support
Transforming Household Economies: Empowering Rural Women and Shaping the Dynamics of Traditional Economic Activities
A Study on Effectiveness and Performance of Smes in Indian Society
Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Disclosure Among Commercial Banks in an Emerging Economy: Evaluative Perspectives
Howling Cry of Dystopia
Women Teachers and Their Long-Term Savings Approach on Cryptocurrency Investment
Political Discourse in Kiran Desai’s ‘The Inheritance of Loss’: A Postcolonial Perspective
MOOCs and Digital Learning: Revolutionary Education System in India
Youth Leadership Qualities and Competencies: Scale Development and Preliminary Validation
Emotional Stability and Psychological Well Being of Investors: Role of Stock Market Swings
Influence of Social Media in Determining Parents’ Behavioural Intention Towards the Selection of Preschools
Understanding Role of Social Values in Higher Secondary School Students: Educational and Social Development Perspective
Productivity and Cost of Banking Employees: A Comparative Study of State Bank of India and ICICI Bank Limited
A Review on Adoptability of Digital Transactions Among Women Entrepreneurs During and Post COVID – 19
Green Finance: A Key Initiative for Sustainable Rural Development in India
Re-Inventing Brand India: Lessons from Korean Hallyu Wave
Rāvaṇa Offers Heads to Śiva: Another Aspect of Rāvaṇānugraha-Mūrtis in Indian Art
India: Materializing the Vision of Bose?
Sakta-Tantric Icons and Erotic Images from Assam
An Empirical Study on the Relation Between the Promotional Strategies of Social Media Platforms and the Decision-Making Process of Admitting New Students to Private Universities
An Explorative Study of Social Media’s Effect on Family Feuds and Voting Behavior
Doctors Who Treated the Harappans
Water Pollution in India: Effective Management and Control
Online Trends Among College Youth
I-Thou or I-It: A Glimpse on ‘Relations’ in the Post-Pandemic Digital Age
Education for Sustainable Development and Role of Educational Institutes
The Function of Social Media in the Lives of Today's Young Adults
The Trends, Challenges & Initiatives of Digital Transformation of Indian Education
A Study on the Factors Characterizing Willingness to Conserve Energy Among Urbanites
Art-Integrated Learning (AIL): An Effective Learning Approach for 21st-Century Learners
Self-Directed Learning: An Essential Learning Skill for the Amelioration of 21st Century Learners
Empowering Higher Education: Analyzing the Transformative Potential of the NEP 2020 Autonomy Model
Emergent Strategic Approach and MC Kinsey’s 7S Framework Adoption at Saigal Polymers
Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on Performance of Pension Funds: An Econometric Analysis
The Role of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme on Rural Development: An Empirical Study with Special Reference to Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh
The Terra-Incognita of Power Dynamics: Interrogating Masculinity and Hypermasculinity in Dina Mehta’s ‘Brides Are Not for Burning’
Effectiveness of Resilient Focused Psychotherapy on Interpersonal Relationship Among Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse
Funny Boy and Hegemonic Masculinity
Teaching Competency of Secondary School Teachers of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh: A Comparative Study
Ethnonyms in the Works of Alisher Navoi
Education and Skill Development: A Systematic Review
Role of Cash Flow in Determining the Success of a Firm: Review Paper
Impact of Social Media on e-Commerce: A Conceptual Study
Practices and Implications of Constructivist Teaching Model in Education
A Point of View on Rethinking the Role of Technology in Education
Analysing Primary Students’ Performance in Hots and Lot Mathematics Questions According to Gender
Methodological Aspects of Organizing the Study of Children's Literature Using Interactive Methods
Promoting Global Academic Mobility for Sustainable Development
Rewriting Gendered Narratives: A Comparative Reading of Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni’s the Palace of Illusions and Kavitha Kane’s Karna’s Wife: The Outcast’s Queen
The Problem of Historical Fact and Interpretation in the Portrait of a Historical Person
Harmony of Colour and Content in Sabai Sayyor Stories
Protection of Online Privacy of Consumers in E-Commerce
Problems and Opportunities in Rural Marketing: A Study of Raipur's Southern Districts
Travel Intention and Behaviour Role of Social Media in Tourism on Millennials in Madhya Pradesh
Role of Education: Harnessing the Potential of Learners for Social Development
A Study of Stress Management: Causes and Coping Strategy
Exploring the Veneration of the Divine Mother: Tracing the Cultural Significance of Ancient Indian Devotion
The Origin of Iskandar’s Image in Fiction and Navoi’s Attitude Towards It
Effect of Daily Spiritual Experience on Corona Anxiety and Mental Wellbeing of Social Workers in the United Kingdom
B2B Electronics Demand Forecast Model: PC Market Case
Factors Influencing Consumer Purchasing Behavior Regarding Luxury Brands
The Influence of Customer Relationship Marketing on Fostering Customer Loyalty
The Changing Landscape of Women Entrepreneurship: Exploring Key Success Factors
Validation of Teacher Competency Questionnaire (TCQ) in Indian Context
Money Scripts and Financial Behaviour Among Millennials in India
Indic Elements in Laos, a Southeast Asian Country: A Historical Perspective
Analyzing Sports Arbitration and Its Trans-Border Application
A Comparative Study of Vocational and Traditional Courses in Relation to Self-Efficacy and Hope
Literary Relevance of Mysticism
Rudali: A Quintessential Figure of Subalternity, Hegemony, and Marginalisation
Effectiveness of Faculty Development Programme for the Young Faculty of Universities and Colleges
Exploring the Factors Affecting Employee Retention in the Information Technology Sector: Demographic Perspective
Draupadi: Revisioning the Mythical Character in Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni’s the Palace of Illusions
Evidence of the Origin of Tirthankara Images in the Archaeological Literature
Revolutionizing Marketing Strategies: A Study of Modern Marketing Technologies and Their Adoption by Maharashtrian Women Entrepreneurs in Business Ventures
A Study on Brand Awareness and Brand Association Factors, and Customers Attitude with Reference to Fab India in Ahmedabad City
Empowerment of Women Entrepreneur: The Evolving and Involving Role of Ministry of MSME
Analysis of Implementation of GST on Petrol in India
Emerging Technologies and Entrepreneurship: A Comprehensive Study of India's Innovation Landscape
The Elements of Metacommunication in Whereabouts
Effect of Capital Structure on the Financial Performance of Nifty 50 Companies
Resilience Levels of Prospective Teachers
Findings of Badoh Pathari and Gyaraspur
Conceptualizing a Digital Twin Model for Natural Gas Retailing in a Geographic Area in India
Environmental Concerns in Select Regional Novels Translated in English
A Study on Determining the Employee Performance in Servant Leadership Style in the Banking Sector
Revolutionizing Indonesian SMES: A Comprehensive Analysis of Shopee Online Marketplace's Promotional Strategies in Driving Sales Growth
The Impact of Covid-19 on Audit Quality: A Study at Public Accountants in the Pekanbaru Region, Riau Province
Implementation of the Green Business Strategy at the Southeast Asia Poets Gathering Literary Festival (TPAT) II
Factors Influencing the Financial Performance of Islamic Rural Banks in Indonesia
Polarization of the Green Energy Transition in Improving the Economy of Coastal Communities Through Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion
Trends in Financial Management Research in Indonesia (Bibliometric Analysis)
Efficiency of the Tanjung Modang Nagari Tanjung Bonai Weaving Production Process Using the Data Envelopment Analysis Method
Digital Transaction Model in Micro, Small, and Medium Enterpeises (MSMEs) to Target Millenial Generation Consumers in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
A Comprehensive Study of the Effects of User Competence and Internal Control on the Quality of Accounting Information Systems
Strategic HRM in Keris Preservation of Keris Tourism Village-Based Innovation Performance
Local Economy-Based Mangrove Ecotourism Sustainability Strategy
Strengthening the Halal Value Chain for Competitive Advantage: Evidence from Bionesia Organic Foods
Does the Blue Economy Resource of Capture Fisheries Generate Economic Growth? Evidence from Indonesia
Green Banking Disclosure, Financial Performance, and Profitability: Evidence from Indonesian Bank
Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Satisfaction, Commitment and Performance of Lecturers in Higher Education Institutions
Analysis of Determinants Human Development Index in ASEAN Countries
Analysis of the Inner and Outer Models of Job Satisfaction on Performance
Green Jobs and Skills Analysis in the Indonesia Maritime Industry: Unlocking Sustainable Workforce Opportunities
The Model of Organizational Support and Work Involvement on the Performance of Private University Lecturers in Riau Islands
Factors that Affect Fishermen's Income with Fuel Cost as Moderating Variable
Intellectual Capital as Sustainable Competitive Advantage in Business Performance
Why Do Tourists Have Revisit Intention? The Effect of Customer Experience as a Marketing Strategy
The Effect of M-Banking Security on Interest in Online Shopping in the Civitas Academica of Maritime Economics and Business Faculty, Raja Ali Haji Maritime University (UMRAH), Indonesia
Optimizing Work-Life Balance for Enhanced Job Satisfaction: Unveiling the Role of Burnout at PT. PN V Riau
Multiplier Effect Development of Culinary Tourism Processed Coastal Communities in Sei. Enam, Bintan Regency
Analysis of Green Economic Growth and Environmental Degradation in Upper-Middle-Income ASEAN Countries
Determinants of Firm Value on Mining Companies in Indonesia
The Challenges Faced by the Information System in the Era of Industry 4.0 and Their Impact on Information Quality
Parenting in Digital Age: Let’s Bring Back the Culture
An Investigation into the Usage of Bounding Boxes in Discriminating Image Encryption Algorithms
Predicting the Link Between Online Gaming and Mental Disorders in Youth: RNN vs J48 Decision Tree
Accurate Prediction of Unsolicited Content in Reddit Using Convolutional Neural Network and Support Vector Machine
Enhancing the Theft Detection of Vehicle and Emergency Alert Using Novel ResNet -50 over K-Nearest Neighbors Classifier
Stability Analysis of Fuzzy Mathematical Measles Model
D3 Divisor Cordial Labelling for Butterfly Graph with Shell Order
Development and Comparative Analysis of an Instance-Based Machine Learning Classifier
A Comparative Analysis of XGBoost Model and AdaBoost Regressor for Prediction of Used Car Price
An Efficient Secured AODV Routing Protocol to Mitigate Flooding and Black Hole Attack in VANETs for Improved Infotainment Services
Deep Learning Models for Stock Price Prediction of Companies Associated with Indian Natural Gas Value Chain Underpinning Their ESG Commitments
Cerebrovascular Accident Prediction Using Data Analysis Based on Machine Learning
Determination of Amazon Stock Price Using Novel LASSO Algorithm Comparing with Accuracy of Linear Regression Algorithm
Comparison of Enhanced XGBoost Algorithm with Light Gradient Boosting Machine to Determine the Prediction of Black Friday Sales
A Spleen Infection Recognition Approach Using Shallow Neural Network in Comparison with Support Vector Machine
Improving the Accuracy of Identifying Real-Time Indian Twins Using CNN Compared with Random Forest
Cervical Cancer Detection: Logistic Regression vs. Neural Network
Utilizing InceptionV3 for Categorizing Cervical Spine Fractures and Assessing Accuracy Against a Convolutional Neural Network
Comparison of Superpixel and Correlation Based Segmentation for Improved WBC Segmentation in Microscopic Images
An Optimistic K-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm for Detecting Brain Stroke in Comparison with Logistic Regression Algorithm to Improve the Accuracy
Evaluating the Performance of AlexNet and SVM for Tourism Recommendation
Improving the Processing Speed of Task Scheduling in Cloud Computing Using the Resource Aware Scheduling Algorithm over the Max-Min Algorithm
Evaluation of Multi-Channel N-gram Convolutional Neural Network for Improved Tweet Analysis Accuracy
Enhancing QoS in 5G IoT with CNN and Blockchain Security vs. Deep Reinforcement Learning
Forecasting Cost-Push Inflation with LASSO over Ridge Regression
Designing of ALU Block for RISC-V-Based Processor Core with Low Power
Assessing Accuracy in Diagnosing Narcissistic Personality Disorder with Elastic Net Classifier versus Lasso Regression Classifier
Enhanced Image Restoration Techniques Using Generative Facial Prior Generative Adversarial Networks in Human Faces in Comparison of PSNR with GPEN
Improved Epilepsy Identification with XGBoost vs. Logistic Regression
Comparing T-Shape Isotropic Antennas on Kevlar and FR4 Substrates for Enhanced Gain
Accurate Analysis of Voice Disorder Using ResNet-50 Algorithm in Comparison with ResNet-18 Algorithm
Assessment of Power Consumption Using a Single Edge Triggering Flip Flop versus a Clocked CMOS Flip Flop
Improving Email Spam Prediction with Novel Recurrent Neural Network versus Logistic Regression
An Approach for Finding Anthropogenic Prediction Using Novel Cluster Analysis Technique over Exploratory Approach Based on Accuracy
Analysis of Human Emotion via Speech Recognition Using Viola Jones Compared with Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) Algorithm with Improved Accuracy
Comparative Analysis of K-Nearest Neighbours Algorithm and Naive Bayes Algorithm for Prediction of Storm Warning
Detecting Postpartum Depression Stages in New Mothers: A Comparative Study of Novel LSTM-CNN vs. Random Forest
Prediction of Sepsis Using Light Gradient-Boosting Machine Classifier in Comparison with Adaboost Classifier Based on Accuracy
Quantitative Smart Marketing Analysis Using Glove Vectors: A Boom Sonar Performance Comparison
Detection of Malicious Applications Using YOLO V3-Spatial Pyramid Pooling over Optical Character Recognition for Computing Access Time
Hybrid Learning System-Based Dental Caries Detection in X-Ray Images: Comparing Accuracy with Support Vector Machine
Enhancing the Quality of Fog/Mist Images by Comparing the Effectiveness of Kalman Filter and Adaptive Filter for Noise Reduction
Comparing Novel Recurrent Neural Networks with Artificial Neural Networks for Predicting Mental Depression from Online Video Gaming
Precise Portfolio Optimization Based on Novel Modern Portfolio Theory Using Time Series Model Compared with LASSO Regression
Simulating a Novel SIW Bow-Tie Antenna and Comparing Return Loss and Gain Performance with SIW Slot Antenna for X Band Applications
Comparison of RF Characteristics of a Novel OCSRR Embedded Triangle Antenna with a Triangle Slot Antenna for L-Band Applications
Enhancing Cognitive Radio Network Design with New Energy Detection versus Pilot and Radio-Based Techniques
Soft Spoken Murmur Analysis Using Novel Random Forest Algorithm Compared with Convolutional Neural Network for Improving Accuracy
Implementing an Efficient Speed Bump Detection System Using Adaptive Threshold Gaussian over Support Vector Machine for Improved Detection
A Comprehensive Analysis of Medical Image Fusion Techniques: A Detailed Review
Physical Security and Sustainability of Data Centers
Fast Encryption Scheme with Logic Gate and Linguistic Algorithm
Detection of Context-Dependent Lexical Information from Unstructured Data Using Word Embeddings Based on Machine Learning: An Assessment
Performance Evaluation of Context-Dependent Lexical Information Normalization Using Word Embedding Techniques
Efficient Term Frequency Inverse Document Frequency Method for Homonym Word Detection Using Concept-Based Similarity Measures
Concept Based Clustering Approach for Efficiency Evaluation for Homonym Words Identification
Mathematical Modeling and Optimization of System Parameters of Feed Plant Using Machine Learning
Sales Prediction Through Time Series Analysis with Machine Learning
Availability and Behavioral Analysis of Refrigerating Unit in Milk Plant with Scheduling: A Case Study of Milk Plant Rohtak
Pál Type Interpolation Problems with Additional Value Nodes
Job Block Scheduling in a Two-Stage, No-Idle Flow Shop with Job Weighting to Reduce Total Machine Rental Costs
Reliability and Availability Analysis of Non-Markovian Single Unit Redundant System with Server Failure
Improving Classification Accuracy in Using Evolutionary Decision Tree Filtering in Big Datasets
Providing Personalized E-Learning Content Services by Adapting to Multiple Feedback Using Mobile Agents
Some Fixed-Point Results of A-Admissible Mappings in Partial Cone Metric Spaces over Banach Algebra
Using C4.5 Algorithm in Classification of Asthma in Children for Suggesting Best Possible Treatment
Reimagining the Future World with “Metaverse”
Advanced Technology for ATM Theft Avoidance System Using Random PIN Generation
A Multi-Keyword Searchable Encryption Scheme Based on Probability Trapdoor over Encryption Cloud Data
Assessing the Role of Cloud Computing in Ransomware Attacks and Digital Forensics Investigations
Cryptographic Puzzles Based Data Transmission and Detecting Jamming Attacks in Wireless Networks
Blockchain Based Outsourced Storage Schema in Untrusted Environment
Cryptography Analysis Through Hybrid Model Algorithm
Blockchain Technology Application for Electronic Voting Systems
Chat Application Using Mern Stack
Nymble: Blocking Misbehaving Client in Anonymizing Networks
Optimizing Dynamic Multi-Agent Performance in E-Learning Environment
Public Opinion Contract Purchase Stream Care Account Display Customer Dependency
Revolutionizing Efficiency in Smart Manufacturing Through IoT and Predictive Maintenance
Prediction of Breast Cancer Using Classification Algorithms
Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) Performance in on-Premises and Cloud Based SIEM: A Survey
Smart Expense Tracking System Using Machine Learning
Stock Management Using Artificial Intelligence
Towards an Efficient Deep Learning Approach for Crop Recommendation
Web Based Emergency Directory
Crime Types and Occurrence Using Machine Learning Algorithm
Effective Data Management Using Iterative Approach in Data Systems
Sum Divisor Cordial Labelling of Sunflower Graphs
Support Vector Machine for Crop Yield Prediction Towards Smart Agriculture
Prediction of Student Academic Performance in Higher Education Institutions Using Data Mining
Some Fixed-Point Results on N_b-Cone Metric Spaces
Fog Computing's Multi-Layer Approach for Instance Data Protection on the Cloud
Machine Learning Techniques for Analysing Students Feedback Towards Quality Management in Higher Education
PCA-SVM Enabled Intelligent Intrusion Detection System for Detection of DDoS and Botnet Attack in Social Web of Things
Proposed Way to Inculcate Morality in Artificial Intelligence
Time Fractional Radon Diffusion Equation and Crank Nicholson Finite Difference Algorithm
An Overview and Analysis of Android Malware
Locating a Missing Person Using an Optimized Face Recognition Algorithm
Accelerating Federated Learning Within a Domain with Heterogeneous Data Centers
Diabetes Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithms
Resource Load Balancing on Cloud Infrastructure for Subscriber Management in Comparison with Raw Unbalanced Data for Calculation of Energy Consumption
Detection of Bone Fractures in Upper Extremities Using XceptionNet and Comparing the Accuracy with Convolutional Neural
Comparison of AlexNet Algorithm with DenseNet Algorithm for Aquatic Debris Detection on Ocean Surfaces
Accurate Prediction of Object Classification Based on Patterns Using Linear Regression in Comparison with Enhanced K-Nearest Neighbor
Evaluate the Tweet Analysis with Improved Accuracy Using Multi Channel N-gram Convolutional Neural Network Model over Naive Bayes Model
An Accurate Approach to Classify Real Time Indian Twins Using SVM and Compare the Performance over Logistic Regression
Advancing Disease Diagnosis: Machine Learning for Accurate Prediction and Early Detection
Urban Growth Modelling Based on CA-Markov Approach on Bengaluru India
Analysis and Forecast of Influencing Factors of House Price in Boston
Butterfly and Moth Image Recognition Based on Residual Neural Network
Comparative Analysis of Image Classification Algorithms Based on Traditional and Advanced Convolutional Neural Networks
Heart Disease Prediction Based on the Random Forest Algorithm
A Study of the Images Classification on the CIFAR10 Dataset Based on CNNs
The Prediction and Analysis of Hyper-Parameter for Stock Market Prediction Based on GRU
Facial Emotion Recognition and Impact Analysis of Iteration Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
The Analysis of Hidden Units in LSTM Model for Accurate Stock Price Prediction
The Generation and Analysis of Art Image Based on Generative Adversarial Network
The Comparison and Analysis of Different Large Language Models in Text Summarization Task
Image-to-Image Translation Based on CycleGAN: From CT to MRI
DragGAN-Based Emotion Image Generation and Analysis for Animated Faces
Dogs Emotion Recognition and Parameter Analysis Based on EfficientNet with Transfer Learning
Application and Analysis of the VGG16 Model in Facial Emotion Recognition
Mortality Prediction of Diabetes and Parameter Analysis Based on Joint EDA and SVM
The Recognition and Analysis of Pet Facial Expression Using DenseNet-Based Model
The Prediction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Parameter Analysis Based on the LSTM
Real-Fake Face Detection Based on Joint Multi-Layer CNN Structure and Data Augmentation
Analysis of Residual Block in the ResNet for Image Classification
Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Models in Predictive Analytics for Residential Energy Consumption
An Analysis Research of White Wine Quality Using Three Machine Learning Models
Comparative Study on Coronary Heart Disease Prediction Using Five Machine Learning Models
A Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms for National Basketball Association (NBA) Most Valuable Player (MVP) Vote Share Prediction
Automated Diabetes Diagnosis Using Machine Learning: A Comprehensive Study
A Study on a Hybrid CNN-RNN Model for Handwritten Recognition Based on Deep Learning
Stacking Ensemble Learning Approach for Credit Rating of Bank Customers
Machine Learning Utilized in Prognosis of Hypertension
Research on Student Mental Health Problems Based on Machine Learning Method
Multivariate Statistical Analysis of the Impact of Educational Input on Economic Growth in the EU
Analysis of Influencing Factors of Stock Return Rate
NBA Player Score Prediction Based on Machine Learning
Statistical Analysis of Typhoons in China and the Western Pacific Ocean
Regression Models for Bike Rental Prediction Based on External Factors
Customer Churn Prediction: An Empirical Research of Telecommunications Service Provider in the United States
Clinical Record Analysis of Heart Failure Identification of Key Features and Disease Prediction
Research on E-Commerce Platform Product Image Recognition Based on ResNet Network
Super-Resolution Analysis of Animal Images Based on ESRGAN Model
Effect Analysis of Loss Function for Image Super-Resolution Based on Improved ESRGAN
A Joint Gated Convolution Technique and SN-PatchGAN Model Applied in Oil Painting Image Restoration
The Analysis of Image Inpainting Based on Pix2Pix Model and Mix Loss
Machine Learing-Based Heart Disease Prediction: Insights and Comparative Analysis
Pre-Diagnosis of Heart Disease Based on Basic Health Information
Analysis of Common Indicators and Unidentified Factors of Heart Disease Based on Two Machine Learning Models
Detection for Malicious Network Traffic Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
The Investigation of Deep Learning Applications in Edge Networks
The Investigation of Malware Detection Model Construction Based on Deep Learning Algorithms
Evaluation on Malicious URL Detection with Different Features Based on Various Machine Learning Algorithms
The Investigation of Packet Header Field Importance on Malware Classification Following Nprint Processing
Evaluating ARIMA and LSTM Approaches for Predicting S&P 500 Index Movements: A Comparative Analysis
Study for Urals Oil Price Based on ARIMA Model
Prediction of the Global Stomach Cancer Mortality in 2024
Short-Term Metro Daily Passenger Flow Prediction Using Machine Learning
Prediction of the Probability of Stroke Based on the Random Forest
Optimal Modelling of Stroke Probability Prediction Through Machine Learning
Pre-Owned Car Price Prediction Using Machine Learning Techniques
Enhancing Directional Accuracy in Stock Closing Price Value Prediction Using a Direction-Integrated MSE Loss Function
Weather Forecast Analysis Based on ARIMA Model: A Case Study of Stockholm
Forecasting Nasdaq Price Index: A Comparative Study of Regression and Time Series Analysis
A Feature-Engineered ARIMA-SARIMA Hybrid Model for Stock Price Prediction
Evaluating the Directional-Weighted Mean Absolute Error in Long Short-Term Memory Models for Stock Price Prediction
Apple Classification Based on HOG, KNN and SVM
Classification of GALAXY, QSO, and STAR Based on KNN and PCA
Classification of Fruits Based on CNN, SVM and PCA
Classification of Fruits Based on Convolutional Neural Networks
Fruit Image Classification Based on SVM, Decision Tree and KNN
Character Personality Prediction Based on Deep Learning Algorithm MBTI
Prediction of Heart Attack on Random Forest and Logistic Regression
Joint SMOTE and Random Forest for Heart Disease Prediction and Characterization
Comparative Analysis and Prediction of Malignant Tumor Mortality in China Based on LSTM Models
Towards Adversarially Robust AI-Generated Image Detection
An Analysis of Different Machine Learning Algorithms for Personality Type Predictions Based on Social Media Posts
Stock Prediction Based on Principal Component Analysis Principal Component Analysis and Long Term Short Term Memory
Designing an Artificial Cooking Machine for Enhanced Cooking Experience
Real-Time 3D Reconstruction Based on Single-Photon LiDAR for Underwater Environments
Free-Form Mask in Image Inpainting with GC-PatchGAN for High-Resolution Natural Scenery
A ResNet and U-Net Hybrid Discriminator Based on GANs for Facial Images Inpainting
Critical Illness Insurance Pricing and Markov Optimization Model: Based on the Analysis of Severe Malignancies in China
Face Image Super-Resolution Reconstruction Based on the Improved ESRGAN
Analysis of the Factors Influencing Streaming Video Services' Business Performance
Research on the Influencing Factors of College Students' Academic Achievement Based on the Correlation Test Approach
Visual Analysis of the Development of China's Tourism Industry in the Past Five Years
Forecasts and Analyzes of China's Birth Rate
Exploratory Data Analysis and Machine Learning Models for Stroke Prediction
The Effect of E-Service Quality in Taking Container Units on Customer Loyalty Moderated by Customer Satisfaction of Container Modification CV. Kay Alor Sejahtera North Jakarta
Virtual Communication Patterns in the Genshin Impact Online Game Community: Descriptive Study of the 4NEMO Player Group
Tax Consultant Competency in the Digital Era
Implementation of the Integrated Population Information Service System (Sipenduduk) Program in Pekanbaru City
Digital Marketing Moderation on the Influence of Brand Awareness and Product Excellence on Buying Interest at PT. Parit Padang Global Jakarta
Advantages of TikTok Shop Compared to Other Social Media
Benefits of Using a Payment Gateway
Towards a Golden Indonesia 2045: Transforming 21st Century Skills Education
Brain Drain Issue of Indonesia to Singapore: Do Digital Media and Internet Play a Role in Stimulating It?
Interpersonal Communication Strategies of the Coach in Improving the Performance of Satria Podomoro Lions Jakarta Basketball Athletes
Dynamo Effects of Digital Marketing: Catalysing Dual Impact on Post – Covid Tourism and Banking Sales
The Use of TikTok Ads as Digital Marketing Strategy to Increase Product Sales at PT Hongzhou Official
The Moderating Role of Brand Image in the Impact of Product Quality and Product Variety on Purchase Interest
Black African American Racism: Ethical or Political Issue in America? (as Depicted on America’s Most Popular News Portal During May-June 2020)
Implementation of the JakEVO Application to Facilitate Public Services in Koja Sub-Distric
Initiatives in Reviving the Free Open Source Software Based Learning for Control System Engineering Education
The Influence of Digital Marketing and Sales Promotion on Repurchase Intention with Customer Trust as a Moderating Variable
Benefits of Building a Startup in the Era of Digitalization
Village-Owned Enterprises as an Effort to Empower Community in Segaramakmur Village Bekasi
Implementing Justice for Children in Conflict with the Law: Philosophical Aspects of Living Law
Design and Construction of a Wave Power Plant in the Coastal Region of North Jakarta
Communication Patterns of TVOZ Squad in the Mobile Legends Bang-Bang Game in the Ganjar Youth Tournament
Car Parking Space Detection Using YOLOv8
Systematic Review: Drug Interactions in the Treatment of Hypertension with Diabetes Mellitus
The Influence of Online Customer Reviews on Shopee on the Brand Image of Jaya Sari Houseware Online Shop
Overview of Medication Compliance in MDR-TB Patients in Jambi Province
Implementation of Occupational Safety and Health Management System Policy by Pt Hutan Sawit Lestari in Tualan Hulu District Central Kalimantan Province
Numerical Study of Anchored Piles Using Geostudio Sigma/W Modeling
Vehicle and Parking Space Detection for Smart Parking Systems Using the YOLOv5 Method
Testing Simulation in the River of Archimedes Screw Turbine on the Cilember River in Bogor Using SolidWorks Software
Implementing Public Transportation Policies by Train and the Dilemma of Commuter Line Imports on Providing for the Demands of the People in Jabodetabek
A Critical Thinking of Antipsychotic Medication and Side Effects Schizophrenia Patients
Analysis of Reduced Performance of 7.5 kW Hydraulic Pump Motor on Telescopic Spreader Quayside Container Crane (QCC)
Systematic Review: Evaluation of Treatment in Cardiac Patients
QR Cross: Border in Increasing Financial Integration in ASEAN
IoT-Based Automatic Plant Watering System with the Blynk Application
Development of Legal Aspects in the Beauty and Care Products Industry
Community Satisfaction Index of Kebon Kosong Sub-District for Enforcement of Health Protocols Carried out by the Civil Service Police Unit of Kemayoran District
New Media for Business: Study of Google My Business Utilization for Local Business in Banyumas Regency
Indonesian Public Diplomacy Through the Conference Gala Dinner High Level (Summit) G20 Bali 2022
Auditor Competency to Conduct Remote Audits
Mini Review: Impact of Polypharmacy Treatment on Geriatric Patients
Digitalization of Executive Support Systems for Business and Employee Performance: Analysis of the Quality of Information System and Ease of Use of Information System
A Systematic Review: Evaluation of Treatment for Diabetes Mellitus with Comorbidities Who Have Been Vaccinated Against COVID-19
Utilization of Information Technology in Innovation in the Pharmaceutical and Natural Cosmetics
Mini-Review: Phytochemical Content and Methods of Extraction from Eucheuma Spinosum
Branding Strategy of Kopi Kenangan Mantan, so It Becomes the First Unicorn F&B Company in Southeast Asia
Legal Arrangements for Sustainable Development of Human Resources in the Framework of the Welfare of the Indonesian People
Positive and Negative Impact of Legal Digitalization in Indonesia
Implementation of Disaster Mitigation Policy for Residential Fires in the City of Banjarmasin
Implementation of Clinical Pathways for Pediatric Patients with Acute Diarrhea and Their Therapy Management in a Hospital Setting: A Systematic Literature Review
The Influence of Influencer Reviewers and Electronic Word of Mouth on Product Purchase Decisions with Digital Marketing as a Moderating Variable
Opiate Abuse: A Review of the Combined Use of Opioids and Benzodiazepines
A Decision Tree Combination from REP-Random in Creating a Rule to Determine Palm Oil Predictions Using FIS Tsukamoto
Legal Implications of Using National Identity Number (Nomor Induk Kependudukan - NIK) as Taxpayer ID (Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak - NPWP) in the Indonesian Tax System
Benefits of the Paylater Payment Method as a Transaction Tool in E-Commerce
Comparison of Performance Multistage H-Type Darrieus Normal and Inverse Vertical Axis Wind Turbine with CFD Analysis
Southern Philippine Migrants in Bitung City: Characteristics and Causative Factors
Corrosion Rate of A36 Plate with Zinc Anode and Combination of Zinc Anode with Continuous Direct Current
Therapeutic and Clinical Outcome Evaluation Cefazoline as a Prophylactic Antibiotics in the Central Operating Room in a National Hospital West Jakarta Period October – December 2022
Impact of Metabolic Syndrome Screening and Education on Cardiovascular Disease Risk Magnitude
Evaluation of Tuberculosis Treatment Results in Comparison of Indonesia and Neighboring Countries
Analysis of the Implementation of SMKK (Construction Safety Management System) Based on the Regulation of the Minister of PUPR No.10/2021 on the Construction Project of Coastal Safety Development
Benefits of Using Mass Rapid Transit in Jakarta
Differences in Pre-Post Hemodialysis Hemoglobin Levels on Erythropoietin Alpha and Beta Administration: A Systematic Review
Evaluating Clinical Pharmacy Services Relationship with the Level of Patient Satisfaction at Community Health Center in Tangerang Regency, Indonesia
Design and Implementation of IoT Technology of a Smart Campus with Visual Simulation Tool
Systematic Review: The Effect of ARI Recurrence on Unhealthy Lifestyles
Mini Review: Extraction Method and Phytochemical Content of Padina sp.
Studying the Acceleration of Wound Healing with Channa Striata Extract on Post Sectio Caesarea Patients: Literature Review
Systematic Review: Implementation of Telepharmacy Services for Pharmacies
Mini Review: Toxicity and Antimicrobial Activity of Padina sp.
Prevention and Enforcement of Violence in the Name of Religion to Optimize Indonesia's Demographic Bonus
Design and Construction of an Ice Cubes Machine with Diagonal Blade
Juridical Review of Taking Customer Funds Without Rights Through Electronic Transactions: Study Decision Number 592/Pid.sus/2019/Pn/Jkt.Brt
The Impact of Digitalization on Indonesian’s Living Law and Demographic Bonuses
Legal Politics as a Component for Improving the Minimum Service Standard for Early Childhood Education in Indonesia
Theoretical Concepts on Adapting to the Digitalization of International Trade in Penetrating Foreign Markets Through Indonesia's Demographic Bonus Potential
Education of Energy Engineers in the Context of Lifelong Learning
Education for the Future in Philosophy of Professor Bogdan Suchodolski
The Value Aspect of Student Youth Perception of Space and Time Categories
Cadets’ Psychological Readiness Formation Program in the National Guard of Ukraine to Use Firearms in Professional Spheres
Precedent Phenomena of Culture: Translation and Linguo-Didactic Barriers and Ways of Overcoming Them
Applying the Content-Based Instruction Approach to Vocabulary Acquisition for Students of English for Specific Purposes
International School of Young Scientists as a New Form of Professional Scientific Growth of Educational Institutions of Higher Military Education of Ukraine
Competitiveness of National Higher Education Institutions in the International Market of Educational Services: The Case of Ukraine
English Teaching and Learning Strategies and Tactics for Tertiary Education
Prevention of Shopaholism in Students of Higher Education Institutions
Inquiry-Based Learning in the Study of Chemical Disciplines by Food Technologies Students
Approaches to the Blended Learning Organisation
The Use of Miro While Formation of Communicative Competence of Future Ship Engineers
Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceptions on Implementing the Trauma-Informed Approach in Educational Institutions
Usage of Satellite Navigation Technologies in Schools Around the World
Experimental Verification of Using Augmented Reality Technology for Teaching Global Reading to Preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorders
A Comprehensive Framework for Assessing Scientific Research Effectiveness Among Academic and Research Staff
Transgressiveness, Innovation, and Readiness of the Modern Teacher for Change
The Architectural and Artistic Strategy of Ecologization as a Mental-Spatial Way of Realizing the Sustainable Development Goals
“Branding Theory, Design and Identity” Course Teaching Experience for Modern IT Specialists
3D Virtual Model Simulation: Applications for Dento-Facial Deformities
Accessibility to Care Through Telemedicine: The Case of the Province of Al Haouz
Impact of Artificial Intelligence-Assisted Pathology on Patient Healthcare: Literature Review
Users Satisfaction with Electronic Health Records: Experience of the Rheumatology Department at CHU Ibn Rochd of Casablanca
An Epistemological Approach to Risk Assessment in Pharmacovigilance and Mitigation Through Artificial Intelligence
Digitalizing the Pharmaceutical Logistics in Healthcare Units: The Case of a Public Hospital
M-Health: Development of a Mobile Application for Therapeutic Education of Patients in Clinical Hematology
Accessibility of e-Government Websites in Italy: The User Experience of People with Disabilities
Procedures for Educational Work in the Formation of Professional Qualifications
Factors Forming the Basis of National Spiritual Culture
Customer Attachment as the Key Factor for the Sustainability and Growth of Unorganized Indian Kirana Shops
Theoretical Perspectives on the Genesis of the Dari Language
Exploring Phraseologisms Formed with Somatisms in the Turkish Language
Significance of Developing Skills in Scientific Literature for Professional Education of Future Specialists
Addressing Scientific and Methodological Challenges in Developing Next-Generation Literature Textbooks
Exploring World Literature Through Artistic Evolution: Depicting the Essence of Homeland
Online Class as One of the Forms of Distance Teaching of a Foreign Language at a University
Fundamentals and Prospects of Strategic Partnership Development of Central Asia and Japan
Legal Normative Foundations of Increasing Social and Political Activity of Women in Uzbekistan
Utilising Modern Technologies for Athlete Selection in Artistic Gymnastics
The Utilization of Technical Means in Language Teaching at Universities
Empirical Analysis of Financial Inclusion: Case Study of Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh
The Theme of Motherhood in the Novel «Zuleikha Opens Eyes» by Guizel Yakhina
India and BRICS: An Analysis of Challenges Faced by India Amid Russia-Ukraine War
From the History of Higher Musical Education in Uzbekistan During the Period of Independence
Impact of Digital Marketing on Youth’s Purchasing Behavior
Examining the Timurid Manuscripts in the Treasury of Uzbekistan’s Institute of Oriental Studies
Improvement of Pedagogical Mechanisms of Integration of Education
Analysing the Relationship Between Security and Migration Categories
Formation of Mathematical Thinking Competence in Students as a Scientific Pedagogical Issue
Exploring Abu Raykhan Beruni's Scientific Paradigm and Ontological Dialectics
Khoja Ahmad Yasavi and the Evolution of Tasawwuf
Political Endeavors of Mustafa Shokay and Ahmed Zaki Validii in Turkestan's Landscape
The Relationship Between the Brain, Mind, and Personal Identity in Philosophy of Mind
Sentiments in the Reader's Emotional Landscape: The Emerging Role of Young School Literature
The Aesthetic Ideal of Individuals and Its Significance in Philosophical Understanding
Pakistan's Approach to Security in South Asia
Suffixal Derivation in French and Uzbek Languages
Interactive Methods of Teaching Students Oral Speech in the Credit Module System
Understanding the Dynamics of Media Text and Mediatext Translation in Media Linguistics
Language in Society: Understanding Sociolects and Speech Patterns
Exploring Sociolinguistic Awareness in ESL Learning: A Focus on Uzbekistan
The Legal Framework of Intellectual Property Rights in Relation to Human Rights
Cognitive Linguistics: Exploring the Interplay Between Language and Thought
Innovation as a Pillar for Social Progress: A Comprehensive Exploration
Predicative Prepositions: Syntax-Semantics Interplay in Combinations
Critical Assessment of the Text Akida by Abu Jafar Takhav
Thematic Classification of Phraseological Expressions in Italian
Digital Payment Dynamics in Gig Economy Integration
Exploring Educational Needs: Insights from Tourism Student Analysis
Media Activity Theory: Impact on Journalism Education, News Production, and Consumption in the Digital Age
Legal Basis of Political Party: Concept, Types, Tasks and Activity
Pragmatic Insights into English Poetry: A Holistic Analysis
Effective Methods of Enhancing the Writing Competence of Law Students
Legal and Socio-Political Term Translation in Medieval Old Uzbek Texts
The Importance of Physics Terminology Translation
Thematic Groups of Legal Terms in Uzbek and German Languages
Linguopsychological Characteristics of Children's Quasidological Speech
Pragmatic and Linguistic Peculiarities of Medical Discourse in English and Uzbek Languages
The Essence of Equivalents of Uzbek Phraseological Units in Russian Speech
Educational Strategies for Diverse Learners: A Comparative Analysis of French School Systems
Digital Convergence and Print Media: A Study on Perception, Impact and Innovation in India
Paraphrasing and Related Concepts: Exploring Similarities and Variations
Cognitive Analysis of E-Commerce Adoption Factors in Small and Medium Enterprises
Students' English Language Under Blended Learning Customizations
Advancing Ties: Uzbekistan's Relationship Development with UNESCO
Legal Consciousness and Legal Culture: Foundations for Democratic Renewal and Societal Development in Uzbekistan
Organizational and Economic Mechanism of Human Capital Formation
Social and Economic Management of Pine Leaves
Tourism Activities in Preschool Educational Organizations and Their Impact on Children's Development
Unravelling the Impact of Adolescent Social Media Usage on Parental Interaction and Physical Well Being: A Comprehensive Study
Structural Semantic Analysis of Lexical Units in English and Uzbek Texts Related to the Field of Entrepreneurship
Systematic Semantic Analysis of Texts
Cultivating Contemporary Professional Personnel: Evaluating Higher Education Standards and Reform Measures for Enhancement
Alisher Navoi Author's Corpus: Relevance, Necessity and Significance
The Intersection of Multimedia and Child Speech Development
Exploring the Linguistic Features of English Children’s Folklore
The Factors of Wise Use of Religious Values in Providing Spiritual Life
Linguistic Nuances of Transport Abbreviations in the English Language in Comparison with the Uzbek Language
Organizational and Legal Foundations: Ensuring International Harmony and Religious Tolerance
Characteristics of Lexico-Semantic Integration of English Loaned Tourism Vocabulary in Uzbek
Learner-Centric Approaches: The Effectiveness of the Seven-I Framework
Recommendations for Illustrative Examples of Terminology Related to Astronomy in Explanatory Dictionaries
Zahiriddin Muhammad Bobur: Scientist Encyclopedist
Legal Strategies for Increasing Women's Political and Social Involvement in Uzbekistan
Values as a Systematic Structure: A Socio-Cultural Perspective
Cost Effective and Economic Management of Solid Waste in a City
A Critical Analysis of Software Education in India for Undergraduate Students
Analysing Healthcare App Satisfaction: Predictive Analytics Using Stepwise Regression to Identify Key Factors
CRM Strategies in Commercial Banks: Fostering Long-Term Customer Relationships
Cultivating Listening Skills of Law Students in English Classes
A Descriptive Study on Productivity of Generation Z Employees in Call Centers of Bhopal
Scientific and Pedagogical Foundations of the Project Method in Robotics
Specific Characteristics of Formation of Attitude Motivation Related to Study Activity in Primary Class Students
Worker Perspective: Lean Marketing's Strategic Enhancement
Opportunities to Ensure Competitiveness Through the Improvement of Higher Education Institutions Quality
Optimizing Construction Management: Strategies for Productivity and Growth in Uzbekistan
Optimising Professional Development of Pedagogy Students through Socio-Psychological Training and Environmental Education Enhancement
Formation and Development of Computer and Internet Jargons
Approaches to Enhancing Written Communication Skills in Uzbek Language Instruction for Students
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Teaching Russian in Non-Linguistic Contexts
Globalization, SMEs, and Digitalization: The Role of Marketing and Entrepreneurial Behavior
The Development of Medicine in Central Asia During the Renaissance
Digital Strategies and Financial Success in Tourism Enterprises
The Concept and Specificity of Publicistic Style
The Significance of Colour in Visual Communication: An Analytical Study
Pragmatic Features of Interrogative Sentences in the Uzbek Language
Contradictory Constructs: Oxymorons and Antonymic Vocabulary
Electric Vehicles in Karnataka: Consumer Insights and Trends
Color Lexemes in Context: Cognitive and Cultural Explorations
Analysing the Impact of Climate Indicators on Agricultural Crops in the Specific Context of the Bakhmal District
Automated Algorithmic Systems: Organization and Implementation Guidelines
Elimination of Risks in Tourism Using Historical Experience of Countries
Critical Factors in E-Commerce Adoption by Construction SMEs
The Art of Eloquence: Developing Speaking Competence
Systematics of Phraseological Units in Languages
Investigating Productive Word Formation Patterns in Verbs Across Russian and Uzbek Languages
Uzbek Texts Sentiment Analysis: Database Development
Baburnama: Translational Tones Across Languages
Emotional-Behavioural Traits and Their Impact on Altruistic Development in Individuals
Exploring the Classification, Dynamics, and Control Measures of Landslide Processes in the Charvak Free Tourist Zone
The Role of Objectivity, Graduality, and Succession in Historical-Cultural Heritage Management
Mapping Ideological and Aesthetic Landscapes in Iranian Short Stories Today
A Critical Analysis of the Enduring Nature of Family Relationships in Civil Society
Terminological Abbreviations in Tourist Policing: A Bilingual Perspective
Humanity and Philosophy in the Works of Farabi
Natural Conditions of the Jizzakh Region and Their Role in the Development of Ecological Tourism
Significance of Precedent Units in Uzbeki and English Languages
Psycholinguistic Terms: Anglicisms in the Speech of Russian Learners
Optimizing Learning: Computer Technology in Medical Education
Emergence Stages and Derivative Characteristics of Hippological Terms Used in the Field of Holidays in the Uzbek Language
Knowledge of Students on the History of Their Territories and Formation of Spiritual Viewpoint
An Ecological Perspective on Healthy Nutrition as a Component of Health Attitude
Architectural Landscapes: Key to Tourism Infrastructure
Eco-Active Learning: Sports Pedagogy and Environmental Education Synergy
Exploring Eco-Friendly Uzbek: Linguistic Evolution and Sustainability
Genre Originality and Linguistic Features of Fantasy
Linguistic Analysis of National Novels with Divine Motifs by Chingiz Aitmatov and Uzbek Authors
Online Learning Evolution: Adaptive Systems Leading Education's Future
Insights into the Bitter Truths of Khushhol Khan Khatak
Utilizing Wind and Solar Energy to Mitigate Desertification in Mountainous Landscapes
Historical, Ethnological, Philosophical Aspects and Methodology of Research of Family Traditions and Values of Fergana Valley
Historical Development of Cooperation Relations Between the International Organization UNESCO and Uzbekistan
Psychological Determinants of Stress and Tolerance in Pedagogical Endeavours
The Role of Literary Competences in Teaching the English Language
The Use of Projective Techniques in Ecological Consciousness
Pedagogical Terms and Their Social Nature
Renaissance Philosophers and Their Contributions to the Development of Philosophy
Analysis of the Genre System in Afghan Poetry from the Sixteenth to Seventeenth Centuries
Lexico-Semantic Assimilation: English Tourism Terms in Uzbek Discourse
Utilizing the Responsive University Model for Sustainable Higher Education and Student Civic Engagement
Exploring the Relationship Between Form and Meaning in Linguistic Units
Sociopragmatic Analysis of the Communication Style of Social Network Users
Gender Issues and the Pursuit of Equality or Balance
Development of Logical Picture Thinking in Teaching Chemistry in an Innovative Educational Environment
The Pathways to Achieve Green Economy and the Process of Sustainable Development Goals
The Impact of Financial Crises on the Economy
The Evolution of Language: Neologisms in Russian and Uzbek
The Ethnolinguistic Characteristics of English in Uzbek Languages Regarding the Concept of Time
Green Ambition: Personal Journeys Toward Environmentally Aware Success and Motivation
Principles of Formation in Theatre Buildings and Performances Between the Fifteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
In Nature's Embrace: Abdulla Qahhor's Visionary Works
Analysing the Language of Advertising Discourse in English and American Texts
Translation Mechanisms of Aruz Poetic Measure Bahr from Uzbek into English
The Importance of Exhibition Based Visual Technologies in Education of Children
Analysing Long-Term Dynamics of Zooplankton Abundance in Karakalpakstan Lakes
The Artistry in Uzbek Films Based on the Works of Alisher Navoi
Features of Translating Diplomatic Discourse
Innovative Civil Society Constructs: Beyond Conventionality
Development of Ecological Imagination in the Process of Teaching Text Structure
Exploring Determinants of Organizational Engagement in Supply Chain Management an Integrated Approach: A Comprehensive Literature Review
Uzbekistan's Journey: Transition from Soviet Republic to Independent Nation
Psychometric Techniques in Assessing Environmentally Responsible Behaviour: Profiling Professionals for Propensity to Deviant Behaviour
Exploring Challenges, Limitations and Worldview Impact of the Philosophy of Science
Proverb Representation in Modern Russian: Analysis, Transformation, and Dynamics
The Study of Modern Diplomacy
Tourism Organized in Preschool Educational Organizations and Effect on Childrens Development
Exploring Ancient Silk Road Routes in Uzbekistan Investigating Trade, Culture, and Exchange
Investments, Returns, and Inequality in the Economics of Education
Analysing Collaborative Efforts Between Central Asian Countries and the European Union
Linguistic Devices of Otov in Surkhandarya Dialects
Using World Experience in Accounting
Uzbekistan's Path to Ecological Enlightenment: Cultural Perspectives
Teaching Energy Efficiency: Integrating Servers with Student Engagement
Sustainable Path Forward for the Green Economy in South Korea
A Study of Islamic and Central Asian Influences on the Architectural Heritage of Uzbekistan
Online Education in Uzbekistan: Enhancing Critical Thinking and Transformation
Structural and Semantic Analysis of Social Protection Terms in English and Uzbek Languages
Mapping Diplomacy: Khanate of Khiva and Russian Empire Relations in Focus
Features of Studying Classical Poetry of the East
The Role and Importance of Films in the Study of Historical Processes
A Study on the Artistic Features of Fashion Education in Uzbekistan
A Comparative Analysis of the Impact of Soviet Rule on the Cultural Identity of Uzbekistan
The Formation of State Archives in Uzbekistan: A Historical Overview
Unravelling Discursive Approaches to the Relationship Between Migration and Security
Enhancing Media Literacy and Digital Tool Proficiency Through Practical Exploration of Kahoot and Canva
Strategies for the Sustainable Development and Efficiency Enhancement of Small Enterprises
Examining the Natural Radiation Background in Surkhandarya
Sustainable Development Goals Through the Triad of Green Economy, Growth, and Deal
The Role of Uzbekistan in the Great Game Geopolitical Rivalries and the Central Asian Power Struggle
Scientific and Theoretical Analyses of Pashtun Origins
History of the Formation of Baihua
Methodology for Developing Information-Analytic Competency of Future Primary Class Teachers
Students Independent Work in Credit Module System
Friendly and Peaceful Policy of Uzbekistan
Reality and Fantasy in the Oeuvre of Navoi: A Combination of Interpretation and Analysis
Rubais by Alisher Navoi: Comparative Translation Analysis
Theoretical Aspects of the Study of Relations Between Uzbekistan and Japan
On Measurements of Green Economy: Sustainable Economic Growth, Steady State and Social Discount Rate
Interpretation of Babur Mirza’s Character in the Epic “Kun Va Tun”
Innovative Solutions: Tackling Inertia in Teaching Dynamics
The Economics of Urbanization an Enquiry into Challenges and Strategies for Sustainable Development
Polysemy of Simple Verbs in the Persian Language
Enlightenment Awakening as a Guarantee of a Stable Society
Characteristics of the Shortest Story Genre in Modern Arabic Literature
Traverse the Landscape of Homeland Serenity on a National Expedition, in Pursuit of Inner Bliss and Paradise
Spanish Skills for Tourist Guides: Enhancing Communicative Competence
Problems of Eastern and Western Literary Relations in the Interpretation of Najmiddin Komilov
Strategic Perspectives on South Korean Foreign Policy in Central Asia
E-Commerce Adoption in Developing Markets: SME Perspectives
The Role of Historical Knowledge in the Development of Uzbek Tourism
Pedagogical Innovations for Eco-Awareness
Qualitative Study Approach of Lexical Problems Encountered in the Translation of Small Stories
Issues of Studying Sources Related to Islamic History
Examining the Communication Competence of Psychologists in Professional Settings
Methodology of Toxicometric Evaluation of Acute Poisonings
Artificial Intelligence-Machine Learning Techniques Promoting SDG's: An Exploratory Approach
Exogenic Hazards in Amirsoy Resort Area: Analysis and Mountain Slope Impact
Political and Legal Views of the Jadids of Turkestan
Heritage and Innovation: Cultural Development Challenges in Uzbekistan
International Islamic Organizations as Subjects of International Relations
Agile Workforce: Embracing Digital Evolution
Enhancing Information-Methodical Competence: A Digital Approach for Chemistry Educators
Developing Modern Literature Textbooks: Scientific and Methodological Challenges
Metonymic Analysis of Novels by Abdallah Qadiri
Changes and Conflicts in the Dynamics of Generation Relations in Modern Family Structures in Central Asia
Metaphorical Insights into Human Psychology in Jane Eyre
The Role of Internet Resources in Language Teaching in Higher Education Institutions
The Architecture of Zarafshon Monuments
Breaking Boundaries: Innovative Educational Environments in Medicine
A Focus on Formal Writing Style Standards
Effective Methods of Learning English
Approaches to Classifying Euphemisms
The Impact of Personality Traits on Language Use and Neuroticism
Problems of Teaching the Russian Language in Higher Education
The Economic and Social Benefits of Recycling Used Paper
The Role of Stories in Hayrat Ul-Abror Structure
Selecting Khazoyin ulMaoni Kulliyot for the Corpus of Alisher Navoi's Works
Reducing Poverty Through Small Business Development and Private Entrepreneurship in Uzbekistan
Revealing the Sociolinguistic Environment: Investigation of the Profiles of Business English Learners
The Economic Implications of Increasing Global Connectivity and the Digital Economy
Uzbekistan's Path to Knowledge-Driven Economic Growth
Component and Quality of Pedagogical Skills
National Pride Through Folklore: A Historical Perspective
Feminine Portraits in Baburnama: A Historical Perspective
Ethics of Artificial Intelligence: Exploring the Moral and Social Implications of АI in Contemporary Society
Responsibility and Ecology: Leaders of Progress
Exploring Art, Architecture, and Political Ideology in the Cultural Landscape of Uzbekistan
The Place and Role of China in the New World Order
Use of Electronic Textbooks in Optimizing Processes of Zoology Education
Modern Teachers and Their Pedagogical Skills
Artistic Expression of the Image of Women in Ancient and Medieval Art in Central Asia
Uzbekistan: Correlation Between State, Law, and Morality Explored
Polyfunctional Words: Semantic Analysis and Interpretation
Motivation, Euphemization, and Dysphemization in Uzbek Names and the Factors that Cause Them to Appear
Enhancing Text Formation Techniques for Student Creative Competencies: A Study Inspired by Alisher Navoi's Creativity
Bilingual Lexical Units: Semantic Criteria in Education Dictionaries
Improving Spanish Language Skills in Students Training as Tourist Guides
Effect of Technology-Driven Environment on Indian Millennials: Examining Its Effect on Social Psychology and Authentic Self Representations
Occurrence of English and Uzbek Speech Patterns in Social Network Texts
The Role of the Communicative and Cognitive Consciousness in the Development of National Languages
Identification and Analysis of Factors of Construction Schedule Delays in Indian Construction Industry
Print Media in the Digital Age: Navigating Change and Audience Engagement
Unveiling Figurative Expressions: Exploring Paraphrases & Metaphors
Strategic Assessment for Higher Education Excellence
Phytonym Metaphors: A Comparative Analysis in English and Uzbek
Stability of the Culture of Family Relations in Civil Society
Methodology of Using International Assessment Programs in Developing the Scientific Literacy of Future Teachers
Political Processes and Regional Security of Central Asia
Digital Tools for Independent Learning in Higher Education
In the Footsteps of Magtymguly: Vamberi's Literary Mastery
The Role of Samarkand as a Center of Islamic Scholarship and Cultural Exchange in Medieval Uzbekistan
Soft Power of Qatar in Central Asia
Periodical Press of the Ferghana Valley on the Eve and During the Second World War
The Role of Pedagogy in the Field of Art
Prospects for Interregional Collaboration in Central Asia and Southeast Asia
Architectural Evolution and Developmental Phases of Chayxana Teahouses
Contributions of Central Asian Scientists to the Development of Philosophy
Manifestations of Separatism in Central Asia and Peculiarities of Counteraction
Methods of Comparative Analysis in the Study of Samples of Uzbek and World Literature
Idiolect of Goethe: Syntax Peculiarities in Oral Speech
The Expansion of Global E-Commerce: Globalization's Contributions Analyzed
Tourist Police Activities: Trends in Domain Terminology Development
Field Research on Pasture Vegetation in South Uzbekistan (in Kashkadarya Region Parts)
A Comparative Analysis of Business Perspectives and Marketing Engagement in the Market
Theoretical Prerequisites for the Study of Category of Motivation in the Advertising Text
A Comparative Political Analysis of Political Parties in Uzbekistan and India
Security, Challenges and Solutions of Water Geopolitics in Central Asia
A Distinctive Feature of Yom Sansop’s Work
Analysis of the Current State of Development of Listening Skills in Primary Grades
Exploring the Work, Authorship, and Structural Composition of the Nahjul Farodis
Exploring Artistic and Scientific Thinking in Uzbek Novelists of the Period of Independence
A Comparative Study of Arab and Turkic Mythologies
Linguistic Explication of the Cognitive-Stylistic Features of Phonetic Means in the Category of Intensity
Examining the Relationship Between Work-Life Balance and Motivational Theories: Perspectives of Female Academicians in Private Universities
Approaches to Concept of Foreign Policy
Creation of a Military Administration During the Reign of Amir Shahmurad in the Bukhara Emirate
A Pragmatic Analysis of Deactivated Pronouns in the Korean Linguistic Context
Radiology Technician Radiology Safety Proficiency Evaluation
Works of Painting in Literature Lessons as a Means of Developing Students’ Communicative Competence
Teaching Specialty Language to Non-Philological Students: Key Questions
Historical Context of Professional Speech Formation in Philology Education
Utilizing Google Classroom for Enhancing Professional Growth Among University Educators: A Case Study in Uzbekistan
Themes and Controversies in the Stories of Doctor Seuss for Children
Comparative Analysis of SBI and PNB Banks Using Compound Annual Growth Rate
The Role of Women in Society in 18th-20th Century English and Uzbek Literature
Securing Data Privacy, Preserving Trade Secrets: India Tech
Contemporary Challenges of Work-Life Balance in the IT Sector
Euphemisms: Navigating Meaning Constrictions and Expansions
Impact of Maternal Relationships on Adolescent Social Cognitive Processes
Image of the Lyrical Hero’s Spirit in the Poetry of the Poet
The Historical Significance of Bukhara as a Center of Islamic Civilization in Uzbekistan
Climate Changes in the Aydar Arnasoy Lake System and Its Surroundings
Expression of the National Spirit in English Literature
Abdulla Awlani's Moral Perspectives: Youth as a Key Factor in Education
Implementation of the Museum Shop in Museums of Uzbekistan
Bilateral Ties Between Afghanistan and Turkey and the Impact of Soft Power Policies
The History of the Creation of Museums in Uzbekistan Based on Agricultural and Industrial Exhibitions
Diversity of Genres in the Creation of Fame
Insights into Timurid Period Manuscripts at Uzbekistan's Institute of Oriental Studies
Scientific Theoretical Basis and Methodology of Anthropocentric Research
Multimedia in Teaching Russian Language and Literature Understanding Motivational, Informational, and Control Functions
Objectivity, Graduality, and Succession in Historical and Cultural Heritage
Ideological and Aesthetic Features of Contemporary Iranian Short Stories
Interaction of Turkic Languages in Karakalpakstan
The Impact of Family Relations on Society Development
Evaluating the Diagnostic Potential of Projective Techniques in Personality Studies
Navai’s Lyrics: A New Stage of Eastern Literature
Household Sanitation Inequalities in Flats, Slum Areas, and Residences in Achieving the Criteria for Healthy Housing, Samarinda City
Occupational Health Implication of Covid-19 Layoffs on Airline Ground Staff: Study on Mental Health Effects
A Spatial Analysis of Stunting and Its Determinants in Indonesia
PRECEDE Analysis: Application of GERMAS in the Workplace
The Effectiveness of Watching Video About Adolescent Physical Activity on Physical Activity Levels Among Students at SMPN 39 Samarinda
Effects of Midnight Eating Habits and Sleep Duration on the Incidence of Overnutrition in Adolescents in Medan City
Body Mass Index Students at the Health Sciences Faculty of Prof. Dr. Hamka Muhammadiyah University
UTAUT Model: An Approach to Evaluate the Acceptance of Public Perception on Standard Operating Procedures for Early Initiation of Breastfeeding for Section Caesarea Patients
Implementation of Policies Related to Communication in Efforts to Prevent HIV/AIDS
Nutrition Knowledge During Pregnancy in Malnutrition Pregnancy Women in Bandar Lampung City: A Qualitative Study
Body Image, Physical Activity, Nutrition Knowledge, and Nutritional Status Among Boarding and Non-Boarding Students
Eating Behaviours, Nutritional Status, and Body Composition Among Nutritional College Students in Indonesia Metropolitan Cities
Antioxidant Analysis in Drinks of Guava, Lemon, Melon, and Beet Juice Fermented Using Lactobacillus Plantarum
Implementation of Health Information Systems at Health Centres and Health Offices in Ciamis District
Description of High-Risk Pregnancy in North Aceh Regency
The Antidiabetic Effect of Black Glutinous Tapai Beverage in Metabolic Syndrome Rats
The Exploration of Potential Tropical Foods to Prevent Anemia in Adolesscent in Samarinda
Cultural Empowerment of Pregnant Women Becomes the Basis for Forming Behaviors to Improve Body Immunity
How Locus of Control Orientations Affects Individual Nutritional Status: A Literature Review
Association Between Food Insecurity and Obesity Among Indonesian Adolescents
Stress Level, Restrained Eating Behaviour, and Nutritional Status of University Students During the Hybrid Learning Condition
Prevalence of Non-Communicable Disease Risk Factors Among University Employees: A Cross-Sectional Study
Relationship Between Nutritional Status, Food Intake, Nutritional Knowledge, and Family Income with the Incidence of Anemia
Correlation Between the Health of Children Under Five Years and Health Service Readiness at Health Centers in Indonesia: Analysis of Riskesdas 2018 and Rifaskes 2019 Data
Food Safety Practices Among Homemakers During Covid-19 Pandemic in Kuncen Helmet, Banjarnegara District
Tourists’ Perception of Halal Food on Health in Berastagi
Diet Diversity Assessment Among Under Two Children in Srikamulyan Village Tirtajaya District Karawang
Global Intimate Partner Violence Research Development: A Bibliometric Analysis
Vitamin D Levels Among Breast Cancer Patients in a Tertiary Hospital in Lampung, Indonesia
Nutritional Knowledge, Energy Intake, Iron Intake and Nutritional Status of Teenage Girls in Rural and Urban Areas
The Relationship Between Energy Intake, Macro Nutrition, and Other Factors with the Incidence of Obesity in Students of Senior High School 11 South Tangerang
Mother’s Nutritional Knowledge, Posyandu Participation, and Nutritional Status of Children Under Two Years in Tenggarong District, Indonesia
Relationship of Macronutrient Intake and Sedentary Activity with Overweight Status Among Primary School Children in Surabaya
Knowledge and Attitudes of Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Towards the Availability at Home Among Junior High School Students in Bandung
Fluid Consumption, Mood, and Anxiety in Pencak Silat Athletes of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Correlation Between Mothers’s Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice Basic Feeding Rules with Eating Behavior in Preschool Age Children
Factors Influencing Nutritional Status Changes in Wasting Toddlers in the Working Area of Serpong Sub-District Health Center: A Retrospective Cohort Study
Association of Stunted in Early Life and Low Child Development Outcomes: A Retrospective Cohort Study