An Event-Driven Closed-Loop Ultrasound Stimulator Composed of a Micro-Transducer and Multi-Site Electrodes in Vitro
Concentric Ring Tattoo Electrodes for Biosignal Recordings
A POCT to Rapid Detect GBS with Highly Sensitivity
Breast Cancer Detection Using Smart Wearable Devices with Thermal Sensors
Biodegradable Biodevices: A Design Approach Based on Cellular Automaton
Machine Learning-Based Smart-Textile for COVID-19 Monitoring
Real-Time Stand-Up Evaluation Using Low-Cost Hardware
Sustainable Printed Electrodes for Energy Harvesting from Urine to Power IoT Sensor Nodes in Smart Diapers
Can Electromyography Alone Reveal Facial Action Units? A Pilot EMG-Based Action Unit Recognition Study with Real-Time Validation
Bioinspired Design and Manufacturing Strategies for next Generation Medical Implants: Trends and Challenges
DKCDF: Dual-Kernel CNN with Dual Feature Fusion for Lung Cancer Detection
Dynamic Characteristic of the Pleural Cavity Pressure Sensor
RehabVisual: Adapting and Testing the Visuomotor Skills Stimulation Platform on Patients with Multiple Sclerosis
Development of an Affordable EMC Immunity Assessment Setup Using Direct Power Injection for Biosignals Instrumentation: Application to ECG Monitoring
Incorporating an Intelligent System Based on a Quantum Algorithm into Predictive Analysis for Screening COVID-19 Patients
Cardiorespiratory Adaptations to Work Volume on an Automobile Assembly Line
Overall Additive Manufacturing of Capacitive Sensors Integrated into Textiles: A Preliminary Analysis on Contact Pressure Estimation
Development of a Machine Learning Based in-Home Physical Activity Monitoring System Using Wrist Actigraphy and Real-Time Location System
Additive Manufacturing of Nitinol for Smart Personalized Medical Devices: Current Capabilities and Challenges
Numerical Modelling and Simulation of a Lab-on-a-Chip for Blood Cells’ Optical Analysis
Experimental Flow Studies in PDMS Intracranial Aneurysms Manufactured by Two Different Techniques
Visualizing, Analyzing and Constructing L-System from Arborized 3D Model Using a Web Application
Magnification Invariant Medical Image Analysis: A Comparison of Convolutional Networks, Vision Transformers, and Token Mixers
3D Nuclei Segmentation by Combining GAN Based Image Synthesis and Existing 3D Manual Annotations
Open Platform for the De-identification of Burned-in Texts in Medical Images using Deep Learning
Characterization and Quantification of Image Quality in CT Imaging Systems: A Phantom Study
Mutually Exclusive Multi-Modal Approach for Parkinson’s Disease Classification
Few-Shot Histopathology Image Classification: Evaluating State-of-the-Art Methods and Unveiling Performance Insights
Performance Review of Retraining and Transfer Learning of DeLTA2 for Image Segmentation for Pseudomonas Fluorescens SBW25
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Medical Images with an Improved Combination of Losses
Automated Classification of Phonetic Segments in Child Speech Using Raw Ultrasound Imaging
Bone-Aware Generative Adversarial Network with Supervised Attention Mechanism for MRI-Based Pseudo-CT Synthesis
Influence of Arterial Occlusion at Various Cuff Pressures on Systemic Circulation Measured by rPPG
Combining Datasets with Different Label Sets for Improved Nucleus Segmentation and Classification
Semantic Textual Similarity Assessment in Chest X-ray Reports Using a Domain-Specific Cosine-Based Metric
Agent Simulation Using Path Telemetry for Modeling COVID-19 Workplace Hazard and Risk
Identification of Bistability in Enzymatic Reaction Networks Using Hysteresis Response
USTAR2: Fast and Succinct Representation of k-mer Sets Using De Bruijn Graphs
Compositional Techniques for Asynchronous Boolean Networks
Deep Learning in Breast Calcifications Classification: Analysis of Cross-Database Knowledge Transferability
Modeling iPSC-Derived Endothelial Cell Transition in Tumor Angiogenesis Using Petri Nets
Evaluating the Performance of Protein Structure Prediction in Detecting Structural Changes of Pathogenic Nonsynonymous Single Nucleotide Variants
Detecting Retinal Fundus Image Synthesis by Means of Generative Adversarial Network
Neural Population Decoding and Imbalanced Multi-Omic Datasets for Cancer Subtype Diagnosis
Predictive Biomarkers in PD-1/PD-L1 Immunotherapy Response: A Machine Learning Approach Using Gene Sequencing Data
Assembling Close Strains in Metagenome Assemblies Using Discrete Optimization
Ki67 Expression Classification from HE Images with Semi-Automated Computer-Generated Annotations
Computational Modeling of Arterial Walls: Evaluating Model Complexity and the Influence of Model Parameters on Deformation Outcomes
Fine-Tuning of Conditional Transformers Improves the Generation of Functionally Characterized Proteins
Particle and Cell Cluster Separation Based on Inertial Effects in Rectangular Serpentine Channels
Biologically-Informed Shallow Classification Learning Integrating Pathway Knowledge
The Interactive Network Visualization of the Interactions Between Topologically Associating Domains in the Genome of Fruit Fly
Deep Learning in Digital Breast Pathology
Formal Analysis of Uncertain Continuous Markov Chains in Systems Biology
SMT: A High-Performance Approach for Counting Kmers
Investigation of Artifact Contamination Impact on EEG Oscillations Towards Enhanced Motor Function Characterization
Classification of Fine-ADL Using sEMG Signals Under Different Measurement Conditions
A Hierarchical Framework for Apnea Detection and Respiration Pace Assessment Using Seismocardiogram Signals
Predicting the Level of Co-Activation of One Muscle Head from the Other Muscle Head of the Biceps Brachii Muscle by Linear Regression and Shallow Feedforward Neural Networks
Characterization of sEMG Spectral Properties During Lower Limb Muscle Activation
Fusion of Machine Learning and Threshold-Based Approaches for Fall Detection in Healthcare Using Inertial Sensors
Centrality of the Fingerprint Core Location
Mapping Seismocardiogram Characteristics to Hemorrhage Status and Vascular Pressure: A Novel Approach for Triage Assessment
Prediction of Oxygen Saturation from Graphene Respiratory Signals with PPG Trained DNN
Evaluation of Gel and Dry Electrodes for EEG Measurement to Compare Their Suitability for Multimodal Workload Detection in Humans
An Insight Into Neurodegeneration: Harnessing Functional MRI Connectivity in the Diagnosis of Mild Cognitive Impairment
Preliminary Results on the Evaluation of Different Feedback Methods for the Operation of a Muscle-Controlled Serious Game
A Comparison of Recurrent and Convolutional Deep Learning Architectures for EEG Seizure Forecasting
Improved PID Control Based on Temperature Compensation for the Incubation Plate of Chemiluminescent Immunoassay Analyzer
Modelling Physiological Sensor Noise to Movement-Based Virtual Reality Activities
Gait Parameter Estimation from a Single Privacy Preserving Depth Sensor
Associating Endpoint Accuracy and Similarity of Muscle Synergies
Integrated Driver Pose Estimation for Autonomous Driving
Assessing Emotion-Induced Variations of Event-Related Potentials and Heart Rate During Affective Picture Processing
Contactless Camera-Based Detection of Oxygen Desaturation Events and ODI Estimation During Sleep in SAS Patients
Cramer-Rao Bound for Dipole Source Localization in Infants Using Realistic Geometry
Performance Comparison of Gyrocardiogram and Seismocardiogram Signals in Valvular Heart Disease Assessment
A New Algorithm for Innervation Zone Estimation Using Surface Electromyography: A Simulation Study Based on a Simulator for Continuous sEMGs
A Word Recognition Paradigm Through EEG Analysis: Imagined Speech Classification
Estimating Skull Thickness of Neonates Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging
ResNet-101 Empowered Deep Learning for Breast Cancer Ultrasound Image Classification
Comfort Assessment Method of EEG-Based Exoskeleton Walking-Assistive Device
Wavelet Based Feature Extraction for Multi-Model Ensemble Approach for Mental Workload Classification Using EEG
Really Can't Hold On Anymore? Physiological Indicators Versus Self-Reported Motivation Drop During Jogging
Spatial-Temporal Visualization Tool for Hospital Support for Infection Spread and Outbreaks
Predictive Models of Ward Admissions from the Emergency Department
A Methodology Based on Subgroup Discovery to Generate Reduced Subgroup Sets for Patient Phenotyping
Decoding Autism Diagnosis: A Journey Towards Transparency with XAI in ML Models
Evaluating Synthetic Data Generation Techniques for Medical Dataset
Comparison Between Graph Databases and RDF Engines for Modelling Epidemiological Investigation of Nosocomial Infections
Identification of Patient Ventilator Asynchrony in Physiological Data Through Integrating Machine-Learning
GAN-Based Data Augmentation for Improving Biometric Authentication Using CWT Images of Blood Flow Sounds
Comparision Through Architectures of Semantic Segmentation in Breast Ultrasound Images Across Differents Input Data Dimensions
Longitudinal Data Analysis Based on Triadic Rules to Describe of the Psychological Reactions During COVID 19 Pandemic
Improving the Instance Selection Method for Better Detection of Depression in Children and Adolescents
Triadic Rules for Analysis of Productive and Well-Being Social in Activity-Based Working Environments
An Android App for Training New Doctors in Mechanical Ventilation
Design and Implementation of a Software System for Surveillance of Antibiotics Concentrations in Wastewater
Comparison of Different Data Augmentation Techniques for Improving Epileptic Seizure Detection Based on 3D Acceleration, Heart Rate and Temperature Data
Sequential Networks for Predicting the Clinical Risk of Chronic Patients Using Drug Dispensation
Leveraging Health Informatics to Enhance Outpatient Chemotherapy Operations Management
Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for Improved Hematologic Cancer Care: Early Diagnosis and Complications’ Prediction
Unpacking the Clinical Burden of Leukemia in GCC: Implications for Patient Care
Apnea Hypopnea Index Estimation from Low-Granularity Overnight Oxymetry Data
e-Consent in Biomedical Research Registries: A GDPR-Compliant Approach Explored in the Context of the Australasian Diabetes Data Network
Skimming of Electronic Health Records Highlighted by an Interface Terminology Curated with Machine Learning Mining
Bed Management System Implementation: Experimental Study
Using Data Mining Techniques to Understand Patterns of Suicide and Reattempt Rates in Southern Brazil
Machine Learning-Based Qualitative Analysis of Human Gait Through Video Features
Unleashing the Potential of Reinforcement Learning for Personalizing Behavioral Transformations with Digital Therapeutics: A Systematic Literature Review
Hyperparameter Optimization Using Genetic Algorithm for Extracting Social Determinants of Health Text
Evaluation of "Speech System" and "Skill": An Interaction Paradigm for Speech Therapy
Monitoring Pain in Patients with Chronic Pain with a Wearable Wristband in Daily Life: A Pilot Study
The Impact of Class Weight Optimization on Improving Machine Learning Outcomes in Identifying COVID-19 Specific ECG Patterns
Application of Formal Concept Analysis to Characterize Driving Behaviors and Socio-Cultural Factors Related to Driving
Process-Aware Analysis of Treatment Paths in Heart Failure Patients: A Case Study
i-SART: An Intelligent Assistant for Safety Analysis in Radiation Therapy
Melanoma Classification Through Deep Ensemble Learning and Explainable AI
Perceptions of Humanoid Robots in Caregiving: A Study of Skilled Nursing Home and Long Term Care Administrators
Enhancing Summarization Performance Through Transformer-Based Prompt Engineering in Automated Medical Reporting
Setting a PACS on FHIR
Strategic Oversight Across Real-World Health Data Initiatives in a Complex Health Data Space: A Call for Collective Responsibility
Synergizing Data Imputation and Electronic Health Records for Advancing Prostate Cancer Research: Challenges, and Practical Applications
Comparative Experimentation of Accuracy Metrics in Automated Medical Reporting: The Case of Otitis Consultations
Automatic Scoring of Shulman's Clock Drawing Dementia Test
Augmentation of Motor Imagery Data for Brain-Controlled Robot-Assisted Rehabilitation
Antibiotic Prescriptions Before, During and after the Corona Pandemic in Schleswig-Holstein with Prescription Data from 2017 till 2023
Chatting for Change: Insights into and Directions for Using Online Peer Support Groups to Interrupt Prolonged Workplace Sitting
A Survey on Usability Evaluation in Digital Health and Potential Efficiency Issues
Technology Support System and Review Process for a Decentralized Clinical Trial: Trials@Home, RADIAL DCT as Case Study
Prediction of Heart Disease Severity Using Hierarchically-Structured Machine-Learning Models with Feature Space Reduction
Stroke Prehospital Decision Support Systems Based on Artificial Intelligence: Grey Literature Scoping Review
Observational Study of a Digital Application to Detect Attachment in Dyads Using Markov Chains
A Type of EEG-ITNet for Motor Imagery EEG Signal Classification
Towards Using Synthetic User Interaction Data in Digital Healthcare Usability Evaluation
Approach and Method for Bayesian Network Modelling: The Case for Pregnancy Outcomes in England and Wales
Evaluation of the Role of the Informatician after Changes in the Legislative Landscape of Women’s Reproductive Health
Evaluating the Viability of Neural Networks for Analysing Electromyography Data in Home Rehabilitation: Estimating Foot Progression Angle
Architectural Design for Enhancing Remote Patient Monitoring in Heart Failure: A Case Study of the RETENTION Project
Underdiagnosed Depression in Older Adults: Analysis of the National Health Survey and Other Aggregate Factors
Evaluating Movement and Device-Specific DeepConvLSTM Performance in Wearable-Based Human Activity Recognition
Naïve Bayes as a Probabilistic Tool for Monitoring the Health Status of Chronic Patients
Exploring the Power of Triple Crown Process Modeling in Healthcare: Sepsis Case
Segmentation and Classification of Dental Caries in Cone Beam Tomography Images Using Machine Learning and Image Processing
Customer Identity Management in Health Insurance with Blockchain Technology: A Literature Review
Quantified Health: A Feasibility Study on a Sensor-Based Feedback and Assistance System in Cardiology, Oncology and Orthopaedics
Assessment of the Relationship Between Attribute Coding and the Interpretability of Machine Learning Models: An Analysis in the Context of Children and Adolescents with Depression
Taking Behavioral Science to the next Level: Opportunities for the Use of Ontologies to Enable Artificial Intelligence-Driven Evidence Synthesis and Prediction
Improving Self-Report Diaries: A Respondent-Centric Design Approach
Safeguarding Ethical AI: Detecting Potentially Sensitive Data Re-Identification and Generation of Misleading or Abusive Content from Quantized Large Language Models
2ViTA-B Cognitive: A Virtual Assistant for Cognitive Rehabilitation
Counting Red Blood Cells in Thin Blood Films: A Comparative Study
Business Intelligence Enhancements to EDC for Clinical Trial Management
Covid-19 Impact on Standard Coding Systems Update
Investigations on Anger Experience with Other Basic Emotions Using Affective Ising Model
An Empirical Analysis of Undergraduate Information Systems Security Behaviors
Image and Text Feature Based Multimodal Learning for Multi-Label Classification of Radiology Images in Biomedical Literature
Answering the Call to Go Beyond Accuracy: An Online Tool for the Multidimensional Assessment of Decision Support Systems
Bridging Gaps in Fracture Rehabilitation: A Mobile Solution Proposal for Comprehensive Recovery
Towards Inclusive Digital Health: An Architecture to Extract Health Information from Patients with Low-Resource Language
A Concept for Daily Assessments During Nutrition Intake: Integrating Technology in the Nursing Process
SynthCheck: A Dashboard for Synthetic Data Quality Assessment
Android App for Symptomatic Monitoring of Cervical Dystonia: Design and Usability Study
Automated Medical Text Simplification for Enhanced Patient Access
Evaluation of the Performance of Wearables’ Inertial Sensors for the Diagnosis of Resting Tremor in Parkinson’s Disease
Are End-Users Participating in the Life Cycle of Healthcare Application Development? An Analysis of the Opportunities and Challenges of the Use of HCI Techniques in the Healthcare Sector
Investigating the Impact of Ventilator Bundle Compliance Rates on Predicting ICU Patients with Risk for Hospital-Acquired Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia Infection in Saudi Arabia
Creative Coding for Dance Movement Therapy in Children with Autism
Com@Rehab: An Interactive and Personalised Rehabilitation Activity Based on Virtual Reality
P2DS: A Holistic Approach to Psychiatric Disease Detection in Community Pharmacies
Coding by Design: GPT-4 Empowers Agile Model Driven Development
Multi-Dimensional Process Analysis of Software Development Projects
A Model-Based Framework for News Content Analysis
Comparative Evaluation of NLP Approaches for Requirements Formalisation
System Architects Are not Alone Anymore: Automatic System Modeling with AI
The Lifecycle of Data Clumps: A Longitudinal Case Study in Open-Source Projects
DecSup: An Architecture Description Language for Specifying and Simulating the Decision Support System Architectures
Fault Tree Reliability Analysis via Squarefree Polynomials
Kant: A Domain-Specific Language for Modeling Security Protocols
Model-Based Assessment of Conformance to Acknowledged Security-Related Software Architecture Good Practices
Qualitative Reasoning and Design Space Exploration
Concept of Automated Testing of Interactions with a Domain-Specific Modeling Framework with a Combination of Class and Syntax Diagrams
AI-Based Recognition of Sketched Class Diagrams
An Analysis and Simulation Framework for Systems with Classification Components
Defining KPIs for Executable DSLs: A Manufacturing System Case Study
On Augmenting Scenario-Based Modeling with Generative AI
Large Language Models in Enterprise Modeling: Case Study and Experiences
A Tool for Modeling and Tailoring Hybrid Software Processes
Single-Sourcing for Desktop and Web Applications with EMF Parsley
MDE-Based Graphical Tool for Modeling Data Provenance According to the W3C PROV Standard
Torque not Work, Representing Kinds of Quantities
Virtual61850: A Model-Driven Tool to Support the Design and Validation of Virtualized Controllers in Power Industry
Constructive Assertions with Abstract Models
MBSE to Support Engineering of Trustworthy AI-Based Critical Systems
Jabuti CE: A Tool for Specifying Smart Contracts in the Domain of Enterprise Application Integration
Model-Driven Methodology for Developing Chatbots Based on Microservice Architecture
Towards a Domain Model for Learning and Teaching
Using Personalised Authentication Flows to Address Issues with Traditional Authentication Methods
Collaborative Computing Paradigms: A Software Systems Architecture for Dynamic IoT Environments
Improvement of Ghost Imaging-OCT High-Resolution Real-Time Imaging
Improving a Compressively Strained Ga x In 1-X N y As 1-Y /GaAs Multiple Quantum Well Lasers for Emitting around 1300 Nm
Biconic Approximation of a Toric Surface
Developing a Sequential Mask Projection Technique for Micro-Lens Generation Using Excimer Laser Micro-Structuring
Machine Learning-Based Disease Severity Prediction in Sickle Cell Patients: Spectroscopic Insights
Optical Characterization of Micro Spiral Phase Plates
Numerical Evaluation of the Image Space Reconstruction Algorithm
OCT Image Analysis of Internal Changes in Leaves due to Ozone Stresses
Subwavelength Plasma Gratings Formation in the Process of Laser Modification in the Volume of Fused Silica
Optimization of Active Region of Quantum Cascade Laser (QCL) by Coupled Calculation of Genetic Algorithm and QCL Simulator
Design and Simulation of Single-Mode and Polarization Independent Deeply Etched Amorphous Silicon on SOI Waveguides
On the Formal Robustness Evaluation for AI-based Industrial Systems
On Some Artificial Intelligence Methods in the V-Model of Model-Based Systems Engineering
Bringing Systems Engineering Models to Large Language Models: An Integration of OPM with an LLM for Design Assistants
MBSE-Enhanced LSTM Framework for Satellite System Reliability and Failure Prediction
On the Artificial Reasoning with Chess: A CBR vs PBR View
Compliance by Design for Cyber-Physical Energy Systems: The Role of Model-Based Systems Engineering in Complying with the EU AI Act
AI Engineering for Trust by Design
AI Systems Trustworthiness Assessment: State of the Art
Facilitating User-Centric Model-Based Systems Engineering Using Generative AI
How the Health Insurance Industry Is Uniquely Positioned to Implement Digital Health Interventions and Preventative Care Measures
Advocating for Harnessing the Power of Ecosystems in Healthcare: The Case of an Ecosystem in the Realm of Parkinson’s Disease - A Position Paper
Transforming NCD Business Models in Switzerland: CSS Insurance Perspective
What Needs to Change to Make Digital Health Successful? The Perspective of the Austrian Healthcare Provider Mavienext
Navigating Germany’s Digital Health Ecosystem: Insights from a Health Insurance Industry Expert
Harmonizing Innovation and Regulation: Swiss Health Insurance Navigates Digital Health Technologies for Enhanced Patient Engagement
Aligning Strategies: How Digital Health Technologies Are Used by a Swiss Insurance Company to Foster a Sustainable Healthcare Landscape
Implications and Perceptions of Digital Health Technologies: A Multiple Case Study on the Payers’ Viewpoint
Unlocking the Potential of Digital Health Technologies: The Role of Health Insurance Companies in Shaping the Digital Healthcare Ecosystem
Reimagining Preventive Care and Digital Health: A Paradigm Shift in a Health Insurance’s Role
Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance on Optical Fiber Surface for Chemical Sensing
Investigation of Lossy Mode Resonance Phenomenon in High Index Cladding Optical Fiber
Promote Competency-Based Training Approach in Quality, Regulatory and Clinical Affairs to Improve MD/IVDD Safety and Performance
Clinical Evaluation of Collaborative Artificial Intelligence Systems: Lessons from the Case of Robot-Assisted Surgery
A Skill based Educational Program for Future Regulatory Affairs Professionals in the Medical Devices Industry: A Top down Approach at Polytech Lyon University, France
An Example of Personalized Pathway in Medical Device Evaluation for a Master Student in Clinical Research
Use of a Digital Positioning and Categorisation Aid for Clinical Investigations on Medical Devices: Questioning the Complexity of the Field and Harmonizing Stakeholders' Understanding
ReScore Disease Groups Based on Multiple Machine Learnings Utilizing the Grouping-Scoring-Modeling Approach
A Systematic Analysis of Depression-Related Discourse Within Facebook: A Comparison Between Brazilian and American Communities
Utilizing Radiomic Features for Automated MRI Keypoint Detection: Enhancing Graph Applications
Scheduling and Negotiation Method for Double Synchronized Multi-Agent Pickup and Delivery Problem
Dynamic Path Planning for Autonomous Vehicles Using Adaptive Reinforcement Learning
A Reinforcement Learning Environment for Directed Quantum Circuit Synthesis
XGBoost Learning of Dynamic Wager Placement for In-Play Betting on an Agent-Based Model of a Sports Betting Exchange
Aquarium: A Comprehensive Framework for Exploring Predator-Prey Dynamics Through Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Algorithms
Multi-Agent Monocular SLAM
Clustering-Based Approach to Strategy Selection for Meta-Strategy in Automated Negotiation
Decentralized Intelligence for Smart Agriculture
Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework with Representation Learning for Concurrent Negotiation
Q-Defense: When Q-Learning Comes to Help Proof-of-Work Against the Selfish Mining Attack
Twisted Strategy Bolsters Minority Cooperator Populations
Parameter Estimation of Macroeconomic Agent-Based Models Using Evolutionary Computation
Interactively Teaching an Inverse Reinforcement Learner with Limited Feedback
Be Persuasive! Automatic Transformation of Virtual Agent's Head and Facial Behavior
Driving Towards a Sustainable Future: A Multi-Layered Agent-Based Digital Twin Approach for Rural Areas
Unmasking the Giant: A Comprehensive Evaluation of ChatGPT’s Proficiency in Coding Algorithms and Data Structures
Effects of Virtual-Teacher Appearance and Student Gender on Lesson Effectiveness in Teaching About Social Issues
Multi-Agent Quantum Reinforcement Learning Using Evolutionary Optimization
ClusterComm: Discrete Communication in Decentralized MARL Using Internal Representation Clustering
A Three-Valued Semantics for Negotiated Situation of Multi-Agent System Based on BATNA and WATNA
Scalable Verification of Social Explainable AI by Variable Abstraction
Sweeping-Based Multi-Robot Exploration in an Unknown Environment Using Webots
AutoNav in C-L-U-E: A Baseline Autonomous Software Stack for Autonomous Navigation in Closed Low-Speed Unstructured Environments
Subgoal Reachability in Goal Conditioned Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning
Simulation Analysis of Evacuation Guidance Using Dynamic Distributed Signage
Experimenting with Planning and Reasoning in Ad Hoc Teamwork Environments with Large Language Models
A Framework for Studying Communication Pathways in Machine Learning-Based Agent-to-Agent Communication
Constraints Enabled Autonomous Agent Marketplace: Discovery and Matchmaking
Improving the Sum-of-Cost Methods for Reduction-Based Multi-Agent Pathfinding Solvers
Adapted Conflict Detection for Conflict Based Search
Better Spacial Hashing with Linear Memory Usage and Parallelism
The Role of Stop-Loss Orders in Market Efficiency and Stability: An Agent-Based Study
Exploring the Impact of Competing Narratives on Financial Markets II: An Opinionated Trader Agent-Based Model with Dynamic Feedback
Integrated Simulation Approach for Dynamic Distributed Evacuation Guidance Under Fire Spread and Rare but Catastrophic Events
DriveToGæther: A Turnkey Collaborative Robotic Event Platform
Assessing Routing Decisions of Search and Rescue Teams in Service of an Artificial Social Intelligence Agent
Quantum Advantage Actor-Critic for Reinforcement Learning
Multi-Agent Based Framework for Cooperative Traffic Management in C-ITS System
Multi-Agent Path Finding: Policies Instead of Plans
Exploring the Impact of Competing Narratives on Financial Markets I: An Opinionated Trader Agent-Based Model as a Practical Testbed
Investigation of Heuristics for PIBT Solving Continuous MAPF Problem in Narrow Warehouse
An Investigation of Distributed Constraint Optimization with Non-Responding Agents Toward Real-Time Solution Method on Practical Messaging Platforms
Advancements in Traffic Simulations with multiMATSim’s Distributed Framework
Comparing Variable Handling Strategies in BDI Agents: Experimental Study
Scalable Prediction of Atomic Candidate OWL Class Axioms Using a Vector-Space Dimension Reduced Approach
Using Chatbot Technologies to Support Argumentation
Hybrid Mechanistic Neural Network Modelling of the Degree of Cure of Polymer Composite
Analysis of the Effectiveness of Large Language Models in Assessing Argumentative Writing and Generating Feedback
Predicting Major Donor Prospects Using Machine Learning
I-AM-Bird: A Deep Learning Approach to Detect Amazonian Bird Species in Residential Environments
An Analysis of Knowledge Representation for Anime Recommendation Using Graph Neural Networks
Diversifying Knowledge Enhancement of Biomedical Language Models Using Adapter Modules and Knowledge Graphs
Lazy Nested Monte Carlo Search for Coalition Structure Generation
Identification of Opinion and Ground in Customer Review Using Heterogeneous Datasets
Deep Reinforcement Learning and Transfer Learning Methods Used in Autonomous Financial Trading Agents
Multiple Relations Classification Using Imbalanced Predictions Adaptation
Neural Architecture Search for Bearing Fault Classification
Optimization of Fuzzy Rule Induction Based on Decision Tree and Truth Table: A Case Study of Multi-Class Fault Diagnosis
Investigation into the Training Dynamics of Learned Optimizers
A Hierarchical Anytime k-NN Classifier for Large-Scale High-Speed Data Streams
DGDNN: Decoupled Graph Diffusion Neural Network for Stock Movement Prediction
Knowledge Modelling, Strategy Designing, and Agent Engineering for Reconnaissance Blind Chess
Dataset Characteristics and Their Impact on Offline Policy Learning of Contextual Multi-Armed Bandits
Exploring Unsupervised Anomaly Detection with Quantum Boltzmann Machines in Fraud Detection
An Optimised Ensemble Approach for Multivariate Multi-Step Forecasts Using the Example of Flood Levels
Evaluating Data Augmentation Techniques for Coffee Leaf Disease Classification
Multi-Granular Evaluation of Diverse Counterfactual Explanations
Improving Parameter Training for VQEs by Sequential Hamiltonian Assembly
Machine Learning-Based Optimization of E-Commerce Advertising Campaigns
GNNDLD: Graph Neural Network with Directional Label Distribution
Dynamically Choosing the Number of Heads in Multi-Head Attention
Parameter-Free Undersampling for Multi-Label Data
Garment Returns Prediction for AI-Based Processing and Waste Reduction in E-Commerce
On Handling Concept Drift, Calibration and Explainability in Non-Stationary Environments and Resources Limited Contexts
Embryo Development Stage Onset Detection by Time Lapse Monitoring Based on Deep Learning
CNNs Sparsification and Expansion for Continual Learning
Spread and (Mis)use of Evaluative Expressions in Human Written and LLM-Based Generated Text
Towards Efficient Quantum Anomaly Detection: One-Class SVMs Using Variable Subsampling and Randomized Measurements
LIDL4Oliv: A Lightweight Incremental Deep Learning Model for Classifying Olive Diseases in Images
VP-DARTS: Validated Pruning Differentiable Architecture Search
On Learning Bipolar Gradual Argumentation Semantics with Neural Networks
A Probabilistic Approach for Detecting Real Concept Drift
EAPC: Emotion and Audio Prior Control Framework for the Emotional and Temporal Talking Face Generation
Metrics for Popularity Bias in Dynamic Recommender Systems
Examining Decision-Making in Air Traffic Control: Enhancing Transparency and Decision Support Through Machine Learning, Explanation, and Visualization: A Case Study
Efficient and Flexible Topic Modeling Using Pretrained Embeddings and Bag of Sentences
Spiral Drawing Test and Explainable Convolutional Neural Networks for Parkinson’s Disease Detection
Multiple Agents Dispatch via Batch Synchronous Actor Critic in Autonomous Mobility on Demand Systems
Towards the Use of AI-Based Tools for Systematic Literature Review
ALISE: An Automated Literature Screening Engine for Research
Big Data Synthesis and Class Imbalance Rectification for Enhanced Forest Fire Classification Modeling
A Survey of Deep Learning: From Activations to Transformers
DRL4HFC: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Container-Based Scheduling in Hybrid Fog/Cloud System
Depth-Enhanced 3D Deep Learning for Strawberry Detection and Widest Region Identification in Polytunnels
Hybrid Quanvolutional Echo State Network for Time Series Prediction
Fingerprint Large Classification Using Sequential Learning on Parallel Environment
Second-Order Learning with Grounding Alignment: A Multimodal Reasoning Approach to Handle Unlabelled Data
Foundations of Dispatchability for Simple Temporal Networks with Uncertainty
A Unified Conceptual Framework Integrating UML and RL for Efficient Reconfiguration Design
A Challenging Data Set for Evaluating Part-of-Speech Taggers
Adaptive Action Supervision in Reinforcement Learning from Real-World Multi-Agent Demonstrations
HierNet: Image Recognition with Hierarchical Convolutional Networks
A Coachable Parser of Natural Language Advice
Investigation of the Performance of Different Loss Function Types Within Deep Neural Anchor-Free Object Detectors
From Targets to Rewards: Continuous Target Sets in the Algorithmic Search Framework
A Deep Analysis for Medical Emergency Missing Value Imputation
Partial Tensorized Transformers for Natural Language Processing
Evaluating Large Language Models in Semantic Parsing for Conversational Question Answering over Knowledge Graphs
Adaptive Questionnaire Design Using AI Agents for People Profiling
VOEDHgesture: A Multi-Purpose Visual Odometry/ Simultaneous Localization and Mapping and Egocentric Dynamic Hand Gesture Data-Set for Virtual Object Manipulations in Wearable Mixed Reality
Advanced Deep Learning Techniques for Industry 4.0: Application to Mechanical Design and Structural Health Monitoring
Improvement of Satellite Image Classification Using Attention-Based Vision Transformer
Prediction of Kellgren-Lawrence Grade of Knee Osteoarthritis by Deep Residual Networks Using MR Image with Segmented Image and Slice Position
iXGB: Improving the Interpretability of XGBoost Using Decision Rules and Counterfactuals
Sales Forecasting for Pricing Strategies Based on Time Series and Learning Techniques
Performance Assessment of Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) and Photogrammetry for 3D Reconstruction of Man-Made and Natural Features
Bridging the Explanation Gap in AI Security: A Task-Driven Approach to XAI Methods Evaluation
Enhancing Portfolio Performance: A Random Forest Approach to Volatility Prediction and Optimization
Automatic Detection and Classification of Atmospherical Fronts
A Systematic Literature Review of Artificial Intelligence Applications for Diagnosing Hand Tremor Disorders Through Video Analysis
Enhancing Manufacturing Quality Prediction Models Through the Integration of Explainability Methods
Mobile Agents-Based Framework for Dynamic Resource Allocation in Cloud Computing
Climate-Friendly Online Shopping Within the Green eCommerce Project: A Fitting Tool to Determine T-Shirt Sizes Using Active Depth Sensing
Designing Algorithms for the Shortest Path Reconfiguration Problem Using Decision Diagram Operations
FAQ-Based Question Answering Systems with Query-Question and Query-Answer Similarity
A Novel Image Steganography Method Based on Spatial Domain with War Strategy Optimization and Reed Solomon Model
A Novel Metric for Measuring Data Quality in Classification Applications
Hybrid Approach to Explain BERT Model: Sentiment Analysis Case
A Multi-Task Learning Framework for Image Restoration Using a Novel Generative Adversarial Network
Transition of Model Performance in Dependence of the Amount of Data Corruption with Respect to Network Sizes
AccidentGPT: Large Multi-Modal Foundation Model for Traffic Accident Analysis
Rule-Based Decision Making in Biologically Inspired Condition Management System
Comparative Analysis of Internal and External Facial Features for Enhanced Deep Fake Detection
A Soft Constraint-Based Framework for Ethical Reasoning
Fair and Equitable Machine Learning Algorithms in Healthcare: A Systematic Mapping
CT to MRI Image Translation Using CycleGAN: A Deep Learning Approach for Cross-Modality Medical Imaging
Artificial Intelligence Algorithms to Predict College Students’ Dropout: A Systematic Mapping Study
Curvature-Informed Attention Mechanism for Long Short-Term Memory Networks
Using Ensemble Models for Malicious Web Links Detection
Spatial-Temporal Graph Neural Network for the Detection of Container Escape Events
Dynamic Path Planning for Autonomous Vehicles: A Neuro-Symbolic Approach
A Delay-Aware DRL-Based Environment for Cooperative Multi-UAV Systems in Multi-Purpose Scenarios
Evaluating Quantum Support Vector Regression Methods for Price Forecasting Applications
Nudging Automated Planners with Learned User Preferences
RLAR: A Reinforcement Learning Abductive Reasoner
Time Series Prediction Models in Healthcare: Systematic Literature Review
Relevant Facial Key Parts and Feature Points for Emotion Recognition
Prediction in Pre-University Education System Using Machine Learning Methods
Variance Reduction of Resampling for Sequential Monte Carlo
A Comprehensive Analysis of Parkinson’s Disease Detection Through Inertial Signal Processing
A Novel Partitioning Approach for Real-Time Scheduling of Mixed-Criticality Systems
A Quantitative Assessment Framework for Modelling and Evaluation Using Representation Learning in Smart Agriculture Ontology
A Toolset for Constraint Programming
Automating Opinion Extraction from Semi-Structured Webpages: Leveraging Language Models and Instruction Finetuning on Synthetic Data
Digital Twin and Foundation Models: A New Frontier
Probabilistic Model Checking of Stochastic Reinforcement Learning Policies
DiT-Head: High Resolution Talking Head Synthesis Using Diffusion Transformers
System-Call-Level Dynamic Analysis for Code Translation Candidate Selection
Solving Many-Objective Optimization Problems Using Selection Hyper-Heuristics
Towards a Biologically-Plausible Computational Model of Human Language Cognition
Joining LDA and Word Embeddings for Covid-19 Topic Modeling on English and Arabic Data
Social Implications of OCEAN Personality: An Automated BERT-Based Approach
Agent Based Model for AUTODL Optimisation
Autonomous Drone Takeoff and Navigation Using Reinforcement Learning
New Approach Based on Substantial Derivative and LSTM for Online Arabic Handwriting Script Recognition
Cost-Aware TrE-ND: Tri-embed Noise Detection for Enhancing Data Quality of Knowledge Graph
Digital Discrimination Detection in Ridesharing Services in Rio de Janeiro City
SynCRF: Syntax-Based Conditional Random Field for TRIZ Parameter Minings
Artificial Intelligence for Visualization, Processing and Predict of Temperature and Fluid Flow Modeling
F4D: Factorized 4D Convolutional Neural Network for Efficient Video-Level Representation Learning
Simulation of Consumers Behavior Facing Discounts and Promotions
Zero Trust for Intrusion Detection System: A Systematic Literature Review
Inferring Interpretable Semantic Cognitive Maps from Noisy Document Corpora
Medi-CAT: Contrastive Adversarial Training for Medical Image Classification
Requisite Social Influence in Self-Regulated Systems
Predicting Emotion Before an Utterance: Replacing Contextual Information with Knowledge-Based Prediction
Benchmarking Quantum Surrogate Models on Scarce and Noisy Data
Proposal of a Cosmetic Product Recommendation Method with Review Text that is Predicted to Be Write by Users
Models with Verbally Enunciated Explanations: Towards Safe, Accountable, and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence
Solving Job Shop Problems with Neural Monte Carlo Tree Search
Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Collaborative Task Scheduling
BornFS: Feature Selection with Balanced Relevance and Nuisance and Its Application to Very Large Datasets
LSA Is not Dead: Improving Results of Domain-Specific Information Retrieval System Using Stack Overflow Questions Tags
Quantum Federated Learning for Image Classification
GREED: Graph Learning Based Relation Extraction with Entity and Dependency Relations
New Speed Limit Recognition System: Software and Hardware Validation
Introducing Reduced-Width QNNs, an AI-Inspired Ansatz Design Pattern
A Description Language for Similarity, Belief Change and Trust
Knowledge-Aware Object Detection in Traffic Scenes
Exploring Patterns and Assessing the Security of Pseudorandom Number Generators with Machine Learning
Oral Diseases Recognition Based on Photographic Images
ConEX: A Context-Aware Framework for Enhancing Explanation Systems
Heuristic Feedback for Generator Support in Generative Adversarial Network
Cryptocurrency Analysis: Price Prediction of Cryptocurrency Using User Sentiments and Quantitative Data
Enhancing Breast Cancer Diagnosis: Automated Segmentation and Detection with YOLOv8
Activity Recognition in Smartphones Using Non-Intrusive Sensors
Detecting and Analyzing Agent Communication Anomalies in Distributed Energy System Control
SIFT-ResNet Synergy for Accurate Scene Word Detection in Complex Scenarios
A Unique Training Strategy to Enhance Language Models Capabilities for Health Mention Detection from Social Media Content
Parkinson’s Disease Detection Through Inertial Signals and Posture Insights
Harnessing LLM Conversations for Goal Model Generation from User Reviews
Multi-Agent Archive-Based Inverse Reinforcement Learning by Improving Suboptimal Experts
A Machine Learning Approach Using Interpretable Models for Predicting Success of NCAA Basketball Players to Reach NBA
Analysis of Intraday Financial Market Using ML and Neural Networks for GBP/USD Currency Pair Price Forecasting
Variational Quantum Circuit Design for Quantum Reinforcement Learning on Continuous Environments
Disentangling Quantum and Classical Contributions in Hybrid Quantum Machine Learning Architectures
Conjugate Gradient for Latent Space Manipulation
Compressing UNSAT CDCL Trees with Caching
Uncertain Formal Concept Analysis for the Study of a Text Corpus
Semantic Segmentation for Moon Rock Recognition Using U-Net with Pyramid-Pooling-Based SE Attention Blocks
Significance of Training Images and Feature Extraction in Lesion Classification
GOLOG++ Hits the (Right) Spot: Interfacing Golog with a Quadruped Rescue Robot for High-Level Missions
Explainable Deep Semantic Segmentation for Flood Inundation Mapping with Class Activation Mapping Techniques
A Study on Drug Similarity Measures for Predicting Drug-Drug Interactions and Severity Using Machine Learning Techniques
FEAT: A Fast, Effective, and Feasible Model for Molecular Property Prediction Based on Graph Neural Network
Towards Knowledge-Augmented Agents for Efficient and Interpretable Learning in Sequential Decision Problems
Decoupling the Backward Pass Using Abstracted Gradients
Multiverse: A Deep Learning 4X4 Sudoku Solver
A Multi-Stage Approach to Image Consistency in Zero-Shot Character Art Generation for the D&D Domain
A Formal Verification Approach to Handle Attack Graphs
Enhancing Constraint Optimization Problems with Greedy Search and Clustering: A Focus on the Traveling Salesman Problem
GenGradAttack: Efficient and Robust Targeted Adversarial Attacks Using Genetic Algorithms and Gradient-Based Fine-Tuning
Hybrid PSO-Based Rule Classifier for Disease Detection
Flattening Based Cuckoo Search Optimization Algorithm for Community Detection in Multiplex Networks
A Semi-Automatic Light-Weight Approach Towards Data Generation for a Domain-Specific FAQ Chatbot Using Human-in-the-Loop
Generating Products Placement in Warehouse Using BLPSO and MIQCPs
Contextual Online Imitation Learning (COIL): Using Guide Policies in Reinforcement Learning
Efficient Batch Assignment for Parallel-Machine Production Scheduling
Heimatkunde: Dataset for Multi-Modal Historical Document Analysis
Reward Design for Deep Reinforcement Learning Towards Imparting Commonsense Knowledge in Text-Based Scenario
Explainability Insights to Cellular Simultaneous Recurrent Neural Networks for Classical Planning
Multicriteria Analysis of the Robotic Systems Autonomy Using Fuzzy Calculations
Seeing Through the Smoke: An Agent Architecture for Representing Health Protection Motivation Under Social Pressure
Real-Time Deep Learning-Based Malware Detection Using Static and Dynamic Features
A Logic-Based Model to Reduce IoT Security Risks
Why an Automated, Scalable and Resilient Service for Semantic Interoperability is Needed
Autonomous Methods in Multisensor Architecture for Smart Surveillance
GENERATION: An Efficient Denoising Autoencoders-Based Approach for Amputated Image Reconstruction
Is Noise Reduction Improving Open-Source ASR Transcription Engines Quality?
Explainability-Driven Leaf Disease Classification Using Adversarial Training and Knowledge Distillation
Action Duration Generalization for Exact Multi-Agent Collective Construction
Neural Bradley-Terry Rating: Quantifying Properties from Comparisons
Which Objective Function is Solved Faster in Multi-Agent Pathfinding? It Depends
DeepTraderX: Challenging Conventional Trading Strategies with Deep Learning in Multi-Threaded Market Simulations
Facial Expression-Based Drowsiness Detection System for Driver Safety Using Deep Learning Techniques
Auditing Fairness and Explainability in Chest X-Ray Image Classifiers
Machine Learning for Predicting Traffic and Determining Road Capacity
Class Anchor Margin Loss for Content-Based Image Retrieval
Out of the Cage: How Stochastic Parrots Win in Cyber Security Environments
Explainable Large Language Models & iContracts
Boosting GA Performance: A Fuzzy Approach to Uncertainty Issues Involving Parameters in Genetic Algorithms
3D Face Data Augmentation Based on Gravitational Shape Morphing for Intra-Class Richness
Is Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics Suitable as Core for an Event Processing Network Model?
Comparing Global and Local Weights in Multi-Criteria Decision-Making: A COMET-Based Approach
A Supervised Learning Approach to Robust Reinforcement Learning for Job Shop Scheduling
Government's Response to Ethical Dilemmas in Autonomous Vehicle Accidents: An Australian Policy Evaluation
Deep Learning Model to Predict the Ripeness of Oil Palm Fruit
Towards Developing an Agent-Based Framework for Validating the Trustworthiness of Large Language Models
Academia and Industry Synergy: Addressing Integrity Challenge in Programming Education
Planning Base Poses and Object Grasp Choices for Table-Clearing Tasks Using Dynamic Programming
Assessment of the Academic Load in a Curriculum Through an Optimization Model: Case Study of a Master Program
A Bounded Multi-Vacation Queue Model for Multi-Stage Sleep Control
Integrating Memory-Based Perturbation Operators into a Tabu Search Algorithm for Real-World Production Scheduling Problems
Generalized Maximum Capacity Path Problem with Loss Factors
A Neurodynamic Duplex for Distributionally Robust Joint Chance-Constrained Optimization
Stochastic Single-Allocation Hub Location Routing Problem for the Design of Intra-City Express Systems
Pareto Front Approximation by Ant Colony Optimization
Two-Stage Adaptable Robust Optimization for Glass Production
An Alternative Robust Design to Assist a Single-Objective Performance Optimization: Simulation Analysis of a Flexible Manufacturing System
Integration of Sustainable Production Criteria into Production Scheduling: A Systematic Search and a Critical Review
Naval Fleet Schedule Optimization Using an Integer Linear Program
Multi-Criteria Service System Designing Using Tabu Search Method
Scheduling Single AGV in Blocking Flow-Shop with Identical Jobs
An Efficient Approximate Dynamic Programming Approach for Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling with Uncertain Task Duration
Dynamic Modeling and Effective Inventory Management for Uncertain Perishable Supply Chains with non Synchronized Internal Dynamics
Innovation Project Selection Considering Stochastic Weighted Product Model
The multi-Depot multiple Set Orienteering Problem: An Integer Linear Programming Formulation
Multi-Server Queue, with Heterogeneous Service Valuations Induced by Travel Costs
Integration of Pricing and Production Scheduling Decisions: A Mathematical Model
Hybrid Manufacturing / Remanufacturing Inventory Model with Two Markets and Price Sensitive Demands with Competition
Economic Sustainability in Last-Mile Drone Delivery Problem with Fulfillment Centers: A Mathematical Formulation
A Learning Powered Bi-Level Approach for Dynamic Electricity Pricing
Variable Neighborhood Search for the Electric Bus Charging Stations Location Design Problem
Equilibrium Analysis and Social Optimization of a Selectable Single or Time-Based Batch Service
A Supervised Machine Learning Approach for the Vehicle Routing Problem
Real-Time Bus Arrival Prediction: A Deep Learning Approach for Enhanced Urban Mobility
Toward a Global Constraint for Minimizing the Flowtime
Modeling Missing Maritime Objects Using an Agent Based Model
Integrating Reliability and Sustainability: A Multi-Objective Framework for Opportunistic Maintenance in Closed-Loop Supply Chain
Evolutionary-Based Ant System Algorithm to Solve the Dynamic Electric Vehicle Routing Problem
Evolutionary Techniques for the Nurse Scheduling Problem
Investigation of Workforce Dynamical Behaviour from a Phase Plane Perspective
Toward Pareto-Optimal Investment Mix to Achieve Carbon Neutrality: A Case Study
Packing-Inspired Algorithms for Periodic Scheduling Problems with Harmonic Periods
Balancing Resources and Demand: A Bi-Objective Mixed-Integer Programming Approach of Healthcare Districts in Chile
A Revisited Branch and Bound Method for the Weighted Safe Set Problem
A Sequential Heuristic for the Efficient Management of a Work Center’s Stocking Area
Finite Interval Processes: Simulating Military Operations
Scheduling Onboard Tasks of the NIMPH Nanosatellite
Deep Transfer Learning for Installed Base Life-Cycle Evolution Forecast
Heuristic Methods for the Antenna-Constrained Beam Layout Optimization on Multibeam Broadcasting Mission
Partition-Form Cooperative Games in Two-Echelon Supply Chains
Serial or Simultaneous? Possible Attack Strategies with an Arsenal of Attack Tools
A Branch-and-Bound Approach to Efficient Classification and Retrieval of Documents
MAC: Multi-Scales Attention Cascade for Aerial Image Segmentation
Group Importance Estimation Method Based on Group LASSO Regression
Offline Text-Independent Arabic and Chinese Writer Identification Using a Multi-Segmentation Codebook-Based Strategy
Tab-VAE: A Novel VAE for Generating Synthetic Tabular Data
Achieving RGB-D Level Segmentation Performance from a Single ToF Camera
Small Patterns Detection in Historical Digitised Manuscripts Using Very Few Annotated Examples
Practical Deep Feature-Based Visual-Inertial Odometry
Efficient Use of Large Language Models for Analysis of Text Corpora
Noise Simulation for the Improvement of Training Deep Neural Network for Printer-Proof Steganography
Learned Fusion: 3D Object Detection Using Calibration-Free Transformer Feature Fusion
TenebrioVision: A Fully Annotated Dataset of Tenebrio Molitor Larvae Worms in a Controlled Environment for Accurate Small Object Detection and Segmentation
Impact of Using GAN Generated Synthetic Data for the Classification of Chemical Foam in Low Data Availability Environments
Benchmarking a Wide Range of Unsupervised Learning Methods for Detecting Anomaly in Blast Furnace
Improvement of Tensor Representation Label in Image Recognition: Evaluation on Selection, Complexity and Size
Leveraging VR and Force-Haptic Feedback for an Effective Training with Robots
QEBB: A Query-Efficient Black-Box Adversarial Attack on Video Recognition Models Based on Unsupervised Key Frame Selection
TrajViViT: A Trajectory Video Vision Transformer Network for Trajectory Forecasting
Fast Filtering for Similarity Search Using Conjunctive Enumeration of Sketches in Order of Hamming Distance
Enhancing the Readability of Palimpsests Using Generative Image Inpainting
FaceVision-GAN: A 3D Model Face Reconstruction Method from a Single Image Using GANs
On Spectrogram Analysis in a Multiple Classifier Fusion Framework for Power Grid Classification Using Electric Network Frequency
Cardiac Arrhythmia Detection in Electrocardiogram Signals with CNN-LSTM
Mobile Phone Identification from Recorded Speech Signals Using Non-Speech Segments and Universal Background Model Adaptation
Content Rating Classification in Fan Fiction Using Active Learning and Explainable Artificial Intelligence
Deep Learning, Feature Selection and Model Bias with Home Mortgage Loan Classification
Detection of Energy Drifts in Waste Water Treatment Plants Using Dynamic Clustering
Fetal Health Classification Using One-Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network
GENUINE: Genomic and Nucleus Information Embedding for Single Cell Genetic Alteration Classification in Microscopic Images
Path of Solutions for Fused Lasso Problems
Self-Supervised-Based Multimodal Fusion for Active Biometric Verification on Mobile Devices
Integrating Structure and Sequence: Protein Graph Embeddings via GNNs and LLMs
Applying the Neural Bellman-Ford Model to the Single Source Shortest Path Problem
Face Blending Data Augmentation for Enhancing Deep Classification
Determination of Factors of Interest in Bone Models Based on Ultrasonic Data
CLIP: Assisted Video Anomaly Detection
Semantic and Horizon-Based Feature Matching for Optimal Deep Visual Place Recognition in Waterborne Domains
Directional Filter for Tree Ring Detection
CaRaCTO: Robust Camera-Radar Extrinsic Calibration with Triple Constraint Optimization
PatchSVD: A Non-Uniform SVD-Based Image Compression Algorithm
Generative Data Augmentation for Few-Shot Domain Adaptation
Let Me Take a Better Look: Towards Video-Based Age Estimation
Military Badge Detection and Classification Algorithm for Automatic Processing of Documents
Impute Water Temperature in the Swiss River Network Using LSTMs
Robust 3D Point Cloud Registration Exploiting Unique LiDAR Scanning Pattern
Study of an Expansion Method Based on an Image-Specific Classifier and Multi-Features for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
Detecting Manuscript Annotations in Historical Print: Negative Evidence and Evaluation Metrics
Intrusion Detection at Railway Tunnel Entrances Using Dynamic Vision Sensors
Homomorphic Encryption Friendly Multi-GAT for Information Extraction in Business Documents
ShapeAug: Occlusion Augmentation for Event Camera Data
Linux Configuration Tuning: Is Having a Large Dataset Enough?
Counterfactual-Based Feature Importance for Explainable Regression of Manufacturing Production Quality Measure
AirEyeSeg: Teacher-Student Insights into Robust Fisheye UAV Detection
Discrimination of Signals from Large Covariance Matrix for Pattern Recognition
Large Age Gap Face Verification by Learning GAN Synthesized Prototype Representations
An Evaluation of General-Purpose Optical Character Recognizers and Digit Detectors for Race Bib Number Recognition
Quantification of Matching Results for Autofluorescence Intensity Images and Histology Images
Classifying Soccer Ball-on-Goal Position Through Kicker Shooting Action
Detecting Overgrown Plant Species Occluding Other Species in Complex Vegetation in Agricultural Fields Based on Temporal Changes in RGB Images and Deep Learning
Modeling Batch Tasks Using Recurrent Neural Networks in Co-Located Alibaba Workloads
Crossing Domain Borders with Federated Few-Shot Adaptation
Parallel Tree Kernel Computation
Identifying Indian Cattle Behaviour Using Acoustic Biomarkers
Swap-Deep Neural Network: Incremental Inference and Learning for Embedded Systems
Speech Recognition for Indigenous Language Using Self-Supervised Learning and Natural Language Processing
Person Detection and Geolocation Estimation in UAV Aerial Images: An Experimental Approach
Instance Selection Framework for Alzheimer’s Disease Classification Using Multiple Regions of Interest and Atlas Integration
Incremental Whole Plate ALPR Under Data Availability Constraints
Neuromorphic Encoding / Reconstruction of Images Represented by Poisson Counts
Information Retrieval Chatbot on Military Policies and Standards
Investigating the Suitability of Concept Drift Detection for Detecting Leakages in Water Distribution Networks
Vision Transformer Interpretability via Prediction of Image Reflected Relevance Among Tokens
Enhancing Surgical Visualization: Feasibility Study on GAN-Based Image Generation for Post Operative Cleft Palate Images
Experimental Application of Semantic Segmentation Models Fine-Tuned with Synthesized Document Images to Text Line Segmentation in a Handwritten Japanese Historical Document
Mitigating Outlier Activations in Low-Precision Fine-Tuning of Language Models
Towards Self-Adaptive Resilient Swarms Using Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
Visualization of the Basis for Decisions by Selecting Layers Based on Model's Predictions Using the Difference Between Two Networks
Information Theoretic Deductions Using Machine Learning with an Application in Sociology
YOLOv7E: An Attention-Based Improved YOLOv7 for the Detection of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Enhanced Segmentation of Deformed Waste Objects in Cluttered Environments
Improvement of TransUNet Using Word Patches Created from Different Dataset
An Algorithmic Approach for Quantitative Motion Artefact Grading in HRpQCT Medical Imaging
Efficient Solver Scheduling and Selection for Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) Problems
Performance Evaluation of the Electrical Appliances Identification System Using the PLAID Database in Independent Mode of House
Comparison of Dimension Reduction Methods for Multivariate Time Series Pattern Recognition
Fuel Classification in Electronic Tax Documents
Surface Extraction in Coherence Scanning Interferometry by Gauss-Markov Monte-Carlo Method and Teager-Kaiser Operator
A Mutual Information Based Discretization-Selection Technique
Sample Size Estimation of Transfer Learning for Colorectal Cancer Detection
A Post-Processing Strategy for Association Rules in Knowledge Discovery
Towards Small Anomaly Detection
XPCA Gen: Extended PCA Based Tabular Data Generation Model
Classification Performance Boosting for Interpolation Kernel Machines by Training Set Pruning Using Genetic Algorithm
Predicting the MGMT Promoter Methylation Status in T2-FLAIR Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scans Using Machine Learning
Semantic Properties of Cosine Based Bias Scores for Word Embeddings
An Improved VGG16 Model Based on Complex Invariant Descriptors for Medical Images Classification
A Novel Keystroke Dataset for Preventing Advanced Persistent Threats
On Function of the Cortical Column and Its Significance for Machine Learning
Relevant Multi Domain Features Selection Based on Mutual Information for Heart Sound Classification
Enhancing Railway Safety: An Unsupervised Approach for Detecting Missing Bolts with Deep Learning and 3D Imaging
Sign Language Recognition Based on Subspace Representations in the Spatio-Temporal Frequency Domain
Handwriting Detection Test (HWDT): Android Application for the Recognition of Neurodegenerative Diseases
A Federated Learning System with Biometric Medical Image Authentication for Alzheimer's Diagnosis
Human Activity Recognition for Identifying Bullying and Cyberbullying: A Comparative Analysis Between Users Under and over 18 Years Old
Unveiling the Power of EEG Signals: Parkinson's Disease Identification via Yet Another Mobile Network (YAMNet)
Detecting Brain Tumors Through Multimodal Neural Networks
Filtered Random Hybrid Strokes (Frhs): Filtering Time-Series Considerding Velocity Profile
Fine-Grained Clustering of Social Media: How Moral Triggers Drive Preferences and Consensus
An Ontology for Value Awareness Engineering
Towards a Definition of Awareness for Embodied AI
AwarePrompt: Using Diffusion Models to Create Methods for Measuring Value-Aware AI Architectures
Towards a Theory of Awareness
Notes on Measures for Information Access in Neuroscience and AI Systems
Exploring Text-Generating Large Language Models (LLMs) for Emotion Recognition in Affective Intelligent Agents
Distributed Theory of Mind in Multi-Agent Systems
An Interpretable Machine Learning Approach for Identifying Occupational Stress in Healthcare Professionals
Exploring the Relationship Between Emotions and Norms in Decision-Making Processes of Intelligent Agents
A Proposal for Selecting the Most Value-Aligned Preferences in Decision-Making Using Agreement Solutions
The Three Worlds of MRI
Modeling Intestinal Glucose Absorption from D-Xylose Data
Hand Movement Recognition Based on Fusion of Myography Signals
Multi-Agent Path Finding with Continuous Time Using SAT Modulo Linear Real Arithmetic
Learning Occlusions in Robotic Systems: How to Prevent Robots from Hiding Themselves
Advancements and Challenges in Continual Learning for Natural Language Processing: Insights and Future Prospects
Classifying Words with 3-sort Automata
SMOTE: Are We Learning to Classify or to Detect Synthetic Data?
Outlier Detection in MET Data Using Subspace Outlier Detection Method
Parking Scheduling Optimisation at Paris Charles de Gaulle International Airport
An Approach for Improving Oversampling by Filtering out Unrealistic Synthetic Data
Surface EMG Signal Segmentation and Classification for Parkinson’s Disease Based on HMM Modelling
Towards Better Motif Detection: Comparative Analysis of Several Symbolic Methods
Automatic Generation of Models from Their Metamodels Using Multilayer Perceptron Network
Towards Efficient Driver Distraction Detection with DARTS-Optimized Lightweight Models
Security Contracts a Property-Based Approach to Support Security Patterns
Comparing Phishing Training and Campaign Methods for Mitigating Malicious Emails in Organizations
Ethical Design for Data Privacy and User Privacy Awareness in the Metaverse
User Re-Authentication via Mouse Movements and Recurrent Neural Networks
Analysis of Payload Confidentiality for the IoT/ LPWAN Technology ‘Lora’
KAIME: Central Bank Digital Currency with Realistic and Modular Privacy
Policy-Driven XACML-Based Architecture for Dynamic Enforcement of Multiparty Computation
Desktop Crypto Wallets: A Digital Forensic Investigation and Analysis of Remnants and Traces on end-User Machines
Anywhere on Earth: A Look at Regional Characteristics of DRDoS Attacks
Robust Image Deepfake Detection with Perceptual Hashing
Botnet Detection by Integrating Multiple Machine Learning Models
Build a Computationally Efficient Strong Defense Against Adversarial Example Attacks
A Categorical Data Approach for Anomaly Detection in WebAssembly Applications
Automating IoT Security Standard Testing by Common Security Tools
Federated Learning with Differential Privacy and an Untrusted Aggregator
A Framework for E2E Audit Trails in System Architectures of Different Enterprise Classes
Off-Chaining Approaches for Cost-Efficiency in Threshold-Based Elliptic Curve Systems over Blockchains
CPE-Identifier: Automated CPE Identification and CVE Summaries Annotation with Deep Learning and NLP
UPSS: A Global, Least-Privileged Storage System with Stronger Security and Better Performance
Forgery Resistance of User Authentication Methods Using Location, Wi-Fi and Their Correlation
Silicon-Integrated Security Solutions Driving IoT Security
Comparing the Effectivity of Planned Cyber Defense Controls in Order to Support the Selection Process
Security Analysis of an Image Encryption Based on the Kronecker Xor Product, the Hill Cipher and the Sigmoid Logistic Map
Evaluating the Security and Privacy Risk Postures of Virtual Assistants
Banking Malware Detection: Leveraging Federated Learning with Conditional Model Updates and Client Data Heterogeneity
Enclave Management Models for Safe Execution of Software Components
The Classification and Impact of Cyber Attacks Targeting Critical Service Providers
The Role of Heuristics and Biases in Linux Server Administrators’ Information Security Policy Compliance at Healthcare Organizations
GPU-Based Brute Force Cryptanalysis of KLEIN
Anonymous Multi-Receiver Certificateless Hybrid Signcryption for Broadcast Communication
Gradient-Based Clean Label Backdoor Attack to Graph Neural Networks
Comparative Analysis of Feature Selection Algorithms for Automated IoT Device Fingerprinting
Perceptions of Cyber Security Risk of the Norwegian Advanced Metering Infrastructure
Machine Learning-Based Classification of Hardware Trojans in FPGAs Implementing RISC-V Cores
A Decentralized Federated Learning Using Reputation
An Open-Source Approach to OT Asset Management in Industrial Environments
Exploring Errors in Binary-Level CFG Recovery
Evaluating the Influence of Multi-Factor Authentication and Recovery Settings on the Security and Accessibility of User Accounts
Effectiveness of Malware Incident Management in Security Operations Centres: Trends, Challenges and Research Directions
Towards Generalized Diffie-Hellman-esque Key Agreement via Generic Split KEM Construction
Privacy-Aware Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) Using Bilinear Group Accumulators in Batch Mode
Security Analysis of an Image Encryption Scheme Based on a New Secure Variant of Hill Cipher and 1D Chaotic Maps
ADMIn: Attacks on Dataset, Model and Input: A Threat Model for AI Based Software
Vulnerability Information Sharing Platform for Securing Hardware Supply Chains
Efficient Secure Computation of Edit Distance on Genomic Data
Towards Automated Information Security Governance
Feasibility of Random Forest with Fully Homomorphic Encryption Applied to Network Data
AnonEmoFace: Emotion Preserving Facial Anonymization
Merging Policy and Practice: Crafting Effective Social Engineering Awareness-Raising Policies
An Improved PUF-Based Privacy-Preserving IoT Protocol for Cloud Storage
Pure Multi Key BGV Implementation
Preserving Privacy in High-Dimensional Data Publishing
Attestation with Constrained Relying Party
Implementation and Analysis of Covert Channel Using iBeacon
Exploring BERT for Predicting Vulnerability Categories in Device Configurations
LSTM Autoencoder-Based Insider Abnormal Behavior Detection Using De-Identified Data
Supporting CAN Bus Anomaly Detection with Correlation Data
PenGym: Pentesting Training Framework for Reinforcement Learning Agents
Cybersecurity-Related Tweet Classification by Explainable Deep Learning
ArkThor: Threat Categorization Based on Malware’s C2 Communication
APP-CEP: Adaptive Pattern-Level Privacy Protection in Complex Event Processing Systems
A Brief Reflection on Trusted Platform Module Support
Revolutionizing Board Cyber-Risk Management Using Collaborative Gaming
Your Robot Might Be Inadvertently or Deliberately Spying on You: A Critical Analysis of Privacy Practices in the Robotics Industry
Differential Privacy for Distributed Traffic Monitoring in Smart Cities
RoomKey: Extracting a Volatile Key with Information from the Local WiFi Environment Reconstructable Within a Designated Area
EMplifier: Hybrid Electromagnetic Probe for Side Channel and Fault Injection Analysis
Performance Evaluation of Polynomial Commitments for Erasure Code Based Information Dispersal
A Recommender System to Detect Distributed Denial of Service Attacks with Network and Transport Layer Features
Interpretable Android Malware Detection Based on Dynamic Analysis
Visual Attention and Privacy Indicators in Android: Insights from Eye Tracking
The Status and Management of Web-Related Security at Higher Education Institutions in Poland
FeedMeter: Evaluating the Quality of Community-Driven Threat Intelligence
Vision Based Malware Classification Using Deep Neural Network with Hybrid Data Augmentation
Conceptualising an Anti-Digital Forensics Kill Chain for Smart Homes
Security Evaluation of Decision Tree Meets Data Anonymization
IoT Device Classification Using Link-Level Features for Traditional Machine Learning and Large Language Models
Smart Homes as Digital Ecosystems: Exploring Privacy in IoT Contexts
PETRIoT - A Privacy Enhancing Technology Recommendation Framework for IoT Computing
An Automated Adaptive Security Framework for Cyber-Physical Systems
An Empirical Study of Ransomware Vulnerabilities Descriptions
Fuzzing Matter(s): A White Paper for Fuzzing the Matter Protocol
Secure Multiparty Computation of the Laplace Mechanism
What's Your Purpose? An Approach to Incorporating GDPR Purposes into Requirements Analysis
Using ILP to Learn AppArmor Policies
Cybersecurity Incident Response Readiness in Organisations
The Right Tool for the Job: Contextualization of Cybersecurity Education and Assessment Methods
Learning from the Dark Side About How (not) to Engineer Privacy: Analysis of Dark Patterns Taxonomies from an ISO 29100 Perspective
Blockchain for Privacy-Preserving Data Distribution in Healthcare
The Design and Implementation of a Semantic Web Framework for the Event-Centric Digital Forensics Analysis
Detecting eBPF Rootkits Using Virtualization and Memory Forensics
Feasibility of Privacy Preserving Minutiae-Based Fingerprint Matching
Innovative Uses of Drones for Logistics in Healthcare and Production
Letting Go of the Numbers: Measuring AI Trustworthiness
Trajectory Augmentation for Robust Neural Locomotion Controllers
Real-Time Desertscapes Simulation with CUDA
Exploring the Effect of Display Type on Co-Located Multiple Player Gameplay Performance, Immersion, Social Presence, and Behavior Patterns
Pure Physics-Based Hand Interaction in VR
Using the Polynomial Particle-in-Cell Method for Liquid-Fabric Interaction
Towards Generating 3D City Models with GAN and Computer Vision Methods
Sparse Spatial Shading in Augmented Reality
ML-Tree and MRL-Tree: Combining Mass-Spring System, Rigid-Body Dynamics and L-Systems to Model Physical Effects on Trees
Polyline Simplification with Predefined Edge Directions by Mixed Integer Linear Programs
Parameter-Free Connectivity for Point Clouds
Viewpoint Selection for Molecular Visualization: Analysis and Applications
A Predictor for Triangle Mesh Compression Working in Tangent Space
Efficiency of 3D Fractal Generation Through Raymarching
Data-Driven Viscosity Solver for Fluid Simulation
Automatic Registration of 3D Point Cloud Sequences
Thinking on Your Feet: Enhancing Foveated Rendering in Virtual Reality During User Activity
Real-Time Editing of Path-Traced Scenes with Prioritized Re-Rendering
HandWindowTeleportation: Locomotion with Hand Gestures for Virtual Reality Games
Virtual Reality for Detailed Visualization and Generation of Proximal and Distal Bone Fracture Patterns
An Evaluation Research on Dynamic Hit Stop Using Eye Gaze
Handing Pedagogical Scenarios Back over to Domain Experts: A Scenario Authoring Model for VR with Pedagogical Objectives
Hierarchical Bitmask Implicit Grids for Efficient Point-in-Volume Queries on the GPU
TreeSpecies-PC2DT: Automated Tree Species Modeling from Point Clouds to Digital Twins
Non-Photorealistic Rendering of 3D Point Clouds Using Segment-Specific Image-Space Effects
Transformer-Based Two-level Approach for Music-driven Dance Choreography
Detection of Local Symmetry Polylines of Polygons Based on Sweeping Paradigm
Adaptation Speed for Exposure Control in Virtual Reality
Automated Palette Cycling Animations
Exploring Foveation Techniques for Virtual Reality Environments
A Virtual Reality Prototype as a Tool Against Verbal Abuse in Classrooms: A Multidisciplinary Approach
Pseudo-Curvature of Fractal Curves for Geometric Control of Roughness
Modelling Cognitive Workload to Build Multimodal Voice Interaction in the Car
Evaluating Blink Rate as a Dynamic Indicator of Mental Workload in a Flight Simulator
Applying Cognitive and Cultural Frameworks to mHealth Application Design for Elderly Users
Gaia: A Social Robot to Help Connect Humans and Plants
Sense of Presence, Realism, and Simulation Sickness in Operational Tasks: A Comparative Analysis of Virtual and Mixed Reality
AR Authoring: How to Reduce Errors from the Start?
AI-Supported Diagnostic of Depression Using Clinical Interviews: A Pilot Study
A Digital Inclusion and Technological Barriers: Investigating the Challenges Faced by Formerly Incarcerated Populations in Adopting and Accessing Technology
Virtual Reality and Autism Spectrum Disorder: Emergence of Sensory-Motor and Olfactory Potentialities in an Anthropocentric Epistemological Approach
Real-Time Heart Rate Visualization for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Evaluation of Technology Assisted Physical Activity Application to Increase Exercise Intensity
A Comparative Study: Augmented and Virtual Reality Applications for Improving Comprehension of Abstract Programming Concepts
Visual Behavior Based on Information Foraging Theory Toward Designing of Auditory Information
Towards Automated Decision Making in Dating Apps Through Pupillary Responses
From Surveys to TV Series: Study of the Role of Haptic in Social Interaction
Perception of a Spatial Implausibility Caused by Seamless Covert Teleportation
Using Fitts' Law to Compare Sonification Guidance Methods for Target Reaching Without Vision
Look-over-there: Real-World Co-Located Cross-Referencing Using Augmented Reality
Emotional and Meditative States in Interactive Media Access with a Positive Computing Perspective
Enhancing the User Interaction of Online Students: Analysis of an Interaction Concept for a Learner Dashboard
ARTISTA: Redefining Pottery Design with Virtual Reality and Physically Simulated Clay
Performance Evaluation of Visual Analytics Framework for Monitoring Neuromotor Rehabilitation
I Feel Safe with the Prediction: The Effect of Prediction Accuracy on Trust
Exploring Multimodal Interactions with a Robot Assistant in an Assembly Task: A Human-Centered Design Approach
Visual Analysis of Military Diving Incident Reports
Visualizing Group Structure in Compound Graphs: The Current State, Lessons Learned, and Outstanding Opportunities
Visualization of Swedish News Articles: A Design Study
Flowstrates++: An Approach to Visualize Multi-Dimensional OD Data
Dashboard Design: Interactive and Visual Exploration of Spotify Songs
Fundamental Limitations of Inverse Projections and Decision Maps
A Review on Data Terminology in Visual Analytics Tools
Visualizing Plasma Physics Simulations in Immersive Environments
Quantifying Topic Model Influence on Text Layouts Based on Dimensionality Reductions
Using Retrieval Augmented Generation to Build the Context for Data-Driven Stories
Simultaneous Optimization of Edge Bundling and Node Layout Using Genetic Algorithm
Increasing User Engagement with a Tracking App Through Data Visualizations
Particle-Wise Higher-Order SPH Field Approximation for DVR
Evaluation of Approximate Reflectional Symmetry
Understanding How Different Visual Aids for Augmented Reality Influence Tool-Patient Alignment in Surgical Tasks: A Preliminary Study
Scale and Time Independent Clustering of Time Series Data
Navigating the Trade-Off Between Explainability and Privacy
A Survey on Storytelling Techniques for Heritage on Nazi Persecution
Human-Machine Collaboration for the Visual Exploration and Analysis of High-Dimensional Spatial Simulation Ensembles
Bringing Objects to Life: Supporting Program Comprehension Through Animated 2.5D Object Maps from Program Traces
M&M: Multimodal-Multitask Model Integrating Audiovisual Cues in Cognitive Load Assessment
Classification of Towels in a Robotic Workcell Using Deep Neural Networks
Online Human Activity Recognition Using Efficient Neural Architecture Search with Low Environmental Impact
Diverse Data Selection Considering Data Distribution for Unsupervised Continual Learning
Association of Grad-CAM, LIME and Multidimensional Fractal Techniques for the Classification of H&E Images
Synthetic Data-Driven Approach for Missing Nut and Bolt Classification in Flange Joints
Comprehensive Evaluation of End-to-End Driving Model Explanations for Autonomous Vehicles
Uncertainty-Based Detection of Adversarial Attacks in Semantic Segmentation
Attention-Based Shape and Gait Representations Learning for Video-Based Cloth-Changing Person Re-Identification
Towards Rapid Prototyping and Comparability in Active Learning for Deep Object Detection
Class Weighted Focal Loss for Improving Class Imbalance in Semi-Supervised Object Detection
Deep Active Learning with Noisy Oracle in Object Detection
Efficient Parameter Mining and Freezing for Continual Object Detection
Cybersecurity Intrusion Detection with Image Classification Model Using Hilbert Curve
Enabling On-Device Continual Learning with Binary Neural Networks and Latent Replay
Enhancement-Driven Pretraining for Robust Fingerprint Representation Learning
Sumo Action Classification Using Mawashi Keypoints
Applying Prompts and Parameter-Efficient Methods to Enhance Single-Stream Vision-Language Transformers
Privacy-Preserving Face Recognition in Hybrid Frequency-Color Domain
Large Scale Graph Construction and Label Propagation
Improving Pseudo-Labelling and Enhancing Robustness for Semi-Supervised Domain Generalization
Synthesizing Classifiers from Prior Knowledge
Comparative Study Between Object Detection Models, for Olive Fruit Fly Identification
StyleHumanCLIP: Text-Guided Garment Manipulation for StyleGAN-Human
Investigating the Corruption Robustness of Image Classifiers with Random p-norm Corruptions
Exploring the Impact of Knowledge Graphs on Zero-Shot Visual Object State Classification
Pixel-Wise Gradient Uncertainty for Convolutional Neural Networks Applied to Out-of-Distribution Segmentation
S3Aug: Segmentation, Sampling, and Shift for Action Recognition
Enabling RAW Image Classification Using Existing RGB Classifiers
Conic Linear Units: Improved Model Fusion and Rotational-Symmetric Generative Model
Diffusion-Based Image Generation for In-Distribution Data Augmentation in Surface Defect Detection
Generating Videos from Stories Using Conditional GAN
Occlusion-Robust and Efficient 6D Pose Estimation with Scene-Level Segmentation Refinement and 3D Partial-to-6D Full Point Cloud Transformation
Image Augmentation Preserving Object Parts Using Superpixels of Variable Granularity
A Fusion Approach for Enhanced Remote Sensing Image Classification
Multi-Task Learning Based on Log Dynamic Loss Weighting for Sex Classification and Age Estimation on Panoramic Radiographs
Unsupervised Few-Shot Image Segmentation with Dense Feature Learning and Sparse Clustering
Calisthenics Skills Temporal Video Segmentation
Exploring Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Approaches for Water Parameters Estimation from Satellite Images
Agrinet: A Hyperspectral Image Based Precise Crop Classification Model
A Cascade Methodology to Evaluate Black-Box Recognition Systems Based on a Copycat Algorithm
AR-VPT: Simple Auto-Regressive Prompts for Adapting Frozen ViTs to Videos
Alias-Free GAN for 3D-Aware Image Generation
Parts-Based Implicit 3D Face Modeling
Anomaly Detection and Localization for Images of Running Paper Web in Paper Manufacturing
Anomaly Detection on Roads Using an LSTM and Normal Maps
Improved Pest Detection in Insect Larvae Rearing with Pseudo-Labelling and Spatio-Temporal Masking
AbSynth: Using Abstract Image Synthesis for Synthetic Training
Challenging the Black Box: A Comprehensive Evaluation of Attribution Maps of CNN Applications in Agriculture and Forestry
Effects of Model Drift on Ship Detection Models
How Quality Affects Deep Neural Networks in Fine-Grained Image Classification
SMART-RD: Towards a Risk Assessment Framework for Autonomous Railway Driving
Minimalist CNN for Medical Imaging Classification with Small Dataset: Does Size Really Matter and How?
Image Augmentation for Object Detection and Segmentation with Diffusion Models
Nearest Neighbor-Based Data Denoising for Deep Metric Learning
Vehicle Pose Estimation: Exploring Angular Representations
RailCloud-HdF: A Large-Scale Point Cloud Dataset for Railway Scene Semantic Segmentation
Evaluating Learning Potential with Internal States in Deep Neural Networks
Unsupervised Annotation and Detection of Novel Objects Using Known Objectness
Reducing Bias in Pre-Trained Models by Tuning While Penalizing Change
Mediapi-RGB: Enabling Technological Breakthroughs in French Sign Language (LSF) Research Through an Extensive Video-Text Corpus
GAF-Net: Video-Based Person Re-Identification via Appearance and Gait Recognitions
Image Generation from Hyper Scene Graphs with Trinomial Hyperedges Using Object Attention
Variational Autoencoders for Pedestrian Synthetic Data Augmentation of Existing Datasets: A Preliminary Investigation
A Comparative Evaluation of Self-Supervised Methods Applied to Rock Images Classification
Detecting Anomalies in Textured Images Using Modified Transformer Masked Autoencoder
Beyond the Known: Adversarial Autoencoders in Novelty Detection
When Medical Imaging Met Self-Attention: A Love Story That Didn’t Quite Work out
Modification of DDIM Encoding for Generating Counterfactual Pathology Images of Malignant Lymphoma
CSE: Surface Anomaly Detection with Contrastively Selected Embedding
Multi-Task Planar Reconstruction with Feature Warping Guidance
Benchmarking Sensitivity of Continual Graph Learning for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
Kore Initial Clustering for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
Depth Estimation Using Weighted-Loss and Transfer Learning
Identification of Honeybees with Paint Codes Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Conditional Vector Graphics Generation for Music Cover Images
Robust Long-Tailed Image Classification via Adversarial Feature Re-Calibration
Scale Learning in Scale-Equivariant Convolutional Networks
Strategies for Classifier Selection Based on Genetic Programming for Multimedia Data Recognition
NeRF-Diffusion for 3D-Consistent Face Generation and Editing
Enhanced Deepfake Detection Using Frequency Domain Upsampling
Understanding Marker-Based Normalization for FLIM Networks
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Human Pose Action Recognition
High Precision Single Shot Object Detection in Automotive Scenarios
CL-FedFR: Curriculum Learning for Federated Face Recognition
Most Relevant Viewpoint of an Object: A View-Dependent 3D Saliency Approach
Feature Selection Using Quantum Inspired Island Model Genetic Algorithm for Wheat Rust Disease Detection and Severity Estimation
Machine Learning in Industrial Quality Control of Glass Bottle Prints
Evaluating Multiple Combinations of Models and Encoders to Segment Clouds in Satellite Images
SAM-Based Detection of Structural Anomalies in 3D Models for Preserving Cultural Heritage
Optimization and Learning Rate Influence on Breast Cancer Image Classification
FingerSeg: Highly-Efficient Dual-Resolution Architecture for Precise Finger-Level Semantic Segmentation
Beyond Variational Models and Self-Similarity in Super-Resolution: Unfolding Models and Multi-Head Attention
Efficient and Accurate Hyperspectral Image Demosaicing with Neural Network Architectures
On Granularity Variation of Air Quality Index Vizualization from Sentinel-5
Deformable Pose Network: A Multi-Stage Deformable Convolutional Network for 2D Hand Pose Estimation
Feature Selection for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection and Localization Using Synthetic Defects
Camera Self-Calibration from Two Views with a Common Direction
An Image Sharpening Technique Based on Dilated Filters and 2D-DWT Image Fusion
Multimodal Crowd Counting with Pix2Pix GANs
On the Use of Visual Transformer for Image Complexity Assessment
Two Nonlocal Variational Models for Retinex Image Decomposition
Pair-GAN: A Three-Validated Generative Model from Single Pairs of Biomedical and Ground Truth Images
Oral Dysplasia Classification by Using Fractal Representation Images and Convolutional Neural Networks
Colorectal Image Classification Using Randomized Neural Network Descriptors
Image Edge Enhancement for Effective Image Classification
Investigation of Deep Neural Network Compression Based on Tucker Decomposition for the Classification of Lesions in Cavity Oral
Fast and Reliable Inpainting for Real-Time Immersive Video Rendering
XYZ Unsupervised Network: A Robust Image Dehazing Approach
Multispectral Stereo-Image Fusion for 3D Hyperspectral Scene Reconstruction
Facial Point Graphs for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Identification
Identifying Representative Images for Events Description Using Machine Learning
Single-Class Instance Segmentation for Vectorization of Line Drawings
EBA-PRNetCC: An Efficient Bridge Attention-Integration PoseResNet for Coordinate Classification in 2D Human Pose Estimation
Learning Projection Patterns for Direct-Global Separation
RecViT: Enhancing Vision Transformer with Top-Down Information Flow
Combining Total Variation and Nonlocal Variational Models for Low-Light Image Enhancement
Calibration-Accuracy Measurement in Railway Overlapping Multi-Camera Systems
Analysis of Scattering Media by High-Frequency Polarized Light Projection Using Polarizing Projector
Selection of Backbone for Feature Extraction with U-Net in Pancreas Segmentation
A Computer Vision Approach to Compute Bubble Flow of Offshore Wells
Robust Denoising and DenseNet Classification Framework for Plant Disease Detection
FuDensityNet: Fusion-Based Density-Enhanced Network for Occlusion Handling
Image Inpainting on the Sketch-Pencil Domain with Vision Transformers
Data Quality Aware Approaches for Addressing Model Drift of Semantic Segmentation Models
Blind Deblurring of THz Time-Domain Images Based on Low-Rank Representation
Character Identification in Images Extracted from Portuguese Manuscript Historical Documents
Training Methods for Regularizing Gradients on Multi-Task Image Restoration Problems
Curriculum for Crowd Counting: Is It Worthy?
Improving Low-Light Image Recognition Performance Based on Image-Adaptive Learnable Module
Convolutional Neural Networks and Image Patches for Lithological Classification of Brazilian Pre-Salt Rocks
A Learning Paradigm for Interpretable Gradients
Using Extended Light Sources for Relighting from a Small Number of Images
Automated Generation of Instance Segmentation Labels for Traffic Surveillance Models
The Risk of Image Generator-Specific Traces in Synthetic Training Data
Error Analysis of Aerial Image-Based Relative Object Position Estimation
Transformer-Based Video Saliency Prediction with High Temporal Dimension Decoding
Neural Style Transfer for Vector Graphics
ELSA: Expanded Latent Space Autoencoder for Image Feature Extraction and Classification
Frames Preprocessing Methods for Chromakey Classification in Video
Vision-Perceptual Transformer Network for Semantic Scene Understanding
Efficiency Optimization Strategies for Point Transformer Networks
Avoiding Undesirable Solutions of Deep Blind Image Deconvolution
Large Filter Low-Level Processing by Edge TPU
Privacy Preservation in Image Classification Using Seam Doppelganger
Instance Segmentation of Event Camera Streams in Outdoor Monitoring Scenarios
A Generative Model for Guided Thermal Image Super-Resolution
Simple Base Frame Guided Residual Network for RAW Burst Image Super-Resolution
Generative Texture Super-Resolution via Differential Rendering
SynthRSF: A Novel Photorealistic Synthetic Dataset for Adverse Weather Condition Denoising
Teeth Localization and Lesion Segmentation in CBCT Images Using SpatialConfiguration-Net and U-Net
A Comparative Analysis of the Three-Alternative Forced Choice Method and the Slider-Based Method in Subjective Experiments: A Case Study on Contrast Preference Task
Assessing the Performance of Autoencoders for Particle Density Estimation in Acoustofluidic Medium: A Visual Analysis Approach
Dense Light Field Imaging with Mixed Focus Camera
SWViT-RRDB: Shifted Window Vision Transformer Integrating Residual in Residual Dense Block for Remote Sensing Super-Resolution
Efficient Posterior Sampling for Diverse Super-Resolution with Hierarchical VAE Prior
Iterative Saliency Enhancement over Superpixel Similarity
RetailKLIP: Finetuning OpenCLIP Backbone Using Metric Learning on a Single GPU for Zero-Shot Retail Product Image Classification
Estimation of Package-Boundary Confidence for Object Recognition in Rainbow-SKU Depalletizing Automation
Deep Learning-Based Models for Performing Multi-Instance Multi-Label Event Classification in Gameplay Footage
Concept Basis Extraction for Latent Space Interpretation of Image Classifiers
CaRe-CNN: Cascading Refinement CNN for Myocardial Infarct Segmentation with Microvascular Obstructions
Automated Brain Lobe Segmentation and Feature Extraction from Multiple Sclerosis Lesions Using Deep Learning
Investigating Color Illusions from the Perspective of Computational Color Constancy
SIDAR: Synthetic Image Dataset for Alignment & Restoration
Towards Better Morphed Face Images Without Ghosting Artifacts
Pre-Training and Fine-Tuning Attention Based Encoder Decoder Improves Sea Surface Height Multi-Variate Inpainting
Word and Image Embeddings in Pill Recognition
Comparing 3D Shape and Texture Descriptors Towards Tourette’s Syndrome Prediction Using Pediatric Magnetic Resonance Imaging
SAMMI: Segment Anything Model for Malaria Identification
Estimation of the Inference Quality of Machine Learning Models for Cutting Tools Inspection
Probabilistic NeRF for 3D Shape Recovery in Scattered Medium
Stereo-Event-Camera-Technique for Insect Monitoring
CAVC: Cosine Attention Video Colorization
Influence of Pixel Perturbation on eXplainable Artificial Intelligence Methods
End-to-End Chess Recognition
Deep Learning-Powered Assembly Step Classification for Intricate Machines
Analysis of Point Cloud Domain Gap Effects for 3D Object Detection Evaluation
Enhancing Object Detection Accuracy with Variational Autoencoders as a Filter in YOLO
Event-Based Semantic-Aided Motion Segmentation
BEVSeg2TP: Surround View Camera Bird’s-Eye-View Based Joint Vehicle Segmentation and Ego Vehicle Trajectory Prediction
Animating NeRFs from Texture Space: A Framework for Pose-Dependent Rendering of Human Performances
Multi-View 3D Reconstruction for Construction Site Monitoring
Real-Time Detection and Mapping of Crowd Panic Emergencies
A Multilevel Strategy to Improve People Tracking in a Real-World Scenario
HD-VoxelFlex: Flexible High-Definition Voxel Grid Representation
Semantic Image Synthesis for Realistic Image Generation in Robotic Assisted Partial Nephrectomy
Semantic State Estimation in Robot Cloth Manipulations Using Domain Adaptation from Human Demonstrations
PanoTherm: Panoramic Thermal Imaging for Object Detection and Tracking
BASE: Probably a Better Approach to Visual Multi-Object Tracking
Incorporating Temporal Information into 3D Hand Pose Estimation Using Scene Flow
Evaluation of 3D Point Cloud Distances: A Comparative Study in Multi-Point Cloud Fusion Environments
Teacher-Student Models for AI Vision at the Edge: A Car Parking Case Study
Physical Ergonomics Anticipation with Human Motion Prediction
Toward Multi-Plane Image Reconstruction from a Casually Captured Focal Stack
Ontology-Driven Deep Learning Model for Multitask Visual Food Analysis
World-Map Misalignment Detection for Visual Navigation Systems
ImgAdaPoinTr: Improving Point Cloud Completion via Images and Segmentation
Symmetry Completion Test: A Novel Approach for Visual Distortion Mapping and Correction Using Symmetry Constraints
Learning 3D Human UV with Loose Clothing from Monocular Video
Deep Learning Model Compression for Resource Efficient Activity Recognition on Edge Devices: A Case Study
Attacking the Loop: Adversarial Attacks on Graph-Based Loop Closure Detection
Anisotropic Diffusion for Depth Estimation in Shape from Focus Systems
Direct 3D Body Measurement Estimation from Sparse Landmarks
Explainability and Interpretability for Media Forensic Methods: Illustrated on the Example of the Steganalysis Tool Stegdetect
A Study of Real World Information Mapping for Information Sharing Using Edge Devices
Visual Perception of Obstacles: Do Humans and Machines Focus on the Same Image Features?
Robotics and Computer Vision in the Brazilian Electoral Context: A Case Study
Reliability and Stability of Mean Opinion Score for Image Aesthetic Quality Assessment Obtained Through Crowdsourcing
Enhanced Multimodal Timely Prediction of Pulmonary Fibrosis Progression with Uncertainty Estimation from Chest CT Images and Clinical Metadata
Informative Rays Selection for Few-Shot Neural Radiance Fields
Finding and Navigating to Humans in Complex Environments for Assistive Tasks
Fooling Neural Networks for Motion Forecasting via Adversarial Attacks
Microplankton Discrimination in FlowCAM Images Using Deep Learning
Detecting Anomalous 3D Point Clouds Using Pre-Trained Feature Extractors
Multidimensional Compressed Sensing for Spectral Light Field Imaging
Decoding Visual Stimuli and Visual Imagery Information from EEG Signals Utilizing Multi-Perspective 3D-CNN Based Hierarchical Deep-Fusion Learning Network
Attentive-YOLO: On-Site Water Pipeline Inspection Using Efficient Channel Attention and Reduced ELAN-Based YOLOv7
Are Semi-Dense Detector-Free Methods Good at Matching Local Features?
Defying Limits: Super-Resolution Refinement with Diffusion Guidance
Automatic Assessment of Skill and Performance in Fencing Footwork
Self-Mounted Motion Capture System Using Mutual Projection of Asynchronous Cameras
A Tool for 3D Representation of the 2D Thermographic Breast Acquisitions
BEVFastLine: Single Shot Fast BEV Line Detection for Automated Parking Applications
Diffusion-Inspired Dynamic Models for Enhanced Fake Face Detection
Hand Mesh and Object Pose Reconstruction Using Cross Model Autoencoder
Automatic Computation of the Posterior Nipple Line from Mammographies
Fact-Checked Claim Detection in Videos Using a Multimodal Approach
Coreset Based Medical Image Anomaly Detection and Segmentation
Towards the Detection of Diffusion Model Deepfakes
Deep Discriminative Feature Learning for Document Image Manipulation Detection
Multi-View Inversion for 3D-aware Generative Adversarial Networks
Recognizing Actions in High-Resolution Low-Framerate Videos: A Feasibility Study in the Construction Sector
Augmenting Human-Robot Collaboration Task by Human Hand Position Forecasting
On Feasibility of Transferring Watermarks from Training Data to GAN-Generated Fingerprint Images
Social Distancing Monitoring by Human Detection Through Bird’s-Eye View Technique
Combining Progressive Hierarchical Image Encoding and YOLO to Detect Fish in Their Natural Habitat
An Assistive Technology Based on Object Detection for Automated Task List Generation
Region-Transformer: Self-Attention Region Based Class-Agnostic Point Cloud Segmentation
Evaluating the Usability of a 3D Map Visualizer Augmented Reality Application
Behind the Lens: Exploring UV Reflection
Visual Insights in Human Cancer Mutational Patterns: Similarity-Based Cancer Classification Using Siamese Networks
Important Pixels Sampling for NeRF Training Based on Edge Values and Squared Errors Between the Ground Truth and the Estimated Colors
Relationship Between Semantic Segmentation Model and Additional Features for 3D Point Clouds Obtained from on-Vehicle LIDAR
Pedestrian's Gaze Object Detection in Traffic Scene
Optical Illusion in Which Line Segments Continue to Grow or Shrink by Displaying Two Images Alternately
Security, Privacy and the “Human Factor”: Making Sense of the Paradoxes of Security and Privacy Behaviour
The Dance of Logic and Unpredictability: Examining the Predictability of User Behavior on Visual Analytics Tasks
Automatic Error Correction of GPT-Based Robot Motion Generation by Partial Affordance of Tool
Towards Value Awareness in the Medical Field
Learning End-to-End Deep Learning Based Image Signal Processing Pipeline Using a Few-Shot Domain Adaptation
Prototyping a Low-Cost Flexible Sensor Glove for Diagnostics and Rehabilitation
Feature Selection Improves Speech Based Parkinson's Disease Detection Performance
Neuromotor Pattern of the Upper Limb in Hygiene Activities Using Electromyography and Accelerometery Technology
Real-Time 3D Information Visualization on Mobile Devices: Efficient Occlusion Detection for Geospatial Applications
Aggregating Predicted Individual Hospital Length of Stay to Predict Bed Occupancy for Hospitals
Exploring the Design of Low-End Technology to Increase Patient Connectivity to Electronic Health Records
Hôsea: A Touch Table for Cognitive and Motor Rehabilitation for the Elderly - A Preliminary Study
Smart Home Privacy: A Scoping Review
Deep Q-Networks for Imbalanced Multi-Class Malware Classification
Double Trouble? Impact and Detection of Duplicates in Face Image Datasets
Evaluation of K-Means Time Series Clustering Based on Z-Normalization and NP-Free
Cycle-Accurate Virtual Prototyping with Multiplicity
Lens Flare-Aware Detector in Autonomous Driving
Non-Local Context-Aware Attention for Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images
AV-PEA: Parameter-Efficient Adapter for Audio-Visual Multimodal Learning
Between Gaming and Microclimate Simulations: Temperature Estimation of an Urban Area
Learning on Forecasting HIV Epidemic Based on Individuals' Contact Networks
The Beyond 5G (B5G) Era of Next-Generation Digital Networks: Preliminary Study of a Task-Technology Fit (TTF) Model for Remote Robotic Surgery Applications
Characterization of Telemedicine Patients to Discover Patient Journeys Using Process Mining
Automatic Viewpoint Selection for Interactive Motor Feedback Using Principal Component Analysis
Assessment of the Detectability of Vulnerable Road Users: An Empirical Study
High Throughput Neural Network for Network Intrusion Detection on FPGAs: An Algorithm-Architecture Interaction
Enhancing Cybersecurity Through Comparative Analysis of Deep Learning Models for Anomaly Detection
Anomaly Detection Methods for Finding Technosignatures
Predicting Children's Myopia Risk: A Monte Carlo Approach to Compare the Performance of Machine Learning Models
Outage Risks: It is not the Malicious Attacks that Take Down Your Service
The Robustness of a Twisted Prisoner’s Dilemma for Incorporating Memory and Unlikeliness of Occurrence
Algebraic Structure of Recursively Constructed References and Its Application to Knowledge Base
Univariate GARCH Model for Futures Option Pricing: Application to Silver Mini Futures in Indian Commodity Market
Painter Profile Clustering Using NLP Features
Navigating Social Networks: A Hypergraph Approach to Influence Optimization
On the Robustness of Correlation Network Models in Predicting the Safety of Bridges
Assessing the Impact of Data Governance on Decision Making in Saudi Arabia
Analytical Study on Typeface Visual Identification
FaRS: A High-Performance Automorphism-Aware Algorithm for Graph Similarity Matching
Evaluating the Multifactorial Effects on SARS-CoV-2 Spread in Tokyo Metropolitan Area with an Agent-Based Model
Generative AI for Productivity in Industry and Education
Modeling Networks of Interdependent Infrastructure in Complex Urban Environments Using Open-Data
Reverse Engineering of Classical-Quantum Programs
Human-Centered e-Health Development: An Accessible Visual Modeling Tool
Gamification of E-Learning Apps via Acceptance Requirements Analysis
An Extensive Analysis of Data Clumps in UML Class Diagrams
Conversational Assistants for Software Development: Integration, Traceability and Coordination
Ensuring User Privacy in the Digital Age: A Quality-Centric Approach to Tracking and Data Protection
An Integrated Visualization Approach Combining Dynamic Data-Flow Analysis with Symbolic Execution
Scriptless Testing for an Industrial 3D Sandbox Game
Applications Model: A High-Level Design Model for Rich Web-Based Applications
Unsupervised Anomaly Detection in Continuous Integration Pipelines
Decoding Code Quality: A Software Metric Analysis of Open-Source JavaScript Projects
Transforming Data Lakes to Data Meshes Using Semantic Data Blueprints
Combining Goal-Oriented and BPMN Modelling to Support Distributed Microservice Compositions
A Conceptual Model for Data Warehousing
Analyzing MQTT Attack Scenarios: A Systematic Formalization and TLC Model Checker Simulation
CC-SolBMC: Condition Coverage Analysis for Smart Contracts Using Solidity Bounded Model Checker
Steady-State Energy Consumption Evaluation in BaseBand Units Pool in Cloud Radio Access Network
Embracing Unification: A Comprehensive Approach to Modern Test Case Prioritization
Industrial Validation of a Neural Network Model Using the Novel MixTCP Tool
ChatGPT as a Software Development Bot: A Project-Based Study
UICVD: A Computer Vision UI Dataset for Training RPA Agents
An Analysis of Privacy Issues and Policies of eHealth Apps
Making Application Build Safer Through Static Analysis of Naming
Skeet: Towards a Lightweight Serverless Framework Supporting Modern AI-Driven App Development
IoTUseCase: A New Concept for the Modeling of Business Information Systems in the Age of IoT
Towards a Goal-Oriented Approach for Engineering Digital Twins of Robotic Systems
Review Time as Predictor for the Quality of Model Inspections
Outlier Detection Through Connectivity-Based Outlier Factor for Software Defect Prediction
Exploring the Impact of Dataset Accuracy on Machinery Functional Safety: Insights from an AI-Based Predictive Maintenance System
Metrics to Estimate Model Comprehension: Towards a Reliable Quantification Framework
Commit Classification into Maintenance Activities Using In-Context Learning Capabilities of Large Language Models
Machine Learning-Enhanced Requirements Engineering: A Systematic Literature Review
Enriching the Semantic Representation of the Source Code with Natural Language-Based Features from Comments for Improving the Performance of Software Defect Prediction
Green Computing Adoption: Understanding the Role of Individual, Social, and Organizational Factors
Security and SLA Monitoring for Cloud Services
Influential Factors of Software Firms’ Performance in the Industry of Developing Countries
6DVF: A Framework for the Development and Evaluation of Mobile Data Visualisations
A Monitoring Methodology and Framework to Partition Embedded Systems Requirements
MPED-SCRUM: An Automated Decision-Making Framework Based Measurement for Managing Requirement Change Within the SCRUM Process
Considerations in Prioritizing for Efficiently Refactoring the Data Clumps Model Smell: A Preliminary Study
Security Testing of RESTful APIs with Test Case Mutation
Towards Enhancing Mobile App Reviews: A Structured Approach to User Review Entry, Analysis and Verification
Interpolation-Based Learning for Bounded Model Checking
pyZtrategic: A Zipper-Based Embedding of Strategies and Attribute Grammars in Python
Extract-Transform-Load Process for Recognizing Sentiment from User-Generated Text on Social Media
Creating a Trajectory for Code Writing: Algorithmic Reasoning Tasks
Automated Software Vulnerability Detection Using CodeBERT and Convolutional Neural Network
An Evaluation of the Impact of End-to-End Query Optimization Strategies on Energy Consumption
CodeGrapher: An Image Representation Method to Enhance Software Vulnerability Prediction
CRAFTER: A Persona Generation Tool for Requirements Engineering
Impact of Policies on Organizations Engaged in Partnership
ODRL-Based Provisioning of Thing Artifacts for IoT Applications
Reinforcement Learning for Multi-Objective Task Placement on Heterogeneous Architectures with Real-Time Constraints
Metasurance: A Blockchain-Based Insurance Management Framework for Metaverse
Towards a Web Application Attack Detection System Based on Network Traffic and Log Classification
Expectation-Based Integration Testing of Unidirectional Interactions in Component-Based Software Systems
Taxonomy of Governance Mechanisms for Trust Management In Smart Dynamic Ecosystems
PreSTyDe: Improving the Performance of within-project Defects Prediction by Learning to Classify Types of Software Faults
Towards a SQL Injection Vulnerability Detector Based on Session Types
On the Path to Buffer Overflow Detection by Model Checking the Stack of Binary Programs
Review of Evaluations of Enterprise Architecture
Prevalence and User Perception of Dark Patterns: A Case Study on E-Commerce Websites of Bangladesh
Vector Based Modelling of Business Processes
Secure Audio Watermarking for Multipurpose Defensive Applications
Uncovering Bad Practices in Junior Developer Projects Using Static Analysis and Formal Concept Analysis
Exploring Social Sustainability Alignment in Software Development Projects
Exploring Perspectives of Students on Using Mobile Apps to Improve English Vocabulary Through Youtube Videos: A Comparative Study
Analysing the Effectiveness of a Social Digital Repository for Learning and Teaching: A Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation
Association Rule Learning Based Approach to Automatic Generation of Feature Model Configurations
IRatePL2C: Importance Rating-Based Approach for Product Lines Collaborative Configuration
What Do Customers Demand? Inclusive and Sustainable Entrepreneurial Marketing
Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Sustainability Assessment and Risk Management in European Banking
Safeguarding Downside Risk in Portfolio Insurance: Navigating Swiss Stock Market Regimes with Options, Trading Signals, and Financial Products
Applying Text Analytics Methodology to Analyze Project Reports
Internal Audit: Friend or Foe of Innovation in an Organization: Case of Czech Banking Sector
Stock Market Forecasting Using Machine Learning Models Through Volatility-Driven Trading Strategies
The Impacts of Environmental Context on Technology Adoption and Their Invariance Analysis in Chinese Supply Chains
The Recruiting Process as an Attractiveness Factor: How Do Companies Manage to Position Themselves Competitively as Employers?
Modeling Organizational Culture, Transformational Leadership, Motivation, Job Satisfaction: Muhammadiyah Aisyiyah College’s Nursing Lecturer
Developing a Framework for City Brand-Image Promotion via Social Media Communication
Leveraging Multimodal Large Language Models and Natural Language Processing Techniques for Comprehensive ESG Risk Score Prediction
Generative AI Risk Management in Digital Economy
Research on Incentive Mechanism of Enterprise Personnel's Self-Determined Salary
ChatGPT in Higher Education: A Risk Management Approach to Academic Integrity, Critical Thinking, and Workforce Readiness
Graph Convolutional Networks for Image Classification: Comparing Approaches for Building Graphs from Images
The Evolution of Original ERP Customization: A Systematic Literature Review of Technical Possibilities
Making Hard(er) Benchmark Functions: Genetic Programming
Information Extraction in the Legal Domain: Traditional Supervised Learning vs. ChatGPT
Data-Driven Process Analysis of Logistics Systems: Implementation Process of a Knowledge-Based Approach
The Power of Information Visualization for Understanding the Impact of Digital Media Projects
A Performance Analysis for Efficient Schema Design in Cloud-Based Distributed Data Warehouses
A Knowledge Base of Argumentation Schemes for Multi-Agent Systems
From Data to Insights: Research Centre Performance Assessment Model (PAM)
Exploring Strategies to Mitigate Cold Start in Recommender Systems: A Systematic Literature Mapping
Heterogeneous Data Integration: A Literature Scope Review
Extending Semantic RML Mappings with Additional Source Formats
Generalizing Conditional Naive Bayes Model
What to Do when Privacy Issues Screw It Up: Ingestion Refactoring in a Big-Data Pipeline
Text-to-SQL Meets the Real-World
An Alternative Way to Analyze and Predict Consonant Clusters Productions in Brazilian Portuguese Phonological Assessments
The Traveling Tournament Problem: Rows-First versus Columns-First
MfCodeGenerator: A Code Generation Tool for NoSQL Data Access with ONM Support
Occupational Accidents Prediction in Brazilian States: A Machine Learning Based Approach
EmbedDB: A High-Performance Time Series Database for Embedded Systems
GraphVault: A Temporal Graph Persistence Engine
Towards an Algorithm-Based Automatic Differentiation of Liability Cases by Analyzing Complaint Texts
An Integrated Decision Support System for Intra-Logistics Management with Peripheral Storage and Centralized Distribution
A Decision Support System Based on a Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Model for Location of Routers in Open-Pit Mines
Improving Explainability of the Attention Branch Network with CAM Fostering Techniques in the Context of Histological Images
Analyzing Sepsis Treatment Variations in Subpopulations with Process Mining
A Visual Analysis Approach to Static Postural Control Acquired by a Force Plate
KluSIM: Speeding up K-Medoids Clustering over Dimensional Data with Metric Access Method
Similarity-Slim Extension: Reducing Financial and Computational Costs of Similarity Queries in Document Collections in NoSQL Databases
Scoping: Towards Streamlined Entity Collections for Multi-Sourced Entity Resolution with Self-Supervised Agents
A Reflective Architecture for Agent-Based Models Applied to Social Network Sites
Exploratory Data Analysis in Cloud Computing Environments for Server Consolidation via Fuzzy Classification Models
A Comprehensive Blockchain-Based Architecture for Healthcare Systems
Artificial Intelligence in Sustainable Smart Cities: A Systematic Study on Applications, Benefits, Challenges, and Solutions
Advanced AI-Based Solutions for Visual Inspection: A Systematic Literature Review
Exploring Implementation Parameters of Gen AI in Companies
X-GAN: Generative Adversarial Networks Training Guided with Explainable Artificial Intelligence
A Framework for Organisational Readiness Assessment in Digital Business Ecosystems Engagement
An Evaluation of Pre-Trained Models for Feature Extraction in Image Classification
Recommendation Systems: A Deep Learning Oriented Perspective
Out of Sesame Street: A Study of Portuguese Legal Named Entity Recognition Through In-Context Learning
Explainable Machine Learning for Alarm Prediction
Optimizing Planning Strategies: A Machine Learning Forecasting Model for Energy Aggregators and Hydropower Producers
Architecture for Stablecoins with Cross-Chain Interoperability
Knowledge Graph Generation from Text Using Supervised Approach Supported by a Relation Metamodel: An Application in C2 Domain
Enhancement of the Online Presence of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises with Minimum Impact on Traditional Business Activities in Towns and Cities
Optimizing Natural Language Processing Applications for Sentiment Analysis
multiBERT: A Classifier for Sponsored Social Media Content
Advancing Industry 4.0: Integrating Data Governance into Asset Administration Shell for Enhanced Interoperability
APOENA: Towards a Cloud Dimensioning Approach for Executing SQL-like Workloads Using Machine Learning and Provenance
Exploring Popular Software Repositories: A Study on Sentiment Analysis and Commit Clustering
A Systematic Mapping on Software Aging and Rejuvenation Prediction Models in Edge, Fog and Cloud Architectures
A Machine Learning Workflow to Address Credit Default Prediction
Identification and Attribution of Access Roles Using Hierarchical Team Permission Analysis
An Open-Source Approach for Digital Prostate Cancer Histopathology: Bringing AI into Practice
A Regression Deep Learning Approach for Fashion Compatibility
Deepbrokenhighways: Road Damage Recognition System Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Swarm Intelligence Path-Planning Pipeline and Algorithms for UAVs: Simulation, Analysis and Recommendation
Machine Learning Support for Time-Efficient Processing Dangerous Driving Detection Using Vehicle Inertial Data
Bibliometric Insights into Web Scraping and Advanced AI-Based Models for Valuable Business Data
Towards Collective Superintelligence: Amplifying Group IQ Using Conversational Swarms
Toward Air Quality Fuzzy Classification
CWM Extensions for Knowledge and Metadata Integration for Complex Data Warehouse and Big Data
A Hybrid Framework for Resource-Efficient Query Processing by Effective Utilization of Existing Resources
Knowledge-Based Systems for Strengthening African Health Systems
Explainable Business Intelligence for Video Analytics in Retail
A Fuzzy-Genetic Multi-Objective Optimization Method Applied to Deployment of Routers in Agricultural Crop Areas
SpectraNet: A Neural Network for Soybean Contents Prediction
My Database User Is a Large Language Model
Analyzing Spatial Data with Heuristics Methods and Ensemble: A Case Study of Vehicle Routing Problem
From Tracking Lineage to Enhancing Data Quality and Auditing: Adding Provenance Support to Data Warehouses with ProvETL
Embedding a Data-Driven Decision-Making Work Culture in a Social Housing Environment
The Power of Gyroscope Data: Advancing Human Movement Analysis for Walking and Running Activities
Designing and Building a Low-Cost IoT Solution for Natural Disaster Monitoring and Mitigation: An Experience Report
Bridging Human and AI Decision-Making with LLMs: The RAGADA Approach
A Methodology for Constructing Patterns for the Management of Data Science Projects
Using Soft Computing and Computer Vision to Create and Control an Integrated Autonomous Robotic Manipulator Process
The Future of Oil and Gas Offloading: Leveraging Blockchain for Enhanced Transparency and Efficiency
An Information System for Training Assessment in Sports Analytics
A Unified Teaching Platform for (No)SQL Databases
Diffusion Model for Generating Synthetic Contrast Enhanced CT from Non-Enhanced Heart Axial CT Images
A Comparative Analysis of EfficientNet Architectures for Identifying Anomalies in Endoscopic Images
Coping with Artificial Intelligence Ethical Dilemma and Ethical Position Choices?
Building Damage Segmentation After Natural Disasters in Satellite Imagery with Mathematical Morphology and Convolutional Neural Networks
Glaucoma Detection Using Transfer Learning with the Faster R-CNN Model and a ResNet-50-FPN Backbone
On the Current State of Generative Artificial Intelligence: A Conceptual Model of Potentials and Challenges
Use of Custom Videogame Dataset and YOLO Model for Accurate Handgun Detection in Real-Time Video Security Applications
Empowering Multidimensional Machine Learning over Cloud- Enabled Big Data Infrastructures with ClustCube
Implementation of Composable Enterprise in an Evolutionary Way Through Holistic Business-IT Delivery of Business Initiatives: Real Industry Use Case
Hydrocyclone Operational Condition Detection: Conceptual Prototype with Edge AI
Studying Trustworthiness of Neural-Symbolic Models for Enterprise Model Classification via Post-Hoc Explanation
Integrated Data Repository System: Fusion, Learning and Sharing
A New Product’s Demand Forecasting Using Artificial Neural Network
Exploring Applicability of LLM-Powered Autonomous Agents to Solve Real-life Problems: Microsoft Entra ID Administration Agent (MEAN)
An Extension of Orbslam for Mobile Robot Using Lidar and Monocular Camera Data for SLAM Without Odometry
Generation of Breaking News Contents Using Large Language Models and Search Engine Optimization
Optical Character Recognition Based-On System for Automated Software Testing
Datasets on Mobile App Metadata and Interface Components to Support Data-Driven App Design
Professional Insights into Benefits and Limitations of Implementing MLOps Principles
RAMOM: A Reference Architecture for Manufacturing Operations Management Activities in Industry 4.0
Greener Information Systems for Product Configuration Management: Towards Adaptation to Sustainability Requirements
An Architecture Framework for Higher Education
Industry 4.0: Wearable IoT Device Applied to Warehouse Management
CarbonSECO for Livestock: A Service Suite to Help in Carbon Emission Decisions
Data Quality Assessment for the Textile and Clothing Value-Chain Digital Product Passport
Towards an Eco-Gamification Platform to Engage Consumers in the Textile & Clothing Circular Economy
A Distributed Processing Architecture for Disease Spread Analysis in the PDSA-RS Platform
Operator Fatigue Detection via Analysis of Physiological Indicators Estimated Using Computer Vision
Challenges in Reverse Engineering of C++ to UML
Forecasting of Key Performance Indicators Based on Transformer Model
Data Discovery and Indexing for Semi-Structured Scientific Data
Challenges of Trustworthy of Digital Evidence and Its Chain of Custody on Cloud Computing Environment: A Systematic Review
Development of a Ship Mooring Inspection Winch Tool with Extended Reality
Exploring the Pros and Cons of Monolithic Applications versus Microservices
A Rule-Based Log Analysis Approach for State-Machine Governed Systems
Can Personality Types Be Blamed for Code Smells?
Business Process Improvements in Hierarchical Organizations: A Case Study Focusing on Collaboration and Creativity
Redefining Data Governance: Insights from the French University System
Towards Legal Interoperability in International Data Spaces
Six Board Roles for Information Security Governance
Validation and Refinement of Usability Heuristics for Interactive Web Maps
Process and Challenges in Designing Data Registration via File Import in an Administrative e-Commerce System
Validation and Clarification of Critical Success Factors of DevOps Processes
Ontology to Define Sizing Screw Joints for Mechanical Engineering Applications
Effective People Management Practices for Software Project Success
The Influences of Employees' Emotions on Their Cyber Security Protection Motivation Behaviour: A Theoretical Framework
Investigating Entry-Level Software Project Managers’ Skills and Responsibilities: An Empirical Analysis of LinkedIn Job Ads
A Method for Marketing and Sales Optimization of Enterprise Software Applications
Enabling Sustainability Due Diligence in Value Chains Through DLT-Based Governance
Evaluating the Acceptance and Quality of a Usability and UX Evaluation Technology Created for the Multi-Touch Context
Modernization of Legacy Systems to Microservice Architecture: A Tertiary Study
On the Integration of Privacy-Enhancing Technologies in the Process of Software Engineering
Project Management in Large-Scale with International Settings: Challenges Faced with Multiculturalism
Validating a Practical Method for Planning Co-Evolution of Business and IT in a Public Sector Organisation
Micro Frontend-Based Development: Concepts, Motivations, Implementation Principles, and an Experience Report
Exploring Interaction Mechanisms and Perceived Realism in Different Virtual Reality Shopping Setups
Understanding the Interplay Between Startups and Accelerators for Early-Stage Resource Mobilization
Advanced VR Calibration for Upper Limb Rehabilitation: Making Immersive Environments Accessible
Crafting a Journey into the past with a Tangible Timeline Game: Net Als Toen as a Tool to Enhance Reminiscence in Elderly with Alzheimer's Disease
Enhancing Scientific Communication: Prioritizing User Experience in Audiovisual Interfaces
Challenges in Metaverse Adoption on People, Process, and Technology Perspectives: A Review from the Five past Years
AI Technology Adoption & Sustainability Improvement Though Cloud Solutions
Towards a Link Mapping and Evaluation Approach for Core Operational Business-IT Alignment
Balancing Autonomy and Control: An Adaptive Approach for Security Governance in Large-Scale Agile Development
Deep Convolutional Neural Network and Character Level Embedding for DGA Detection
Exploring Usability and User Experience Evaluation Methods: A Tertiary Study
Guiding the Adoption of UX Research Practices: An Approach to Support Software Professionals
The Role of Digital Artifacts in Fostering Ecosystem Creation
Can a Chatbot Support Exploratory Software Testing? Preliminary Results
Carbon-Aware Process Execution for Green Business Process Management
Cross-Domain Classification of Domain Entities into Top-Level Ontology Concepts Using BERT: A Study Case on the BFO Domain Ontologies
Usability and User Experience Questionnaire Evaluation and Evolution for Touchable Holography
Supporting User-Centered Requirements Elicitation from Lean Personas: A UX Data Visualization-Based Approach
Testing on Dynamically Adaptive Systems: Challenges and Trends
Speeding Up the Simulation Animals Diseases Spread: A Study Case on R and Python Performance in PDSA-RS Platform
The Usability of Persistent and non-Persistent Headers on Web Pages
An Architectural Viewpoint for Managing BizDevOps Software Projects
Prediction of the Employee Turnover Intention Using Decision Trees
Managing Adverse Commentary on Social Media: A Case Study of an Australian Health Organisation
Model-Based Auto-Commissioning of Building Control Systems
Virtual Reality-Based Adapted Handball Serious Game for Upper Limb Rehabilitation in Spinal Cord Injured Patients
Design Analysis of Smart Water Meters: An Open Design Approach
Conformance Checking on Timed Automaton Process Models
A Formal Execution Semantics for Sophisticated Dynamic Jumps Within Business Processes
Enterprise Architecture Governance of Excellence
An Enterprise Architecture Approach to Semantic Blockchain Interoperability
Requirements Engineering for Continuous Queries on IoRT Data: A Case Study in Agricultural Autonomous Robots Monitoring
Anxiety and EEG Frontal Theta-Beta Ratio Relationship Analysis Across Personality Traits During HDR Affective Videos Experience
Health Scores for Generating Health-Respecting Shift Plans by Means of an Expert System from the Perspective of Care Organisations
Enhancing Predictive Modeling in Emergency Departments
How Can Open Educational Resources Promote Equity in Education?
A Neural Network for Automatic Handwriting Extraction and Recognition in Psychodiagnostic Questionnaires
Outside the Box: Exploring Determinants for Participation in a Digitally Enhanced Remote Museum Visit for Older Adults
A Falls Risk Screening Tool Based on Millimetre-Wave Radar
Improving the Digital Literacy and Social Participation of Older Adults: An Inclusive Platform that Fosters Intergenerational Learning
Developing a Structural Standard for Smart Contract Electronic Health Records Based on the HL7 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources
Missing Data Imputation in Daily Wearable Data for Improved Classification Performance
Incorporating Cognitive Training with Elderly People’s Everyday Use of Smartphones
Advantages and Challenges of Using AI for People with Disabilities
Adoption of Digital Health Technologies in Supported Living Services
A Tailored Internet of Things Lighting Solution to Support Circadian Rhythms and Wellbeing for People Living with Dementia
Hidden Roles of Students and Digital Health Applications in the Field of Mental Health: A Study Protocol for a Prospective Study on Hidden Social Roles with Focus on Informal Relatives, Mental Health, Sleep, and Digital Health Applications
Real-Time CNN Based Facial Emotion Recognition Model for a Mobile Serious Game
A Regression Based Approach for Leishmaniasis Outbreak Detection
Design of BCI-Based Exoskeleton System for Knee Rehabilitation
Applying Multiple Instance Learning for Breast Cancer Lesion Detection in Mammography Images
hospOS: A Platform for Service Robot Orchestration in Hospitals
Recommendations for Designing Information for People with Dementia: Protocol for a Scoping Review
Improving Accessibility with Gamification Strategies: Development of a Prototype App
Contactless Physiology Radars to Promote Healthy Ageing via Remote Tracking: The Need for IoT Context
Towards the Standardization of Disease Registry Form Structure
Integrating Virtual Reality in Cognitive Training of Older Adults Without Cognitive Impairment: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials
Contextualizing Syntactic Interoperability Data Standards for Health Information Exchange in Uganda's Public Healthcare System
Conceptualizing the Active Ageing Index (AAI): A Systematic Literature Review of Frameworks and Supporting Digital Tools
Advancements in the Understanding of What Wellbeing at Very Old Age Is: An Exploratory Study
New Insights into the end-User Requirements for Remote Monitoring for Aging at Home Contributions to the Third Digital Divide
A Novel Approach in Testing Life-Monitoring Technologies for Ageing in Place: A Focus on Fall Detection and Behavioural Alerts
Insights from Co-Design of Underwater Telepresence and Extended Reality Technologies with Digitally Excluded Older Adults
HOMEFUS: A Privacy and Security-Aware Model for IoT Data Fusion in Smart Connected Homes
A Systematic Mapping Study on Techniques for Generating Test Cases from Requirements
A Systematic Mapping Study in Security Software Testing for Mobile Devices
IoTective: Automated Penetration Testing for Smart Home Environments
Automation of Smart Homes with Multiple Rule Sources
Advancements in Household Data Mining: Fine-Tuning of Usage Pattern Inference Pipeline
Data Sets for Cyber Security Machine Learning Models: A Methodological Approach
Credential Lifecycle Analysis in Private LoRaWAN Networks for Industrial IoT (IIoT)
Context Data Compact Prediction Tree (CD-CPT): Transforming User Experience Through Predictive Analysis
How Is Starlink Manoeuvring? An Analysis of Patterns in the Manoeuvres of Starlink Satellites
Hybrid Statistical Modeling for Anomaly Detection in Multi-Key Stores Based on Access Patterns
IndraFlow: Seamless Data Transfer and Transformation Between Internet of Things, Robot Systems and Cloud-Native Environments
Need for Speed: Leveraging the Power of Functional Encryption for Resource-Constrained Devices
Revolutionizing Vehicle Damage Inspection: A Deep Learning Approach for Automated Detection and Classification
Tile Quality Detection Device: Internet of Things (IoT) Demonstration Prototype
Towards a Write once Run Anywhere Approach in End-User IoT Development
A Framework Addressing Challenges in Cybersecurity Testing of IoT Ecosystems and Components
Sample-Based Cardinality Estimation in Full Outer Join Queries
Interoperable Access and Usage Control of Self-Sovereign Digital Twins Using ODRL and I4.0 Language
Navigating the CRA: A Brief Analysis of European Cyber Resilience Act and Resulting Actions for Product Development
Lite4More: A Hardware and Software Solution to Improve the Commissioning of Lighting Infrastructures
UoCAD: An Unsupervised Online Contextual Anomaly Detection Approach for Multivariate Time Series from Smart Homes
Secure Decentralized Carpooling Application Using Blockchain and Zero Knowledge Proof
An Intrusion Detection Architecture Based on the Energy Consumption of Sensors Against Energy Depletion Attacks in LoRaWAN
Classification and Prediction of Hypoglycemia in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Using Data from the EHR and Patient Context
XA4AS: Adaptive Security for Multi-Stage Attacks
Ransomware Reconnaissance: Interrogating Certificates Towards Proactive Threat Mitigation
Decentralized Ransomware Recovery Network: Enhancing Resilience and Security Through Secret Sharing Schemes
Industrial Internet of Things for Assembly Line Worker’s Work Fatigue Recognition
Comparing On-Premise IoT Platforms: Empowering University of Things Ecosystems with Effective Device Management
Privacy Sensitive Building Monitoring Through Generative Sensors
Emergency Corridor Building on Multi-Lane Motorways with Autonomous Model Cars
Optimising Data Processing in Industrial Settings: A Comparative Evaluation of Dimensionality Reduction Approaches
Low-Performance Embedded Internet of Things Devices and the Need for Hardware-Accelerated Post-Quantum Cryptography
Enhancing Hydroponic Farming Productivity Through IoT-Based Multi-Sensor Monitoring System
Overcoming the Complexity of Quality Assurance for Big Data Systems: An Examination of Testing Methods
Architectures of Contemporary Information Systems and Legal/Regulatory Environment
Business Intelligence Reporting by Linguistic Summaries for Smart Cities: A Case on Explaining Bicycle Sharing Patterns
A Hybridized Scheme for Solving Ridesharing Problems Based on Firefly Algorithm and a Variant of PSO Algorithm
Generation of H&E-Stained Histopathological Images Conditioned on Ki67 Index Using StyleGAN Model
Teaching Practice Using ChatGPT in Higher Education
Squeezing the Lemon: Using Accident Analysis for Recommendations to Improve the Resilience of Telecommunications Organizations
Understanding the Factors Influencing Self-Managed Enterprises of Crowdworkers: A Comprehensive Review
Indescribably Blue: Bluetooth Low Energy Threat Landscape
Extending PriPoCoG: A Privacy Policy Editor for GDPR-Compliant Privacy Policies
Can a Simple Approach Perform Better for Cross-Project Defect Prediction?
Enhancing Interaction with Data Lakes Using Digital Twins and Semantic Blueprints
Combining Clustering Algorithms to Extract Symmetric Clusters from Noisy Data, Applied to Parking Lots
Connecting Issue Tracking Systems and Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery Platforms for Improving Log Analysis: A Tool Support
Energy and Cost-Aware Real-Time Task Scheduling with Deadline-Constraints in Fog Computing Environments
State-Aware Application Placement in Mobile Edge Clouds
ALASCA: Function-Driven Advanced Access Control for Big Cold Data
On Detecting Malicious Code Injection by Monitoring Multi-Level Container Activities
Feather: Lightweight Container Alternatives for Deploying Workloads in the Edge
Value for Money: An Experimental Comparison of Cloud Pricing and Performance
Pruning Modes for Deployment Models: From Manual Modeling to Automated Removal of Elements and Their Implications
Task Offloading in Edge-Cloud Computing Using a Q-Learning Algorithm
Creek: Leveraging Serverless for Online Machine Learning on Streaming Data
Service Weaver: A Promising Direction for Cloud-Native Systems?
Tail-Latency Aware and Resource-Efficient Bin Pack Autoscaling for Distributed Event Queues
IoT Devices Overhead: A Simulation Study of eHealth Solutions over a Hospitals’ Network
Enhancing SPIFFE/SPIRE Environment with a Nested Security Token Model
Visualizing the Information Security Maturity Level of Public Cloud Services Used by Public Administrations
Model-Driven End-to-End Resolution of Security Smells in Microservice Architectures
Hosting-Aware Pruning of Components in Deployment Models
Balancing Performance and Aging in Cloud Environments
CacheFlow: Enhancing Data Flow Efficiency in Serverless Computing by Local Caching
Towards a General Metric for Energy Efficiency in Cloud Computing Data Centres: A Proposal for Extending of the ISO/IEC 30134-4
Don't Train, Just Prompt: Towards a Prompt Engineering Approach for a More Generative Container Orchestration Management
Responsible Information Sharing in the Era of Big Data Analytics Facilitating Digital Economy Through the Use of Blockchain Technology and Observing GDPR
Optimizing Service Placement in Edge-to-Cloud AR/VR Systems Using a Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm
Benefits of Dynamic Computational Offloading for Mobile Devices
On Maintainability and Microservice Dependencies: How Do Changes Propagate?
Towards Image-Based Network Traffic Pattern Detection for DDoS Attacks in Cloud Computing Environments: A Comparative Study
Improving Edge-AI Image Classification Through the Use of Better Building Blocks
Uncertainty Estimation in Multi-Agent Distributed Learning for AI-Enabled Edge Devices
A Logic Programming Approach to VM Placement
Systematic Threat Modelling of High-Performance Computing Systems: The V:HPCCRI Case Study
Towards a Cost-Benefit Analysis of Additive Manufacturing as a Service
Integrating Secure Multiparty Computation into Data Spaces
Lapse: Latency & Power-Aware Placement of Data Stream Applications on Edge Computing
Load-Aware Container Orchestration on Kubernetes Clusters
Towards a Cloud-Based Smart Office Solution for Shared Workplace Individualization
Harnessing the Computing Continuum Across Personalized Healthcare, Maintenance and Inspection, and Farming 4.0
Prediction of Resource Utilisation in Cloud Computing Using Machine Learning
A Community-Based Support Scheme to Promote Learning Mobility: Practices in Higher Education in Southeast Asia and Japan
High-Fidelity Simulation Pre-Briefing with Digital Quizzes: Using INACSL Standards for Improving Effectiveness
Designing Stemie, the Evolution of the Kid Grígora Educational Robot
A Pipeline for the Automatic Evaluation of Dental Surgery Gestures in Preclinical Training from Captured Motions
Brick by Brick: Exploring the Influence of LEGO SERIOUS PLAY on Master's Students' Digital Transformation Proposals
Building Suitable Observation Points to Enhance the Learner’s Perception of Information in Virtual Environment for Gesture Learning
Explainable AI for Unsupervised Machine Learning: A Proposed Scheme Applied to a Case Study with Science Teachers
Developing Design Principles for Computational Thinking Learning Environments: Pathways into Practice with Physical Computing
OER-Enabled Pedagogy with Multipurpose Digital LMS-Quiz-Activities for Mathematics
EduColl: A Collaborative Design Approach Based on Conflict Resolution for the Assessment of Learning Resources
Guiding the Integration of Multimodal Learning Analytics in the Glocal Classroom: A Case Study Applying MAMDA
Individual Business Simulation Games as a Service: Towards a Concept for Adaptive ERP Education
Unveiling the Potential: Assessing the Role of SSI Wallets in Promoting Sustainability in Federated Learning Environments
Disability Racer: A Digital Game for Raising Awareness of Ophthalmological: Related Issues
Ad-Hoc Assessment for Microlearning Units in Competency-Based Learning Paths in Learning Management Systems
Graphical Recognition of Antiderivatives: Analysis of Different Strategies Reflecting Level of Expertise Using Eye-Tracker Tool
Exploring the Significance of 360-Degree Video Technology on Fieldwork Learning in Higher Education: Students' Perspectives
Innovation or Imitation? A Critical Analysis of AI-Authored vs. Human-Authored Scientific Papers
Prototyping Educational and Scientific Devices with a Custom Python Library for Lego Robot Inventor 5in1 Mindstorms Kit: A Leap Motion Integration Case Study
Decoding the Gap: A Retrospective Analysis of Women’s Experiences in Software Engineering
Enhancing Participation Through Inquiry Learning and Citizen Science: Science for Everyone
Metaverse4Deaf: Assistive Technology for Inclusion of People with Hearing Impairment in Distance Education Through a Metaverse-Based Environment
Demonstration Experiment of Decentralized Learning Within Traditional Decentralized Education
Effects of Information Granularity on Health Education: An Artificial Intelligence-Based Situational R-Map Analysis
Teachers’ Perception of AI and Their Attitudes Towards AI
A Proposal for Assessing Digital Maturity in French Primary Education: Design of Tools and Methods
Using the Open Source Collaborative Model for Digital Educational Content
Mathkinetics: Solving Arithmetics While Running out of Breath
Students Want to Experiment While Teachers Care More About Assessment! Exploring How Novices and Experts Engage in Course Design
PyResolveMetrics: A Standards-Compliant and Efficient Approach to Entity Resolution Metrics
Sustainable Learning Analytics: Measuring and Understanding the Drivers of Energy Consumption of AI in Education
Towards LLM-Based Autograding for Short Textual Answers
Validity Claims in Children-AI Discourse: Experiment with ChatGPT
Exploring the Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on the Online Learning Experience of Higher Education Students in Morocco
Implementing Learning Analytic Systems in Educational Institutions: The Importance of Transparent Information for User Acceptance
Requirements for an Online Integrated Development Environment for Automated Programming Assessment Systems
Humour in Educational Robots: Investigating the Effects of Humour in a Robot-Led Scrumban Simulation in Business Education
Bridging Skills and Scenarios: Initial Steps Towards Using Faded Worked Examples as Personalized Exercises in Vocational Education
Analysis of Student-Problems While Working with Physical Computing Devices
ImGame: An Immersive Educational Environment to Teach Contemporary Art
Tangible or Digital? A Comparison Between Two Tools for Designing Asymmetric Role-Playing Games for Learning
Virtual3R: A Virtual Collaborative Platform for Animal Experimentation
Perceptions of Entrepreneurship Among Graduate Students: Challenges, Opportunities, and Cultural Biases
The Role of Privacy and Security Concerns and Trust in Online Teaching: Experiences of Higher Education Students in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Navigating Educational Frontiers in the AI Era: A Teacher’s Autoethnography on AI-Infused Education
TransLaboration: An Online Collaborative Learning Environment with Socially Shared Regulation Prompts in Translation Classroom
Aesthetics as a Decisive and Motivational Factor for Online Training
Broaden Your Horizon! Play with Semantics via a Knowledge Graph-Based Approach
Spread the Word! BaLex, A Gamified Lexical Database for Collaborative Vocabulary Learning
Interactive Math Explorations Using the Game-Based Application MatematiX
Peephole Technology for Mobile Collaborative Learning: An In- Classroom Exploratory Study
Teaching Assistants as Assessors: An Experience Based Narrative
Piloting Case Studies of Technology-Enhanced Innovative Pedagogies in Four European Higher Education Institutions
Let’s Choose STEM: An Overview on Study Program Guiding Online Self-Assessments and Future Directions
Play Testing and Reflective Learning AI Tool for Creative Media Courses
Shorter Texts, Less Scrolling, More Visual Support for Younger Learners: Low-Threshold GDPR Conform Registration Form with Double Opt-In for the Learning Management System Moodle
Expanding Code Assessment: A Qualitative Feedback System for Beginning Students
A Framework for Intelligent Virtual Reality Tutoring System Using Semantic Web Technology
AI-Enabled Art Education: Unleashing Creative Potential and Exploring Co-Creation Frontiers
Using Trace Clustering to Group Learning Scenarios: An Adaptation of FSS-Encoding to Moodle Logs Use Case
Analysing Learner Strategies in Programming Using Clickstream Data
On the Relation Between Open Project-Based Learning in Undergraduate Computer Science Education and Contemporary Technological Trends
AI-Powered Personalised Learning Platforms for EFL Learning: Preliminary Results
The Perceived Learning Behaviors and Assessment Techniques of First-Year Students in Computer Science: An Empirical Study
Empowering Students: A Reflective Learning Analytics Approach to Enhance Academic Performance
About the Quality of a Course Recommender System as Perceived by Students
A Code Distance Approach to Measure Originality in Computer Programming
The Use of Self-Regulation of Learning in Recommender Systems: State-of-the-Art and Research Opportunities
Towards an Online Incremental Approach to Predict Students Performance
Shaping an Adaptive Path on Analytic Geometry with Automatic Formative Assessment and Interactive Feedback
Investigating the Impact of Code Generation Tools (ChatGPT & Github CoPilot) on Programming Education
Adaptation in Learning Analytics Dashboards: A Systematic Review
Advancing Educational Analytics Using Machine Learning in Romanian Middle School Data
Content and Skills for Teaching BPM in Computer Science Courses: A Systematic Mapping Study
Detecting Speech Disfluencies Using Open-Source Tools in Automatic Feedback Systems for Oral Presentation Training
Shifting from Traditional to Alternative Assessment Methods in Higher Education: A Case Study of Norwegian and Italian Universities
On Few-Shot Prompting for Controllable Question-Answer Generation in Narrative Comprehension
User Story Tutor (UST) to Support Agile Software Developers
Weakly Supervised Short Text Classification for Characterising Video Segments
Computer Science Attitude as a Descriptor to Understand Inclusion in Non-Conventional Learning Experiences
Application of Minecraft: Education in Mathematics and CMIT Classes, Examples and Practices
Gamifying Environmental Education: A Primary School Perspective Through a Serious Game
AI Literacy for Cultural and Design Studies
Mining Sequential Patterns in Classroom Discourse: Insights from Visualization-Supported Primary Instruction
Digital Citizenship Exercises
Impact of Team Formation Type on Students' Performance in PBL-Based Software Engineering Education
AI-Generated Programming Solutions: Impacts on Academic Integrity and Good Practices
Learning-Support Method for Professional Shogi Players Using Emotions of Others
Influence of Students’ Choice of Examination Format on Examination Results
Systematization of Competence Assessment in Higher Education: Methods and Instruments
Facilitating Competence-Oriented Qualification in New Work: Evaluation of a Platform Prototype
Large Language Models in Civic Education on the Supervision and Risk Assessment of Public Works
Efficient Learning Processes by Design: Analysis of Usage Patterns in Differently Designed Digital Self-Learning Environments
Student Perspectives on Ethical Academic Writing with ChatGPT: An Empirical Study in Higher Education
Learner Models: A Systematic Literature Research in Norms and Standards
Opportunities and Challenges of AI to Support Student Assessment in Computing Education: A Systematic Literature Review
An Approach Based on Learning by Teaching to Support the Vertical Alignment of the Educational Robotics Curriculum
Addressing Educational Disparities: Assessing the Gap for Indigenous Community
Using the Robot-Assisted Attention-Engagement-Error-Feedback- Reflection (AEER) Pedagogical Design to Develop Machine Learning Concepts and Facilitate Reflection on Learning-to-Learn Skills: Evaluation of an Empirical Study in Hong Kong Primary Schools
A Proposed TPACK Model of Teaching STEM with AI Components: Evaluating a Teacher Development Course for Fostering Digital Creativity
Teaching Conscious Capitalism in Higher Education: Learning Experience and Paradigm Shift
Formation of Study Groups: Exploring Students’ Needs and Practical Challenges
Leveraging NLP and Machine Learning for English (L1) Writing Assessment in Developmental Education
Development of an Instrument for Evaluating Learning Experiences in a Hybrid Learning Environment
Examining the Utilization of Artificial Intelligence Tools by Students in Software Engineering Projects
Can Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Espouse Through Social Constructivism? A Dynamically-Designed Multimedia Content Creation Programme for High School Students in Japan
What Will I Need this for Later? Towards a Platform for the Discovery of Intra and Inter-Module Content Relations
Programming Contests as Complementary Activities in University Programming Courses
From Theory to Training: Exploring Teachers' Attitudes Towards Artificial Intelligence in Education
A Learning Analytics Dashboard for Improved Learning Outcomes and Diversity in Programming Classes
Creating an Academic Prometheus in Brazil: Weaving Check50, Autolab and MOSS into a Unified Autograder
A Proposal for an Educational Well-Being Index (EWI) for Undergraduate Course Design
Hybrid and Formative Self and Cross Peer Review Process to Support Computational and Algorithmic Thinking
STEAM Teachers' Perceptions of Artificial Intelligence in Education: Preliminary Research
Quiz-Ifying Education: Exploring the Power of Virtual Assistants
Designing a Framework to Support the Teaching of Programming Basics to Large Numbers of Novices
Informal Learning Opportunities: Neurodiversity, Self-Efficacy, Motivation for Programming Interest
Dispositional Learning Analytics to Investigate Students Use of Learning Strategies
Sound Woods: An Interactive Game-Based Learning Design for Inclusive Play Between Sighted and Visually Impaired Users
The Impact of Structured Prompt-Driven Generative AI on Learning Data Analysis in Engineering Students
Where Is the Evidence? A Plugin for Auditing Moodle’s Learning Analytics
Storytelling as a Pedagogical Tool in Computer Science Education: A Case Study on Software Systems Verification and Validation
Position Paper: Foster Academic Integration for Improved Pass Rates in First-Year Units
Design of Interactive STACK Exercises Using JSXGraph for Online Course: Exploring Strategies for Supporting Students with Mathematical Challenges
How Gender Influences the Effect of Self-Efficacy on Training Success on a Mobile Curriculum
Evaluating the Impact of Generative Adversarial Network in Android Malware Detection
Afpatoo: Tool to Automate Function Point Analysis Based on UML Class and Sequence Diagrams
Software Defect Prediction Using Integrated Logistic Regression and Fractional Chaotic Grey Wolf Optimizer
Unlocking Adaptive User Experience with Generative AI
Prediction of Turbidity and TDS in Dam Reservoir from Multispectral UAV-Drone and Sentinel-2 Image Sensors Using Machine Learning Models
Derivation of Critical Infrastructure Accessibility Index Using GIS-MCDA and Network Analysis: Case Study of Sarajevo
A Water-Energy-Food Nexus Approach to Assess Land Use Trade-Offs in Small Islands
Revitalizing Walkability Scores: A New Assessment Based on Accessibility
Seasonal Water Quality Assessment Using Remote Sensing in Al Rafisah Dam, United Arab Emirates
Dynamic Exposure Visualization of Air Quality Data with Augmented Reality
Automated Georeferencing and Extraction of Building Footprints from Remotely Sensed Imagery using Deep Learning
Regime Analysis with Numerical Modelling of Wave Dynamics and Determination of Potential Flood Zones in Chancay Bay, Peru
Mapping Habitats by Integrating Multi-Source Land Use Land Cover Databases: Application to Red Fox in Urban Area
Geodetic Fundamentals in the Development of a Voxel Model for the Subsoil of the City of Sevilla (Spain)
Studying Seismic Events via Satellite Interferometry for the Territory of the Balkan Peninsula
The Contribution of Drones to the Monitoring of Rubble-Mound Breakwaters
Evaluating the Urban Parks Cooling Extent Using Satellite Observations: An Alternative Approach
Semantic Segmentation of Paddy Parcels Using Deep Neural Networks Based on DeepLabV3
Assessment of Census and Remote Sensing Data to Monitor Irrigated Agriculture in Mexico
UAV-Based Analysis of Armour Rock Granulometry and Hydraulic Stability
Semantic Segmentation of Crops via Hyperspectral PRISMA Satellite Images
Assessing the Risks of Enhancing the Current Europe’s ADA Web Map with Ground Movement Classification Data
Improved Analysis of EGMS Data for Displacement Monitoring: The Case Study of Regina Montis Regalis Basilica in Vicoforte, Italy
What Will Virtual Reality Bring to the Qualification of Visual Walkability in Cities?
Estimation of Height of Building Using High Resolution Satellite Image
An Augmented Reality System Architecture for Flood Management
Production-Ready End-to-End Visual Quality Inspection for Defect Detection on Surfaces Based on a Multi-Stage AI System
Toward Objective Variety Testing Score Based on Computer Vision and Unsupervised Machine Learning: Application to Apple Shape
Multimodal Deepfake Detection for Short Videos
Using Deep Learning for the Dynamic Evaluation of Road Marking Features from Laser Imaging
HERO-GPT: Zero-Shot Conversational Assistance in Industrial Domains Exploiting Large Language Models
Leveraging Temporal Context in Human Pose Estimation: A Survey
Belfort Birth Records Transcription: Preprocessing, and Structured Data Generation
Fitting Tree Model with CNN and Geodesics to Track Blood Vessels in 2D Medical Images and Application to Ultrasound Localization Microscopy Data
Chaotic Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory Network for Respiratory Motion Prediction
On the Exploitation of DCT Statistics for Cropping Detectors
Sustainable Energy Management System for AIoT Solutions Using Multivariate and Multi-Step Battery State of Charge Forecasting
AI-Powered Urban Mobility Analysis for Advanced Traffic Flow Forecasting
Pareto-Optimal Execution of Parallel Applications with Respect to Time and Energy
Automatic Identification and Classification of Map-Matching Anomalies in Cycling Routes
Modeling the Operation of Traction Power Systems Incorporating Wind Turbines
Customizing Trust Systems: Personalized Communication to Address AI Adoption in Smart Cities
Integrating Legal Considerations into Model-Based Cyber-Physical-Systems Development
NILM-Based Solutions for the Automation of Energy Services in Residential Buildings
Assessing the Suitability of Architectural Models for Generating Smart Grid Co-Simulations
Examining the Impact of Weather, Temporal Factors, and User Traits on Multimodal Shared Micromobility Systems in Non-Urban Campus Environments: The MORE Sharing Case Study
Autonomous Driving Validation and Verification Using Digital Twins
Bayesian Network for Analysis and Prediction of Traffic Congestion Using the Accident Data
Detecting Edge Cases from Trajectory Datasets Using Deep Learning Based Outlier Detection
Performance Metric for Horn and Brake Automation on Mainline Trains
Muli-Quay Combined Berth and Quay Crane Allocation Using the Cuckoo Search Algorithm
Protocol Interoperability for Intelligent Transportation Systems
Large-Scale Forecasting of Electric Vehicle Charging Demand Using Global Time Series Modeling
Performance Evaluation of a ROS2 Based Automated Driving System
Real-Time Lane Departure Detection Using Google Routes
Efficient Deployment of Neural Networks for Thermal Monitoring on AURIX TC3xx Microcontrollers
History-Based Road Traffic Anomaly Detection Using Deep Learning and Real-World Data
Reinforcement Learning and Optimal Control: A Hybrid Collision Avoidance Approach
Using Attention Mechanisms in Compact CNN Models for Improved Micromobility Safety Through Lane Recognition
Improve Bounding Box in Carla Simulator
Assessing Trustworthiness of V2X Messages: A Cooperative Trust Model Against CAM- and CPM-Based Ghost Vehicles in IoV
Traffic State Estimation on Urban Roads Using Perception-Enriched Floating Car Data
Human Centric Intersection Crossing Control Using C-ITS Information
Multi-Layer Energy Management System for Cost Optimization of Battery Electric Vehicle Fleets
Lifelong Dynamic Timed A* (LTA*) for Fastest Path Retrieval in Congested Road Networks Using Predicted Speeds
Making Radar Detections Safe for Autonomous Driving: A Review
How Should I Measure Vehicle Deformation Depth?
A Qualitative Review of Full Sized Autonomous Racing Vehicle Sensors: A Case Study
Improving Lane Level Dynamics for EV Traversal: A Reinforcement Learning Approach
Enhancing Individual Mobility: A Multistage Personalization Approach for Itinerary Planning in Multimodal Networks
Optimal Velocity Model Based CACC Controller for Urban Scenarios
CARISMA: CAR-Integrated Service Mesh Architecture
Optimizing Traffic Adaptive Signal Control: A Multi-Objective Simulation-Based Approach for Enhanced Transportation Efficiency
Personalisation in Mobility-as-a-Service: Where We Are and How to Move Forward
Real-Time Traffic Prediction Through Stochastic Gradient Descent
Bus Routing Optimisation: A Case Study for the Toulouse Metropolitan Area
Introducing Scaled Model Development to on-Sight Automatic Train Operation
Multi-Pedestrian Tracking and Map-Based Intention Estimation for Autonomous Driving Scenario
Knowledge-Based Approach to Generate Scenarios for Testing Highly Automated On-Sight Train Operations
Connected Vehicle Perception Monitoring: A Runtime Verification Approach for Enhanced Autonomous Driving Safety
What Is the Right Bounding Box of a VRU Cluster in V2X Communication? How to Form a Good Shape?
Spatial Performance Indicators to Evaluate Spatiotemporal Traffic Prediction
Archetypes of Carsharing Relocation Algorithms: A Perspective on Problem Space, Solution Space and Evaluation
Beep, Bleep, Oops! A Discussion on the Misuse of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and the Path Moving Forward
Simulation-Based Performance Evaluation of 3D Object Detection Methods with Deep Learning for a LiDAR Point Cloud Dataset in a SOTIF-related Use Case
Heuristic Optimal Meeting Point Algorithm for Car-Sharing in Large Multimodal Road Networks
Dynamic Prices in Ride-Sharing Scenarios
A Prototype Preceding Vehicle Identification System Development and Field Evaluation
Study of Track Segmentation for Lap Time Optimization
Modelling Implicit and Explicit Communication Between Road Users from a Non-Cooperative Game-Theoretic Perspective: An Exploratory Study
Geographical Self-Organizing Map Clustering in Large-Scale Urban Networks for Perimeter Control
Using V2X-Information for Trajectory Prediction at Urban Intersections
Overview of Publicly-Available Data Sources on Road Traffic Accidents in Russia
Introducing Flowride® Logger, an Onboard Data Collection Framework for Commercial Automated Vehicles
Efficient Real-Time Obstacle Avoidance Using Multi-Objective Nonlinear Model Predictive Control and Semi-Smooth Newton Method
Towards Scenario Retrieval of Real Driving Data with Large Vision-Language Models
Challenges of Remote Driving on Public Roads Using 5G Public Networks
Infrastructure-Based Communication Trust Model for Intelligent Transportation Systems
Parameter Adjustments in POMDP-Based Trajectory Planning for Unsignalized Intersections
VR Public Speaking Simulations Can Make Voices Stronger and More Effortful
Metaverse in Education: What Has Been Done so Far? A Systematic Literature Review to Map Benefits and Limitations and to Set Future Research and Application Directions
How Do VR Applications Address the Challenges of Conveying the Tactile Feedback Crucial to Traditional Calligraphy Practice
Investigating Female Sexual Presence Through Triangulation of Behavioral and Physiological Measures in Virtual Reality: Towards Therapeutic Applications for Sexual Disorders
The Preservation of Heritage in a School Campus with Augmented Reality (AR) and Game-Based Learning
Development of a Real-Time Adaptable Virtual Reality-Scenario Training for Anaesthesiology Education, a User-Centered Design
Development of a Patient-Embodied Experience, How and Why?
Virtual Museum Gamification for Discovery-Based Online Learning in the Metaverse
An Adaptive Learning Environment for Industry 4.0 Competencies Based on a Learning Factory and Its Immersive Digital Twin
Harmosphere VR: Enhancing Harmonic Learning in Music Schools Through Virtual Reality
Social Virtual Environments: Opportunities and Workflows in Cultural Heritage and Education in Architecture
Automatic Question Generation for the Japanese National Nursing Examination Using Large Language Models
Overcoming Student Passivity with Automatic Item Generation
A Method for Generating Testlets
Automatic Generation of Problem-Solving Assessment Items Through Domain Model Variations
Generalized Automatic Item Generation for Graphical Conceptual Modeling Tasks
Investigating the Quality of AI-Generated Distractors for a Multiple-Choice Vocabulary Test
Techville’s Chronicles: A Music Pedagogy Project to Foster Children’s AI Literacy Through Co-Creativity and Multimedia Storytelling
Fostering Piano Keyboard Proficiency Through Interactive Minigames on a MIDI Controller
Troubadour: Inverse Dictation Games for Ear Training
A Quantitative Survey of Digital Competencies of Music Teachers in the European Union
Learning Analytics Support in Higher-Education: Towards a Multi-Level Shared Learning Analytics Framework
ConstrucTED: Constructing Tailored Educational Datasets from Online Courses
Navigating the Landscape of Digital Competence Frameworks: A Systematic Analysis of AI Coverage and Adaptability
Towards Task-Oriented ICALL: A Criterion-Referenced Learner Dashboard Organising Digital Practice
XM: A Customised Software Tool to Facilitate Learning and Professional Skills Development in Operating Systems
How to Make User Interfaces More Accessible and Easier to Use for People who Are Different from Us: Breaking the Spell of the Curse of Knowledge
Views of Administrators on the Use of Social Media Networks and Tools in School Management Processes
Evaluation of Orthogonal Vector Projection Method in ST Algorithm for Generating Differential Diagnoses of Chest Pain: A Pilot Study
Quantitative Analysis of the Relationship Between Master Data Quality and Process Quality
Enhancing Constructivist Learning: The Role of Generative AI in Personalised Learning Experiences
A Multi-Feature Semantic Fusion and Bipartite Graph-Based Risk Identification Approach for Project Participation
Measuring Older People’s Attitudes Towards Personal Robots
Autobiographically Designing Mixed Reality for Lecturers
Predicting Students’ Final Exam Scores Based on Their Regularity of Engagement with Pre-Class Activities in a Flipped Classroom
An AI-Based Virtual Client for Educational Role-Playing in the Training of Online Counselors
Oil Spill Detection Using Remote Sensing and GIS in Eastern Coast of United Arab Emirates
Blockchain Applied to Security in Industrial Internet of Things Devices
An Approach for Privacy-Preserving Mobile Malware Detection Through Federated Machine Learning
Module of Contrastive Analysis for a Phonological Assessment Software in Development
A Computer Vision-Based Method for Collecting Ground Truth for Mobile Robot Odometry
Evaluating UX Factors on Mobile Devices: A Feasibility Study
Job Crafters Going Digital: A Framework for IT-Based Workplace Adaption
An Enterprise Architecture-Based Approach Towards More Agile and Resilient Command and Control
3D Virtual Fitting Network (3D VFN)
EQNet: A Post-Processing Approach to Manage Popularity Bias in Collaborative Filter Recommender Systems
VRU-Net: Convolutional Neural Networks-Based Detection of Vulnerable Road Users
Optimizing Academic Pairings in Smart Campuses: A Recommendation System for Academic Communities
Comprehensive Traceability Framework for Synchronizing Design UML Sequence Diagrams with a BPMN Diagram
A Revolutionary Real-Time Translation Tool for Text, Audio, and Sign Language from Images
Machine Learning Models with Fault Tree Analysis for Explainable Failure Detection in Cloud Computing
Software Engineers Engagement and Job Satisfaction: A Survey with Practitioners Working Remotely in a Public Organization
Teaching Introductory Game Audio to Undergraduate Students Using a Novel Digital Game Template
A Methodology for Web Cache Deception Vulnerability Discovery
Coronary Artery Stenosis Assessment in X-Ray Angiography Through Spatio-Temporal Attention for Non-Invasive FFR and iFR Estimation
A Systematic Mapping Study on Impact Analysis
Feature Extraction, Learning and Selection in Support of Patch Correctness Assessment
Multimodal Approach Based on Autistic Child Behavior Analysis for Meltdown Crisis Detection
Machine Learning for a Better Agriculture Calendar
Optimizing Intensive Database Tasks Through Caching Proxy Mechanisms
Enhancing Holonic Architecture with Natural Language Processing for System of Systems
A Literature Survey on Pitfalls of Open-Source Dependency Management in Enterprise
Egyptian Hieroglyphs Localisation Through Object Detection
A Webcam Artificial Intelligence-Based Gaze-Tracking Algorithm
Determining the Progress of a Business Object Based on its Object Instances: An Empirical Study
Towards an Approach for Integrating Risk Management Practices into Agile Contexts
Accurate Recommendation of EV Charging Stations Driven by Availability Status Prediction
An Empirical Examination of the Technical Aspects of Data Sovereignty
RLHR: A Framework for Driving Dynamically Adaptable Questionnaires and Profiling People Using Reinforcement Learning
A Lightweight, Computation-Efficient CNN Framework for an Optimization-Driven Detection of Maize Crop Disease
Diagnosis Automation Using Similarity Analysis: Application to Industrial Systems
Towards Building a Reputation-Based Microservices Trust Model Using Similarity Domains
An Evaluation of Risk Management Standards and Frameworks for Assuring Data Security of Medical Device Software AI Models
Evaluating the Relative Importance of Product Line Features Using Centrality Metrics
Product-Line Engineering for Smart Manufacturing: A Systematic Mapping Study on Security Concepts
Integrating a LLaMa-based Chatbot with Augmented Retrieval Generation as a Complementary Educational Tool for High School and College Students
Cracking the Code: Web 3.0 Software Development Challenges and Guidelines
The Game of One More Idea: Gamification of Managerial Group Decision-Making in Software Engineering
Artificial Intelligence-Based Detection and Prediction of Giant African Snail (Lissachatina Fulica) Infestation in the Galápagos Islands
Improving Robustness of Satellite Image Processing Using Principal Component Analysis for Explainability
Smart Blockchain-Based Information Flow Control for SOA
HybridCRS-TMS: Integrating Collaborative Recommender System and TOPSIS for Optimal Transport Mode Selection
Evaluating the Performance of LLM-Generated Code for ChatGPT-4 and AutoGen Along with Top-Rated Human Solutions
Automated Generation of Web Application Front-end Components from User Interface Mockups
A Tool-Supported Approach for Modelling and Verifying MapReduce Workflow Using Event B and BPMN2.0
Overcoming Obstacles in Model-Driven Engineering: Lessons from the Software Industry
Asserting Frame Properties
Towards an Ethereum Smart Contract Fuzz Testing Tool
From Low Fidelity to High Fidelity Prototypes: How to Integrate Two Eye Tracking Studies into an Iterative Design Process for a Better User Experience
Towards Accurate Cervical Cancer Detection: Leveraging Two-Stage CNNs for Pap Smear Analysis
Logging Hypercalls to Learn About the Behavior of Hyper-V
AsmDocGen: Generating Functional Natural Language Descriptions for Assembly Code
Optimisation of Ceramic Kiln Loading Problem Using Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm
A Measures-Driven Decision Support System for Managing Requirement Change in Scrum: An Empirical Evaluation
Design of Adaptable and Secure Connectors for Software Architectures
Conceptual Model Detection in Business Web Applications Within the RPA Context
Six-Layer Industrial Architecture Applied to Predictive Maintenance
The End of Mobile Software Engineering (As We Know It)
Adopting Delta Maintainability Model for Just in Time Bug Prediction
Integrating SysML and Timed Reo for Modeling Interactions in Cyber-Physical Systems Components
From IoT Servitization to IoT Assetization
A Decision-Making Approach Combining Process Mining, Data Mining and Business Intelligence
Readability of Domain-Specific Languages: A Controlled Experiment Comparing (Declarative) Inference Rules with (Imperative) Java Source Code in Programming Language Design
Synthesizers: A Meta-Framework for Generating and Evaluating High-Fidelity Tabular Synthetic Data
Detecting and Resolving Bad Organisational Smells for Microservices
Smart Widening for the Polyhedral Analysis
Efficiently Computing Maximum Clique of Sparse Graphs with Many-Core Graphical Processing Units
Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approach for an Efficient Postproduction Test of Reconfigurable Hardware System
A Reference Architecture for Dynamic IoT Environments Using Collaborative Computing Paradigms (CCP-IoT-RA)
LAMA: Leakage Abuse Attacks Against Microsoft Always Encrypted
DYNAMO: Towards Network Attack Campaign Attribution via Density-Aware Active Learning
From Plant to Lab: Industrial Emulation Tools for Real-World Security Testing in Industrial Control Systems
Backdoor Attacks During Retraining of Machine Learning Models: A Mitigation Approach
On the Implementation of a Lattice-Based DAA for Vanet System
HydroLab: A Versatile Hydroelectric Power Lab for Security Research and Education
Towards Privacy-Preserving Multi-Cloud Identity Management Using SOLID
Evaluating Digital Forensic Readiness: A Honeypot Approach
Attribute Threat Analysis and Risk Assessment for ABAC and TBAC Systems
Black Sheep Wall: Towards Multiple Vantage Point-Based Information Space Situational Awareness
K-Resilient Public Key Authenticated Encryption with Keyword Search
Higher Order Leakage Assessment and Neural Network-based Attack on CRYSTALS-Kyber
MultiVD: A Transformer-based Multitask Approach for Software Vulnerability Detection
Security Analysis for BB84 Key Distillation
Verifying Artifact Authenticity with Unclonable Optical Tags
High-Speed Pipelined FPGA Implementation of a Robust Steganographic Scheme for Secure Data Communication Systems
UPCARE: User Privacy-Preserving Cancer Research Platform
Perception of Privacy Tools for Social Media: A Qualitative Analysis Among Japanese
An Extended Method for Transmitting Secret Messages in Textual Documents Based on Paragraph Resizing
Organizing Records for Retrieval in Multi-Dimensional Range Searchable Encryption
The Use of the DWARF Debugging Format for the Identification of Potentially Unwanted Applications (PUAs) in WebAssembly Binaries
A Framework for Federated Analysis of Health Data Using Multiparty Homomorphic Encryption
Violence Detection: A Serious-Gaming Approach
chiku: Efficient Probabilistic Polynomial Approximations Library
A Secure and Privacy-Preserving Authentication Scheme with a Zero-Trust Approach to Vehicle Renting in VANETs
Fuzzy Vault Security Enhancement Avoid Statistical Biases
Linkage Between CVE and ATT&CK with Public Information
A Performant Quantum-Resistant KEM for Constrained Hardware: Optimized HQC
Characterization of Consensus Correctness in Ripple (XRP) Networks
On Privacy of RFID-Based Authentication Protocols
Revolutionizing Blockchain Consensus: Towards Deliberative and Unanimous Agreement
Automating Compliance for Improving TLS Security Postures: An Assessment of Public Administration Endpoints
On the Privacy Afforded by Opaque Identifiers in Traffic Monitoring
TI-NERmerger: Semi-Automated Framework for Integrating NER Datasets in Cybersecurity
Dvorak: A Browser Credential Dumping Malware
Solving Access Control Conflicts in Multi-User Systems
A Composition Algebra for Decentralized Enforcement of Access Control Policies with an Application to Vehicular Networks
SCWAD: Automated Pentesting of Web Applications
Autoencoder for Detecting Malicious Updates in Differentially Private Federated Learning
OIPM: Access Control Method to Prevent ID/Session Token Abuse on OpenID Connect
Encrypted KNN Implementation on Distributed Edge Device Network
InspectorLog: A New Tool for Offline Attack Detection over Web Log Trace Files
Lightweight Cryptographic Algorithms: A Position Paper
Local Differential Privacy for Data Clustering
QPTA: Quantum-Safe Privacy-Preserving Multi-Factor Authentication Scheme for Lightweight Devices
Secure Multi-Party Traversal Queries over Federated Graph Databases
An Uncertain Reasoning-Based Intrusion Detection System for DoS/DDoS Detection
Enhancing Adversarial Defense in Behavioral Authentication Systems Through Random Projections
Amun: Securing E-Voting Against Over-the-Shoulder Coercion
Improving the Efficiency of Intrusion Detection Systems by Optimizing Rule Deployment Across Multiple IDSs
Towards a Cryptographic Model for Wireless Communication
Balancing Patient Privacy and Health Data Security: The Role of Compliance in Protected Health Information (PHI) Sharing
Utilizing Machine Learning for Optimizing Cybersecurity Spending in Critical Infrastructures
DISC: A Dataset for Information Security Classification
MATRaCAE: Time-Based Revocable Access Control in the IoT
Towards a Secure and Intelligent Access Control Policy Adapter for Big Data Environment
Kex-Filtering: A Proactive Approach to Filtering
An Efficient Hash Function Construction for Sparse Data
Imperceptible QR Watermarks in High-Resolution Videos
Code Obfuscation Classification Using Singular Value Decomposition on Grayscale Image Representations
Bringing Binary Exploitation at Port 80: Understanding C Vulnerabilities in WebAssembly
A Formal Analysis of CIE Level 2 Multi-Factor Authentication via SMS OTP
Cache Side-Channel Attacks Through Electromagnetic Emanations of DRAM Accesses
Membership Inference Attacks Against Indoor Location Models
An ASM-Based Approach for Security Assessment of Ethereum Smart Contracts
Enhancing OpenID Connect for Verifiable Credentials with DIDComm
Large-Scale Analysis of GitHub and CVEs to Determine Prevalence of SQL Concatenations
Spellchecker Analysis for Behavioural Biometric of Typing Errors Scenario
QuDPas-FHA: Quantum-Defended Privacy-Preserved Fast Handover Authentication in Space Information Networks
A White-Box Watermarking Modulation for Encrypted DNN in Homomorphic Federated Learning
The IoT Breaches Your Household Again
Classifying Human-Generated and AI-Generated Election Claims in Social Media
Toward the Foundation of Digital Identity Theory
Enhancing Privacy and Utility in Federated Learning: A Hybrid P2P and Server-Based Approach with Differential Privacy Protection
Do You Trust Your Device? Open Challenges in IoT Security Analysis
Securing Patient Data in IoT Devices: A Blockchain-NFT Approach for Privacy, Security, and Authentication
Leveraging Deep Learning for Intrusion Detection in IoT Through Visualized Network Data
Graph-Based Modelling of Maximum Period Property for Nonlinear Feedback Shift Registers
Enhancing Privacy in Machine Learning: A Robust Approach for Preventing Attribute Inference Attacks
Formal Analysis of C-ITS PKI Protocols
Privacy-Preserving Anomaly Detection Through Sampled, Synthetic Data Generation
Comparison of Access Control Approaches for Graph-Structured Data
BlueDoS: A Novel Approach to Perform and Analyse DoS Attacks on Bluetooth Devices
CVE2CWE: Automated Mapping of Software Vulnerabilities to Weaknesses Based on CVE Descriptions
Property Inference as a Regression Problem: Attacks and Defense
FPGA Implementation of AES-Based on Optimized Dynamic s-Box
Simulating SASCA on Keccak: Security Implications for Post-Quantum Cryptographic Schemes
Manipulating Prompts and Retrieval-Augmented Generation for LLM Service Providers
Open-Source Post-Quantum Encryptor: Design, Implementation and Deployment
Safe or Scam? An Empirical Simulation Study on Trust Indicators in Online Shopping
Malware Analysis Using Transformer Based Models: An Empirical Study
Brain Stroke Prediction Using Visual Geometry Group Model
Stochastic Simulation Agent for Unknown Inventory Demands in Healthcare Supply Management
Dynamic Price Prediction for Revenue Management System in Hospitality Sector
An Effective Prediction of Events in Social Networks Using Influence Score of Communities
Logical Rule Set to Data Acquisition and Database Semantics
A Data-Driven Approach for Predictive Maintenance of Impellers in Flexible Impeller Pumps Using Prophet
Objective Evaluation of Sleep Disturbances in Older Adults with Cognitive Impairment Using a Bed Sensor System and Self-Organizing Map Analysis
Artificial Intelligence-Powered Large Language Transformer Models for Opioid Abuse and Social Determinants of Health Detection for the Underserved Population
BeRTo: An Efficient Spark-Based Tool for Linking Business Registries in Big Data Environments
Recommendations of Research Articles by Experts: Visualizing Relationships and Expertise
Online Machine Learning for Adaptive Ballast Water Management
Data-Driven Model Categorization: Advancing Physical Systems Analysis Through Graph Neural Networks
Students’ Performance in Learning Management System: An Approach to Key Attributes Identification and Predictive Algorithm Design
Dataset Balancing in Disease Prediction
A Comparison of the Efficiencies of Various Structured and Semi- Structured Data Formats in Data Analysis and Big Data Analytic Development
Efficient and Secure Multiparty Querying over Federated Graph Databases
Forgetting in Knowledge Graph Based Recommender Systems
Towards Computational Performance Engineering for Unsupervised Concept Drift Detection: Complexities, Benchmarking, Performance Analysis
Influential Factors on Drivetrain Consumption in Electric City Buses and Assessing the Optimization Potentials
Yet Another Miner Utility Unveiling a Dataset: CodeGrain
Use of Semantic Artefacts in Agricultural Data-Driven Service Development
Reputation, Sentiment, Time Series and Prediction
A Cascade of Consequences: Improving an Accident Analysis Method by Learning from a Real Life Telecommunications Accident
Is Positive Sentiment Missing in Corporate Reputation?
Study of Impact of Gender on Engagement and Performance of Engineering Students
Random Neural Network Ensemble for Very High Dimensional Datasets
Federated Road Surface Anomaly Detection Using Smartphone Accelerometer Data
A Comparative Study on the Impact of Categorical Encoding on Black Box Model Interpretability
Privacy-Preserving Big Hierarchical Data Analytics via Co-Occurrence Analysis
Risk-Stratified Multi-Objective Resource Allocation for Optimal Aviation Security
Comparative Analysis of Hate Speech Detection Models on Brazilian Portuguese Data: Modified BERT vs. BERT vs. Standard Machine Learning Algorithms
Real-Time Equipment Health Monitoring Using Unsupervised Learning Techniques
Machine Learning Classification in Cardiology: A Systematic Mapping Study
Impact of Satellites Streaks for Observational Astronomy: A Study on Data Captured During One Year from Luxembourg Greater Region
Cross-Lingual Low-Resources Speech Emotion Recognition with Domain Adaptive Transfer Learning
Strategic Placement of Data Centers for Economic Analysis: An Online Algorithm Approach
Discretization Strategies for Improved Health State Labeling in Multivariable Predictive Maintenance Systems
HTC-GEN: A Generative LLM-Based Approach to Handle Data Scarcity in Hierarchical Text Classification
Failure Prediction Using Multimodal Classification of PCB Images
A Few-Shot Learning-Focused Survey on Recent Named Entity Recognition and Relation Classification Models
Course Recommendation System for Company Job Placement Using Collaborative Filtering and Hybrid Model
It is Time to Develop an Auditing Framework to Promote Value Aware Chatbots
Towards FAIR Data Workflows for Multidisciplinary Science: Ongoing Endeavors and Future Perspectives in Plasma Technology
A Web-Based Hate Speech Detection System for Dialectal Arabic
Interoperable Open Data Platforms: A Prototype for Sharing CKAN Data Sources
Twitter Metrical Data Analysis Using R: Twiplomacy in the Outbreak of the War in Ukraine
Anomaly Detection in Industrial Production Products Using OPC-UA and Deep Learning
Intelligent Sampling System for Connected Vehicle Big Data
Prediction of Academic Success in a University and Improvement Using Lean Tools
An Exploratory Analysis of Malaria and Climatic Factors in India
Machine Learning for KPI Development in Public Administration
Visualization and Interpretation of Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients for UAV Drone Audio Data
Spatial and Spatio-Temporal Modelling of Auto Insurance Claim Frequencies During Pre-and Post-COVID-19 Pandemic
Towards Semantic Data Management Plans for Efficient Review Processing and Automation
Integration and Optimization of XNAT-Based Platforms for the Management of Heterogeneous and Multicenter Data in Biomedical Research
Visualizing OWL and RDF: Advancing Ontology Representation for Enhanced Semantic Clarity and Communication
Navigating the AI Timeline: From 1995 to Today
Intelligent Transportation Systems: A Survey on Data Engineering
Expert Agent Guided Learning with Transformers and Knowledge Graphs
A Max Flow Min Cut View of Social Media Posts
Presence of Corporate Reputation Cues in Company Vacancy Texts Boosts Vacancy Attractiveness as Perceived by Employees
Hidden Champions Revised: Towards a New Conceptual Framework
Enhancing Returns Management in Fashion E-Commerce: Industry Insights on AI-Based Prediction and Recommendation Systems
Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Techniques for DDoS Intrusion Detection in IoT Environments
Artificial Neural Network Model for Predicting Excavator Downtime
Framework for Modeling the Propagation of Disturbances in Smart Construction Sites
Sentiment Analysis-Based Chatbot System to Enhance Customer Satisfaction in Technical Support Complaints Service for Telecommunications Companies
Business-RAG: Information Extraction for Business Insights
Speech Recognition for Inventory Management in Small Businesses
Classification of Peruvian Elementary School Students with Low Achievement Problems Using Clustering Algorithms and ERCE Evaluation
Exploring the Test Driven Development of a Big Data Infrastructure Examining Gun Violence Incidents in the United States of America
Roadmap for Implementing Business Intelligence Systems in Higher Education Institutions: Validation of a Case Study at the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro
A Bibliometric Analysis of Green Accounting, Environmental Accounting and Green Business Publications in a Global Perspective
Process Mining Enabled Cognitive RPA to Automate Data Entry Tasks in ERP Systems
A Systematic Review to Identify Patterns Types and Analysis Objectives for the Discovery of Business Rules from Event Logs Using Machine Learning
Gathering and Matching Data from the Web: The Bibliographic Data Collection Case Study
Web Service-Based Capacitated Smart Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Window and Threshold Waste Level for Home Health Care Industry
Coordinated Route Recommendation for Improving Social Distancing in a Congested Subway Network
A New Digital Twin Paradigm: Definition, Framework, and Proposed Architecture
Utilizing Sensor and Actuator Virtualization to Achieve a Systemic View of Mobile Heterogeneous Cyber-Physical Systems
DREAM-ON GYM: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Environment for Next-Gen Optical Networks
A Scalable Synthetic Data Creation Pipeline for AI-Based Automated Optical Quality Control
Algorithm of Forming the Appearance of the Flow Path of Turbomachinery of Two-Shaft Aircraft Engine Core
Detecting the Impact of Changes in Platelet Demand following the Implementation of PRT Platelets in Canada
Regression Equations for Preliminary Dimensioning of Axial Compressor Discs
The Negotiator: Interactive Hostage-Taking Training Simulation
Interactive Storytelling Apps: Increasing Immersion and Realism with Artificial Intelligence?
Toward Physics-Aware Deep Learning Architectures for LiDAR Intensity Simulation
A Layering Approach with Role-based Workflow Modelling for the Enterprise Workflow
A Digital Twin based Approach to Structural Mechanics: New Perspectives for Robotics in Forestry and Beyond
Coupling Agent-Based Simulations and VR Universes: the Case of GAMA and Unity
Method for Automated Parametric Studies and Evaluation Using the Example of an Aerosol-on-Demand Jet-Printhead
Methodological Approach to Model and Validate CPS
A Sampling-Based Approach to UAV Manipulator Path Planning
Trajectory Generation Model: Building a Simulation Link Between Expert Knowledge and Offline Learning
Optimizing Privacy-Utility Trade-Off in Healthcare Processes: Simulation, Anonymization, and Evaluation (Using Process Mining) of Event Logs
Using NetLogo to Simulate Large Production Plants: Simulation Performance: A Case Study
Performance Improvement of a Vertical Turbine Pump Accounting for the Solid-Water Two-Phase Flow Conditions
Multi-Method Approaches for Simulation Modelling of Warehouse Processes
The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Artefacts and Documentation: An Exploration of Consensus Using Multi-Agent Simulations in a Two-Team Configuration
Complex Responsive Processes: The Emergence of Enabling Constraints in the Living Present of a Cyber-Physical Social System
Optimal Wireless Meter Deployment Using Evolutionary Algorithms
Unlocking Antenna Performance: Harnessing the Power of the Hahn-Banach Theorem in Wireless Communication Systems
Non Linear Homogenization of Laminate Magnetic Material by Computing Equivalent Magnetic Reluctivity
Adapting Retail Supply Chains for the Race to Sustainable Urban Delivery
Optimal Design of a Variable-Pitch Axial Flow Fan by Applying Optimization Algorithm to Design, Through-Flow Analysis and CFD Simulation Methods
On the Adoption of Explainable Deep Learning for Image-Based Network Traffic Classification
Delivery Zones Partitioning Considering Workload Balance Using Clustering Algorithm
A Web-Based System for Learning Qualitative Constraint Networks with Preferences
Enhancing Continuous Optimization with a Hybrid History-Driven Firefly and Simulated Annealing Approach
Reliability Analysis of Francis Turbine Cracking Using Gamma Frailty Model and Censored Historical Maintenance Data
A Greedy Search Based Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Large-Scale Semiconductor Production
Evolutionary Multi-Objective Task Scheduling for Heterogeneous Distributed Simulation Platform
Possibilities of Simulation of the Socio-Political Conflicts Based on the Mathematical Technique of the Langmuir Monolayers Theory
Increasing Resilience in Production Networks: A Practical Approach Based on Scenario Planning and Simulation-Based Capacity Analysis
A Simulation Analysis of Economic and Environmental Factors in the Design of an Electric Vehicle Battery Reverse Supply Chain
Implementing OntoUML Models with OntoObject-Z Specifications: A Proof of Concept Relying on a Partial Ontology for VLANs
Semi-Supervised Fuzzy DBN-Based Broad Learning System for Forecasting ICU Admissions in Post-Transplant COVID-19 Patients
Eco-Sustainability and Efficiency of Healthcare Complex Systems
Integrated Data-Driven Framework for Automatic Controller Tuning with Setpoint Stabilization Through Reinforcement Learning
Modelling and Simulation-Based Evaluation of Twinning Architectures and Their Deployment
A Model of the Control System of a Carbon Dioxide Gas Turbine in Supercritical Condition
Combine Intent Recognition with Behavior Modeling in Teaching Competition Military Simulation Platform
A Vision for Advancing Digital Twins Intelligence: Key Insights and Lessons from Decades of Research and Experience with Simulation
Balancing Act: Navigating the Privacy-Utility Spectrum in Principal Component Analysis
Virtually Free Randomisations of NTT in RLWE Cryptosystem to Counteract Side Channel Attack Based on Belief Propagation
CyberGuardian: An Interactive Assistant for Cybersecurity Specialists Using Large Language Models
Enhancing User Experience in Games with Large Language Models
GAN-based Seed Generation for Efficient Fuzzing
Development of GIS-Based Simulations for Evaluating Interventions in Latvia's Transport System
A Deep Dive into GPT-4's Data Mining Capabilities for Free-Text Spine Radiology Reports
Computing: Looking Back and Moving Forward
Compact Representation of Digital Camera's Fingerprint with Convolutional Autoencoder
Enhancing Echo Processing Through the Integration of Support Vector Machine and Weber's Law Descriptors
Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm: Bottom-Up Variants for the Job-Shop Scheduling Problem
Research on the Relationship Between Organizational Commitment and Work Performance of College Teachers Based on Big Data Technology
Research on the Influence of Lane Width on Drivers' Dangerous Lane Change Behavior on Urban Roads
Enhancing Intelligent Mobility: LSTM Neural Networks for Short-Term Passenger Flow Prediction in Rail Transit
The Prediction of Google Stock Closing Price Based on Linear Regression Model and Random Forest Model
Analysis of Traffic Congestion Using LSTM and Graph Theory
Research on Microsoft Stock Price Prediction Based on Various Models
Predictive Analysis of Tesla's Stock Closing Prices Utilizing LSTM and GRU Deep Learning Models
The Investigation Related to the Role of ChatGPT in English Language Teaching
Yellow Taxi Demand Prediction for New York City Based on VMD-SSA-LSTM
Research on Pricing of Automatic Redemption Structured Deposit Products Based on Monte Carlo Simulation
Research on the Application and Management of Shared Bikes in Smart Cities
The Psychological Effects of Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) on Consumer Behaviour with a Focus on Social Media
A Study on Audience Participation in Suspense Movies in the Era of Social Media: Taking "Lost in the Stars" as an Example
Consumption Characteristics and Evaluation Methods in Era Z
Integration of CAPM and ANN in the Application of Stock Forecasting
Research on Credit Card Default Prediction for Class-Imbalanced Datasets Based on Machine Learning
The Evolution of Digital Signature Technologies in Mobile Devices
Evaluating the Predictive Proficiency of Machine Learning Algorithms: Progressive Developments in Diamond Price Forecasting
Study on the Influencing Factors and Prediction of Air Quality in California Based on Multiple Linear Regression and Gaussian Process Regression Models
Research on Microsoft Stock Prediction Based on Machine Learning Methods
CNY EX Rate Prediction Based on LSTM and Machine Learning Methods
Analysis and Control of Airport Runway Intrusion
The Correlation Between Social Media and Consumer Behaviour: A Research on Movie Industry in China
Research on the Influencing Factors of GDP in Anhui Province Based on Statistical Analysis
The Contradiction of Social Media at Stage: Study on the Use of Social Media in Hong Kong
Decentralized Encrypted Communication: An Investigation of the Current Landscape and Future Prospect
Cheat Prediction and Contrastive Analysis in Games Based on Machine Learning Methods
The Applications of the Combinations of Deep Learning and Blockchain Technology in Manufacturing Production Process: A Comprehensive Investigation
Factors Influencing the Profitability and Loss of Chinese Insurance Companies Based on Factor Analysis
Advertising Optimization and Feature Analysis Based on Machine Learning
Explore the Interplay Between Social Media Marketing and Audience Reception for Female-Centric Asian Films
Analysis of Laptop Price Influencing Factors and Price Prediction
The Impact of Education Input on China's Economic Growth
Predicting NBA Player’s Salary Based on Statistics from the Game Using Linear Regression
Research on Intelligent Planting Optimization of Soil Environment Based on Machine Learning Method
Human Activity Recognition Using Smartphone Sensors Based on XGBoost Model
House Price Prediction with Optimistic Machine Learning Methods Using Bayesian Optimization
Energy Efficiency Analysis of China Based on DEA Methods Under Dual Carbon Target
The Impact of Natural Population Growth Rate and per Capita GDP on Life Expectancy in China
Maximizing the Potential of Multiheaded Attention Mechanisms Dynamic Head Allocation Algorithm
Optimization and Benefit Assessment of Cold Chain Logistics Network in Southeast Asia Based on Big Data Analysis
Exploring LSTM Networks for Stock Price Prediction in the Chinese Baijiu Industry
Bernoulli Distribution-Based Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Dynamic Coefficient Optimization in Model-Contrastive Federated Learning
Convolutional Neural Network's Stacking Classifier on Cardiovascular Disease
Predicting the Characteristics of Tsunamis Using Machine Learning
Predicting Loan Eligibility Approval Using Machine Learning Algorithms
Research on the Influencing Factors of Online Clothing Sales Based on Binary Logit Regression
The Exploration of Artificial Intelligence in Pronunciation Teaching
Empirical Analysis of Convertible Bond Pricing and Arbitrage Based on Black-Scholes Model
Impact of Green Policies on Industrial Upgrading
Development of Text Classification Methods Based on Deep Learning
Comparison Between Two Algorithms in Music Genre Classification
Comparative Analysis of Encoder-Only, Decoder-Only, and Encoder- Decoder Language Models
A Comprehensive Research of Data Privacy Based on Federated Learning
Research on Solutions to Non-IID and Weight Dispersion
House Price Prediction and Feature Analysis Based on Multilayer Perceptron (MLP)
Sentiment Analysis with Different Deep Learning Methods
Advancements in Single Image Super-Resolution Techniques
Image Classification Based on Deep Learning
Research on Solving Communication Instability and Non-IID
Behavioral Responses to Health Anxiety in Different Populations Were Analyzed Based on Social Media Platform Data
Exploration and Analysis of FedAvg, FedProx, FedMA, MOON, and FedProc Algorithms in Federated Learning
The Advancements of Pruning Techniques in Deep Neural Networks
Simulation Study of Industrial Robots Based on Offline Programming
The Investigation of Industry Application Scenarios in Digital Signature
The Investigation of Layer 2 Blockchain Technologies for Decentralized Applications
Overcoming the Difficulty of Teaching Chinese Pronunciation Based on Artificial Intelligence Models
Evolution of Object Detection Algorithms Utilizing Deep Learning
The Advancements and Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Gastric Cancer Diagnosis
UNet and Transformers: Deep Learning Based Methods for Medical Image Segmentation
BEV-Based 3D Detection for Automatic Driving Using Lidar-Camera Fusion
The Evolving Landscape of Smart Contracts: From Cypherpunk Dreams to Transforming Industries
Risk Management in A Global Supply Chain
Chinese Text Summarization Based on Multi-Layer Attention
Reappearance and Optimization of the FedDyn Algorithm
Deep Learning-Based Multimodal Sentiment Analysis
Development of Text Error Correction Techniques in Chinese Corpus
Advanced Chinese Rap Lyric Generation with Integrated Markov Chain and LSTM Models
Prediction of Bank Fixed Deposits Based on Logistic Regression
Research on Autonomous Driving Based on Multi-Sensor Information Fusion Technology
Forecasting the Future Development of ABCtronics: A Comprehensive Analysis
Machine Learning-Based Steam Platform Game's Popularity Analysis
Application Research of Substation Power Inspection Robot Based on Image Recognition Technology
Comparative Analysis of Predictive Models for Estimating Body Fat Percentage Using Three Models
Investigation of Advancements in Machine Learning Algorithms for Accented Speech Recognition
Research on Weld Tracking Based on Machine Vision
Research on the Control of the end Effector of the Large-Scale Curved Surface Compliant Polishing Robot
Comparative Analysis of Different Deep Learning Models on Face Recognition Tasks
Compare of Linear Regression Model and LSTM Neural Network in Machine Learning
Deep Learning-Based Prediction and Analysis of Highway Traffic Flow near Airports
Using GIS Machine Learning Technique to Analysis Road Safety near Parks
Exploration and Discussion for Bitcoin Encryption Algorithms
The Investigation of Fully Homomorphic Encryption: Techniques, Applications, and Future Directions
Explore the Impact of Live Marketing on Contemporary Consumption Concepts
Exploring the Impact of the Presentation of Negative Information in the News on Public Sentiment
Multi-Factor Stock Selection Strategy Based on Network Sentiment Analysis
Game Classification and Analysis Based on Machine Learning-Based Methods
Races in Extended Input/Output Automata, Their Compositions and Related Reactive Systems
Design of a New Digital Cognitive Screening Tool on Tablet: AlzVR Project
The Investigation of Progress Related to Harmful Speech Detection Models
Construal Level Theory and Maslow's Hierarchy with Machine Learning for Enhanced Consumer Demand Analysis
Ensembled Learning Based Model for Bank Churn Prediction
Deep Learning-Driven Personalized Recommender Systems: Theory, Models, and Future Directions
Word Frequency Counting Based on Serverless MapReduce
The Progress of Shopping Recommendation System Based on Machine Learning Algorithms
Research on Neural Network-Based Achievement Prediction of Middle School Students
Analysis of Health Status of Alcoholic Students Based on the Gradient Boosting Decision Tree
Strategic Imperatives for Tesla: A SWOT Analysis of Market Position and Technological Innovation in the Electric Vehicle Industry
Comparative Research on Performance of Image Recognition and Classification Using VGG16 with Different Features
Prediction of Heart Failure Occurrence Based on the Categorical Boosting Model
Research on Traffic Flow Prediction Based on ARIMA Model
Advancements of Graph Neural Networks in Urban Traffic Prediction
Sustainability Meets Efficiency: Unveiling the Dual Impact on Supply Chain Performance in the Retail Sector. A Case Study of JB Hi-Fi
Big Data Analysis and Deep Learning in Smart Environments: Uncovering Key Technologies for an Intelligent Future
AI in Personalized Health Management: Practices and Challenges
The Comprehensive Investigation of Lung Disease Classification Based on SGD
Consumer Personality Analysis: Tailoring Marketing Strategies for Diverse Segments
The Investigation of Real-Time Credit Card Fraud Detection (RTCCFD) Based on Machine Learning and Apache Spark
Ensemble Learning Based Models and Deep Learning Model for Credit Prediction, Case Study: Taiwan, China
Efficient Image Classification Using ReXNet: Distinguishing AI- Generated Images from Real Ones
Sentiment Analysis in Analyzing Monkeypox-Related Tweets Based on Deep Learning
Value Co-Creation in the Era of Social Networking: Exploring the Social Commerce Value Creation Model Based on Xiaohongshu
Image Discrimination and Parameter Analysis Based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
Adaptive Recommendation System Strategies: An Exploration of Online Machine Learning Algorithms
Word Frequency Statistics Based on Serverless Computing
Research on the Impact of Expanding Cross-Border e-Commerce Business on e-Commerce Enterprises: A Case Study of Pinduoduo and Jingdong
Analysis of the Functions of Database Information Management System: Taking the User Health Record Platform as an Example
Optimizing Database Management Systems: Techniques and Challenges in the Information Age
Satisfaction Analysis of Airline Passenger Experience
Machine-Learning-Based Prediction of Obesity
Advancements of Football Data Analysis Based on Machine Learning Algorithms
Comparison and Analysis of Large Language Models Based on Transformer
Enhancing Image Generation with Diffusion Transformer Architecture
Analysis of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and Their Variants Based on Encoders and Decoders
The Challenges, Strategies, and Roles of Database Technology in the Big Data Era: A Case Study of the Push System in E-Commerce
Application of Artificial Intelligence in Stroke Prediction: Latest Advancements and Future Prospects
Advancements in Facial Expression Recognition: A Comparative Study of Traditional Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approaches
Retrieval-Augmented Generation Solutions for Typical Application Process Issues
Research on Green Supply Chain Optimization of Fresh Food e-Commerce Platform Under New Retail Mode: Taking Fresh Hema as an Example
Image Classification Based on Federated Learning and PFLlib
Research on Hotel Reservation Customer Churn Based on Deep Neural Networks
Supermarket Management Information System Development and Current Situation: A Comparative Analysis of Large and Small and Medium-Sized Supermarkets
Investigation on the Self-Improving Algorithm of TikTok Based on Extensive User Interactions
Machine Learning for Enhanced Heart Disease Prediction: A Comprehensive Classifier Evaluation
The Impact of AI on Business Students’ Career Choices
Research on Digital Transformation Path and Development of the e-Commerce Industry: Taking Alibaba as an Example
RARN: Lightweight Deep Residual Learning with Attention for Human Emotions Recognition
Defending Language Models: Safeguarding Against Hallucinations, Adversarial Attacks, and Privacy Concerns
Exploration vs. Exploitation: Comparative Analysis and Practical Applications of Multi-Armed Bandit Algorithms
The Investigation of Advancements in Intelligent Tourism Route Planning Based on Path Generation Algorithms
Flower Classification and Key Parameter Analysis Based on ViT
Network Flow of Graph Theory and Its Application
Enhanced Multi-Attribute Fashion Image Editing Using Vision Transformer-Guided Diffusion Models
Decoding Weibo Sentiments: Unveiling Nuanced Emotions with Bidirectional LSTM Analysis
Cardiovascular Disease Prediction Based on Machine Learning
The Application of Machine Learning and Deep Learning-Based Algorithms in Facial Expression Recognition
Virtual Try on Application and Parameter Analysis Based on Clothing Warping and Masking Technology
Digital Supply Chain Improves the Performance of e-Commerce Enterprises
The Effect of Price on E-Commerce Platforms: Statistical Evaluation of Amazon's Pricing Strategy
Refined Object Detection: Integrating C2f and SE Mechanisms in YOLOv5
The Advancements of Convolutional Neural Networks on Cerebral Hemorrhage Detection
Multiple GPUs-Based Distributed Learning for Classification of Breast Cancer Images
Artificial Intelligence in Cardiac Disease Diagnosis: A Comprehensive Investigation
Analysis of ZEEKR New Energy Vehicle Marketing Strategy
Advancements and Challenges in Intelligent Driving Technology: From Evolution to Future Prospects
Empirical Analysis of Trade Cost Impacts on Cross-Border e-Commerce Competitiveness: A Case Study of China and 'Belt and Road' Countries in the Digital Economy
Exploring the Silver Screen: A Comparative Study of UCB and EUCBV Algorithms in Movie Genre Recommendation
How Does AI Impact Supply Chain Effectiveness?
Transformer-Based Fine-Tuning and Zero-Shot Learning for Image Classification
Progressing Toward Smart Brain Hemorrhage Detection: Machine Learning-Based Advanced Medical Imaging Technologies
Enhancing Object Detection with YOLOv8 Transfer Learning: A VOC2012 Dataset Study
Performance Comparison and Analysis Between MOON and FedProx in Image Classification
The Comprehensive Investigation of Machine Learning-Based Patient Brain Stroke Prediction
Combining MapReduce and Serverless Computing for Efficient Word Frequency Statistics
Efficacy and Efficiency in Object Detection: Exploring YOLOv9 on Limited Resources
An Investigation of Studies on Spam Filtering Based on Machine Learning
Exploring the Potential of Artificial Intelligence in English Education
Difficulties Faced by SMEs and Traditional Industries in Digital Intelligent Transformation under the Background of Digital Intelligent Transformation and Suggestions
Enhancing Intelligent Vehicle Lane-Change Strategies Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
Enhanced Pneumonia Detection in Chest X-Rays Based on Integrated Denoising Autoencoders and Convolutional Neural Networks
Deep Learning-Based Algorithms in Solving Traffic Jam in Smart Transportation
Examine the Impacts of the Coronavirus Crisis on Vegetable Pricing
The Research About the Relationship Between Express Delivery and Business Revenue in China
The Development and Technical Research and Analysis of Image Classification
Advancements of Deep Learning-Based Pneumonia Chest Classification
YOLOv8-Based Framework for Accurate Lung CT Nodule Images Detection
Medical Image Classification Based on Transformer Model and Ordinal Loss
Research on Face Recognition Technology Based on Real-World Application Scenarios
Analysis of Luckin's Brand Joint Strategy
Advancements in Machine Learning for Network Anomaly Detection: A Comprehensive Investigation
Application and Analysis of Black and White Image Coloring Based on Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
Comparative Analysis of Brain Tumor Classification and Models Based on VGG16
Under the Impact of e-Commerce, the Operation Strategy of Physical Clothing Stores
Distributed Learning in Healthcare: Application of Federated Learning to Skin Cancer Diagnosis
Application of Data Mining Techniques to Supermarket Databases
A Study on Multi-Arm Bandit Problem with UCB and Thompson Sampling Algorithm
Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)-Based for Medical Image Analysis
Enhancing Recommendation Systems with Stochastic Processes and Reinforcement Learning
Federated Learning-Based EfficientNet in Brain Tumor Classification
Assessment and Optimization of Social Media Marketing Strategies: A Case Study of Xiaohongshu
Enhancing Cybersecurity in Healthcare: Machine Learning and Deep Learning Strategies for Intrusion Detection on the Internet of Medical Things
Advances in Pneumonia Detection: A Comprehensive Investigation of Federated Learning and Deep Learning-Based Approaches
Optimizing Credit Card Fraud Detection with Multi-Armed Bandit Algorithms
The Investigation of the Application of Apache Spark in Stock Analysis
Deciphering Spam Through AI: From Traditional Methods to Deep Learning Advancements in Email Security
Optimizing Privacy and Processing: Navigating Federated Learning in the Era of Edge Computing
Enhancing Facial Expression Recognition and Analysis with EfficientNetB7
The Comparison of Diabetes Risk Prediction Accuracy Across Different Models
Predictive Assessment of Heart Disease Based on Multiple Machine Learning Models
Advancing House Price Forecasting: Linear Regression and Deep Learning Models Analysis
Research Advanced in Personalized Federated Learning
Heart Disease Prediction Using Gradient Boosting Decision Trees
Enhancing Recommendation Systems Through Contextual Bandit Models
Inheriting Thompson Sampling for Movie Recommendation
Research Advanced in Federated Learning
A New Perspective on the Treatment of Ovarian Cancer: Deep Learning Algorithms-Based Prediction
Analysis and Research on Supply Chain Optimization of e-Commerce Platform: Taking Amazon and Alibaba as Examples
Advancements in Pancreatic Cancer Detection: A Comprehensive Investigation of Convolutional Neural Network Applications
Future Development of Information Management Systems Based on Big Data Technology, Artificial Intelligence Technology and Cloud Computing
Analysis of Upper Confidence Boundary Algorithms for the Multi- Armed Bandit Problem
Machine Learning-Based Stroke Prediction
Systematic Investigation on Deep Learning Network in Skin Cancer Diagnosis
A Comparative Study on the Influencing Factors of the Large Chinese and Foreign Shipping Companies’ Stock Price
Chat GPT in Education: Applications, Impacts, and Future Prospects
An Analysis of Customer Churn Prediction in Different Business Industries
Improving the Performance of Deep Q Network in Decision Making Environment: Applying Multi-Head Attention into DQN
Federated Learning-Based Face Recognition: Methods, Challenges and Future Prospects
Forecasting Demand of Shared Bikes Based on ARIMA Model
Research and Parameter Setting Recommendations for the UCB Algorithm Based on Advertisement Deployment on the Amazon Website
AI-Based Methods of Cardiovascular Disease Prediction and Analysis
Advancing Lung Cancer Diagnosis: Federated Learning-Based Privacy Innovations
Joint C2f and Joint Loss Object Detection Based on YOLOv5
CNN-Based Facial Emotion Recognition: Modeling and Evaluation
Wildlife Species Classification on the Edge: A Deep Learning Perspective
Deep Learning and Machine Learning Based Facial Expression Recognition Employed in Mental Health
A Conceptual Model of Blended Learning in the Context of Digital Teaching and Learning Transformation
Research and Application of Domain Knowledge Discovery Based on GPT
Positioning Method of Four-Wheel Drive Robots Based on Multi-Sensor Fusion and Improved Adaptive Monte Carlo Algorithm
Design and Experimental Study of Rail Degaussing System Based on Permanent Magnet
Analysis and Application of College Students' Network Behavior Based on Data Mining
Traffic Flow Prediction Model Based on BDBO-TCN
Fault Diagnosis of Process Systems Based on Graph Neural Network
Power Quality Monitoring Device of EMU Traction Network Based on Zynq
A GIS-Based Data Mining of Landuse Changes in the Yellow River Basin, China
Improved DETR-Based Detection of Icing and Snow on Aircraft Surfaces
Data Mining and Mathematical Modeling in Big Data: Partial-rogue Lump Ripple Model on Sina Weibo Public Opinion
Analysis of an Event-Driven Data Relay Based Approach in Ramp Patrols
A Text Summarization Model Based on Dual Pointer Network Fused with Keywords
Elevator Passenger Abnormal Behavior Recognition Method Based on Digital Twin
Research on Maneuver Decision of Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicles Based on Segmented Reward Function and Improved Deep Q-Network
A Parameter-Free Self-Training Algorithm for Dual Choice Strategy
Modeling and Analyzing the Impact of Mosaic Art on the Psychological Well-Being of Primary School Students
Text Mining and Sentiment Classification for Logistics Enterprises Evaluation Based on BERT
Research on Valve Network Model for Complex Industrial Pipeline Networks
Research on Group Decision Model of Civil Aviation Emergency Transport Based on Foreground Regret Theory
Random Forest Classification of Cognitive Impairment Using Digital Tree Drawing Test (dTDT) Data
FOCUS: An Intelligent Startle Management Assistant for Maximizing Pilot Resilience
From Laboratory to Cockpit: Evaluating the Predictive Value of Cognitive Tasks on Flight Simulator Performance
Emotions-Based Training: Enhancing Aviation Performance Through Self-Awareness and Mental Preparation, Coping with Stress and Emotions
Airline Pilots’ Perceived Operational Benefit of a Startle and Surprise Management Method: A Qualitative Study
Advancements in Monitoring Physical Fatigue in Aviation: A Comprehensive Analysis of State-of-the-Art ECG Sensor Technologies
The Next Generation Cockpit: Requirements of Fighter Pilots in a Highly Automated Environment
Optimizing Decision Making in Aviation: A New Communication Paradigm for Rerouting
A Study of Knowledge Exchange for Airborne Delegation in C-SAR Mission
Thinking the Certification Process of Embedded ML-Based Aeronautical Components Using AIDGE, a French Open and Sovereign AI Platform
AI-Assisted Debrief: Automated Flight Debriefing Summarization and Competency Assessment
AI in Flight: Advancing Aviation Safety Through Real-Time Monitoring of Pilots’ Neuropsychological States
A User-Centered Ontology for Explainable Artificial Intelligence in Aviation
Man-Machine Teaming: AI’s Overload Management and Task Allocation
Integrating Rigorous Qualitative Methods into the Design and Evaluation of Safety-Critical Systems
Working Memory Capacity, Mental Fatigue, and Human Performance
Using Deep RL to Improve the ACAS-Xu Policy: Concept Paper
An Index Bucketing Framework to Support Data Manipulation and Extraction of Nested Data Structures
Utilizing Data Analysis for Optimized Determination of the Current Operational State of Heating Systems
Modelling of an Untrustworthiness of Fraudulent Websites Using Machine Learning Algorithms
Learning to Rank for Query Auto-Complete with Language Modelling in Enterprise Search
Comparative Analysis of Topic Modelling Approaches on Student Feedback
Machine Learning Unravels Sex-Specific Biomarkers for Atopic Dermatitis
Reducing the Transformer Architecture to a Minimum
Efficient Neural Network Training via Subset Pretraining
Multi-Label Classification for Fashion Data: Zero-Shot Classifiers via Few-Shot Learning on Large Language Models
Optimizing High-Dimensional Text Embeddings in Emotion Identification: A Sliding Window Approach
MLN-Subdue: Substructure Discovery In Homogeneous Multilayer Networks
Flow Is Best, Fast and Scalable: The Incremental Parametric Cut for Maximum Density and Other Ratio Subgraph Problems
Federated Learning for XSS Detection: A Privacy-Preserving Approach
A Knowledge Map Mining-Based Personalized Learning Path Recommendation Solution for English Learning
RUDEUS: A Machine Learning Classification System to Study DNA-Binding Proteins
Positive-Unlabeled Learning Using Pairwise Similarity and Parametric Minimum Cuts
Evaluating the Suitability of Long Document Embeddings for Classification Tasks: A Comparative Analysis
Prompt Distillation for Emotion Analysis
Comparing Human and Machine Generated Text for Sentiment
An Explainable Classifier Using Diffusion Dynamics for Misinformation Detection on Twitter
A Network Learning Method for Functional Disability Prediction from Health Data
Enhancing Dyeing Processes with Machine Learning: Strategies for Reducing Textile Non-Conformities
Efficient Visualization of Association Rule Mining Using the Trie of Rules
Comparative Analysis of Real-Time Time Series Representation Across RNNs, Deep Learning Frameworks, and Early Stopping
Multilayer Networks: For Modeling and Analysis of Big Data
Predicting Post Myocardial Infarction Complication: A Study Using Dual-Modality and Imbalanced Flow Cytometry Data
GenCrawl: A Generative Multimedia Focused Crawler for Web Pages Classification
Antibiotic Resistance Gene Identification from Metagenomic Data Using Ensemble of Finetuned Large Language Models
Route Recommendation Based on POIs and Public Transportation
Hyperparameter Optimization for Search Relevance in E-Commerce
Approaches for Extending Recommendation Models for Food Choices in Meals
A Framework for Self-Service Business Intelligence
Knowledge Graphs Can Play Together: Addressing Knowledge Graph Alignment from Ontologies in the Biomedical Domain
Decoding AI’s Evolution Using Big Data: A Methodological Approach
MAEVE: An Agnostic Dataset Generator Framework for Predicting Customer Behavior in Digital Marketing
Beyond Twitter: Exploring Alternative API Sources for Social Media Analytics
Optimizing Federated Learning for Intrusion Detection in IoT Networks
Personalization of Dataset Retrieval Results Using a Data Valuation Method
An Improved Meta-Knowledge Prompt Engineering Approach for Generating Research Questions in Scientific Literature
A Systematic Literature Review on LLM-Based Information Retrieval: The Issue of Contents Classification
A Smart Hybrid Enhanced Recommendation and Personalization Algorithm Using Machine Learning
An End-to-End Generative System for Smart Travel Assistant
Enhancing Answer Attribution for Faithful Text Generation with Large Language Models
MERGE App: A Prototype Software for Multi-User Emotion-Aware Music Management
Comparative Performance Analysis of Active Learning Strategies for the Entity Recognition Task
Intrinsic Evaluation of RAG Systems for Deep-Logic Questions
Contrato360 2.0: A Document and Database-Driven Question-Answer System Using Large Language Models and Agents
Prediction of Response to Intra-Articular Injections of Hyaluronic Acid for Knee Osteoarthritis
Comparative Analysis of Single and Ensemble Support Vector Regression Methods for Software Development Effort Estimation
Software Testing Effort Estimation Based on Machine Learning Techniques: Single and Ensemble Methods
Reviewing Machine Learning Techniques in Credit Card Fraud Detection
Supervised Machine Learning Models and Schema Matching Techniques for Ontology Alignment
Framework for a Knowledge-Based Course Recommender System Focused on IT Career Needs
Optimization of Methods for Querying Formal Ontologies in Natural Language Using a Neural Network
Personalized Asthma Recommendation System: Leveraging Predictive Analysis and Semantic Ontology-Based Knowledge Graph
A Fuzzy Decision Support System with Semantic Knowledge Graph for Personalized Asthma Monitoring: A Conceptual Modeling
Clustering for Explainability: Extracting and Visualising Concepts from Activation
How to Surprisingly Consider Recommendations? A Knowledge-Graph-Based Approach Relying on Complex Network Metrics
Developing a Reference OntoUML Conceptual Model for Data Management Plans: Enhancing Consistency and Interoperability
SMACS: Stress Management AI Chat System
A Methodology for Interpreting Natural Language Questions and Translating into SPARQL Query over DBpedia
Semantic Capability Model for the Simulation of Manufacturing Processes
Applying the LOT Methodology to Enhance the Cinematic Heritage Archives
Semantic-Aware Validation in Model-Driven Requirements Engineering Using SHACL
owl2proto: Enabling Semantic Processing in Modern Cloud Micro-Services
Learning Knowledge Representation by Aligning Text and Triples via Finetuned Pretrained Language Models
Multidimensional Knowledge Graph Embeddings for International Trade Flow Analysis
Benchmarking the Ability of Large Language Models to Reason About Event Sets
Collaboration Patterns Ontology for Human-Machine Decision Support
Adapter-Based Approaches to Knowledge-Enhanced Language Models: A Survey
Quantifying Domain-Application Knowledge Mismatch in Ontology-Guided Machine Learning
Traffic Detection and Forecasting from Social Media Data Using a Deep Learning-Based Model, Linguistic Knowledge, Large Language Models, and Knowledge Graphs
An Holistic Approach to Diagnostic and Therapeutic Care Pathways Management
Automatic Transcription Systems: A Game Changer for Court Hearings
Scientific Claim Verification with Fine-Tuned NLI Models
Data Governance to Be a Data-Driven Organization
Smart Data Stewardship: Innovating Governance and Quality with AI
Semantic Support Points for on the Fly Knowledge Encoding in Heterogenous Systems
EX-DSS: An Explorative Decision Support System for Designing and Deploying Smart Plug Forecasting Pipelines
Assessing the Use of Online Platforms in Sharing Tacit Knowledge in Innovation Networks
Development of a Concept Map Evaluation Support System for Social Studies Learning
Values and Enablers of Lessons Learned Practices: Investigating Construction Industry Context
Evaluation of the Contribution of Knowledge Management to Efficiency in the Manufacturing Industry Through Machine Learning
A Comprehensive Approach for Graph Data Warehouse Design: A Case Study for Learning Path Recommendation Based on Career Goals
Exploring Centralized, Decentralized, and Hybrid Approaches to Micro-Credential Issuance in HEI Alliances
Evaluating Healthcare Automation: A Multi-Case Study on the Utilization of Automation Initiatives in Healthcare Operations
Knowledge Management in Civil Protection at the Example of Fire Brigades
Charting the Transformation of Enterprise Information Management: AI Explainability and Transparency in EIM Practice
Digital Transformation of B2B Sales Processes
Sales Development in Business-to-Business Markets
Importance of Context Awareness in NLP
Uncertainty Analysis in Population-Based Dynamic Microsimulation Models: A Review of Literature
Exploring Knowledge Sharing Motivational Factors for Intellectual Property Lawyers: A Conceptual Framework
How Organizational Improvisational, Transformational Leadership Styles Impact Innovation Performance of Start-Up Companies in VUCA Environments
Performing Entity Relationship Model Extraction from Data and Schema Information as a Basis for Data Integration
FAIRlead: A Conceptual Framework for a Model Driven Software Development Approach in the Field of FAIR Data Management
Knowledge Pyramid Perspective of the Political Data Ecosystem: A Case Study of Bhutan
Support Learning Design and Analytics with EduP Knowledge Model
Crafting the Future: Developing and Evaluating a Digital Mindset Competence Model for the Industrial Craft Sector
Using Formal Concept Analysis for Corpus Visualisation and Relevance Analysis
ML System Engineering Supported by a Body of Knowledge
Benchmarking of Retrieval Augmented Generation: A Comprehensive Systematic Literature Review on Evaluation Dimensions, Evaluation Metrics and Datasets
Connecting Critical Infrastructure Operators and Law Enforcement Agencies to Share Cyber Incident Information with Early Warning Systems
Development Areas in Knowledge Management Processes in Social and Health Care Services: A Pilot Study
Transforming Knowledge Management Using Generative AI: From Theory to Practice
Predicting Agricultural Product and Supplies Prices Using Artificial Intelligence
Temporal Analysis of Brazilian Presidential Election on Twitter Based on Formal Concept Analysis
DOM-Based Online Store Comments Extraction
Business Intelligence Solutions Adoption Model for Peruvians SMEs Based on UTAUT2
The Web Unpacked: A Quantitative Analysis of Global Web Usage
Prediction Web Application Based on a Machine Learning Model to Reduce Robberies and Thefts Rate in Los Olivos, San Martín De Porres and Comas
Trust the Data You Use: Scalability Assurance Forms (SAF) for a Holistic Quality Assessment of Data Assets in Data Ecosystems
Speaking the Same Language or Automated Translation? Designing Semantic Interoperability Tools for Data Spaces
Technological Model for Cryptocurrency Payments in E-Commerce
Enterprise Architecture to Optimize the Sales Process Using the TOGAF ADM Cycle in Companies in the Retail Sector
Utilization of Clustering Techniques and Markov Chains for Long-Tail Item Recommendation Systems
SLIM-RAFT: A Novel Fine-Tuning Approach to Improve Cross-Linguistic Performance for Mercosur Common Nomenclature
Learning to Predict Email Open Rates Using Subject and Sender
Model for Detecting Illegal Tree Felling in the Protected Area of Bagua in Amazonas Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Exploiting Data Spatial Dependencies for Employee Turnover Prediction
An Approach for Automatic Bidirectional Mapping Between Data Models and RDF-S
A Model Driven-Based Approach for Converting Feature Models of Software Product Lines to OWL Ontologies
Platform-Agnostic MLOps on Edge, Fog and Cloud Platforms in Industrial IoT
Investigating the Use of Accessibility Standards in Radio Frequency-Based Indoor Navigation: Challenges and Opportunities in the Development of Solutions for Visually Impaired Individuals
Is Generative AI Mature for Alternative Image Descriptions of STEM Content?
Implementing AI for Enhanced Public Services Gov.br: A Methodology for the Brazilian Federal Government
Towards Interoperability of Systems of Systems Using GraphQL
Human-Centric Dev-X-Ops Process for Trustworthiness in AI-Based Systems
Enable Business Users to Embed Dynamic Database Content in Existing Web-Based Systems Using Web Components and Generic Web Services
Moving into Co-Creative Robotics
OMNIMOD: Automating Ontology Modularization for Digital Library Data Using CIDOC-CRM as Use Case
LLMs Based Approach for Quranic Question Answering
Construction of a Questionnaire to Measure the Learner Experience in Online Tutorials
Microfront-End: Systematic Mapping
Application of Machine Learning Models to Predict e-Learning Engagement Using EEG Data
A Systematic Literature Review on Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD) for Secure Cloud Computing
Decentralizing Democracy with Semantic Information Technology: The D-CENT Retrospective
Analyzing Tweets Using Topic Modeling and ChatGPT: What We Can Learn About Teachers and Topics During COVID-19 Pandemic-Related School Closures
Analysis: Accessibility of VR Games Could Be Better
Impact of a Split into Single Items on the Response Rate of the User Experience Questionnaire Short (UEQ-S)
Improving Recommendation Quality in Collaborative Filtering by Including Prediction Confidence Factors
Access Control Integration in Sparkplug-Based Industrial Internet of Things Systems: Requirements and Open Challenges
FASTER-AI: A Comprehensive Framework for Enhancing the Trustworthiness of Artificial Intelligence in Web Information Systems
SECURER: User-Centric Cybersecurity Testing Framework for IoT System
Viewpoint Analysis of Autism-Related Comments in Reddit During COVID-19
Automated Hybrid Ransomware Family Classification
An Empirical Study to Use Large Language Models to Extract Named Entities from Repetitive Texts
Using Chat GPT for Malicious Web Links Detection
Assessing Unfairness in GNN-Based Recommender Systems: A Focus on Metrics for Demographic Sub-Groups
Hate Speech Detection Using Cross-Platform Social Media Data in English and German Language
SPACED: A Novel Deep Learning Method for Community Detection in Social Networks
IntelliFrame: A Framework for AI-Driven, Adaptive, and Process-Oriented Student Assessments
Cybersecurity Testing for Cobots
ODKAR: “Ontology-Based Dynamic Knowledge Acquisition and Automated Reasoning Using NLP, OWL, and SWRL”
Towards Developing an Ontology for a Digital Twin in Battery Testing
Extracting API Structures from Documentation to Create Virtual Knowledge Graphs
Linking Digital Twin Design and Ontologies with Model-Driven Engineering: Application to Railway Infrastructure
Multiple Model Iterative Learning Control of FES Electrode Arrays
Domain-Decoupled Physics-informed Neural Networks with Closed-Form Gradients for Fast Model Learning of Dynamical Systems
Solving the Holed Space Budgeted Maximum Coverage Problem with a Discrete Selection Problem
Epidemic Modeling and Control: An ARX Approach for Measles Containment
A Switching Event-Triggered Model Predictive Control for HVAC Systems
A Neural Network-Based Controller Towards Achieving Near-Natural Gait in Transfemoral Amputees
HyPredictor: Hybrid Failure Prognosis Approach Combining Data-Driven and Knowledge-Based Methods
Identification of TITO Systems Using Modified Decentralized Relay Feedback
Iterative Learning Control for Linear Time-Varying Systems in the Presence of Iteration-Varying Disturbance
Two-Stage Fault Detection and Control Approach for DFIG-Based Wind Energy Conversion System
Influence of Ship-to-Ship Interaction on Formation Control of Multi-Vessel Systems
Towards UAV-USV Collaboration in Harsh Maritime Conditions Including Large Waves
Characteristics-Based Least Common Multiple: A Novel Clustering Algorithm to Optimize Indoor Positioning
Towards Seamless Digitization in OPC UA
Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Headland Turns
A Decentralized Guaranteed Collision Avoidance Control Framework for Multi-Vehicle Systems in Highly Constrained Spaces
Implementation of 12 Transition Controls for Rotary Double Inverted Pendulum Using Direct Collocation
Model-Free versus Model-Based Reinforcement Learning for Fixed-Wing UAV Attitude Control Under Varying Wind Conditions
Memory-Based Learning of Global Control Policies from Local Controllers
Solving Multi-Agent Pathfinding with Stochastic Local Search SAT Algorithms
SkRobot with TeleoR/QuLog: A Pseudo-Realtime Robotics Data Distribution Service Extended with Production Rules and Reasoning
Nanosensors for Soft Robotics Exoskeletons
Application of the Schur Complement in Sum of Squares Optimisation
Multi-Step Simulation Improvement for Time Series Using Exogenous State Variables
A Taxonomy for Complexity Estimation of Machine Data in Machine Health Applications
On the Role of Artificial Intelligence Methods in Modern Force-Controlled Manufacturing Robotic Tasks
Towards Increasing Robot Autonomy in CHARM Facility: Network Performance, 3D Perception, and Human Robot Interface
Analysis of Truncated Singular Value Decomposition for Koopman Operator-Based Lane Change Model
A Modified Sandpile Model for Simulating Lava Fountains at Mt Etna
Comparison of Lateral Controllers for Autonomous Vehicles Based on Passenger Comfort Optimization
A Hybrid Constraint- and Search-Based Approach on the Stockyard Planning Problem
Automatic Placement of Digital Signals in Railway Digitalization: A Constraint Approach
Subsurface Metallic Object Detection Using GPR Data and YOLOv8 Based Image Segmentation
Optimizing Small-Scale Surgery Scheduling with Large Language Model
Multi-Risk Assessment and Management in the Presence of Personal Light Electric Vehicles
A Novel Reliable Leader-Following Consensus for Continuous-Time Multi-Agent Systems Under Nonhomogeneous and Asynchronous Markov Network Topology
Towards a Modular Human-Robot Safety Control System Using Petri Nets
0-DMF: A Decision-Support Framework for Zero Defects Manufacturing
Deep-CNN with Bacterial Foraging Optimization Based Cascaded Hybrid Structure for Diabetic Foot Ulcer Screening
Study of the Influence of a Force Bias on a Robotic Partner During Kinesthetic Communication
Data-Driven Predictive Maintenance for Component Life-Cycle Extension
Using Imitation Learning to Implement Control Orchestration for Smart Chassis
Enhancing Visual Odometry Estimation Performance Using Image Enhancement Models
Water Optimization in Digital Farming
Safety Assessment of Human-Robot Collaborations Using Failure Mode and Effects Analysis and Bow-Tie Analysis
Combating Agricultural Challenges with Secure Digital Farming
Dynamic Position Estimation and Flocking Control in Multi-Robot Systems
A New Observer-Based Fault Tolerant Shared Control for SbW Systems with Actuator Fault for Driver Assistance
Q-Learning Based LQR Occupant-Centric Control of Non-Residential Buildings
Identification of Piezoelectric Actuator Using Bayesian Approach and Neural Networks
An Approach for Fractional Commensurate Order Youla Parametrization using q-weighted Operator
Using Shapley Additive Explanations to Explain a Deep Reinforcement Learning Agent Controlling a Turtlebot3 for Autonomous Navigation
Third Order Super Twisting Based Robust Tracking of 2-DOF Helicopter with State Estimation
Moving Horizon Planning and Control for Autonomous Vehicles with Active Exploration and Fallback Strategies
A Study on Optimizing Signal Path in Model Predictive Control and Fault Detection System of Three-Tank Pilot System Using Reference Architecture
Data-Driven Intrusion Detection in Vehicles: Integrating Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) with Machine Learning
Motion Control Unit Design for Control Prototyping of Modern BLDC/PMSM Drives and Piezo Actuators
Automatic Control and Health Monitoring of a 3-Dimentional Overhead Crane with Minimally Required Sensor Devices
Validated Uncertainty Propagation for Estimation and Measure Association, Application to Satellite Tracking
Identifying Kinetic Model Parameters and Implementing 3-DOF Control for a Dual-Thruster USV: A Case Study Using the VRX Simulation Environment
Epidemic Impact of Temporary Large People Mass Fluxes: The COVID-19 and the Jubilee 2025 Reference Case
Potato Leaf Disease Detection Approach Based on Transfer Learning with Spatial Attention
Modelling and Simulation of an Autonomous Pod-Tethered Quadcopter Drone System for Aviation Applications
Semantic Segmentation with GLCM Images
Modelling and Analysis of Spread Characteristics of Arbovirus Infections
Sliding Mode Control for Inverse Response Systems: A Trajectory Tracking Study
Computing Bounds for the Synchronization Errors of Nonidentical Nonlinear Oscillators with Time-Varying Diffusive Coupling
Modeling Sunlight in Gazebo for Vision-Based Applications Under Varying Light Conditions
A Tool for Mass Generation of Random Step Environment Models with User-Defined Landscape Features
A Comparison of Adaptive PID, Adaptive Dual-PID and Adaptive Fractional PID Controllers for a Nonlinear System with Variable Parameters
Miniature Autonomous Vehicle Environment for Sim-to-Real Transfer in Reinforcement Learning
Visual Servoing for Vine Pruning Based on Point Cloud Alignment
Recommendation of Optimal Mitigation Actions Using Causal Inference in LOCA Events at Nuclear Power Plants
In-Depth Analysis of Recall Initiators of Medical Devices with a Machine Learning-Natural Language Processing Tool
Local Motion Planning for Overtaking Maneuvers in a Rural Road Environment
A Case Study in Building 2D Maps with Robots
Multimodal 6D Detection of Industrial Pallets, in Real and Virtual Environments, with Applications in Industrial AMRs
Automated Detection of Defects on Metal Surfaces Using Vision Transformers
Uncertainty-Aware DNN for Multi-Modal Camera Localization
Autonomous Forklift Navigation Inside a Cluttered Logistics Factory
Development of a Lithium-Ion Battery Lifetime Prediction Model Using Deep Learning for Short-Term Learning
Control of Fixed-Wing Tethered Aircraft in Circular Take-Off and Landing Maneuvers
A Modular Multimodal Multi-Object Tracking-by-Detection Approach, with Applications in Outdoor and Indoor Environments
NODE and Contraction Methods for Dynamics Learning from Human Expert Demonstrations
Nonlinear Control and State Estimation for the Hand Axes of a Pneumatic Robot
Knowledge Graph Extraction from Retrieval-Augmented Generator: An Application in Aluminium Die Casting
Spray Quality Assessment on Water-Sensitive Paper Comparing AI and Classical Computer Vision Methods
RoboMorph: In-Context Meta-Learning for Robot Dynamics Modeling
A Comparative Analysis of Methods for Hand Pose Detection in 3D Environments
Does Path Tracking Benefit from Sequential or Simultaneous RL Speed Controls?
Triplet Neural Networks for the Visual Localization of Mobile Robots
Video Summarization Techniques: A Comprehensive Review
Cooperation and Synchronization of Robotic Tasks Using a Digital Twin
A Vision Based System for Assisting Blind People at Indoor and Outdoor Exploration
Uncertainty Hypervolume in Point Feature-Based Visual Odometry
Evaluation of Open-Source OCR Libraries for Scene Text Recognition in the Presence of Fisheye Distortion
Advanced Techniques for Corners, Edges, and Stacked Gaps Detection and Pose Estimation of Cardboard Packages in Automated Dual-Arm Depalletising Systems
Setting up a Digital Twin for Real-Time Remote Monitoring of a Cyber-Physical System
Multi-Modal Deep Learning Architecture Based on Edge-Featured Graph Attention Network for Lane Change Prediction
Model-Based Digital Twin for Collaborative Robots
Low-Cost Robot Construction Focused on Educational Environments
Streamlining Data Integration and Decision Support in Refinery Operations
Unscented Transform-Based Pure Pursuit Path-Tracking Algorithm Under Uncertainty
Applying a Systematic Approach to Design Human-Robot Cooperation in Dynamic Environments
Human-Robot Cooperation in Disassembly: A Rapid Review
Intuitive Human-Robot Interface: A 3-Dimensional Action Recognition and UAV Collaboration Framework
Drone Technology for Efficient Warehouse Product Localization
EMG-Based Shared Control Framework for Human-Robot Co-Manipulation Tasks
Adaptive Highway Traffic Management: A Reinforcement Learning Approach for Variable Speed Limit Control with Random Anomalies
A Vision Based Warning System for Safe Distance Driving with Respect to Cyclists
LiDAR-Based Object Recognition for Robotic Inspection of Power Lines
CRANEBot: Teleoperated Crane-Suspended Robotic System for Inspection and Manipulation in Harsh Environments
Expanded Applicability: Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning-Based Traffic Signal Control in a Variable-Sized Environment
Asset Administration Shell Digital Twin of 5G Communication System
Augmented Feasibility Maps: A Simultaneous Approach to Redundancy Resolution and Path Planning
Automated Mission Management of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems for Critical Events in Urban Air Traffic
HERA Centroiding Image Processing Algorithm Based on the Normalised Correlation with a Lambertian Sphere
Software Toolchain for Offline-Programming a Jig-Less Fiber Placement Process Using Cooperating Robots
Evaluating Diversification in Group Recommendation of Points of Interest
Soft Querying JSON Datasets with Personalized Preferences and Aggregations
Alternative Step-Size Adaptation Rule for the Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy
Automated Design of Routing Policies for the Dynamic Electric Vehicle Routing Problem with Genetic Programming
Working on the Structural Components of Evolutionary Approaches
Randomized Local Search for Two-Dimensional Bin Packing and a Negative Result for Frequency Fitness Assignment
Generating Small Instances with Interesting Features for the Traveling Salesperson Problem
Control of Biohybrid Actuators Using Neuroevolution
Impact of Spatial Transformations on Exploratory and Deep-Learning Based Landscape Features of CEC2022 Benchmark Suite
Tangled Program Graphs with Indexed Memory in Control Tasks with Short Time Dependencies
Educational Evolutionary Neural Architecture Search for Time Series Prediction
Genetic Programming for 5×5 Matrix Multiplication
Automated Design of a Genetic Algorithm for Image Segmentation Using the Iterated Local Search
A Simple yet Effective Algorithm for the Asteroid Routing Problem
Randomized Local Search vs. NSGA-II vs. Frequency Fitness Assignment on The Traveling Tournament Problem
Fitness Histograms of Expert-Defined Problem Classes in Fitness Landscape Classification
Hybrid Genetic Programming and Deep Reinforcement Learning for Low-Complexity Robot Arm Trajectory Planning
Surrogate Modeling for Efficient Evolutionary Multi-Objective Neural Architecture Search in Super Resolution Image Restoration
Open Source Evolutionary Computation with Chips-n-Salsa
Using Secondary Inherited Characteristics During Reproductive Choice to Replicate Allopatric Speciation
A Vector Autoregression-Based Algorithm for Dynamic Many-Objective Optimization Problems
Step Size Control in Evolutionary Algorithms for Neural Architecture Search
Improving the Performance of Genetic Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Using Machine Learning for Knowledge Transfer
Grammatical Evolution of Synthesizable Finite State Machine-Based Behavioural Level Hardware Description Language Codes
Modelling and Simulation of Adaptive Multi-Agent Systems with Stochastic Nets-within-Nets
Optimizing Genetic Algorithms Using the Binomial Distribution
Real-Time IoMT-driven Optimisation for Large-Scale Home Health Care Planning
Studying the Relationship Between Crossover Features and Performance on MNK-Landscapes Using Regression Models
Sampling in CMA-ES: Low Numbers of Low Discrepancy Points
Trade Data Harmonization: A Multi-Objective Optimization Approach for Subcategory Alignment and Volume Optimization
Frequency Fitness Assignment: Optimization Without Bias for Good Solution Outperforms Randomized Local Search on the Quadratic Assignment Problem
A Modified Preference-Based Hypervolume Indicator for Interactive Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization Methods
Cartesian Genetic Programming Is Robust Against Redundant Attributes in Datasets
Fractal Analysis of the Subset-Sum Problem
L-SAGA: A Learning Hyper-Heuristic Architecture for the Permutation Flow-Shop Problem
Neuromorphic Encoding / Decoding of Data-Event Streams Based on the Poisson Point Process Model
Computer Vision Based Smart Security System for Explainable Edge Computing
Graph Hierarchy and Language Model-Based Explainable Entity Alignment of Knowledge Graphs
Deep Learning and Multi-Objective Evolutionary Fuzzy Classifiers: A Comparative Analysis for Brain Tumor Classification in MRI Images
Fitness Landscape Analysis of a Cell-Based Neural Architecture Search Space
Feature Importance for Deep Neural Networks: A Comparison of Predictive Power, Infidelity and Sensitivity
XAIMed: A Diagnostic Support Tool for Explaining AI Decisions on Medical Images
Explainability Applied to a Deep-Learning Based Algorithm for Lung Nodule Segmentation
Prediction of Alzheimer Disease on the DARWIN Dataset with Dimensionality Reduction and Explainability Techniques
LLM-Generated Class Descriptions for Semantically Meaningful Image Classification
Design of an Iterative Method for Deep Multimodal Feature Fusion in Heart Disease Diagnostics Utilizing Explainable AI
TX-Gen: Multi-Objective Optimization for Sparse Counterfactual Explanations for Time-Series Classification
Approximated Fuzzy p-values by Bootstrapped Fuzzy Distributions and Fuzzy Hypotheses Testing
Enhanced Missing Data Imputation Using Intuitionistic Fuzzy Rough-Nearest Neighbor Approach
Monitoring and Control of Power Preparedness of Athletes in Flatwater Rowing and Canoeing Using Strain Gauges
Healing the Everyday Athlete, Evaluating the Impact of Recovery Wear Garment Use on Musculoskeletal Health in an Occupational Setting
Motion Causal Network Analysis for Quantitative Evaluation of Baseball Form by Video Analysis
Real-Time Tactical Analysis: Leveraging GNSS Position Data for Tactical Behavior
Design and Implementation of a Stone Rotation Measurement System with IMU Sensor and Stone Behavior Presentation System
Sensor Module Application in the Design of an Automatic Tabletop Hockey Product Prototype for Leisure Activities and Mental Fitness
Punch Type Classification and Hit Judgement Using Estimated Skeletal Model in Boxing Match Videos
Assessing Physical Activity Levels While Playing Virtual Reality Exergames: A Pilot Study
Optimizing Youth Basketball Training Through the Novel and Entertaining Approach of Self-Perception Evaluation Channel
Biomechanics of the Lower Extremity in Youth Football League: FIFA 11+ One Leg Squat Analysis
Towards a Smart Luge that Measures Steering Input of the Rider
Synthetic Data for Foot Strike Angle Estimation
5G-Based Body Sensor Network for Real-Time Feedback in Running
SportsNGEN: Sustained Generation of Realistic Multi-Player Sports Gameplay
A Player Position Tracking Method Based on a Wide-Area Pan-Tilt-Zoom Video
The Stress Is Real: Physiological Measurement of League of Legends Players Experience During a Live Esports Event
The Effects of Exergaming on Executive Functions in Children with ADHD: A Protocol of Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Performance Analysis in Volleyball: Problem of Merging Attack and Counterattack Spike as One Variable
Analysis of the 'Zero Step' IHF Handball Rule 7.3.d. in Open and Closed Motor Performance Program
Analyzing Factors that Lead to NBA Regular Season Success
Characterizing Locomotor Activity and Internal Load in VR-Based Exergames for Post-Musculoskeletal Injury Rehabilitation
A Human Pose Estimation Method from Pseudo-Captured Two-Viewpoints Video
The Development of Automatic Training Analysis Using 3D Accelerometer in Male Young Elite Soccer Team
Data Visualization for Dynamic Strength Index: A Qualitative Approach for Enhanced Interpretation and Decision-Making
Y–Balance Test in Female Gymnasts
Evaluating Sensor Placement and Feature Importance for Hurling Movement Classification
autoWT: A Semi-Automated ML-Based Movement Tracking System for Performance Tracking and Analysis in Olympic Weightlifting
Enhancing Speed Climbing Performance and Optimizing Training Methods Through Advanced Video Analysis
Impact Distance Detection in Tennis Forehand by an Inertial System
Development of a Simple Tracking System to Monitor Curling Stone Dynamics
Creation of Training Data and Training for Prediction Model of Curling Scores Using Real Game Data
Quantification of Visual Search Motion During Basketball in VR Simulation
Estimation of Overlapped Tactical Actions from Soccer Match Video
Towards Fairness in Machine Learning: Balancing Racially Imbalanced Datasets Through Data Augmentation and Generative AI
AI-Based Preliminary Modeling for Failure Prediction of Reactor Protection System in Nuclear Power Plants
Anomaly Detection in eSport Games Through Periodical In-Game Movement Analysis with Deep Recurrent Neural Network
Combined Depth and Semantic Segmentation from Synthetic Data and a W-Net Architecture
Invertibility of ReLU-Layers: A Practical Approach
Online Match Prediction in Shogi Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
Quantum Neural Network Design via Quantum Deep Reinforcement Learning
A Graph-Based Deep Learning Model for the Anti-Money Laundering Task of Transaction Monitoring
A Federated K-Means-Based Approach in eHealth Domains with Heterogeneous Data Distributions
A Comparison of Advanced Machine Learning Models for Food Import Forecasting
Unsupervised Feature Selection Using Extreme Learning Machine
Searching for Idealized Prototype Learning for Interpreting Multi-Layered Neural Networks
Neuron Labeling for Self-Organizing Maps Using a Novel Example-Centric Algorithm with Weight-Centric Finalization
Contrastive Learning and Abstract Concepts: The Case of Natural Numbers
Spatial Learning and Overfitting in Visual Recognition and Route Planning Tasks
Temporal Complexity of a Hopfield-Type Neural Model in Random and Scale-Free Graphs
Leveraging Deep Learning for Approaching Automated Pre-Clinical Rodent Models
Assessing Forecasting Model Robustness Through Curvature-Based Noise Perturbations
LSTM versus Transformers: A Practical Comparison of Deep Learning Models for Trading Financial Instruments
Predictive Models for United States House Prices
Ensemble Learning Based Models for Planet Classification
Analysis and Evaluations for the Detection Results of the Advanced Telescopes
Research on Asset Allocation Based on Quantitative Investment
Research of Machine Learning and Feature Selection in Wine Quality Prediction
Stock Prediction Based on Traditional Statistical Models, Machine Learning Models and Fusion Models
Searching Extra-Planet Based on Radial Velocity, Transit and Direct Imaging
The Prediction of Feedback with Demographics & Locations of Users in Online Food Delivering Based on Machine Learning Models
Research on the Correlation Between Multiple Risk Factors and Diabetes Mellitus
Analysis and Comparison of the State-of-Art Telescopes: Evidence from JWST, EHT and FGST
Research on Housing Prices Forecasts Based on A Multiple Linear Regression Model
Stock Price Prediction Based on CNN, LSTM and CNN- LSTM Model
Geological Features of Geographical Biomes and Their Environmental Impact
Research on the Influence Factors that Possibly Lead to Diabetes
Predicting New York Housing Prices: A Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Models
Probing Candidates for Dark Matter: Evidence from WIMPs and Axions
Machine Learning-Based Wine Quality Predictive Modelling
Machine Learning Methods for Heart Disease Prediction
Probing Life with Planet Searching and Habitat Evaluation: Evidence from Moon, Mars and WASP-96b
Decision of Production Combinations Based on Cournot Model and Linear Programming
Transmission Analysis and Future Trend Prediction of Deyr City's B1H3 Virus by SIR Modelling
Word Stand or Hit: Simulation of Blackjack by Programming
Understanding Secondary Forests: From Definitions to Regional Case Studies in China
Water System Evolution and Influencing Factors in Wuhan City over the past 40 Years via Remote Sensing
Principle and Applications of Telescopes: Refracting, Reflecting and Catadioptric Telescopes
Unveiling the Invisible: The Interplay Between Dark Matter and Dark Energy in Cosmic Evolution
Research on Traffic Violation Factors in Vehicle Insurance Pricing Based on Generalized Linear Model
Application of Game Theory in Option Pricing: A Binomial Tree Model Approach
Studying Land Evolution Patterns and Influencing Factors in Wuhan City over the Past 40 Years Using Remote Sensing
Research on Factors Influencing Indoor Air Quality in Houses: Case Study of Shanghai
Red Wine Prediction Comparing Several Machine Learning Models
Monitoring Spatiotemporal Distribution Characteristics of Air Pollutants in Tianjin by Satellite Remote Sensing
Climate Change and Coastal Line Shifts: Advances in Remote Sensing Monitoring
Analysis the Principle and the State-of-Art Scenarios for Asteroid Detection
Spatial and Temporal Evolution of Carbon Sink in the Three North Forest Region Based on Remote Sensing Date
Axion-Like Particles and Their Cosmological Consequences
The Role of Dark Matter in Galaxy Formation and Evolution
Probing Exoplanets Based on Transit, Radial Velocity and Direct Imaging
The Study on the Influencing Factors of Housing Price
The Role of Remote Sensing in Surveillance and Assessment of Climate Change
Searching Dark Matter Candidate Based on the State-of-Art Facilities: Evidence from WIMPs and ALPs
Precision Aquaculture: An Integrated Computer Vision and IoT Approach for Optimized Tilapia Feeding
Leveraging AI to Mitigate Risks in Yoga Practice: A Real-Time Posture Correction Application
Recent Extraction and Spatial Analysis of Yangtze River Estuary Coastline Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Models for Stroke Risk Prediction
Stock Price Prediction Based on Deep Learning
Prediction of the West Texas Intermediate Crude Oil Price Using ARIMA Model and ARIMA-GARCH Model
Remote Sensing-Based Spatiotemporal Analysis of Land Use Changes in Shanghai
Analysis of the State-of-Art Observations for Gravitational Wave Searching
Developing an Artificial Intelligence Model to Enhance the Emotional Intelligence of Motor Vehicle Drivers for Safer Roads
Building Atlas of Knowledge Maps: Towards Smarter Collaboration
A Model for Designing Personalized and Context-Aware Nudges
REACT: Revealing Evolutionary Action Consequence Trajectories for Interpretable Reinforcement Learning
Precise Estimation of Urban Vegetation Carbon Stock Using Multi-Source LiDAR: A Case Study of East China Normal University
H ∞ Type Control of Periodic Stochastic Systems Subject to Multiplicative White Noises: Application to Satellite AOCS Design
Optimizing a Multi-Level Logistics Network: Exploring the Location and Assignment of 3D Printed Orthotic Facilities
Efficient Implementation of Piecewise Quadratic Lyapunov Function Computations for Switched Linear Systems
Effects of Cognitive Load Variation on Anthropomorphism During a Cooperative Human-Robot Pick-and-Place Task
Analysis of Drivers' Path Follow Behaviour
BVE + EKF: A Viewpoint Estimator for the Estimation of the Object's Position in the 3D Task Space Using Extended Kalman Filters
Component Replacement Study of 3D Human Pose Estimation Models in Real-World Complex Sports Scenarios: Focusing on Head Impact Events
Extending DEMO Action Rule Specifications’ Syntax in a Low Code Platform Based Municipality Hearing System Implementation
Stealing Brains: From English to Czech Language Model
Finding Strong Lottery Ticket Networks with Genetic Algorithms
Leveraging Ontologies for Handicraft Business Process Modeling: Application for the Pastry-Making Domain
Youla-Kučera Parameterization: Theory and Applications
HTEKG: A Human-Trait-Enhanced Literary Knowledge Graph with Language Model Evaluation
Elementary Multiperspective Material Ontology: Leveraging Perspectives via a Showcase of EMMO-Based Domain and Application Ontologies
Design and Evaluation of Microteaching: Emergent Learning for Acquiring Classroom Management Skill in Teacher Education
End-to-End Steering for Autonomous Vehicles via Conditional Imitation Co-Learning
Advanced Nonlinear Control for an Omnidirectional Spherical Robot Integrating Aerial and Ground Mobility
On the Use of Ontologies for Defining, Generating and Exploring the Resulting Simulations of Application Level Protocols
Knowledge Sharing in Financial Institutions to Assist with IT Service Management: A Thematic Analysis
Enhancing LLMs with Knowledge Graphs for Academic Literature Retrieval
Separating the Yes- from the No-Instances in the Number Partitioning Problem
Testing Emergent Bilateral Symmetry in Evolvable Robots with Vision
The Performance of Frequency Fitness Assignment on JSSP for Different Problem Instance Sizes
Explaining Explaining
Optimal Segmentation of LPV Systems for Control Applications via Genetic Algorithms
META: Deep Learning Pipeline for Detecting Anomalies on Multimodal Vibration Sewage Treatment Plant Data
FSL-LFMG: Few-Shot Learning with Augmented Latent Features and Multitasking Generation for Enhancing Multiclass Classification on Tabular Data
Integrated Evaluation of Semantic Representation Learning, BERT, and Generative AI for Disease Name Estimation Based on Chief Complaints
Insights into the Potential of Fuzzy Systems for Medical AI Interpretability
Knowledge Discovery in Optical Music Recognition: Enhancing Information Retrieval with Instance Segmentation
Text-Based Feature-Free Automatic Algorithm Selection
Design Features for Data Trustee Selection in Data Spaces
Analyzing Exact Output Regions of Reinforcement Learning Policy Neural Networks for High-Dimensional Input-Output Spaces
On Solving Controlled-Invariance Problems in Dioids Using the PyMinMaxGD Python Scripts Library
A Decoupled Graph Convolutional Network with Dual Adaptive Propagation Mechanism for Homophily and Heterophily
Comprehensive Study on Fighter Pilot Attention and Vigilance Monitoring