Jae Seong Jeong
Soon Ghon Kim
Joongbu University, Korea, Republic of
Index Function and Index Memory, Paser Table, Entire compiling processes, Compiler possible for Online Update, Executing compiled files, Quest Event, Quest API.
Enterprise Information Systems
Information Systems Analysis and Specification
Modeling Formalisms, Languages and Notations
As the development of an online game is being more and more extensive, higher manpower become more essential in the development for the game. Especially in programming, it happens that that original scheme that came from the planning department could not be fully developed and expressed in the programmer, depending on the ability of the programmer, coming out with a different result which is less enjoyable than the programmer expected. It is essential to spend much time for checking the error came from planning or programming. Due to solve these kinds of problems, we have developed the complier for only games which uses API for game graphic and API for quest that have been used in development for game. The compiler helps the game planner to find out logical problem directly and manually through manual source coding. Also, through the special game compiler, it would help the game developer to come out with a various kinds of efficient plans. It has the advantages of lowering dependenc
y on the game programmer as well as to lower the cost of production and labor resources.