Sami M. Leppänen
Nestori Syynimaa
Sovelto Plc, Finland
Sovelto Plc, Gerenios Ltd and University of Tampere, Finland
e-Learning, Learning 2.0, Andragogy, Adult Learning, 70/20/10.
Blended Learning
Communities of Practice
Computer-Supported Education
Learning/Teaching Methodologies and Assessment
Mentoring and Tutoring
Social Context and Learning Environments
Society, e-Business and e-Government
Web 2.0 and Social Computing for Learning and Knowledge Sharing
Web Information Systems and Technologies
During the last few decades the learning sector have faced three fundamental changes; society is moving from
the industrial age to the information age, understanding of adult teaching has evolved from pedagogy to
andragogy, and technology is constantly providing new ways to support and enable learning. In this
conceptual paper, these changes are introduced and discussed as key enablers of Learning 2.0. The important
role of adult learning as key driver for Learning 2.0 is also argued and emphasised. Based on the analysis of
the key enablers a two-dimensional classification is introduced. The classification is based on four archetypes
of learning methods, formed according to how they utilise technology and apply learning theories. The
archetypes are traditional learning, e-Learning, participatory learning, and facilitated learning communities.
Analysis of these archetypes shows that together they are providing all learning types of the 70/20/10 model.
The classification also demonstra
tes that e-Learning does not equal to Learning 2.0, but is one of the first
steps in a journey from Learning 1.0 to Learning 2.0.