Umi Sumbulah
Siti Mahmudah
M. Toriquddin
Agus Purnomo
Sharia Faculty of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Indonesia
Faculty of Psychology of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Indonesia
Sharia Faculty of The State Institute of Islamic Studies, Ponorogo, Indonesia
counter-radicalism, ma’had, moderate, personality development curriculum, ulul albab.
This study discusses the development of moderate Islamic values and counter-radicalism through the personality development curriculum (MPK) for UIN Malang students. Efforts to develop moderate Islam are carried out in regular lectures and student activities in ma'had. The development of moderate Islam in lectures can be seen in the design, implementation and evaluation of learning. Instilling the values of Islamic moderates in ma'had is done by training, habituation, and exemplary in everyday life. The MPK curriculum plays a very important role in the formation of moderate Islamic identity for students, training them to respect diversity, fostering historical and cultural awareness full of life values, expanding and strengthening the concept of integration between religion, nation, and state. Islamic moderate values can be seen in the achievement of MPK competency standards, namely: the development of personality and attitudes as Indonesian citizens and global citizens, the developme
nt of personality and attitudes as Muslim and Muslim students. Achieving these competencies is manifested in the figure of students who have the ulul albab personality, namely: having a spiritual depth, the majesty of morality, the breadth of knowledge, and professional maturity. Thus, the development of moderate Islamic values has implications for students' ability to counter radicalism.