Nabil Benayadi
Marc Le Goc
University Saint Jerome, France
Sequential patterns, Information-theory, Temporal knowledge Discovering, Chronicles models, Markov processes.
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems
Biomedical Engineering
Business Analytics
Data Engineering
Data Mining
Databases and Information Systems Integration
Enterprise Information Systems
Health Information Systems
Industrial Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Information Systems Analysis and Specification
Modeling Formalisms, Languages and Notations
Sensor Networks
Signal Processing
Soft Computing
We introduce the problem of mining sequential patterns in large database of sequences using a Stochastic Approach. An example of patterns we are interested in is : 50% of cases of engine stops in the car are happened between 0 and 2 minutes after observing a lack of the gas in the engine, produced between 0 and 1 minutes after the fuel tank is empty. We call this patterns “signatures”. Previous research have considered some equivalent patterns, but such work have three mains problems : (1) the sensibility of their algorithms with the value of their parameters, (2) too large number of discovered patterns, and (3) their discovered patterns consider only ”after“ relation (succession in time) and omit temporal constraints between elements in patterns. To address this issue, we present TOM4L process (Timed Observations Mining for Learning process) which uses a stochastic representation of a given set of sequences on which an inductive reasoning coupled with an abductive reasoning is appl
ied to reduce the space search. The results obtained with an application on very
complex real world system are also presented to show the operational character of the TOM4L process.