Avinash Shankar
Chattrakul Sombattheera
Aneesh Krishna
Aditya Ghose
Philip Ogunbona
Decision Systems Lab [DSL], School of IT and Computer Science,Univerity of Wollongong, Australia
Dynamic Coalition, Grid, P2P, Agents, A3pviGRID.
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems
Cloud Computing
Enterprise Information Systems
Intelligent Agents
Intelligent Social Agents and Distributed Artificial Intelligence Applications
Internet and Collaborative Computing
Internet Technology
Semantic Web Technologies
Services Science
Software Agents and Internet Computing
Web Information Systems and Technologies
Artificial Intelligence and High performance Grid computing systems are two different fields of technologies that have been much researched upon and are as old as the development of personal computers and its related technologies. Technologies such as Agent based systems and the Semantic Grid have evolved with the use of Artificially Intelligent techniques such as the Turing system of intelligence measurement. Similarly Peer to Peer computing and Supercomputing Grids have evolved from distributed and middleware clustering systems such as Condor. In this paper a new architectural schematic is proposed where technologies such as Agents, P2P computing and Adhoc systems are incorporated in a Grid Computing framework for the optimal Job processing and delivery to the end user transparently. Applying Dynamic Coalition techniques in Agent based Grid computing systems has been a meagrely researched Area. The proposed system A3pviGrid tends to deploy a service oriented schematic that enables
users to search for, negotiate using agents, do remote Job Processing and use resources without the need for a resource discovery model in place that is commonly used in current day high performance Grid systems.