Papers Papers/2022 Papers Papers/2022



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Authors: Arbi Haza Nasution 1 ; Yoze Rizki 2 ; Salhazan Nasution 3 and Rafi Muhammad 1

Affiliations: 1 Department of Informatics Engineering, Universitas Islam Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia, Indonesia ; 2 Department of Informatics Engineering, Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia ; 3 Department of Informatics, Universitas Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia

Keyword(s): Machine Translation, Augmented Reality, Chatbot.

Abstract: English is a language used as a universal communication tool. Therefore, without English skills, a person will have a difficulty to communicate properly and correctly in the international scope. This research developed an application of augmented reality-based translating machine that provides the education to students with different media in order to increase students’ interest in learning English. This application used library Vuforia sdk which is able to display 3-dimensional characters with markerless techniques in the form of augmented reality. The final result of this study was an application that can be used on smartphones with Android operating system. Based on the results of the application testing, it is concluded that this application can display 3-dimensional characters in dim light with light intensity of 28 lux at a distance of 10cm-60cm and viewing angle of 10 ◦ -90 ◦ . After reviewing the application, 95% of the correspondents stated that this application is good so i t can help students to relearn English outside the school. (More)


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Paper citation in several formats:
Nasution, A. ; Rizki, Y. ; Nasution, S. and Muhammad, R. (2020). An Augmented Reality Machine Translation Agent. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology - ICoSET; ISBN 978-989-758-463-3, SciTePress, pages 163-168. DOI: 10.5220/0009146301630168

author={Arbi Haza Nasution and Yoze Rizki and Salhazan Nasution and Rafi Muhammad},
title={An Augmented Reality Machine Translation Agent},
booktitle={Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology - ICoSET},


JO - Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology - ICoSET
TI - An Augmented Reality Machine Translation Agent
SN - 978-989-758-463-3
AU - Nasution, A.
AU - Rizki, Y.
AU - Nasution, S.
AU - Muhammad, R.
PY - 2020
SP - 163
EP - 168
DO - 10.5220/0009146301630168
PB - SciTePress