Pilar Martinez Jimenez
Gerardo Pedros Perez
Marta Varo Martinez
Mª Carmen Garcia Martinez
Rosario Posadillo
Elena Varo Martinez
Cordoba University, Spain
Simulation, Virtual Laboratory, Web portal, Physics Instruction.
Computer-Supported Education
e-Learning Platforms
Information Technologies Supporting Learning
Learning/Teaching Methodologies and Assessment
Simulated Communities and Online Mentoring
Simulation and Modeling
Simulation Tools and Platforms
Virtual Learning Environments
In this work the characteristics and educational applications of a virtual computer-assisted environment teaching related with the motion of projectiles subjected to the force of the air ( is presented . This web portal has been designed as an interactive tutorial system including several modules (simulations, problem resolution, knowledge evaluation, etc.), it has been applied as a complementary teaching aid for the subject Physics in the first year of Engineering and it is aimed to improve the understanding of the influence of the friction forces which vary with the speed of the two-dimensional motions. The software presented has all the following features: integrative character, self-evaluation tests, personalized and active learning process, adaptability to teacher’s aims, versatility as a teaching tool, multimedia resources and simplicity. This study has been carried out with students of the Higher Technical College (in Spanish
: Escuela Politécnica Superior, EPS) Cordoba (Spain), with highly favourable results when compared with students who did not use the software.