Stefan Böttcher
Rita Hartel
Christian Messinger
University of Paderborn, Germany
SEPA-XML Message Compression, SEPA Data, Exchange, Efficient Query Processing on Compressed SE-PA Data.
B2B, B2C and C2C
B2C/B2B Considerations
Business and Social Applications
Communication and Software Technologies and Architectures
Enterprise Information Systems
Intranet and Extranet Business Applications
Society, e-Business and e-Government
Software Agents and Internet Computing
Web Information Systems and Technologies
In order to standardize the electronic payments within and between the member states of the European Union, SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) – an XML based standard format – was introduced. As the financial institutes have to store and process huge amounts of SEPA data each day, the verbose structure of XML leads to a bottleneck. In this paper, we propose a compressed format for SEPA data that removes that data from a SEPA document that is already defined by the given SEPA schema. The compressed format allows all operations that have to be performed on SEPA data to be executed on the compressed data directly, i.e., without prior decompression. Even more, the queries being used in our evaluation can be processed on compressed SEPA data with a speed that is comparable to ADSL2+, the fastest ADSL standard. In addition, our tests show that the compressed format reduces the data size to 11% of the original SEPA messages on average, i.e., it compresses SEPA data 3 times stronger than other
compressors like gzip, bzip2 or XMill – although these compressors do not allow the direct query processing of the compressed data.