Papers Papers/2022 Papers Papers/2022



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Authors: Christophe Ponsard 1 and Jean-Christophe Deprez 2

Affiliations: 1 ETIC Research Centre, Belgium ; 2 CETIC Research Centre, Belgium

Keyword(s): Energy Efficiency, Cloud, Sustainability, Green-IT, UML.

Related Ontology Subjects/Areas/Topics: Cross-Feeding between Data and Software Engineering ; Model-Driven Engineering ; Requirements Elicitation and Specification ; Software Engineering ; Software Engineering Methods and Techniques

Abstract: ICT energy efficiency is a growing concern. Large effort has already been spent making hardware energy aware and improving hardware energy efficiency. Although effort is devoted to specific software areas like embedded/mobile systems, much remains to be done at software level, especially for applications deployed in the Cloud. In order to help Cloud application developers to learn to reason about how much energy is consumed by their application on the server-side, we propose a framework composed of (1) a Goal-Question- Metric analysis of energy goals, (2) a UML profile for relating energy requirements and associated KPI metrics to application design and deployment elements, and (3) an automated Cloud deployment of energy probes able to monitor those KPI and aggregate them back to questions and goals. The focus of this short paper is on the development of the UML profile. We detail the profile metamodel design and its implementation based on the Open Source Papyrus modeller. We also r eport about the application of our profile to a case study. (More)


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Paper citation in several formats:
Ponsard, C. and Deprez, J.-C. (2015). A UML KPI Profile for Energy Aware Design and Monitoring of Cloud Services. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications (ICSOFT 2015) - ICSOFT-EA; ISBN 978-989-758-114-4, SciTePress, pages 432-437. DOI: 10.5220/0005564004320437

author={Christophe Ponsard and Jean{-}Christophe Deprez},
title={A UML KPI Profile for Energy Aware Design and Monitoring of Cloud Services},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications (ICSOFT 2015) - ICSOFT-EA},


JO - Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications (ICSOFT 2015) - ICSOFT-EA
TI - A UML KPI Profile for Energy Aware Design and Monitoring of Cloud Services
SN - 978-989-758-114-4
AU - Ponsard, C.
AU - Deprez, J.
PY - 2015
SP - 432
EP - 437
DO - 10.5220/0005564004320437
PB - SciTePress