Emanuele Ferrandino
Antonino Capillo
Enrico De Santis
Fabio Mascioli
Antonello Rizzi
Department of Information Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications (DIET), University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Via Eudossiana 18, 00184 Rome, Italy
Electric Boat, Autonomous Driving System, Finite State Machine, Autopilot, Obstacle Detection, Obstacle Avoidance, Motion Control, Virtual Anchor, Q-Learning, Fuzzy Controller, Fish Schooling Behavior.
This paper describes the architecture and control design of an autonomous Electric Boat, together with a specific simulation environment for training and testing the Fuzzy Inference Systems. The boat will be in charge to exit and enter from harbors, plan and follow a route, avoid obstacles such as other boats, correct its motion, perform a virtual anchor and switch between these operations autonomously. The boat is equipped with a set of smart sensors such as sonars, a Global Positioning System, a camera-based vision system and an Inertial Measurement Unit. General navigation rules are respected during the route. We propose an architecture integrating several Fuzzy Controller-based modular pipelines. Furthermore, we propose a mathematical formalization of the Fish Schooling Behavior useful for training Fuzzy Controllers through Q-Learning. Our architecture will soon be implemented on a real boat intended for navigating in inland waters.