Yvonne Jung
Fraunhofer IGD, Germany
Rendering, Virtual Characters, Animation, Simulation, Virtual Reality, X3D.
Animation Algorithms and Techniques
Animation and Simulation
Animation Languages
Animation Systems
Augmented, Mixed and Virtual Environments
Character Animation
Collision Detection
Computer Vision, Visualization and Computer Graphics
Facial Animation
Graphical Interfaces
Graphics in Computer Games
Human Figure Animation
Interactive Environments
Lighting and Appearance
Real-Time Graphics
Real-Time Rendering
Virtual Humans and Artificial Life
In this paper, we focus on the different aspects of real time visualization and animation of realistic virtual characters. The common goal was to come up with solutions based on the concepts of the open ISO standard X3D and if necessary to propose generalized extensions to the standard. First we describe the high level control language PML and its implementation, which is also suitable for non-graphics experts. Then we focus on realistic rendering, how X3D must be extended to allow special effects and realization of novel rendering algorithms, including skin and emotion rendering. Next we explain the challenges of dynamics related to virtual characters covering play-back and blending of pre-defined animations, online simulation of locomotion and last but not least hair simulation.