Ivan Jovanovikj
Vishwak Narasimhan
Gregor Engels
Stefan Sauer
Paderborn University, Germany
Quality Plan, GQM, Metrics, Quality Model.
Applications and Software Development
Frameworks for Model-Driven Development
Methodologies, Processes and Platforms
Model Transformations and Generative Approaches
Model-Based Testing and Validation
Model-Driven Software Development
Software Engineering
Software systems are continuously changed during maintenance and evolution. To ensure their quality, they
have to be tested. But before starting testing a software system, the quality of the test cases themselves has to
be evaluated. Due to the changes of the software system, they might have become obsolete or even erroneous.
Furthermore, test cases created in an industrial setting are extensive and at some point of time, they might
have become difficult to understand, unmanageable and inefficient. Therefore, by evaluating their quality,
we can better understand, control and eventually improve the quality of test cases. We present the Test Case
Quality Plan (TCQP) approach, which is based on the GQM (Goal-Question-Metric) approach and enables a
systematic and efficient development of quality plans. They serve as a guideline for the quality evaluation of
test cases, and emphasize the context of use of test cases as a major factor of influence for the whole quality
evaluation. The TCQP
approach has been applied and evaluated in an industrial case study.