Pilar Manzanares-Lopez
Juan Pedro Muñoz-Gea
Josemaria Malgosa-sanahuja
Technical University of Cartagena, Spain
Privacy, Professional Social Networking, LinkedIn.
Enterprise Information Systems
Social Networks and Organizational Culture
Society, e-Business and e-Government
Software Agents and Internet Computing
Web 2.0 and Social Networking Controls
Web Information Systems and Technologies
Internet-based applications give users an easy way to communicate with each other on a scale and rate unseen
in traditional media. Among them, the professional social networking sites (with LinkedIn as one the most
widespread platforms) offer a useful way to create and maintain a professional contact network. LinkedIn
is also a self-promotion tool, where employees, industries and communities get in touch. In this scenario, it
seems logical to consider privacy as a fundamental subject. Controlling who can see our data may avoid that
our information reaches our boss when we are looking for a job, a competitor, or even former or present work
colleagues with whom we have had some conflict. This work analyzes deeply the privacy settings offered by
LinkedIn, and also analyzes the privacy concerns among the users, examining how these concerns correlate to
the knowledge of the privacy settings and the adequacy of their use.