Pedro Nogueira Ramos
UML, SQL, Case, Relational Model, Deontic Constraints.
Deontic constraints (obligations, forbiddances, violations) can be easily and explicitly represented in UML Class Diagrams. They deal with formal representation of requirements, which ideally should always be fulfilled, but can be violated, in atypical situations. In this paper we adopt and extend previous work on deontic constraints. Our contribution is the development of a tool that fully generates code based on UML Class Diagrams representation of those constraints. We overcome some limitations of previous work, and consequently we only adopt standard UML notations. Our tool (a Sybase PowerDesigner plugin) generates OCL constraints, a standard relational model, and SQL code to hold the deontic requirements. SQL is coded in views and triggers. Since we adopt a commercial tool, these enrichments will benefit any non-professional users.