George Kousiouris
Dimosthenis Kyriazis
Department of Informatics & Telematics, Harokopio University of Athens, 9, Omirou Str. 177 78, Tavros, Greece
Department of Digital Systems, University of Piraeus, Karaoli & A. Dimitriou 80, 18534 Piraeus, Greece
Function as a Service, Cloud Computing, Cloud Architecture, Service Platforms, Middleware.
The availability of decentralized edge computing locations as well as their combination with more centralized Cloud solutions enables the investigation of various trade-offs for application component placement in order to optimize application behaviour and resource usage. In this paper, the goal is to investigate key functionalities and operations needed by a middleware layer so that it can serve as a generalized architectural and computing framework in the implementation of a Cloud/Edge computing continuum. As a primary candidate, FaaS frameworks are taken under consideration, given their significant benefits such as flexibility in execution, maturity of the underlying tools, event driven nature and enablement of incorporation of arbitrary and legacy application components triggered by diverse actions and rules. Related work, gaps and enablers for three different layers (application design and implementation, semantically enriched runtime adaptation/configuration and deployment opti
mization) are highlighted. These aid in detecting necessary building blocks of a proposed generalized architecture in order to enclose the needed functionalities, covering aspects such as diverse service environments and links with the underlying platforms for orchestration, dynamic configuration, deployment and operation.