Marcello Frixione
Antonio Lieto
Università di Salerno, Italy
Concept Representation, Description Logics, Non Monotonic Reasoning, “Dual Process” Theories.
Artificial Intelligence
Collaboration and e-Services
Data Engineering
Enterprise Information Systems
Information Systems Analysis and Specification
Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Knowledge Reengineering
Knowledge Representation
Knowledge-Based Systems
Ontologies and the Semantic Web
Ontology Engineering
Semantic Web
Soft Computing
Symbolic Systems
Within cognitive science, the “concept of concept” results to be highly disputed and problematic. In our opinion, this is due to the fact that the notion itself of concept is in some sense heterogeneous, and encompasses different cognitive phenomena. This results in a strain between conflicting requirements, such as, for example, compositionality on the one side and the need of representing prototypical information on the other. This has several consequences also for the practice of knowledge engineering and for the technology of formal ontologies. In this paper we propose an analysis of this state of affairs. As a possible way out, in the conclusions we suggest a framework for the representation of concepts, which is inspired by the so called dual process theories of reasoning and rationality.