Alfio Costanzo
Alberto Faro
Daniela Giordano
University of Catania, Italy
Mobile computing, Location intelligence, Decision support systems, Smart cities, Intelligent cities
Applications and Services
Computer Vision, Visualization and Computer Graphics
Enterprise Information Systems
Human and Computer Interaction
Human-Computer Interaction
Location Systems and Technology
Mobile and Pervasive Computing
Mobile Computing
Ubiquitous Computing Systems and Services
The current GPS navigational systems are mainly developed with a proprietary approach based on incomplete information and behave as general purpose information systems based on average traffic data. On the contrary, effective location based services should be based on real time traffic information and should take into account all the databases available at urban scale to help decision making and planning of the mobile users. This paper aims at illustrating how a prototypical distributed information system, called Wi-City, may help people in living, deciding and planning in cities where collective and cooperative intelligence systems will be more and more adopted by the citizens. Indeed, Wi-City is a next generation ubiquitous information system available over an open/interoperable platform to support mobile user decisions by taking advantage from real time data and all the information available on the different databases at urban scale, including the ones stored on the user mobiles.