Adrián Peidró
Óscar Reinoso
Arturo Gil
José María Marín
Luis Payá
Yerai Berenguer
Miguel Hernández University, Spain
Closed-chain Mechanism, Isolated Singularity, Taylor Expansion, Stability.
Engineering Applications
Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Intelligent Control Systems and Optimization
Mechatronics Systems
Robot Design, Development and Control
Robotics and Automation
Signal Processing, Sensors, Systems Modeling and Control
When the geometric design of a closed-chain mechanism is non-generic, the singularity locus of the mechanism
may exhibit isolated points. It is well known that these isolated points are unstable since they disappear
or generate/reveal cusps when the geometric design of the mechanism slightly deviates from a non-generic
design, possibly affecting the ability of the mechanism to reconfigure without crossing undesirable singularities.
This paper presents a method based on second-order Taylor expansions to determine how these isolated
singularities transform when perturbing the different geometric parameters of a non-generic mechanism. The
method consists in approximating the singularity locus by a conic section near the isolated singularity, and
classifying the resulting conic in terms of the perturbations of the different geometric parameters. Two non-generic
closed-chain mechanisms are used to illustrate the presented method: an orthogonal 3R serial arm
with specified positio
n for its tip, and the planar Stewart parallel platform.