Noura Azaiez
Jalel Akaichi
University of Tunis, Tunisia
King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia
Trajectory ELT Processes, Extraction, Loading, Transformation, Trajectory Construction, Trajectory Data Source Model, Trajectory Data Mart Model, Model Driven Architecture.
Artificial Intelligence
Business Process Management
Enterprise Engineering
Enterprise Information Systems
Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
Knowledge-Based Systems
Languages, Tools and Architectures
Methodologies, Processes and Platforms
Model Transformation
Model Transformations and Generative Approaches
Model-Driven Architecture
Model-Driven Software Development
Paradigm Trends
Software Engineering
Symbolic Systems
Business Intelligence is often described as a set of techniques serving the transformation of raw data into
meaningful information for business analysis purposes. Thanks to the technology development in the realm
of Geographical Information Systems, the so-called trajectory data were appeared. Analysing these raw
trajectory data coming from the movements of mobile objects requires their transformation into decisional
data. Usually, the Extraction-Transformation-Loading (ETL) process ensures this task. However, it seems
inadequate to support trajectory data. Integrating the trajectory aspects gives the birth of Trajectory ETL
process (T-ETL). Unfortunately, this is not enough. In fact, the business analysis main purpose is to
minimize costs and time consuming. Thus, we propose to swap the T-ETL tasks scheduling: instead of
transforming the data before they are written, the Trajectory Extraction, Loading and Transformation (T-ELT)
process leverages the target system to achieve the tran
sformation task. In this paper, we rely on a set
of powerful mechanisms to handle the complexity of each T-ELT task. Wherefore, an algorithm is dedicated
to ensure the transformation of raw mobile object positions into trajectories and from there we highlight the
power of the Model-driven Architecture approach to transform the resulting trajectories into analytical data
in order to perform the Business Intelligence goal.