Katja Orlowski
Kai-Uwe Mrkor
Harald Loose
Stephanie John
Kerstin Witte
Department of Computer Science and Media, University of Applied Sciences Brandenburg, Magdeburger Str. 50, 14770 Brandenburg/Havel, Germany
Institute III: Philology, Philosophy and Sport Science, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Zschokkestr. 32, 39104 Magdeburg, Germany
Gait Parameters, Transfemoral Amputees, Mobility Grade, Objectivity.
The mobility grade determined for German patients with a lower limb amputation based on the profile survey, which is a subjective classification in one of the five mobility grades (0 to 4). It is recommendable to establish objective examinations to determine the mobility grade of lower limb amputees. Gait parameters captured with mobile sensors could be suitable for the distinction between amputees of the different groups (grade G2, G3 or G4). Within a study, standard gait parameters were determined with the InvestiGAIT system based on inertial sensors. A descriptive analysis of the data of the twenty-one subjects (G2: 4, G3: 6, G4: 11) indicates that there are gait parameter (especially gait velocity, step and stride length) which can be used to make the classification of the three mobility grades. The temporal gait parameters (stride duration, swing and stance phase, one-leg-stance and double-leg-support) as well as angles during heel strike and toe off can be additionally used for
the classification. Nevertheless, further investigations have to done to get a larger database in order to confirm the presented results regarding generalization and to check, whether the found classification can be implemented as a kind of decision support system.