S. H. Ji
W. H. Ko
K. T. Nam
S. M. Lee
Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Korea, Republic of
Collision map, Collision Model, Multi-agents, Mobile-robot motion planning, Priority.
Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Intelligent Control Systems and Optimization
Mobile Robots and Autonomous Systems
Network Robotics
Robotics and Automation
Software Agents for Intelligent Control Systems
It is well known that Mathematical solutions for multi-agent planning problems are very difficult to obtain due to the complexity of mutual interactions among multi-agents. We propose a practically applicable solution technique for multi-agent planning problems, which assures a reasonable computation time and a real world application for more than 3 multi-agents. First, based upon the collision map the collision features of multi agent is analyzed. The collision map is used for the collision avoidance of two industrial manipulators based upon the priority. Second, collision model ((M,D) network model) based upon the studied collision features is suggested in order to express the traveling features of multi agents. Finally, an interactive way to design the collision-free motion of multi agent on the network model is proposed.