Melanie Schranz
Bernhard Rinner
Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Austria
Visual Sensor Network, Resource Distribution, Wireless Communication, Negotiation Theory, Decentralized Processing.
Agent Based Modeling and Simulation
Applications and Uses
Complex Systems Modeling and Simulation
Data Manipulation
Distributed and Collaborative Signal Processing
Energy Efficiency
Energy Efficiency and Green Manufacturing
Environment Monitoring
Industrial Engineering
Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Scheduling, Tasking and Control
Sensor Data Fusion
Sensor Networks
Signal Processing
Simulation and Modeling
Simulation Tools and Platforms
Software and Architectures
Wireless Surveillance
Generally, resource-awareness plays a key role in wireless sensor networks due the limited capabilities in
processing, storage and communication. In this paper we present a resource-aware cooperative state estimation
facilitated by a dynamic cluster-based protocol in a visual sensor network (VSN). The VSN consists of
smart cameras, which process and analyze the captured data locally. We apply a state estimation algorithm
to improve the tracking results of the cameras. To design a lightweight protocol, the final aggregation of the
observations and state estimation are only performed by the cluster head. Our protocol is based on a marketbased
approach in which the cluster head is elected based on the available resources and a visibility parameter
of the object gained by the cluster members. We show in simulations that our approach reduces the costs for
state estimation and communication as compared to a fully distributed approach. As resource-awareness is
the focus of the cluster-based
protocol we can accept a slight degradation of the accuracy on the object’s state
estimation by a standard deviation of about 1.48 length units to the available ground truth.