Daniel Sonntag
Norbert Reithinger
German Research Center for AI (DFKI), Germany
User/Machine dialogue, Semantic data model, Multimodal interaction, Prototype development, Usability planes.
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A generic integration framework should allow us to build practical dialogue systems for specific use case scenarios. While domain-specific dialogue systems are simpler to achieve than more general, open-domain conversational dialogue systems, the integration into use cases and demonstration scenarios requires a lot of difficult integration work, especially in multimodal settings where different user devices such as touchscreens and PDAs are used. The challenges for those systems include, apart from the dialogue modelling task, the integration modelling for specific use case and demonstration scenarios. This paper reports on dialogue system prototype development based on ontology communication structures and we draw special attention to the process of how to build demonstration systems that include a task-oriented, information-seeking, or advicegiving dialogue as an important fragment of practical dialogue system development.