A. Torrentí-Román
L. Pascual-Miret
L. Irún-Briz
S. Beyer
F. D. Muñoz-Escoí
Instituto Tecnológico de Informática, Univ. Politécnica de Valencia, Spain
Access Logging, JDBC, Performance Comparison, Application Debugging.
Business Analytics
Communication and Software Technologies and Architectures
Data Engineering
Data Warehouses and Data Mining
Engineering Information System
Enterprise Information Systems
Information Systems Analysis and Specification
When different developer teams collaborate in the design and implementation of a large and distributed application, some care should be taken regarding the access to persistent data, since different components might use their own transactions and they might collide quite often, generating undesired blocking intervals. Additionally, when third-party libraries are used, they can provide unclear descriptions of their functionality and programmers might mistakingly use some of their operations. An access logger can be useful in both cases, registering the sentences actually sent to the database and the results of said sentences. Aspy is a tool of this kind, developed as a
JDBC-driver wrapper for Java applications. It is able to save in a file the list of calls received by the JDBC driver, registering their parameters, starting time, completion time and either their obtained results or their raised exceptions. With such information, it is easy to identify common errors in database acces
ses and the set of transactions involved in blocking situations due to poor application design. We discuss three different techniques that were used for implementing Aspy, comparing their pros and cons.