Tetsuya Izumi
Tetsuo Hattori
Hiroyuki Kitajima
Toshinori Yamasaki
Graduate School of Engineering, Kagawa University, Japan
Handwritten Characters Recognition, Feature Extraction, Vector Field and Fourier Transform
Control and Supervision Systems
Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Robotics and Automation
Vision, Recognition and Reconstruction
In order to obtain a low computational cost method for automatic handwritten characters recognition, this paper proposes a combined system of two rough classification methods based on features of a vector field: one is autocorrelation matrix method, and another is a low frequency Fourier expansion method. In each method, the representation is expressed as vectors, and the similarity is defined as a weighted sum of the squared values of the inner product between input pattern and the reference patterns that are normalized eigenvectors of KL (
Karhunen-Loeve) expansion. This paper also describes a way of deciding the weight coefficients based on linear regression, and shows the effectiveness of the proposed method by illustrating some experimentation results for 3036 categories of handwritten Japanese characters.