Pekka Siirtola
Heli Koskimäki
Juha Röning
University of Oulu, Finland
Human Activity Recognition, Accelerometer, Open Data Sets, Cross-validation.
Cardiovascular Imaging and Cardiography
Cardiovascular Technologies
Computer Vision, Visualization and Computer Graphics
Health Engineering and Technology Applications
Human-Computer Interaction
Methodologies and Methods
Motion and Tracking
Motion, Tracking and Stereo Vision
Pattern Recognition
Physiological Computing Systems
Signal Processing
Software Engineering
Theory and Methods
In this article, it is studied how well inertial sensor-based human activity recognition models work when
training and testing data sets are collected in different environments. Comparison is done using publicly open
human activity data sets. This article has four objectives. Firstly, survey about publicly available data sets
is presented. Secondly, one previously not shared human activity data set used in our earlier work is opened
for public use. Thirdly, the genaralizability of the recognition models trained using publicly open data sets
are experimented by testing them with data from another publicly open data set to get knowledge to how
models work when they are used in different environment, with different study subjects and hardware. Finally,
the challenges encountered using publicly open data sets are discussed. The results show that data gathering
protocol can have a statistically significant effect to the recognition rates. In addition, it was noted that often
publicly open
human activity data sets are not as easy to apply as they should be.