Dietmar Jannach
Markus Zanker
University Klagenfurt, Austria
e-Commerce and e-Business: B2C, e-Marketing, Business Solutions.
Business and Social Applications
Communication and Software Infrastructure
CRM and Business Solutions
e-Commerce and e-Business: B2B and B2C
e-Marketing and Consumer Behaviour
Enterprise Information Systems
Enterprise Software Technologies
Global Communication Information Systems and Services
Information and Systems Security
Software Engineering
This paper summarizes our experiences gained from several industrial advisory applications that were devel- oped with the knowledge-based ADVISOR SUITE framework over the last years and gives an outlook on future extensions of the presented system. In the ‘experiences’ section of the paper, we first address aspects related to the development of such appli- cations, such as knowledge engineering, software maintenance, or testing. In addition, we describe the main requirements for such an advisory application to be perceived as an intelligent, value-adding service by the end users and finally summarize the results of an industrial study on how advisory applications are able to influence the buying behavior of online shoppers. The second part of the paper discusses current and future extensions of our system. The main lines of research addressed in this section are ‘Extended debugging support’, ‘Automated extraction of product data from web sources’, ‘Log mining and advanced data analys
is’, and ‘Community-adapted advisory systems’.