Sarah Speck
Lilo Ruther
Sabina Misoch
Institute for Ageing Research, University of Applied Sciences Eastern Switzerland, Rosenbergstrasse 59, St.Gallen, Switzerland
Baby Boomer Generation, Digital Divide, Digital Participation, Digital Skills, Older Adults, Social Inclusion, Training Needs.
Digital skills in everyday life are inescapable, particularly if one wants to stay socially engaged in later life. With ageing societies, it must be ensured that all, also older adults, are not behind. The digital divide has been long dealt with, however, in this debate the heterogeneity of adults aged 50+ are largely neglected. This research article is part of a mixed-methods study. It assesses the digital training courses currently provided and the experiences and needs of people aged 50+ who participated in such courses. A program analysis and individual qualitative interviews were used to extract the views and experiences of older adults, retired, or still working, in Switzerland. The wide range of training offers, and the results of our interviews indicate that digital participation is a relevant aspect of everyday life, so be and stay socially engaged and fosters well-being and self-esteem. We relate the concept of digital competences and digital participation to our empirical