Raphaël Gazzotti
Fabien Gandon
Université Côte d’Azur, Inria, CNRS, I3S, Sophia-Antipolis, France
Equivalence Links, Coreference Resolution, SPARQL, Linked Data, Data Curation, sameAs.
Equivalence links are the cornerstone of Linked Data and their integration. However, it is not easy to establish and manipulate them, since the Web is always evolving with datasets emerging and disappearing. Inconsistencies may also be present on the Web, leading to erroneous assertions and inferences. We propose a method to identify owl:sameAs relationships of a resource relying on online SPARQL querying of distributed datasets and to correct results using declarative curation rules. We also exploit and inspect the quality of owl:InverseFunctionalProperty and owl:FunctionalProperty relationships, using the definitions given by their schemata, endpoints and a voting approach. We evaluate our method on an existing benchmark and compare to state of the art baselines. We show that a heuristic approach can retrieve high quality equivalence links without requiring the extraction of all the alleged existing equivalence relations.