Karthik Senthil
Karthik S. Bhat
Nitin Jamadagni
Sudeep Sureshan
Gaurav Prasad
National Institute of Technology Karnataka, India
Front-end, Optimization, Load Time, Performance, Optimization Methods, Preprocessing.
Internet Technology
Personalized Web Sites and Services
Web Information Systems and Technologies
Web Interfaces and Applications
Web Programming
Web Services and Web Engineering
One of the prime factors for the success of the internet is determined by the time taken to load a web page.
Even a difference of a few hundred milliseconds in the response time will largely affect the number of users
of a web page to shift from one to the other. So, in the commercial market, providing quick service to the
users is of utmost importance in remaining ahead of competitors. In this paper, we mainly address this issue
by applying various optimization techniques at the front-end to improve the user experience by reducing the
load time of the web pages. Though the overall optimization is purely web page-dependent, the optimization
techniques not only reduce the time taken to load the page, but also reduce the load on the server.