Jerzy Karczmarczuk
University of Caen, France
HTML5, Javascript, SVG, Servers, Python, Tornado, AJAX, LaTeX, Mathematical Tools, Moodle, Nodejs, Websockets.
Computer-Supported Education
Educating the Educators
e-Learning Hardware and Software
Information Technologies Supporting Learning
Learning/Teaching Methodologies and Assessment
We are convinced that one of the bottlenecks in the application of computer methods in teaching is due to the limited effort in the development of tools for the creation of pedagogical material (documents, presentations, software). These tools exist, but they are often dispersed, and sometimes not well known.
Some methodological work would be more than useful. Our talk concentrates on the usage of Web-oriented information processing techniques, from the perspective of an individual: making presentations in HTML5, scripting them with Javascript, adding dynamical content from specialized, personal servers, enhancing the interaction layer between different information sources, etc. We give some simple examples belonging to the domain of teaching of sciences. In particular, the usage of servers help to modularize the teaching software support, avoiding big and complicated applications.