Gavin Rens
University of KwaZulu-Natal and CSIR Meraka, South Africa
Online, POMDP, Planning, Heuristic, Optimization, Belief-state Compression, Expected Feature Values.
Artificial Intelligence
Formal Methods
Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Intelligent Control Systems and Optimization
Planning and Scheduling
Reactive AI
Simulation and Modeling
Soft Computing
Symbolic Systems
Uncertainty in AI
A novel algorithm to speed up online planning in partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs) is
introduced. I propose a method for compressing nodes in belief-decision-trees while planning occurs. Whereas
belief-decision-trees branch on actions and observations, with my method, they branch only on actions. This is
achieved by unifying the branches required due to the nondeterminism of observations. The method is based
on the expected values of domain features. The new algorithm is experimentally compared to three other
online POMDP algorithms, outperforming them on the given test domain.