Efthymios Constantinides
Nina Isabel Holleschovsky
University of Twente, Netherlands
Online Reviews, Web 2.0, Electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM), Customer Generated Content (CGC), Digital Marketing, Social Media.
B2B, B2C and C2C
Communication and Software Technologies and Architectures
Enterprise Information Systems
Society, e-Business and e-Government
Software Agents and Internet Computing
Web 2.0 and Social Networking Controls
Web Information Systems and Technologies
Online consumer reviews, product and services recommendations and peer opinions play an increasingly growing role in the customer’s decision making process. The various online product review and recommendation platforms differ in their objectives, function and characteristics. The literature has so far paid little attention on function characteristics of these platforms as an element of customer adoption and preference. Given the importance of this form of customer generated content on business sales and profitability the monitoring and often responding to customer reviews by business organizations has become a major managerial challenge and an important reputation management issue. In order to respond efficiently to customer reviews companies need to identify consumer reviews platforms, understand their characteristics and continuously assess their impact on consumer purchasing decisions. This study identifies four main types of online review platforms: retail websites, independent
reviewing platforms, video-sharing platforms and personal blogs. These platforms present product reviews in different formats with accent on various review function characteristics. An online survey analyzed consumer opinions about the various platforms and review mechanisms and the impact of those on consumer buying behavior. The results underline the importance of platform credibility and usability on consumer trust and reliance in reviews as input in the decision-making process.