Gean Davis Breda
Leonardo de Souza Mendes
Universidade Estadual de Campinas – Unicamp, Brazil
Qos Monitoring, Performance Evaluation, Call Detail Records, Management Systems, Failure Detection.
Mobile Software and Services
Multimedia and QoS over Wireless Networks
Performance Analysis of Wireless Networks
Wireless and Mobile Technologies
Wireless Information Networks and Systems
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate an algorithm to monitor the QoS and, while monitoring, detect the occurrence of failures in wireless and wireline communication systems. It’s a new approach based on the analysis of data stored in Call Detail Records (CDR). Each time a call is made in a voice system, VoIP or PSTN, a detailed record is generated. Detail Records are tickets whose data provide information related to the system elements involved, such as time and duration of the call, phone types and numbers, SS7 signaling, etc. The tickets are generated and stored either in PSTN switches or in VoIP gateways. For VoIP systems the detail records are usually called IPDR (Internet Protocol Detail Record). As we have already mentioned, the algorithm works on the information stored in Detail Records. So, our main goal here is to show, analyze and classify this algorithm according to its performance and use.