Maurício Rossi de Oliveira
Celmar Guimarães da Silva
School of Technology and University of Campinas, Brazil
Information Visualization, Human-Computer Interaction, Heuristic Evaluation, Usability.
Computer Vision, Visualization and Computer Graphics
General Data Visualization
Interpretation and Evaluation Methods
Usability Studies and Visualization
Heuristic evaluation technique is a classical evaluation method in Human-Computer Interaction area. Researchers and software developers broadly use it, given that it is fast, cheap and easy to use. Using it in other areas demands creating a new heuristic set able to identify common problems of these areas. Information Visualization (InfoVis) researchers commonly use this technique with the original usability heuristic set proposed by Nielsen, which does not cover many relevant aspects of InfoVis. InfoVis literature presents sets of guidelines that cover InfoVis concepts, but it does not present most of them as heuristics, or they cover much specific concepts. This work presents a method for defining a set of InfoVis heuristics for use in heuristic evaluation. The method clusters heuristics and guidelines found in a literature review, and creates a new heuristic set based on each group. As a result, we created a new set of 15 generic heuristics, from a set of 62 ones, which we hypothe
size that will help evaluators to take into account a broad set of visualization aspects during evaluation with possibly less cognitive effort.